Author Topic: A 1714 Book Brings The Evidence That "Palestine" Was Never Arabic  (Read 1168 times)

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The author spoke Hebrew, Arabic and ancient Greek perfectly, as well as European languages. The book was written in Latin. In 1695 he was sent to Israel, at the time known as Palestine. During his travels, he investigated about 2500 places where people were mentioned in the Bible or Michna lived.
1) He mapped the land of Israel first.

2) Then he identified each of the places mentioned in Michna or Talmud with their original source. If the source was Jewish, he listed it in the Holy Scriptures. If the source was Roman or Greek, it indicated the connection in Greek or Latin.

3) he organized a demographic survey and census of each community.

His conclusions

1. No settlement in Israel has a name of Arab origin.

Most colonial names come from Hebrew, Greek, Latin or Roman languages. In fact, until today except Ramlah, no Arab colony has an original Arab name. So far, most colonial names are Hebrew or Greek in origin, sometimes distorted into Arab names without any sense. There is no meaning in Arabic in names such as Acco (Acre), Haifa, Jaffa, Nablus, Gaza or Jenin and cities named Ramallah, El Halil and El-Kuds (Jerusalem) lack historical roots or philology Arabic. In 1696, the year Reland went around the country, Ramallah, for example, was named Bet ' allah (by the Hebrew name Beit El) and Hebron was named Hebron (Hevron) and the Arabs called Mearat HaMachpelah El Chalil, their name for the ancestor Abraham.

2. Most land was empty, sorry.

Most of the land was empty, sorry, and few inhabitants and concentrated mostly in Jerusalem, Acco, Tzfat, Jaffa, Tiberius and Gaza. Most inhabitants were Jewish and other Christians. There were few Muslims, mostly nomadic bedouins. Nablus, known as Shchem, was just an exception because there were about 120 people living there, members of the Muslim Natsha family, and about 70 Shomronites.

In the capital of Galilee, Nazareth, lived around 700 Christians and in Jerusalem about 5000 people, mostly Jews and some Christians. What's interesting is that Reland mentioned Muslims as nomadic Bedouins who arrived in the area as a reinforcement of the building and agriculture workforce. In other words, seasonal workers.

In Gaza, for example, lived around 550 people, fifty percent Jews and the rest mostly Christians. The Jews grew up and worked in their flourishing vineyards, olive orchards and wheat fields. Christians worked in the trade and transport of goods and goods.

Tiberius and Tzfat were mostly Jewish and with the exception of mentioning fishermen fishing in Lake Kinneret - Lake Galilee - a traditional occupation of Tiberius, there is no mention of their occupations. A city like Um El Phahem was a village where ten families lived, about fifty people in total, all Christian. There was also a small Maronite church in the village (the Shehadah family).

3. No Palestinian legacy or Palestinian nation.

The book totally contradicts any post-modern theory claiming a ′′ Palestinian legacy ′′ or a Palestinian nation. The book confirms the link, the pertinence, the kinship of Israel's land with the Jews and the absolute lack of belonging to the Arabs, who stole the Latin name Palestina and took it for theirs.

Adrian Reland (1676-1718), Dutch orientalist, was born in Ryp, studied at Utrecht and Leiden and was a teacher of oriental languages successively at Harderwijk (1699) and Utrecht (1701). His most important works are Palestina ex monumentis veteribus illustrata (Utrecht, 1714) and Antiquitates sacrae veterum Hebraeorum.

« Last Edit: August 09, 2021, 03:25:13 PM by Binyamin Yisrael »

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Re: A 1714 Book Brings The Evidence That "Palestine" Was Never Arabic
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2021, 02:27:53 PM »
the famous German philosopher Emmanuel Kant, who lived in the same time period as Adriaan Reland, referred to the Jews of Prussia as "Palestinians living among us" because the term "Palestinian" used to mean "Jew" until the 1960s.

"Palestine" is a European (Greco-Roman) colonial term for the Land of Israel that even the Arabs rejected until they and the Soviets understood that it could be a useful propaganda tool. This is what the the general secretary of the Arab Higher Committee, Awni Abd al-Hadi said in 1936:

“There is no such country as Palestine! ‘Palestine’ is a term the Zionists invented! There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our country was for centuries part of Syria. ‘Palestine’ is alien to us. It is the Zionists who introduced it.”

I agree with him, there is no such thing as "Palestine" and our movement together with our Hilltop Youth allies will make sure there never will be.
We must help the Hilltop Youth heroes!

Their fight is our fight.

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Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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Re: A 1714 Book Brings The Evidence That "Palestine" Was Never Arabic
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2021, 12:06:58 AM »
I heard that "Palestine" is the Greek translation of Israel from the Greek term for wrestling, since Israel come from Jacob wrestling with the angel. So apparently the Greeks meant it in a good way but the Romans meant it to compare to wipe out the name of the Jews and replace it with a name resembling the Philistines, an enemy of the Jewish People. That's why Herodotus mentions the word "Palestine" even before Rome took over the Land of Israel. Herodotus also calls Jews Syrians. Syria and "Palestine" are really two name for the same area which make up the Greater Land of Israel.

So the fakestinians even stole the Greek word for Israel, not just the Land itself.