Author Topic: Revava banned Nikmatdam. He is now with JTF. Revava's Elisha is like the elephant.  (Read 151495 times)

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October 20, 2006, 02:04:39 PM 

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751   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: NEW! Darka Shel Torah Homepage  on: February 15, 2006, 01:07:11 AM 
does this mean you are no longer sending out sheets to us in the mail?
752   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the star wars analogy.../looking more like the real deal everyday...  on: February 12, 2006, 06:27:24 PM 
tremendous point monarchist... sharon deserves whatever he's getting and going to get... boruch Hashem and baruch dayan haemet...

oh and lenny-baby... "let's do revolution!" my agent will get ahold of your people and will set the whole thing up...'k? gotta boogy... cao-baby... keep it cool...

no seriously and of course little luke skywalker is and has been moshiach ben david all along but no one knew it until the end... same... same here in real life... gonna turn out just like the movie... what a freak? amazing!!! how'd  lucas know? you know my first cousin from s.f. had an assistant producer credit for star wars (for the first three ones anyway back in the 80's)... far-out man! dig it! ta... nik.
753   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the star wars analogy.../to the galaxy and beyond...  on: February 11, 2006, 10:57:02 PM 
may the force (Hashem) be with us... obi-won kanobi as moshiach ben yosef who is killed... and yoda as eliyahu hanavi... now come on guys this star wars scenario thing works!!! ta... nik.

oh yeah about my prediction of netanyahu and a great surprise coming in the next elections based upon a dream i had a couple of years ago... well it's looking better all the time... even though i said i saw that the kc chiefs would win the superbowl (i was wrong) but saw something vague anyway that was correct... the team who kept kc out of the playoffs (pittsburg steelers) won... so i saw something i just didn't understand to interpret it correctly until i noticed this pitt. momentum developing during the playoffs... so now my vague dream about these elections of which i am only certain of a shocking and exciting (for us) result which led me to think a changed netanyahu back then it could come true or not but of one thing i feel secure about... neither labor or kadima are going to win... period!!!! past that i'm not saying... just that this time it will be something good for the jews!!! us real jews!!!! ta... nik.   
754   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: WAKE UP - BAN AVICHAI!/it's about time guys!!!  on: February 09, 2006, 11:07:24 PM 
david it is easy there is a key to do this... i use it often... ~ nikmat~dam see? it is top left... shift and hit...

about avichai i have sensed all along that his agenda was not to help the right to help save jews and the land of israel... but to foil our efforts... to distract and get us off message...

he is a plant from the left pure and simple... no different than sharon was his entire career...

just stop answering his inane postings and ignore his comments on others'... finished... that is the way to be rid of him no matter how long he stays around trying to parade himself as the second coming of meir kahane... if he's more of a kahanist than all of us as he says... then let him tell us rav meir's postion on oh i don't know... on anything... how about? his postion on ger toshav status for non-jews... nik. out
755   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the star wars analogy.../was mentioned for political not cult purposes...  on: February 07, 2006, 10:02:51 PM 
can we stick to the topic please? who cares if trekies or star wars fans are junkies... we are talking about israel and her threatened demise...
756   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the star wars analogy...  on: February 06, 2006, 11:03:11 PM 
it's just a metaphor people... but as i always say... "if the shoe fits... WEAR IT!!!" ta... nik.
757   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the star wars analogy.../not a whoos or a star war junkie or nut...  on: February 05, 2006, 05:31:25 PM 
i just used the story as an example because it is becoming quite apt all by its lonesome without any help from me or from luke either... things are beginning to fall into place which are simply stunning and mind-blowing... as if they were all... oh i don't know... what's the word i'm looking for... um... oh i know! "SCRIPTED"!!! its all looking so "scripted" that way... so anyway dude... lighten up! it was just an analogy in the first place not "gospel" (which if it were would be all false) or the word from on High (the real thing... nevuah and then of course it would be the penultimate truth)... but nevertheless as such it is potentially somehow... someway... pretty damn prophetic-looking to me... yes sir... it is mate! and a wonder at that as well!!!! please Hashem!!!! and anyone not wishing for a coup in israel right now... this very minute... in their heart of hearts... after all this time... after all of this pure evil and vicious rishut and all the even more threatening and frightening things that appear to loom just on down the road a tiny bit... and most assuredly are trying to be pushed ahead and forward by forces out there pushing on them and for them to all come to pass... you all know who you are and more importantly i now know who and where you all are... so no point discussing this nekudah anymore at this juncture anyhow... and as to all of us who are friends here and are all of us in this thing now together let me just add... you all know my friends more with every passing day now how utterly pathetic people not with us truly are and how wicked they all are as well!!! (i know except for the torn and confused... i know... i get it...) tshuvah is still possible... for any jew even for a bonifide erev rav unjew... it is just not very probable to my mind is all... NOT AT THIS GREAT, LATE JUNCTURE... at any rate... only begin and jabotinsky and stern were tzadikim of their ilk of that whole world... bibi has SOME potential to change (i don't know how much)... but he hasn't exhibited any of it yet... not yet... pray for it as a last desperation resort..,a fall-back position at the very worst... but we are anyway all left wondering... will he or won't he? can he or can't he? but hopefully we can just by-pass him completely and go straight to the main event... MOSHIACH TZIDKENU!!! and so people... hold on to your faith because here we go!!!! here we all go!!!! moshiach is neigh... only he and Hashem can save us now... and they will!!! just daven!!!! and learn!!!! and do tshuvah your own self... ta... nik.
758   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / the star wars analogy...  on: February 05, 2006, 02:33:30 PM 
luke skywalker as played by the settlers and dati, torah jews...

darth vader are the commanders of the idf...

the evil emperor is the government... sharon, olmert, peres, etc.

idf and police kapos and their goyish scum are the rays of death shooting out from the emperor's fingers as darth vader (the father) watches his son (us) powerless and about to perish but still reaching out for his abba to save him......

the emperor wants an empire of pure evil and darth as his prime minister and chief servant forever... but when oh when... will darth take ahold of and seize control of the emperor and drop him down the nearest blackhole and save the day?

coup now!!! coup now!!!

another fine message brought to you by... nikmatdam...
759   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: IDF Leaves Yizhar/and we all know what is coming next...  on: February 05, 2006, 02:27:21 PM 
yes jews do throw out jews... what are you talking about? we've seen it to be true ever since yamit!!! wake up... jews do do the worst things if they have no torah in them or the torah which they do have is a sam hamavet and not a sam hachayiim!!!  so if the jews are erev rav unjewish jews then yes jews do and have and will continue to drive out other jews from their homes and off of their land... (our land that is)... and this development sadly now includes quite a few jews wearing tzitzit, talit, tephilin and kippot and hats... ta... nik.
760   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The end of religous Zionism./v'gog yagiah...  on: February 05, 2006, 03:26:12 AM 
the sickness is spreading and it will yet get much worse... as it says in tana d'bay eliyahu...

"and yehudah will fight alongside gog against yerushalayim..." yehudah means the cream of the crop mamash according to one of my rebbeim... rav nachman bulman... zt"l... the most frum... the biggest talmedi chachamim... the gedolim themselves? could it possibly be? that remains to be seen... but this is a real medresh and yehudah's defintion in chazal is correctly stated by my teacher and so...? mah yiyeh? stay tuned... neareh takef... b'od m'at... ta... nik.
761   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Red handed ruler of israel/ v'fascism ba l'aretz...  on: February 05, 2006, 02:59:04 AM 
excellent... this is the kind of stuff which needs publisizing if we are to prove the collussion and complicity of the erev rav government with the arab enemy to do away with the dati, settler and torah jews... it is genocidal by them already against us... they are clear nazis like they have always been from their inception and now we see the real them... the real truth about who they were and still are... secular zionism = nazism... end of statement... ta... nik.
762   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Video from Amona Rated R  on: February 05, 2006, 02:39:05 AM 
and now we see the plan of action they will proceed with... no questions allowed... no explanations offered... no trial negotiations of time or locale movement of settlers... they should stay together and fight their way back into yesha somehere else and barricade themselves inside... make them have to be ready to kill women and children and prove they have the stomach for it... make them feel that they very well might be shot at themselves... this is all from the rav... read his two-part essay on yamit... problem then was it would have worked because begin at least was not an animal beast of prey like shamir, sharon and now ohlmert have all shown themselves to be... begin would have backed down... these monsters probably wouldn't... but that was the rav's game-plan... roof-tops are no good because they have planes and copters... underground or in caves is the way to go... and go hit them on their way into a site to tear it down... ambush their convoys... hit and run... macabee warfare... it is still the only way to go... the only way that has a prayer of success... underground and from mountain sides... hold on and hold out... Hashem will send His salvation... we will win!!! we will!!! they are just nazis... period... jewish nazis... imposing their will as thugs and bullies not as humans... let alone as jews...

and vow each of you to somehow, someway... make them pay if they succeed to hurt us or vanquish our homes...... lo n'shcahch v'lo n'slach... we will never forget and we will never forgive!!!

the erev rav unjewish jews and their nazi-goyim mercenary soldiers are just the latest and the last occupiers we have to contend with upon Hashem's sacred soil... moshiach comes after this pachad and crisis... know this!!! moshiach is neigh... moshiach is imminent... he is just a couple moments away now... these jewish kapos and their pet-beasts are gog's henchmen... we will defeat them and then gog himself will come to try and impose his dastardly will on us himself and then Hashem will lay into him but good and decimate his hosts like by yam suf... first Hashem will sucker him in and then Hashem will obliterate him and his memory forever...  and Hashem will then rule the planet overtly... but this time for all-time to come!!!! amen selah... hold on... hang in!!! help... Hashem's help is on its way... i just know it!!! i feel it!!! i sense it!!! hold out!!! hang in there!!! fight back... revolt in your heart in secret if that is all you can do at the moment... and know that all decent people besides Hashem are on our side... for in the face of such utter and extreme evil... if you are truly a decent human being... jew or gentile... then how can you not rebel? nikmatdam... out... 
763   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Kleiner Sells Out!  on: February 05, 2006, 01:18:56 AM 
wow... brings me to my previous question... where and what is marzel on all of this stuff? we need to know... NOW!!! not after the election... NOW!!! RIGHT NOW!!! who has info? i asked how is he still unbanned and why didn't rav meir do the same as marzel is now himself previously? (whatever the heck marzel is actually doing and whatever he, marzel, is saying or not saying)... ta... nik.   
764   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh live audio on Jewish Leadership  on: January 29, 2006, 05:59:52 PM 
leib can you get a transcript of his lecture and put it up here? thanks... and i think you mean mesirat nefesh = true ahavat yisroel... don't you? (and not pekuach nefesh which means "threat to life") right?...? nik.
765   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re:can't i get even one amen?  on: January 29, 2006, 05:55:53 PM 
hey ahavat yisroel1 where did you go? you took your amen back... why?
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"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline nikmatdam

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October 20, 2006, 02:05:16 PM 

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766   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rav Kahane article in Hebrew.../this is the way... the only way...  on: January 29, 2006, 05:53:18 PM 
yes... this is the way to fight... the only way... after i read this essay a few years ago i knew rav meir was right about everything he ever said and predicted... he knew what to do... we didn't follow his lead then... we must do so now or all of yehudah and shomron along with yerushalyim will be lost to us for sure... very soon... it is up to us to act and act now... we have run out of last chances and better tomorrows... our backs are to the sea now... we must find the courage to take the plunge and leap in... it is the heroic legacy and heritage of our avot and they are counting on us to rise to the occassion and emulate them so that all of their mesirat nefesh, self-sacrifice and kiddish Hashem shall not have been all in vain!!! revolution now!!!! nikmatdam 
767   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Something interesting for the State of Judea initiative  on: January 29, 2006, 05:41:23 PM 
we should all declare ourselves independent of every government wherever jews reside... refuse to be ruled by these reshayim and we will prevail... this is the key... rise up and revolt... for in the face of this much evil worldwide and in israel especially... how can we not rebel if we truly have the blood of our avot flowing thru our veins?
768   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Mofaz is 100% Rodef, no doubts about it  on: January 29, 2006, 05:39:12 PM 
rav kahane summed it up best... "i'm sick and tired of the israel created by these leaders... an israel of ashkenazim and sephardim... dati and lo dati... everyone against each other... when i'm prime minister we will have just one jewish state... one where everyone are just all yehudim... period... all of us just jews together... all of us equal.." that is the goal... the only goal we have... so let's keep our "eyes on the prize..." ta... nik. 
769   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: far worse than we ever could have imagined...  on: January 29, 2006, 12:45:46 PM 
damn straight... al pi nes too... Hashem wants war against them even more than we do!!!! ta... nik.
770   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Behold, the present-day Israeli leadership!  on: January 29, 2006, 12:29:05 PM 
Quote from: BK on January 29, 2006, 10:27:30 AM
So passionate, resolute and full of hope!

Such leadership!


"We are tired of fighting, we are tired of being courageous,
we are tired of winning, we are tired of defeating our
enemies, we want to be able to live in an entirely different
 environment of relations with our enemies."

Ehud Olmert, June 9, 2005, speech to Israel Policy Forum
 in New York.


At least we can be consoled by contrasting such hellenists to the youth of the yishuvim and across the religious public. That is the future, and this corrupt, putrid leadership of G-D-less cowards will melt away soon enough please G-D!

that last line is a killer...

"we want to live in an entirely different relationship with our enemies"

hmmm! let's see now... he wants to live not fighting them, no longer courageous and no longer victorious over them... and all the while they are free to remain his enemy... i.e. it is alright with him if they do not become his friend...

well then that leaves just two avenues of approach... doesn't it?

ergo... either he wants to live with them in this "new relationship" of his as their slave or he wants them to slay him outright and be done with it already!!!

and there you have it! ladies and gentlemen... jews of all stripes... i give you israel's next prime minister!!!! (not)... G-d forbid!!!

what a worm of a man!!! what a disgusting and vile combination of donkey excrement, horse manure and cow dung!!!

plaster that quote and this summation all over israel and perhaps he will lose because of it... he is a total disgrace... if he is the true definition of what it means to be called a jew... i am ashamed to call myself one!!!  ta... nik.
771   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: now here's an interesting couple of thoughts to mull over...  on: January 29, 2006, 12:12:10 AM 
you are right of course... if marzel is still the old marzel of old... i wonder what he did and had to do to qualify for his runs last time and this time? did he have to sell his soul tothe devil or not... and if he is still the same why didn't rav meir choose his approach... whatever it is? i need more info please somebody... what did marzel have to say and do not to be banned when they came to "pasken" on him in the supremem court of idiots over there...? ta... nik.
772   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: far worse than we ever could have imagined...  on: January 29, 2006, 12:08:14 AM 
thanks for the insight yby... i wasn't aware of that... iran was a menace even back then... ahmedfefer sounds just like nasser did as well... its strange but it seems that everytime the arab/moslem world believes they have the upperhand over israel they can't help themselves but gloat and beat their chests silly and then hopefully this time as all the other ones they end up looking like raving lunatics with egg all over their face... also hopefully this time when we smash them and crush them like they have never before been smooshed that egg on their face will also be radioactive this time and they will all glow in the dark before they die... please G-d amen selah
773   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / now here's an interesting couple of thoughts to mull over...  on: January 27, 2006, 06:21:02 PM 
well since we have so much time on our hands now and not too much to do until march 28th... let's consider the following enigma carefully... to boycot or not to boycot? that is the question... whether it be better to sit-out the election in march or vote for marzel or yuk... bibi? hmm... let's see now...thousands of blank ballots or thousands of potentially wasted votes...? marzel can't win unfortunately (but we might be able to put him in the knesset to rabble-rouse for us from there) and bibi right now is just not palatable (but he has a real chance to win and would not be a lesser of two evils per se; but the one who keeps out two certifiablely pure evils)*... on the other hand the sheer thought of olmert (read: peres, belien and sarid) or peretz whomever would surely win by our "none-of-the-above" (no thank you but i'll pass) vote is truly frightening... now there is one hell of a terrifying dilemma to have to contemplate... so you better get to work 'cause the overtime clock is ticking... i think we should ask a shaylah of a godol... i'm being serious... let's pick one and ask him and do whatever he says... who should we approach? i nominate... rav kadori or my rav who for the time being will remain nameless... but he is truly an adam chasuv... a great jew too... and very politically estute... think it over and get back to me... ta... nik.

*i agree with rav binyamin's take that voting for the lesser of two evils is still an evil... but bibi has some small hope to turn out o.k. i feel he does though i know many of you disagree with me... this goes back to my reading of the bible codes and a dream i had that perhaps he wins and turns against the u.s. and get's us all excited and proud t to be jews upon our own land again...nik. out
774   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: far worse than we ever could have imagined...  on: January 27, 2006, 05:56:50 PM 
great! and just when i thought things couldn't possibly get any worse too... thanks a lot pal... ta... nik,
775   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / best case scenario of hamas victory...  on: January 27, 2006, 01:10:03 PM 
and that situation is the much longed for possibility for an all-out civil-war among the palestinians now breaking out... please dear G-d let them slaughter themselves and annihilate their people like they did in lebanon in the 1980's... this is our greatest hope now aside from be'at goael... moshiach tzedkainu.... i did not celebrate the internal war in lebanon because those arabs were christian and did not hate us as much... so i pulled for them to win and did not rejoice over their deaths... however the iraq/iran war was pure hanah for me... never before have i ever had so much pure pleasure in cheering on both sides to victory and praying for each sides maximum success... until now that is...

GO FATAH!!! GO HAMAS!!! a plague on both your houses... may Hashem bless you both with ultimate hatzlacha in wiping each other out!!! sincerely... (each one of you) your number one fan in this endeavor... nikmatdam
776   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: final score: hamas 76 fatah 43 israel ~ 132...  on: January 27, 2006, 10:20:20 AM 
you are correct but i'm giving hypothetical scenarios of what we should do if chas v'shalom everything goes south; to hell in a hand basket and in the opposite direction away from the gelah shelaimah!!!! G-d forbid! ta... nik
777   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Hamas Victory a Good Thing showing the hypocrisy of the world for all to see!!!  on: January 27, 2006, 09:00:51 AM 
again david... it is not the fact that they won that bothers me... i and you both knew the pa were lying all along and never meant a word of their supposed recognition of israel's right to exist or of their very publicly made claims to have signed onto an agreement swearing off and renouncing all violence and terror... we knew from the start that this was all sheker muchlat...

however what enrages me and makes me wonder why we aren't rioting in the streets of israel (at least) right now is the bigger lie that we were all told which has made all of this insanity possible to begin with and which now should drive us to push for the total vacating of our side of the bargain of oslo and our withdrawal of concurrence with the "two-state" solution and our proclaiming of the new and now final conclusion that we have a right to a "one-state" solution because they have lied to us about everything and they have broken every damn committment they have supposedly ever made to us and to the world; especially due to the point that i am making...

