Author Topic: Joshua’s Story: Why I Left The Porn Industry After an Award-Winning Career  (Read 710 times)

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Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


Offline Israel Chai

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A lot of the same impulse that drives people to porn drives people to abuse women in this way (hard for sensitive people).
As a result, happy people come to me and say porn is good because it keeps people from doing that. Of course it doesn't, and half the people that abuse girls want to make their own porn from it. What it does point out was that the problem of porn is a modern expression of an ancient problem. Abraham and Sarah were the first couple in a world where marriage wasn't a concept. When it isn't, then there will be a massive demand for whores, and there is pressure from the society in the first place without talking about the many that will be forced into it. Marriage is a microcosm of the ultimate messianic dream of the lion laying down with the lamb; outside of it there is only abuse; the strong guy using the weaker girl and the stronger girl using the weaker guy. Marriage provides an open avenue for all the most beautiful parts of your character, and outside of it a society weaponizes them.

Of course you feel like you have to go out and get them all quick or you won't get married, but by the time you do, you lose understanding of the connection you were after in the first place, or the feeling of searching for it is replaced by an emptiness where each other girl was in your heart. And without an healthy level of physical exercise, you feel like you're burning alive all day from the energy you have sitting around, especially when you're young.

One of the comments was from some good hearted authoritarian on the video I posted and said "well they are willing to abuse women so we should be raising them better". This is oft repeated, and means put the kid down and make him scared to act with women, so then he gets his overpowering feelings when he grows up and joins the ranks of people that let them out in secret evils.  There is a morality aspect that you need to teach kids to empathize with others so they can understand what they are doing to them and how that will make them feel, but that serves little purpose in a situation like this. The entire part of the brain that deals with right and wrong when men see sexually attractive women is comatose. He will remember what is right after he did what is wrong and now his evil inclination can bring up the shame over and over to desensitize him to doing it again. Boys need to learn to be strong men so in that situation the hero that wants to protect the girl is stronger than the sleaze that wants to abuse her. Weakness is an evil in men, he let those men kill his wife by not working out every week for the last five years and was therefore unable to help her. And when it comes to that situation, the weak man's conscience will be trampled by his emotions like under horse hooves, righteous face an hour ago has a filthy mischievous smile on while he does an evil he's horrified of the second after it's over. Weak men are unable to uproot evil in others and themselves, two Torah obligations, and so the parents that beat this kid into a miserable thing they're sure won't abuse anyone now have done the complete opposite. He needs strength and practice "let your heard be valiant" (King David, Pslams), meaning doing the right thing where you lose a perceived gain and others are against you; to train the heart on the warpath of good. Physical exercise constantly of course helps keep the energy in you from being a more challenging ride. Weak men become a segment of society and amoral entrepreneurs will find the people for them to abuse. It is a key in understanding why wealthy societies become decadent, strong and good, weak and cruel. There are always a few people missing parts of their soul that the strong men have needed to fight off their women, but when they are weak they protect their greater evils to hide their own instead of fighting it.

There is just so much heart wrenching information in this whirlpool, but I've given enough to show you how it moves around the society and spirals out of control. The solutions in a sentence are get kids married to each other young and support them psychologically, emotionally and financially, and raise them to have physical strength and strength of character by setting up situations for them to practice doing the right thing for the heroics of it.
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