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What to do with "tough_american"?

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--- Quote from: fjack on August 25, 2006, 07:48:38 AM ---Dear Posters,
I know that some will start yelling the old 'freedom of speech' line, but that is getting way to tired. Maybe the moderator can have a 'banned zone' to put all these wack jobs in one place. This way members that don't want to read these idiots don't have to. They will know what is on the 'banned zone' and can avoid it. By doing so you will let posters that want to confront these morons do so. The problem is that when these jerks are banned they feel that they have won. 'I got to them and they could not handle it so they banned me'. I for one am not afraid to confront them and tell them exactly how I feel about them. There is another reason that a 'banned zone' would serve a good purpose. I LIKE TO SEE WHAT MY ENEMY IS UP TO!!! I tape all the hate whitey shows, visit their sites, read their fliers and try and find out who supports them and who gives my enemy confort. The time for 'keeping your head in the sand' has long past. I do believe that we are a struggle for our way of life and our very existence. If you keep avoiding uncomfortable situations, the problems will only fester and will rise up and bite us when we least expect it. My fellow posters I promise you this, as long as these idiots keep pushing our buttons, I will push back and take no prisoners in my verbal assaults, that will be based on facts, written without obscenities and thought out with every thought to political correctness thrown out the window. I like to know what you guys want and I will listen and think about what everyone says. I have great respect for you and if you come up with a better solution I will rally around you. The best of luck to us all. Fjack
--- End quote ---

fjack, I think you have come up with an excellent solution on how to handle the problem of hostile posters to our forum. I also feel that its better to allow this element to show its hand so people that visit the forum will see just what levels of stupidity jtf forum members are confronted with. We seem to have a great group of members here and I don't think any agitators  will stand much of a chance.   If its possible to do  a banned zone sounds like a good solution. It would give us a crack at them to discredit their idiotic claims and expose just what sort of animals this element of society is. Moreover they would not have access to the entire forum to disturb everyone. If only it could be done our administrators should consider it.

JTF followers, at all times, and in any situation, should be 100% capable of publicly debating any and all opponents and enemies of the Jewish People and WINNING the debates.
For this reason, I believe that nothing can be written here by our enemies which we ALL should not be able to immediately refute; using HISTORIC FACTS, LOGIC, and EXCELLENT COMMAND OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE.
However, once a poster to the site has been duly warned of imminent banishment because of blatant disregard for the rules, I am all for throwing them out.
That being said, mature discretion must be used to reply to those who are simply misled, undereducated, and actually asking good legitimate questions which deserve legitimate sincere response.  Not everyone is full of hate, but many are full of ignorance.  It is our task to dispel ignorance, and replace it with truth and wisdom.
Finally, after all else fails, I will be outrageous, nasty, and threatening, in my written response to those who "have it coming".



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