which is... that what bothers me here about the entire matter with hamas in these elections is that they still exist in any form at all for after oslo the pa supposedly swore to us that the fatah faction would either get hamas to lay down their weapons and accept the peace process or.... OR... they would be annihiated as obstacles to peace... and now we see them not only alive and well and unrepentant... not just running to become a faction within the pa but winning the whole election outright and now they are on the verge of taking over the entire government and all the while never having to first announce compliance with the accords in oslo which gave them the ability and the right to seize power in the first place... and they are being permitted to do this by the world not just by fatah and the corrupt israeli government but by the whole entire planet while still maintaining their original charter and goal calling for the destruction of israel...

now what would the world and the arabs and sadly the erev rav jews everywhere be screaming right now if israel had just elected rav kahane who we know would have ignored oslo and done away with all the arabs in israel one way or another? why they would be in a frenzy of anger and a fit of rage proclaiming his illegitamcy and their refusal to sanction and abide by the israeli people's democratically expressed will and would not allow him to assume power unless he would FIRST announce his intention to bow to world opinion by promising his full acacceptance of the entire peace process as is; replete with all of its various tenets and clauses (even the hidden ones)... and you know this would be happening right now!!!! you know this would be true!!! 

so when the exact equivalent occurs on the other side of the equation and they elect their "kahane" party where is the outrage now from the world and from the jews for that matter? why are they so timid and tepid in their response and reaction to these events? why are they just "worried" and "concerned"; anything but upset... they are calmly "evaluating the changed situation"... why aren't they demanding what we all know they would be demanding from us if the shoe were on the other foot... (and please G-d soon it will be... soon it will be)... and then you know all hell will break loose but only against us!!!

and our kahane philosophy doesn't call for genocide of the palestinians and the israeli arabs... no... just for their transfer out of our land... their "kahane"shita calls for war and bloodshed... while ours only calls for it as a last resort if we are met with resistance to our policy of their removal from israel... and the world knows all of this very well but chooses to ignore this difference... this not at all subtle but very obvious difference between our two camps... even our calls for vengeance are not the same as they only started since oslo when terror had continued unabated despite its signing... prior to that we were willing to forgo it (until moshiach) and wish them well just somewhere else...

and so why the double-standard from the world here? i'll save you the trouble of pondering the answer to my query... the reasons are simple... and it is not because we jews are an advanced and an enlightened people and the arabs are a backward and primitive one... no... this is just the excuse the world uses to try and mask and explain away their hypocritical positions and hide from view their true motivations... which clearly and concisely stated are that first and foremost oil and gas are the world's primary considerations... not human rights and the sacredness of human life... next... secondarily the lessons of life teach us here that terrorism works!!! the world is terrified of these creatures and will let these groups do whatever they want with virtual impunity if the powers-that-be are left alone... and they will truly, as we have witnessed, let them do anything and everything and get away with it just as long as their targets are exclusively limited to jews and israel (and this would be so even if the goyim didn't hate us so much)... and as history has shown us this has been the case... they have allowed all of this to go on the way it has ever since even before the state of israel came on line... and this has been so simply in order not to be awash in terror themselves... but there is a third and more sinister cause at work here... and that is that deep down this is an entirely jew-hating planet... one only too happy to see hamas win and renew the world's hope to see us finished us off and let the arabs led by hamas reverse and get rid of the un's great mistake of having ever voted for the state of israel to be founded at all...  so it is not just the arabs alone but the vast majority of the elite and powerful people on earth as well that do not want to have to tolerate and put up with or countenance any longer an israel that so threatens their interests and security... they just want someone else to do their dirty work for them and give them deniability when it finally comes to pass... and they will look the other way and even secretly aid in the cause to make israel cease to exist once and for all... and they feel this demented anathema toward any israel whatsoever... and this means any israel at all of any size or shape... even if she were to be merely the size of a "postage stamp" to use rav meir's analogy that would be too much for them to bear because of the dual geo-political blackmail of energy and terrrorism that they have all submitted themselves to and have so cowardly prostrated themselves to... allowing themselves to be extorted and brow-beaten into loathing the existence of israel and coaxed into their  clandestine participation of complicity in this anti-israel conspiracy... all of which though MIGHT not be the case at least not to the severe degree and fanatical extent that it has morphed into if anti-semitism had not played such a huge role here in all of this diabolical madness... and this is the bitter truth here that we jews refuse to acknowledge and accept... but we had better wake up and do so or we will all perish... G-d forfend!!!!  nikmatdam
778   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / final score: hamas 76 fatah 43 israel ~ 132...  on: January 26, 2006, 11:10:31 PM 
as in minus 132...  as in negative 132...

our goose is cooked now... bibi sounded so pathetic on fox news today...

what needs to be done now in a hurry: (in order of prefered options)...

1) moshiach to show up NOW! please G-d...
(he can take it from there)
(he'll know what to do)...

2) a coup d'etat by the idf followed by immediate all-out
war against the arab world... (nuke mecca now)...

3) referendum called to vote yes or no;
up or down on the whole entire peace process...

4) massive civil disobedience uprising of jews all over the world
and in israel bringing an end to israel's current system of government
by any means necessary... (total revolution)...

5) protest movement calling for unbanning of kach and kahane chai...
(if hamas can run then so can we)
(if the palestinians can be given the right to vote
their true conscience then so should jews)...

6) the election of marzel prime minister...

7) the election of netanyahu prime minister with
marzel defense minister and feiglin foreign minister...

 the election of netanyahu prime minister without the above in the hopes
that he will come around quickly to the truth and take the emergency steps
necessary to re-right the israeli ship-of-state...
i have no idea why that icon covers #8 it certainly
is not my chief preference although of all of these choices
it has the best chance of occurring by the end of march...

9) the secession idea,,,
this low down on our list because i don't think it can work;
not because of us but because the israel we leave
behind will help the arabs to defeat us and you all know
that this would truly be the case and besides they probably would
never allow us to do this in the first place which leaves us with only
the following last-ditch few efforts...

10) with the failure of any and all of the above occuring by the end of march;
and with the election of either kadima or labor into power the pace of our
national suicide will only accelerate and so our next best option then becomes
the reformation of the pre-state jewish underground movements ~
the irgun and stern groups...
(i'm deadly serious) ~ (i am not kidding around)

11) barring even this... if all else fails we have but two choices
left to us; and neither are great ones: and they are either:
armed rebellion and civil war...
no... i'm still lucid and haven't lost my mind... not yet anyway...

12) or massive yeridah to save as many jews as possible
to await moshiach back in the golah (exile)...

13) and that's it; sorry but there are no further options...
if we reach this stage we are all soon to be dead anyhow ~
vicitms of another world wide shoah...

well... that's it folks... 
that's all she wrote...
game, set and match...
we have reached the end of our collective rope...
it is now or never...
do or die...

may Hashem have mercy upon His people
and upon His land...

am yisroel chai... od avinu chai...
eretz yisroel ours forever in our hearts and minds...
"if i forget thee o' yerushalayim..."
do tshuvah, daven and learn torah...

nikmatdam out...
779   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: far worse than we ever could have imagined...  on: January 26, 2006, 10:40:39 PM 
amen yby
780   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: far worse than we ever could have imagined...  on: January 26, 2006, 04:48:56 AM 
how right you are... 14... how right you are!!!!
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781   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / far worse than we ever could have imagined...  on: January 26, 2006, 03:59:16 AM 
final score hamas 70 fatah 50 or so... jews 0 as usual... the pa fatah will not announce how many seats it officially won... they will only concur that hamas won 70... 70!!!!

now be very careful and on your guard the old song from the who goes... "so we don't get fooled again!" and "meet the new boss... same as the old boss..." this election changes nothing in the strategic planning of america and her israeli-kapo traitorous jews... no matter what they attempt to say to the contrary... it just is not and will not be true... everything coming out of any politician's mouth here or in israel is going to be a lie... no matter how shocked and dismayed they sound they will all be lying... in the end they WILL do business with hamas and they WILL try to destroy israel with hamas if we let them and they think they can pull the wool over our eyes yet again with impunity... and give us false hope that the peace process is finally over and done with and broke beyond repair... and now we can elect olmert because now he is talking tough, etc. ad naseum!!!! but he will proceed to give away yerushalayim and dismantle all the settlements just the same no matter what hawkish rhetoric he runs on now... it is all a lie... same for bush and rice here... all of their speechifying will be just to keep the stupid american jewish and christian electorate at bay... they will try yet again to dupe us and pacify us with harsh anti-palestinian remonstrations and pro-israel sound-bytes but will go right on ahead with their nefarious plans non-stop endeavoring to create a terrorist plo state as if there is nothing wrong.... they just want us to think that they are pressing on the brakes and will give this appearance just long enough to have olmert installed to finish us off... don't be fooled and don't have false hopes that now everyone is waking up to the truth and beginning to see the light with their blinders pulled off at last... and that henceforth they will be on our side and put an end to all this madness and crush the arabs etc. and build for us a greater israel... they haven't learned any lessons here... no matter what they say... this outcome is just what they wanted it to be... they will say they let hamas run because they thought they would be the jr. partner and not have control.... but they knew all along that hamas was going to win... they fooled us yet again... if we had only known that they knew that hamas was going to win we would have protested bitterly and angrily... and they would have had riots from us on their hands to contend with... and of this i am certain... but they assured us that in the quest for peace we should let hamas participate because maybe then they would stop their terror and anyway they won't win a majority.... and now we see yet again what happens when we listen to and allow ourselves to be mollified by our "leaders"... how many times must i say this... every word out of their filthy, vile, efing mouths is a lie... every single, solitary word... as the joke (really a truism) goes: question: "how can you tell when a politician is lying to you?"/ answer: "whenever you see his lips moving!!!" how true... how true... STOP BEING FOOLED... we are onto them now... ta... nik.
782   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: for intellectual purviewing only/rated ti for total insanity....  on: January 26, 2006, 03:47:40 AM 
terrific... now any second grader with a computer can blow his whole damn school up in a single afternoon... what a wonderful world we all live in... ain't technology just efing grand...? as for me i would have been just fine to have been alive back in the horse and buggy age... as i used to tell my parents olav hashalom... about my birth... right place (california)... wrong century (i would have prefered pre-1840).... before the gold rush and the industrial revolution came along and just ruined the whole efing planet!!!! ta... nik.
783   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Karadi, shoot me!"  on: January 26, 2006, 03:43:41 AM 
what a shame...
784   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The Rebbe speaks out on Hebron  on: January 25, 2006, 11:21:48 PM 
wow... the rebbe was a navi...
785   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: what if they gave a country and nobody showed up?  on: January 25, 2006, 11:12:10 PM 
truth... the answer is there are good people among every race and religion and ethnic group... what i'm saying here as i wrote... i'm not all the way over to where they were that every single non-frum jew is evil... i just used the story to apply it to the establishment left in and out of government circles in israel... i believe that the vast majority of them are so far gone that they are capable of just about anything... and as i have come to witness over the last 13 or so years... nothing anymore shocks me as to the depths of depraved and irrational anti-torah hatred to which these people are willing to sink to in order to root out any chance of a torah-true state arising... i believe that they would rather be put in crematoria and see the land overrun by nazis rather than live to see moshiach come and the third temple built... call them erev rav jews like the gra does.... call them unjewish jews like i do... or call them the latter day jews who like in mitzrayim would prefer to die in the plague of darkness rather than live and have to leave egypt and become servants of Hashem... that's how far gone these guys are and i believe none... zero... nada... zilch.... efes... none of them are ever coming back... they are never going to do teshuvah... but this is so for only the elite 10-20% of the populace and not anywhere close to 50% of the total leftist camp... but however many they are... they are too far gone and i know.... not just believe... i know that none of them will ever change their minds... ta... nik.     
786   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: what if they gave a country and nobody showed up?  on: January 25, 2006, 10:58:04 PM 
well i'll have to take you at your word yby... i really thought it was only n.k. but you saw and heard what you saw and heard.... that hasn't been my experience with them before... so i just don't know... you have no reason to lie so i believe you... but the thought of it sickens me... when those jewish kids got blown up at that nightclub that friday nite... i didn't go around saying they got what they deserved for being m'challel shabat... not at all... i cried and i got angry and i ached for revenge... and well you all know here what i do when i'm enraged.... i just cannot fathom jews being that cold-hearted... now if sarid or belien or peres bought the farm... i'd rejoice... but that's not because they aren't dati... it's because i consider them rodfim and even worse... as actual killers of my people... it just pains me to think of jews so twisted and so misguided... that is not what the holy satmar rav meant to convey to them... of that i'm certain... maybe he wasn't clear enough or precise enough in what he was teaching them about the kedusha and tahorah of torah-true judaism... i just don't know what else to say... for once i'm speechless or wordless... so i'll just sign out... nik. out....
787   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: This is SICK  on: January 25, 2006, 07:18:18 PM 
truly sick... and so agonizing to feel so impotent to do anything about it... hence my turning to death davening to feel like i am able to have some effect... not that i think it is my prayers per say that brought sharon down or leveled the pope l'mashal (he died just 3 days after i began this campaign)... i know it is solely Hashem doing these things when and why He wants to... but i don't remember another tekufa like these past 6 months where so may world leaders and other influential people either went to the hospital gravely ill or bit the dust altogether... death davening to the end!!!!
788   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Karadi, shoot me!"  on: January 25, 2006, 07:10:34 PM 
thank G-d and right on!!!
789   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: what if they gave a country and nobody showed up?  on: January 25, 2006, 06:15:56 PM 
not all of satmar... only neturei karta... a lunatic fringe of them rejoice at jewish blood being spilled... i know some of them here and in israel... it is not true... while neturei karta march with farrakahn and had in the past embraced arafat... actually hugging him... 
790   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Yisrael Meir Cohen - USA Revava speaking tour  on: January 25, 2006, 04:31:58 PM 
that means he'll be here in l.a. too right?
791   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: More expulsions scheduled  on: January 25, 2006, 02:18:12 PM 
no question about it...kreplach... bibi is pond scum... however the bible codes have him as the next pm and somehow someway taking us to war which would be a great, great thing!!!! please G-d.... "all we are saying is give war a chance!!!!" "one well placed baby nuke could make our whole day!!!" ta... nik.
792   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Who's Afraid of big, bad Hamas-wolf?"/edited response....  on: January 25, 2006, 01:42:12 PM 
o.k. i conceed you your point... well made... but my point is that israel and the plo both lied to us when they promised us by oslo either to disarm or wipe out hamas... that's all i'm saying... i know they're both scum... both jew-haters and wanton spillers of our blood... i know... you are right... there is no difference between them... but the whole entire peace process was stipulated and based upon the supposed breakthrough and understanding on the arab side of the negotiations for a swearing-off of all violence and terror on their part and upon the assumption of the duty to take care of the clear necessity to disarm or put down any arab terrorist bands still left standing inside "palestinian" territory who had continued to refuse to go along with the peace process...

and this is the lie i rail against so assiduously... everytime you hear how concerned the eu, the un or rice or bush over here in america are about hamas' participation in these elections or even of their continued existence on any level... know with certainty that you are listening to a lie... a lie meant solely to fool jews and israel-loving christians into thinking that our government here and yours over there give a rat's ass about israel and its jews... know this!!! shoot even hillary held a fundraiser for hamas in the white house while she was first lady!!!! so it is and has been a total lie from day one about their supposed "concerns" over hamas because of their appearance upon the world's terrorist list... (but this list shouldn't be construed or regarded as the decent world's enemies' list... our hit list... no this is really the power's protected list of gangsters, murderers and thugs for hire which they utilize and subsidise to do their dirty work for them all around the globe... to run guns, traffic in drugs and deliver death to jews and other political unwanteds)...

just like my contention about al-qaeda so too by hamas and all the other terrorist groups in the world... they are all owned and run by western interests... and eventhough iran is said to be footing the bills... the money is channeled from saudisville and delivered by networks working for the powers to syria to feed the wolves of hamas and islamic jihad and hizbollah, et al... so whenever you read or hear about these groups being banned or outlawed because of their being listed by the state-department as a terrorist organization.... know that each and everytime you read or hear that... know that it is a total lie... a lie meant to assuage and lull to sleep american jews to keep them believing that all these world-government entities are on our side supporting israel's right to peaceful co-existence... i mean come on the whole thing is utterly transparent now... when right after 9/11 the un via the u.s. elevated syria to security council status with a veto... what the hell is this? syria is not a partner in the coalition to fight the war on terror.... syria IS terrorism!!! terrorism par excellance!!! syria invented terrorism for G-d's sake... ever hear of the hassins... the assassins? well they were founded in a nexus between syria and persia (iran) in the 7th or 8th century and they have been doing nothing else since but perfecting their craft and exporting it globally... war on terrorism my ass!!!!

so how do i know this is true... you ask? well let me tell you... because of the absurdity in the first instance of thinking that the best way to get rid of hamas is by employing the pa to do the job... who hires a target's own brother to do the hit? no one... that's who... and so i already knew that there was nothing real here... nothing but a pack of lies and fraud going on with these kinds of approaches to the problems in the middle-east being seriously bandied about... the pa were hired rather to insure the safety and protection of hamas from us and in order to arm their brethren and get them ready to do their worst for the cause of judenreining the west bank... in other words to do the real and actual bidding of the powers-that-be... these powers don't want jews to have peace... they want oil... and land and money ventures to engorge themselves upon.... the powers don't give an efing damn about jews... when will we finally wake up to history and understand this truth? and that's how i figured out what the oslo suicide process and the road map to gehenom was really all about... and that's how i know that they were all lying thru their teeth when they got us foolish jews to blindly go like sheep yet again to our own demise despite the never again slogan and banner we've raised since the shoah... and this is how they got us saps to oversee and see to the destruction of our own land... eretz yisroel has been doomed by our own actions... we are doing it to and by ourselves!!!! without any outside interference or severe pressure required... and  i mean the pressure from the likes of bombs and tanks... not the mere arm-twisting continuously applied from washington...

when you thnk about it the powers really have come up with quite an ingenius plan... why go to war against israel when you can get israel to diplomatically dismember itself in the name of "peace" and "co-existence" and love and brotherhood... etc? and besides... they can't openly betray israel and the jews because there are too many american jews and christian types in the u.s. who love israel and believe in the bible who would rise up and vote them out of power in a heartbeat if they ever dared to do israel any harm overtly... and they all know this... hence all the lying and subterfuge to keep the truth hidden from all of us decent folk here and abroad...  but there is still hope because they did not count on us finding out about their little two-faced scheme... and of course they are way too arrogant to really fear G-d... they don't really believe He is there... that He exists... and so they haven't counted on His intervention sure to come at the last moment to save us and wreck their machinations... but for now we are staring into the abyss and we are scared.... very, very frightened at their power and their goal to eradicate us jews from off the face of the earth once and for all... (but i'll get to that tana d'bay eliyahu later)...

but for now just know that secretly behind our backs both the israeli and american negotiators and government officials all knew right from the start that the pa never had any intention of ever fulfilling this publicly espoused obligation to disband or wipe out hamas... and their favorite excuse as to why they were not doing more and pushing harder to get the job done was always that they wanted to avoid a civil-war at all costs but the real reason is that they were never really required to do the job in the first place and so of course, naturally, it would follow suit that they never had to comply and really get it done... it was all a sham... because they didn't have to comply with non-extant tenets of the hidden clauses of the oslo accord... the open version for our consumption to delude us into thinking that they had solemnly resolved to carry this out was the non-binding cover to fool us... the real agreements were hidden... and everyone in on this conspiracy knew this the whole entire time... and they especially knew they didn't have to comply because israel and america, et al needed the terrorists unopposed and unfiltered in order to clear the path of torah jews away from the areas of land destined to become free-enterprise zones for the sole enrichment of and angrandizement of the powers-that-be... and as the mafia always tell people before they murder them in cold blood... "you know... it's nothing personal... it's just business..." and so there you have it... business as usual... and thus ladies and gentlemen  i give you the very down and dirty and extremely deep secret of the utter fraud known to the world as "the oslo accords"... they are nothing more and nothing other than a nazi-mafia brokered deal for land and for profit... period!!!!
ta... nik.                                                                     
793   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: what if they gave a country and nobody showed up?  on: January 25, 2006, 01:30:57 PM 
true enough... it's still a mitzvah encumbent upon us... i'm just saying we have to revolt now... not just fight within the system... it's either follow the irgun/stern plan against the diabolical bloody brits or abandon the land until moshiach comes... these are our only two options remaining to us... there is no longer this quasi third one to buy time.... there is no more time left for us... the clock just ran out today... hamas just received something like 34% to fatah's 42%... it is all over for us... without a coup from the army we have no choice... it's either open rebellion and even civil-war or it's head for the hills and ride this one out 'cause it's going to get nasty and ugly very soon now... it's going to get much, much darker before it gets any lighter... i am truly, truly sorry to say... ta... nik.   
794   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: what if they gave a country and nobody showed up?  on: January 25, 2006, 12:57:27 PM 
where? where have they said anything about them... i have read just about every last word they both have written... i know they disagreed with the psak of the satmar rav but they never hated him or trashed his chasidim for following him... so screw you...
795   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / what if they gave a country and nobody showed up?  on: January 25, 2006, 12:20:34 PM 
it is swiftly beginning to be apparent that it would have been far better if we would have all remained in the golut and not made aliyah as massively as we have done from all over the world... we should have rejected such an unjewish state and its secular ruling authority on moral  and ethical grounds... not just on religious ones but yet still consented to live under their rule in the hope that they would repent and/or moshiach would come and make them obey...... and we should not have put our faith in them that G-d would protect us and forgive us for their sins and their continuing defiance and refusal to institute and abide by torah law... we shouldn't have risked our lives and the lives of our children on the goodwill of these vilda chayot!!! they are killing the dream of 2000 years and the satmar rav and his warnings to us were correct... he was right and we were wrong... no good can come from such evil... not in a million years... they will never do tshuvah not in a zillion years... and so there is no dealing with these bloodthirsty monsters... they are all degenerate liars and psychopathic murderers... they are no different than all of the many filthy enemies and foes that we have had to confront and endure oppression from since avraham avinu was made to struggle with nimrod...

one short story will suffice to illustrate my point... as told to me by one of my teachers here in l.a....: back in the early days of the spin-off group neturei karta one of the leading rabbis of mainstream satmar (forgot his name) once walked up to its founder (sorry but his name slips my memory at the moment as well) at one of their demonstrations to block traffic from disturbing their shabat near their neighborhood...  and this rav called out an epitath at him... and it was the worst thing imaginable for a satmar chasid to hear himself being labeled...

the rav said: "you're a zionist!!!!"

shocked beyond comprehension the other rav stammered back: "why? how can you say such a horrible thing like that about me....? chas v'chalilah!!!!"

to wit the first rav responded: "because i saw you lay down in the middle of the road to block that bus (or whatever vehicle it was... because i thought that from day one of the state there was in place the status quo agreement of no public transportation on shabat but this is how i heard the story told over to me)... so because you did that and trusted the driver not to run you over... you must believe in zionism and that some measure of mercifulness and goodness and other such redeeming values and human qualities can still be found among the chilonim... you proved beyond all doubt that you believe these murderous behemot and villianous reshayim to have some good left in them despite their kefirah and hatred of torah... so you must be a zioinst as zionism is currently understood to be!!!"

the other rav accepted the first rav's musar and sheepishly walked away.... end of story...   

now who among us until just recently would not have wanted to throttle the first rav for his bigotry and lack of ahavat yisroel? but now we all see the truth... maybe not all the way yet to include bus drivers and the other hamoan am... but at least as relating to government officials and the politicians... at least as far as they are concerned we now see the light of this truth... and it is time for us all to apologize to the charedim... they were right and we were wrong all along the way... so sad to say... but no less the truth to admit... ta... nik.
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796   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / bibi is no better...  on: January 25, 2006, 11:42:14 AM 
and netanyahu is also the same... he says that he won't relinquish as much of yesha as his other two opponents will and that he will hold a referrendum for any major movements and i guess he would halt this unilateral madness.... but i for one do not believe a word he is saying.... he has a long way to go to prove to me the sincerity of his words...
797   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The Yeshah Council of saboteurs is at it again/read: kapos of kapos...  on: January 25, 2006, 09:33:16 AM 
the absurdity and the obscenity of this whole scene screams to the high heavens for justice, rectification and compassion.... when will Hashem answer our prayers already and defeat our enemies...? must we all be prepared to lay down our lives first before Hashem will be moved to intercede on our behalf...? answer... yes... even in mitzrayim when we were at our absolute lowest in terms of self-determination and power we had to defy the egyptian authorities and paro himself to be redeemed... and we had to have a willingness to leave the exile, accept a law-giver and a law... sight unseen... and be willing to conquer and hold a distant land populated by giants and giborim... so tell me... what's new this time around people? ta... nik. 
798   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / a recipe for disaster only in israel...  on: January 25, 2006, 09:19:15 AM 
take * one part... will of the people... always ignored...

and add + to it another part... will of the dictators... always accomplished...

and what do you get? this equals = revolution... in every other land and country
save for israel the one and only jewish state...

reason: (choose one): not enough courage> insufficent resources> lack of unity> judaism forbids rebelliousness>
799   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: you would rather be helenist than satmar?  on: January 25, 2006, 12:04:40 AM 
no you wouldn't... satmar has a legitimate shita based on the psak of the holy satmar rav ztv'k"l.... that it is better for all of eretz yisroel to be ruled by goyim until moshiach comes because of the great chillul Hashem involved in a jewish state that is m'kayim (even out of fear of the goyish reaction) all of the heathen, batei avodah zara now open in the holy land where the command of Hashem is to close them down or even to tear them down... all of them without exception.... now his view therefore was that it would have been far better if the secular state of israel had never come into existence the way it did... and now that it had... he held that his people must not participate in anyway in the life of the state so as not to become accountable for this great chillul Hashem... with this position i too (the nothing that i am in comparison to that great sage) find myself in agreement... he was and is right... we have suffered untold tragedy, harm and agony because of this great sin...

however all of the above is a far cry from the twisted and demented way a breakaway faction called the neturei karta have taken his psak out of context and taken their actions to the extremes of wishing for the demise of the state and openly working with the vile arab enemy to undermine jewish hegemony... my solution of course is to take a different tack now that the state exists and in light of the fact that the destruction of it would only lead to the death by murder of multitudes of jews... if it fell into arab hands... a foreign power like britain or america would have been tolerable under which to patiently await moshiach.... but at this time to advocate life under arab rule would be a hellish nazi nightmare of immeasurable torture and agony... but now that there is no turning back of the clock...  i am rather in favor of keeping israel under jewish rule... but i am for the wresting of power from the grip of the unjewish jews who because of their stubborn, arrogant and derisive refusal to institute torah law are the cause of bringing down upon us all the horror of the past 100 years in eretz yisroel...... and once done, i further propose that we should take the risk of attempting to comply with the mitzvah of stamping out idolatry no matter how angry, enraged or outraged the world becomes... likewise i am also no longer in favor of regressing and of returning the country to other more "benign" goyish hands since the shoah has proven conclusively that everyone hates us... and because we must not allow another just as severe chillul Hashem to occur by endeavoring to roll back the redemption process which Hashem, Himself has put into motion... this would not only be the height of insanity and chutzpah on our part but the utter depths of ingratitude to Hashem who has thus far made known to us His intention and desire to send us moshiach if only we would exhibit truly the willingness to live up to His torah dictates... nikmatdam     
800   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: they swore this wouldn't happen; but they were lying to us all along...  on: January 24, 2006, 06:46:43 PM 
my point here is that the BIG lie was not just that our jewish leaders and our american and british "friends" promised us that if we gave back land we were guaranteed for sure of getting back in return a real, secure and an enduring peace... but that really all along the powers-that-be knew secretly that an actual peace was not in the offing and was not forthcoming nor about to unfold and evolve slowly... no... that lie alone would not have been as catastrophic nor as devastating as the situation post-oslo actually has turned out to be... since all of us already knew ahead of time that we were going to get back nothing in exchange as evidenced by the 20 years prior leading up to oslo of a frgid detente and cease-fire that was then and still is anything and everything but "peace" with and by the camp david/sinai accord with egypt... thus we all knew this next round of the "peace process" in the making was going to be just as fraudulent as well...

but the severe and twisted; duplicious and sinister business here that we fell for... is that we were told by our own government that if we armed the plo and made them our partners they would do our dirty work for us and get rid of hamas for us BECAUSE SUPPOSEDLY THEY ALSO HATED AND FEARED THEM... and THAT lie is what has led to the direct threat to israel's survival... AND THE REAL TRUTH WAS THAT THEY WERE ALL LYING TO US...   i.e. (that is) THE ISRAELI, AMERICAN AND THE BRITISH GOVERNMENTS... and not just arafat....

