Author Topic: Das Make a Wish Foundation only accepting wishes from vaccinated dying kids  (Read 1008 times)

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Redstate was cookoo for vaccines at first, but they're coming around more and more.

Make a Wish Foundation Bans Sick Kids' Wishes Unless Fully Vaccinated.
By T.LaDuke | Jun 27, 2021 4:00 PM ET

(Arnell Elegue/Make A Wish Foundation via AP)
Richard Harris, who is the president and CEO of Make A Wish Foundation, might be wishing he did not bow to the #Woke #PC #FeelingsoverFacts crowd and stayed away from any sort of political controversy. Unfortunately taking an experimental vaccine currently is political, and when you walk into that arena, dumb things are going to happen to you.

The shame is that the innocent kids who are very sick are the pawns in this.

So, let’s start with the basics of what is happening here, and why Harris should have a huge headache right about now.

From The Blaze…

“We’ve approached this responsibility with a focus and diligence for your family’s health and safety,” Davis says.

“Now we’ve consulted with doctors and medical professionals throughout the National Medical Advisory Council,” Davis says in the video. “We’ve been monitoring public health organizations like the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics.”

Davis noted that based on the guidance of public health agencies, they will “resume granting air-travel wishes within the United States and its territories, as well as granting wishes involving large gatherings for vaccinated wish families, as soon as Sept. 15 of 2021.”

So, let’s just do a quick breakdown of this statement of blah.

First, he admits that M.A.W. is monitoring what the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics have been issuing, in terms of guidance on how to handle COVID. I imagine his head must hurt from all the whiplash that Fauci and the CDC have put the whole country through, with changing the basic precepts of how we are supposed to defeat this.

I know mine does.

The really gross part here is that he tries to thread a needle that does not need to be threaded with this vaccination mob group-think.

All wish participants including your wish kid and any siblings will need to be two weeks past completion of either a one dose or two-dose vaccine. While we won’t ask for proof of vaccination we’ll ask any adult to sign a letter of understanding that certifies that they and any minor participating in the wish are vaccinated and understand the risks of traveling at this time.

Lucky for you, the loyal readers of Red State, I am able to speak political gibberish and can interpret this for you.

All wish participants including your wish kid and any siblings will need to be two weeks past completion of either a one dose or two-dose vaccine.

You could get the first shot of a two-shot vaccine and not get the second — we really don’t care, but we have to pretend we do.

While we won’t ask for proof of vaccination we’ll ask any adult to sign a letter of understanding that certifies that they and any minor participating in the wish are vaccinated and understand the risks of traveling at this time.

We know that people would throw a @#$% fit if we asked for a vaccine passport, so we are going to go on the honor system here and hope you don’t call us out.

People have been saying they are vaccinated, since this whole debacle began with signs on the windows demanding that you be vaccinated or wear a mask, and they have not been. Some places want you vaccinated, wear a mask — and prove that you voted for Biden probably — to spend your COVD bucks in their establishment.

Harris and his organization literally have one very important job at the Make A Wish foundation, and that is to grant kids who are dying a dream come true, before they no longer are here. This is such an incredible mission and a worthwhile one, that you really need to stay the hell out of any political fray.

I can’t imagine having a child who is terminally ill and having the guy running the organization decide he wants to play political P.C. roulette by telling families they need to be vaccinated and sign a meaningless letter. Who reading this, if that were you, would sign that letter saying you were vaccinated, but you actually were not, to make your child’s wish come true?

Trying to appease any mob never works. Once you have given any ground, they will continue to push until you both go over the cliff.

Make a Wish needs to get back to making dreams come true for kids who are very sick. Don’t try to find a P.C. solution for a hyper-political problem.

The kids are the ones that will suffer more than they already have.

Here is the video of Mr. Harris making his announcement.

The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge