Another American thinker article claims some actions act as a buffer against the left, and its dark nebesh comedy.
Companies can say they dont work with dirty Trump supporters and lots of people smile at that. On the other side, this completes the leftist cannibal purge that started with the cpmedians, now you have everyone that is free thinking off the left and the clueless and the evil on their side. On our side we dont really like trump that that much but he did alot of good stuff especially since the commies frauded the election like getting real right media like epoch millions of dollars and helping to do more damage to the leftist social media than any man alive ever has.
Its a comedy show under a Biden presidency, in three months under sniffy a nostalgic memory. You dont have buffers to anything when to have money you have to be a commie.
At any rate now they have an organizaled side and we have warrimg factions lead or managed by agents saboteurs more often than not.
You kind of want to listen to the conspiracy theorists or whats the of all of Trumps recent actions and bills? Biden can make you get facebook on a mask.