and peres and sharon, et al were all in on the deal... they knew hamas was not going anywhere... that is why we never suspended oslo when it became clear that the plo would never get rid of hamas... this is why we never went to war to make them comply either... all we did after terrorist attacks is make a show of it by bombing empty buildings that we had sent word as to our intended targets of retalliation and thus we let them know which ones they were going to be and where and when... and the one and only invasion back into their zones was for sharon to have cover to get elected to dupe us into thinking that he was on our side and that he would come to our rescue and save the day... yet another ruse among the many that they have consistently and successfully pulled over on us throughout the years...

for what normal country under similar circumstances wouldn't finally give up and call off a contract that the other side was so brazenly and so overtly in non-compliance with in every and any of the various tenets of their supposedly agreed to obligations...? and furthermore why didn't we ever even threaten them publicly with this move...? or to then just go ahead and annex the territories and be done with it...? no... to the contrary we've seemingly done just the opposite with and by our losing hope in them to comply... and we have begun to dismantle and retreat; conceeding land willingly and unilaterally on our own with no rhyme or reason for it ever spoken about save than for a very weak and utterly vapid rationalization (a specious and false argument floated instead) that we will in the end be more secure if we establish firm and recognizable borders even if they are weaker or less buffered ones than we previously held which were far more distant from our major population centers; were wider and denser; with far more militarily defensible terrain at our disposal... which because they were much more vague and less clearly defined borders for map makers to draw... were thereby somehow not as secure and as protective as they will be now that we have capitulated and separated ourselves from close proximity to and control over the enemy by all this haphazard backpedelling... (as if this accomplishes any real separation since the enemy now floods the abandoned areas right on up to the newly circumscribed and freshly entrenched borders)... how's all of this for strategic double-talk? what nonsense!! how absurd! and how obscene! and more crucially... how wrong!!!  and what a lie!!!

and as if to further baffle the imagination we were told that with this suicidal move by which we would be at a decidely greater disadvantage to defend ourselves and hence in much graver danger of attack... still because we would now be living behind internationally recognized and sanctioned lines we would have more justification and support for going to war if we had to then we do at the present time without this claim of legitimacy... and that then we would be facing an enemy army and not just a bunch of children with arms.... can you believe this diseased mentality? we would go back to being little david against goliath instead of our present status as the fourth greatest army in the world... and that would be a good thing!!!! only a very sick people with a death-wish would ever conceive of such a strategy for defense!!!! and as if even this was not enough lunacy for  one government to exhibit they then set out to demonstrate the rectitude of their thinking... for they said look at all the terror we suffered when we were broader and wider... and this is the reason we must fall back.... kicking them all out won't work... fighting a really all-out and unrestricted war won't work... only this disengagement plan will work for us!!! unbelievable!!!! and to make their case and prove their point that they are right they have allowed us to be killed relentlessly by the hundreds for years now with no let-up in sight...  and as soon as we return to (not just the 1967 borders) but to the 1949 or even to the "aushwitz borders" (as labeled by abba eban) of '47 as both president bush and condi rice have each once let slip this past year that they expect us to do just this very soon now...

and then presto!!! voila!!! they will pull the string and like magic terrorism will cease... and we will at last have a respite from terror and a small modicum of peace.... (for awhile anyway because then the powers-that-be in the world will know that they have us dead-to-rights and that they can finish us off anytime they care to or need to)... so then finally we will have some relief and the appearance of real peace because the terrorists will then be reigned in just iong enough in order for the jewish collaborators who run israel with a brutal, repressive iron-fist like the kgb and the ss before them in history to be proven correct in their views and estimation of these issues... and so that they can give the impression of being profoundly forward-thinking in their "breathtakingly very bold and courageous understanding of international politics and foreign diplomacy"... and so that in the eyes of the world and to the great delight of very, very stupid and inane jews everywhere they can all be hailed, lauded and feted as brilliant statesmen and visionary heroes of peacemaking... replete with nobel peace prizes and other international accolades and awards to boot... but it all will be a sham... an outright lie... for this will only then be so because the fix has been in all along the way... and this has been their secret, hidden agenda every step of the way.... and so when israel then subsequently meets its demise... the world and its "good jews" will have an excuse for cover... as they will gleefully concur and explain that... "well... afterall is said and done... you see that... these have been YOUR leaders o' children of israel... YOU put them in power; not us... and this is what YOU have allowed them to do... so now rejoice o' yaakov... you worm! you knave! these are your gods and they have led you back in chains of bondage... back into slavery and golut in egypt... this time forever... mazel tov!!!! and l'chayim!!!! suckers!!!!!"   

and so this is the actual and until now the inexplicable reason why the government of israel never reacted with any of the above mentioned common sense and self-defensive mechanisims which should have automatically been triggered in the face of crisis and the emergency procedures which should have kicked-in under normal reflexive actions... and these lifesaving devices were not employed not because of israeli blundering and hand-wringing but rather due to the G-d-awful real truth that they had surrepititiously sold us all a shoddy bill of goods... they said one thing in public about the treaty for our consumption and then they went right ahead with impunity and did whatever the hell they wanted instead... and so they arranged mysterious and clandestine meetings behind our backs and laid nefarious plans which they kept from our knowledge and hidden clauses were appended onto accords that they had devised with america, britain and all the others prodding them along to take all of these quixotic steps which we have all seen them take shockingly against our own best jewish, self-interests instead of others more obviously protective of our safety, security and welfare... doing all of these evil things without informing us first or at all nor allowing us to voice our opinion on the matter... and all the while with each further step of insanity they were creating a fait acompli... facts on the gorund to make their deal unbreakable and irreversible... and so the very sad and real truth all along was and is that the plo WERE and ARE still keeping to their end of the bargain... just not to the one we all thought and were led to believe (by the perfidious word of our own brethren) that they had signed onto to observe... for they were given arms not to put down hamas as they and the israeli leadership proclaimed to us and to the rest of the world but just the opposite in order to terrorize all of us and beat us into submission until out of fear and by virtue of demoralizing attrition we would finally relent on our hold and claim over the land due to their now overwhelming arab power and in light of our collective broken heart at the huge human toll suffered over our lost loved ones and due to the undeniable knowledge of our government leaders' underhanded and traitorous betrayal of our dreams and the callous breaking of their promises to us to help afford us our dreams...  (these deep spiritual and physical wounds even emanating out from those on the yesha council whom we had entrusted with our very lives and even more shattering... the painful disallusionment inflicted upon us stemming from some of our once most revered rabbis now suddenly discovered to have been so very horribly compromised all along the way)...

and thus an international plot was hatched even before the first gulf war to destroy eretz yisroel forever and turn it into a secular, multi-national entity with a tri-ethnic and tri-religious population base forming just another link in a middle-eastern geo-political-bloc, economic region and free-enterprise zone (not even an independent secular country onto itself any longer) with no borders and no governments... save for a single, fascist world-body empowered replete with court and police force to control the business interests in and of the area... but not to the self-determinative advantage of nor for the financial benefit of the indigenous populaces there...  mind you... oh no... not at all... but solely for the protection of those specific and exclusive concerns of the super-rich and mega-powerful around the world...

and this is THE lie i am referring to that has put eretz yisroel and the am Hashem in such dire straits and imminent peril and has rendered all of us in such jeopardy to our complete and utter dismay and despair... nikmatdam
801   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Long live co-existence- Another Israeli Arab is supected  on: January 24, 2006, 01:53:24 PM 
as rav meir repeatedly warned us... "either they all go or surely we will all go..."
ta... nik.
802   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Sharon should get jail time  on: January 24, 2006, 01:51:18 PM 
the only jail i wish for all the sharons... is the eternal one... in gehenom!!!
803   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: they swore this wouldn't happen/but they were lying to us all from the git-go...  on: January 24, 2006, 01:47:43 PM 
and there we have it... thankyou bk...
804   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / they swore this wouldn't happen; but they were lying to us all along...  on: January 24, 2006, 11:49:34 AM 
i don't know how many of you realize this but with the terrorist group hamas about to participate in the upcoming parliamentary election of the arab enemy in our midst upon our land... (not that the plo itself who now rules there isn't still and always has been a terrorist group) but along with their inclusion comes to mind the true evidence of the clear and unambiguous sheker we were all told... and the sedition and treason which most of us fell for and let the erev rav government of our jewish state get away with...

because if you will recall back to 1993... THE rationale the erev rav jewish murderers of our people used to convince the "majority" (they never really had one back then so they just proceeded to lie about this point of contention as well and invent one with false polls... pretending that they did... proof positive of this fact: they refused to hold a referrendum on the issue)... but THE rationale they utilized to ram oslo down our collective throats was that unless we dealt with arafat we would be faced with having to contend with a much, much more wildly rabid and deadly organization... hamas... which would take over and greatly radicalize and increase terror all over israel...

isn't that what they said? tell me that wasn't THE main propagandizing argument they used to get us to go along?

and so now what do we get a mere 13 years later... we get hamas coming to power in gaza for sure and it is only a matter of time before they do so on the west bank and in jerusalem... and so now we see the terrible price we are about to pay for our naivete and our meekness and our willingness to try and get along for the sake of jewish unity... to not make waves and see if it will work... to give peace a chance... to take risks for peace... to sacrifice for peace...

and now we know because of all the other lies they have told us about this process... now we know they were lying right from the start... now we know and we have known for sometime that they are with the enemy camp in "palestine" and with the enemy camp in washington, london, paris, moscow, etc.

and now they plan to finish us off... with these elections which include hamas that they still brazenly have the gall to lie to us baldfacedly and without any trace of shame and tell us that they are not for this inclusion of hamas but are allowing and going along with it in order to hold out hope for peace... this is the death-knell for what is left of the state of israel... this is the beginning of the end game for one-world government and one-world religion with their masonic, satanic temple forced upon us on har habayit...

and therefore this is it jews... this is it... march 28th or whenever is too late... now is the threat... now is the danger... and no one sees it coming and no one complains... and no one rises to object and expose them for the deadly liars and poisonous vipers that they truly are... and no one calls them on this lie... their now most blatant of all their way too many lies that we let them get away with... this single, solitary lie which made all the other myriads of lies possible to tell... and so now we are faced with THE penultimate question... what will we do when israel itself is no more...? there is no more time left for us to act... it is now or never... literally not figuratively...

