Vaccines decrese infection rate multiple times, for most people more than 10 times less likelly to get infected. If infected, vaccines save 70-95% of people from developing bad cases. Those who do, 99% prevents death.
I really do not understand why are you reading some BS websites full of dangerous misinformation.
By BS websites you mean tons of doctors including ones I know and the FDA doctors and the entire organization that wouldn't call it safe to my face if you paid them.
I didn't research your numbers. They don't matter considering the number of people getting bad cases are almost all exclusively very old fat/sick people and if they get the vaccine or the covid or neither their chance of death doesn't change much in most cases. It's anyone that may conceivably procreate in the future that should stay ten miles away from these freaks. If you watch the video I posted from liveleak, half the time they make the vaccine less effective or cause unknown effects just to have something they can patent, because or else anyone could copy their superior cure. There's not one person if you talk to them designing these things that will admit they'd do it the same way if it was just for them.
You don't have BS misinformation or good quality CNN reporting on 50% of what the vaccine can do to people yet in the first place, and good job, "heroes". I'll wait until they've completed the medical testing period on a drug before even bothering to have an excuse. A day before covschmit anyone who would inject themselves with something that underwent the level of testing these vaccines were, were confined to the "be a hero and make some cash" medical testing world. I honestly do go to some websites for this at times entirely for a response to others, because I still live in a world where that's for poor people like it was before they scared you with the media, and so g'luck there skippy, we're all counting on your sacrifice to be worth something. In the meantime doctors who are more activist than anyone has given me the energy to be have lots of information on how these vaccines aren't mostly even vaccines and all bad. I occasionally say go look, but honestly I look at everyone who says vaccine like someone who wants to go do medical testing but for free because they really believe the hero part in the ad, so I don't actually respect you enough to do that research, which would be a waste of time in the first place because I already told you to sleep in a steam room and have access to cold water, tea with lemon ginger garlic and honey, and watermelon in abundant supply, sleep in there, most people like with a sheet on or under them, have those as your body wants and blow your nose as it comes, and in the afternoon your symptoms won't be able to kill you anymore. Also hummus for zinc, but make it fresh.
See they already are figuring out how to make their crapccines not give shingles. If ever they force me at gunpoint, well you heroes who sacrificed your health will have made a vaccine that will kill me in less ways probably. Anyways, you can get a job selling asphalt repair or renovation jobs instead of medical testing and you'll get more.