805   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / it's not about us any longer... it's all about our kids now...  on: January 23, 2006, 11:36:56 PM 
they are the ikar... we are not... they are our teachers and we should become their students... truth be told... and the truth will out... there is no question that our children's generation will bring moshiach (if we don't) and this is so solely by dint of their bitachon and emunah... and by their courage to demonstrate their vision and conviction thru mesirat nefesh.... something we their elders have yet to prove...  and this is the case because we are sore to show that we really have any real bitachon or emunah... true trust and faith in Hashem... what a shame but this is the G-d-awful and G-d-honest truth about our golut-ridden generation... afilu ha tov meod shebenanu pales in comparison to the least among them... but i guess that's a great thing.... boruch Hashem...  ta... nik. 
806   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: hatred as mitzvah...  on: January 23, 2006, 10:25:29 PM 
807   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / hatred as mitzvah...  on: January 23, 2006, 05:25:59 AM 
the mida of hatred gets a bad rap most of the time... and not without alot of justification... however as i am sure i needn't remind you there is a time and a place for everything... including hatred... as shlomo hamelech says in the third perek of kohelet..."...there is a time and a season for everything under heaven... a time to love and a time to hate... a time for war and a time for peace..."

and as david hamelech sings in tehilim 139:19-24... "...o' that You would slay the wicked, o' G-d, and men of blood (to whom i say) 'depart from me!' those who pronounce Your name for evil schemes. it is taken in vain by Your enemies. for indeed those who hate You, o' Hashem, i hate them, and i quarrel with those who rise up against You! with the utmost hatred, i hate them; they have become enemies to me. examine me, o' G-d, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. and see if i have a vexing way; and lead me in the way of eternity."

and before that in 119:164: "i have hated falsehood and abhorred it... but Your torah i love..."

what? test me in my hatred? is it complete enough to earn olam haba?

yes... yes... and a thousand and one times... YES!!!

for the full measure of hating G-d's enemies reflects the great love that one has for torah jews and G-d's children who fear Him and love Him... and this includes love for those righteous goyim (b'nai noach) that exist in every generation as well... for who are the enemies of Hashem in this world? those who hate torah, mitzvot, morality, eretz yisroel and the jewish people.... and this can and has and still does include even some of our very own fellow jews throughout history... unfortunately...

when david "spilled much blood upon the earth" and was therefore excluded from being the one to build the beit hamikdash this was not because he was a great sinner and had done evil.... Hashem told him that every heathen corpse that he slaughtered was in G-d's eyes as a sacred korban (sacrificial offering to Hashem's everlasting glory).... why was this so? because david was protecting Hashem's chosen people from destruction from bloodthirsty monsters who hated the jews because of their torah allegiance to Hashem... and so david's hatred was the flip side of his love... hatred for evil and love for good... hatred of those who came to crush an innocent people just trying to quietly sanctify themselves and live their lives in the service of the Al-mighty with much love for Him and for His land, torah and mitzvot... and so while it was true to Hashem that david could not build the temple because Hashem had decreed that this could only be done in a generation safe and free from warfare and bloodshed... but still david was not a rasha... for he made it possible thru the many wars which he waged during his lifetime for that peaceful time period to arrive as he discouraged all the many enemies of israel that they could not prevail over them since G-d was with him and with the rest of His people... and so they left us alone for awhile until we sinned again and lost this level of protection and grace... but david inspired us to high levels of faith and mitzvah observance and love for Hashem who had sent such a precious neshamah to be our king and our savior...

and so i say to all of you here... just take one case for example... tali hatuel and her 4 little girls so mercilessly destroyed by roving bands of wild beasts and by their jewish handlers and enablers.... if you really have ahavat yisroel.... how can you not be enraged over their murder? how can you not want revenge? how can you not hate until there is no possibility of hating anymore with a fire and a passion which will burn until the end of time.... until justice is done? and how can you not hate for all of the deaths caused by these evil enemies of Hashem? and how can you not be outraged for all the blood of your people and for decent people everywhere spilled throughout the ages? SO DON'T TELL ME ABOUT UNIVERSAL LOVE OF MANKIND OR OF TRUE AHAVAT YISROEL FOR FELLOW JEWS UNLESS YOU FEEL THE PAIN AT THEIR INNOCENT BLOOD BEING SHED... AND UNLESS YOU CRY OUT TO G-D WITH BITTER TEARS OVER THEIR WRONGFUL SLAUGHTER BY EVIL... EVIL MEN WHO DESERVE NOTHING BUT THE SAME FATE TO MEET THEM TOO FOR WHAT THEY HAVE DONE TO ALL OF US AND CONTINUE TO DO TO US.... AND YOU SHOULD FEEL THE ANGER AND THE RAGE AND THE HATRED OF THEM AND WANT TO CARRY OUT THE VENGEANCE YOURSELF... AND YOU SHOULD WANT THEIR BLOOD WITH EVERY BREATH YOU CONTINUE TO TAKE AND THE RAGE AND HATRED OF THEM FOR WHAT THEY HAVE DONE TO GOOD PEOPLE SHOULD BRING THE VERY LUST OF TASTING THEIR BLOOD TO YOUR MOUTH AND THE DESIRE TO FEED THEIR FLESH AND BLOOD TO THE ANIMALS OF THE FIELD AND TO THE BIRDS OF THE SKY...  AND AT LEAST IN YOUR HEART YOU SHOULD DO SO OR DESIRE TO DO SO EVEN IF YOU CANNOT DUE TO FEAR OR INABILITY... BUT YOU SHOULD WANT TO DO SO... WHY? BECAUSE OF THE GREAT LOVE FOR HASHEM AND FOR HOLY JEWS AND FOR DECENT HUMAN BEINGS EVERYWHERE THAT FLOWS THRU YOUR VEINS... THAT'S WHY!!!! SO I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANOTHER WORD HERE ABOUT HOW MUCH SOME OF YOU "LOVE" AND DON'T HATE... AND HOW PURE YOUR HEARTS ARE... BULL!!! PROVE IT!!!

and as rav meir taught us... "if you can't or don't hate your enemy you cannot and will not win the war..." but more than this.... "love your enemy" is not a mitzvah... and if you fight this way it causes you to be responsible for all the blood of your brothers and sisters that results from your meek attitude...that idea is in the wrong bible... not in ours... "we don't turn the other cheek and offer it to our enemy to strike us again" of course no one should.... you have to be a fool to live by that false maxim... we are commanded by G-d in the torah... rather to "throw the other fist" and if not for ourselves than at least for each other's protection... as it says... "lo t'amod al dam rayecha!" "thou shalt not stand idly by while your brother's blood is being spilled" and if you are not able to fight to save him at least you must do something... anything else... to try and rescue him... calll the cops, etc. the insanity that we shouldn't fight and hate our enemies is beyond the pale in our sick golut-ridden world... we are such saps and utter knaves!!!! we thereby become the ones who are "merciful to the cruel and ultimately cruel to the merciful..." and for this sin we will burn... and burn long and hard... for chazal say... better you were not born.... it would have been better if your mother's placenta would have washed over you and suffocated you than you should live to cause jewish and other innocent blood to flow because of your cowardice and yellow-bellied timidity toward hatred of one's enemies... especially since they are G-d's bitter foes as well... all that innocent blood will be on your head and on your hands if you refuse to fight for your people and for goodness in the world in general... even if you do nothing (we are not speaking here about collaboration with the enemy out of fear and from a gutless mindset) but just inaction alone is enough to be branded by chazal as if you had instead fought on the side of evil... for the enemies of Hashem... better you should die a horrible death than to face Hashem after a full 120 with this sin on your slate... besides all the above what rav meir was really teaching us was that the real reason we should find it within ourselves to exhibit the appropriate response to evil is because of our love of our fellow man; especially for our fellow jews and for our love of Hashem... nikmatdam...   
808   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Karadi, shoot me!"  on: January 23, 2006, 04:07:11 AM 
good post truth... that picture, if there can ever be just one, is THE picture of the shoah and it is THE cause of and reason for the pledge and vow we must scream (and mean it) of... NEVER AGAIN!!!! never again without a fight! never again as innocent and powerless sheep to the slaughter... as the rav coined and taught us the meaning of that phrase and what it really comes to convey... and it makes no difference if that next time, G-d forbid it should ever occur, but it makes not one bit of difference if we are confronted by goyish nazis or jewish ones... we must live up to our sacred honor and the oath we have made to each other... ta... nik. 
809   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Karadi, shoot me!"  on: January 23, 2006, 12:26:40 AM 
unfortunately.... you are both wrong.... rav meir held that everyone should go to jail... men, women and children.... and they should all baricade themselves inside their homes to fight forced-evacuation... the chashmanoim were his model... after they saw matisyahu step forward.... they headed for the hills... but i believe they took their families with them.... leaving them behind exposes them to danger and the warrior-rebels to blackmail... so they all ran for cover and lived in caves under great privations... ta... nik. 
810   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: How can Jewish police act like animals?  on: January 22, 2006, 06:46:51 PM 
because they are not really jews... they are the unwashed erev rav jews... direct descendents of those that moshe rebenu took out of mitzrayim against Hashem's wishes and see what a mess they are causing.... that is why the gra equates them with the nexus of yishmael and esav... and says that at the point of convergence of all 3 of these reshayim is and will be amalek for the end of days.... he says this in sefer kol tor look it up.... last chapter... they are unjewish jews more goyish than jewish and with no mercy (rachamim) no kindness (chesed) and with no shame (busha)... their very connection to avraham avinu according to chazal is suspect if not outrightly rejected.... they are scum... ta... nik.
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811   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re:mesirah: ain chalek b'olam haba....  on: January 22, 2006, 01:07:53 PM 
of course they shouldn't be deported... even if we know they are guilty as hell... according to torah law they can only be tried by fellow jews and should be in this case and should not by any circumstances be turned over to a goyish court... that would be mesirah a severe sin carrying with it the loss of one's eternal reward in olam haba... ask any real rabbi and he will tell you... what they did to jonathan pollard was mesirah... what they did to robert manning was mesirah... and what avneri is trying to do to these guys is tantamount to the same... all the people responsible for the above will burn forever... ta... nik. and this is no small thing coming from me... who holds the erev rav jews to be unjewish jews... but still jews who have rights as jews.... just we have rights too and we can and should deal with these terrible jews ourselves.... not take the coward's way out and ask the goyim to do our dirty work for us.... this smacks of what they said we did by "yashka pundle pudd'n pie kissed the girls and made them cry".... anyway... i don't think every idf member who carried out the immoral and obscene laws in gaza are all automatically qualified for the rasha status of the erev rav (nor for amalekite status according to the gra)... but any of the brutal ones who hurt their fellow jews and relished the opportunity to do so are qualified and we should hunt them down like the dogs that they are and punish them ourselves... only thus will true justice ever be served for the rape of gush katif... a maven yaven... nikie pooh out...
812   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Avichai is invited by adminstrater.  on: January 22, 2006, 01:01:20 PM 
yeah you're the real McCoy alright... and i'm the flippin' toothfairy...
813   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: public debate on "Not leaving Israelis on "the other side of the fence"  on: January 22, 2006, 01:32:47 AM 
go for it david... don't let up and don't give them any slack... of course you do know don't you that even if they left the land and agreed to leave you all behind to fend for your selves... they would secretly help the arabs to kill you all or drive you off... as they could not afford a successful torah jewry and settler victory... it goes against their designs for the future of the state and against their emotional and physical stranglehold and rule over the jewish people and land... you do know this correct? with much love and concern for you all... nik.
814   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is the enemy of our enemy our friend? (you asked for it so here it comes)...  on: January 22, 2006, 01:20:21 AM 
most of the time... the enemy of my enemy is my friend... but not in the middle east... iraq and iran squared off against each other and we (israel and america) supported... iraq!!! and iran!!!! both of them like insane morons playing with fire and look what it got us... trouble, death and war... and nukes up the gazooo facing us... this is a sick, demented world only getting sicker... it is long past time that we declared war on everybody and looked to no one including britain and america for help, aid or friendship.... no one is the true friend of the jews on this planet... nobody!!! and of course our enemies even include our own fellow jews around the globe who are not with us and who support the erev rav unjewish jews in their domination and iron-clad control (read: oppression) over eretz yisroel and their crushing intimidation and vise-like hold over all G-d-fearing torah jews... we need to rise up and revolt against our slavemasters (america and britain) and their jewish kapo enforcers and taskmasters (the israeli gov.)  and we need to tear those abominations off of har habayit and begin to do the avodah (tumah hutra b'tzibur) while we begin construction on the beit hamikdash and we also need to nuke mecca now!!!! there... that is my considered opinion, david... ta... nik.
815   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Avichai is invited by adminstrater.  on: January 22, 2006, 01:04:34 AM 
that should have read... administratOr... you [censored]...
816   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Let us join the revolution.  on: January 20, 2006, 05:24:19 PM 
avichai... you are truly pathetic...
817   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Interesting Devar Torah by Rav Binyamin Kahane, and Topic for Discussion...  on: January 20, 2006, 02:03:09 PM 
yes i've seen this great piece awhile back and this is why i have been pushing for total revolution.... of course rav binyamin was right... it is so clear... no need to comment upon the content or the message any further... just to say that it is long past the time that we jews in the world came to israel enmasse and told paro (currently bush, blair, olmert) to just ef off!!! we must stand up to them and the rest of the world and declare our true independence and freedom from the bondage israel has always been shackled under... it is long past time that we put our lives on the line for what we believe... that Hashem exists and that He gave us sole possession of all eretz yisroel and that He demands that we set up a torah state in it or lose it.... and that this requires throwing all goyim out of it and shutting down permenantly all of their idolotrous houses of worship.... period.... forever!!!! this is what is asked of us... this is what is required.... G-d is on our side and He will come to our aid.... if we show faith and trust in Him first.... thus the sum of the entire kahane legacy and heritage that they martyred themselves for in order to pass this vision and courage down to us... their students and followers.... are we up to the challenge or will we simply scare-off easily the first time we are attacked? this is the only relevant question left to ask... ta... nik.
818   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / The golden path/has been tarnished and has lost its sheen and former lustre...  on: January 20, 2006, 01:44:13 PM 
"sticks and stones" pal... and you already tried ignoring me a couple of times before... remember? i guess you just can't help yourself... huh?  infant... baby... fetus... zygot...
819   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Let us join the revolution/yes let's...  on: January 20, 2006, 01:38:12 PM 
but not with you... you have proven to be vile and insulting to just about everyone here... i am convinced you were sent in here to wreak havoc upon us and deny us the opportunity to have even one site where we can openly and honestly share our views and try to come up with plans of action to save israel and the jewish people from what we all see and know is coming just down the road a year or two off if not even sooner... you are of no help and you are just an annoyance.... everything you began in this thread i and others have been calling for for months while you were on your little "feiglin is the savior" kick and drew time and energy away from the real fight and the real issues and torah values... and now you want us all to run out there half-cocked and all get arrested and beaten so you can finish off your nefarious and filthy little war against good, G-d fearing torah jews who really care about am yisroel and eretz yisroel and are desperately trying to save them both from destruction.... most of it... you got some nerve bastard... and i for one think you are as low as they come.... as lowdown and dirty as they come.... ef off!!! ta... nik. 
820   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Let us join the revolution.  on: January 20, 2006, 03:49:09 AM 
bravo... welcome to the bandwagon... johnny come-lately... you got to be a plant...
821   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The golden path/where?  on: January 20, 2006, 03:13:00 AM 
you just got to be kidding... right? you can't possibly be this daft, blind or stupid... can you? yes, i guess you can...

moshe should have stood his ground and fought for his position and rightful place... just like rav meir and binyamin did... he should have made them ban him...but he showed that he is a coward instead... he cracked under the pressure... in the end he cared only for his viability rather than demonstrating yet again what a hypocritical sham, fraud and total bankruptcy the "democratic" political system of israel actually is... to think that bibi sought to have him excluded because he had been arrested for legitimate protests of oslo and for wishing to express his freedoms of speech, assembly, conviction and other assorted rights and liberties.... and G-d-given ones at that... but that evil pales in insanity to what moshe did when he caved and slobbered all over netanyahu so spinelessly to stay legal... and to think that he didn't have the guts or vision to realize that now he can never ever again stand up for torah principles because he abrogated the central value of yirat shemayaim and trust in G-d alone... he did have them in a panic and he then let them off the hook... he let them save face while he essentially banned himself and all but conceeded to them that they are the authority and they rule by virtue of a mandate.... one that is really non-existent... but now they can spread the lie and use the fig leaf he gave them for cover... to hide behind it shamelessly and thus block and obscure from public view their filth and corruption... what a monumental blunder... what an utter waste of a golden opportunity... what a terrible crying shame... there is no way around it now... there is no denying the truth... feiglin is compromised now... let no one say otherwise.... and anyone still not seeing this is just as compromised as well... ta... nik.
822   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / the emir of kuwait couldn't wait for moshiach to appear...  on: January 15, 2006, 01:07:21 AM 
death davening... whisper it in the night... death davening is working... shhh.... don't tell anyone.... but another jew-hating bastard has just bitten the dust and gone on to his eternal reward in hell... another sonei yisroel with impact on the road-map to hell is no more... and the only question remaining... is who will be next please G-d? mubarak? peres? bush? cheney? death davening... baby it's working!!! shhh..... ta... nik. 
823   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: these next elections... (edited)  on: January 15, 2006, 12:34:03 AM 
i dreamed this election a year or so ago... nothing clear all i can tell you is that i awoke and said something huge and dramatic is going to happen in the next elections in israel... then they weren't slated until nov. '06... and of course it looked like they were for sharon all the way and no bibi anywhere in sight and it looked real bad this year when he lost his bid to topple sharon within likud... but i awoke and i just had a feeling it was netanyahu and that he might (all though it doesn't look like it now... but the feeling of euphoria i had is that he might do something to thumb his nose at america and start doing what is truly in our jewish best interests in israel) in other words i felt he wanted to do tshuvah for hebron and everything he did last time and this time he will be like begin and not like peres, sharon and rabin and the rest... that is my interp. of my dream and it will be exciting... so i am calling it the way i dreamt it... but i also thought i saw the kc chiefs as superbowl champs in another dream before the season began... but  maybe it was for next year... huh? ta... nik.

and don't put down nevuah... i am not claiming to be a navi... but rav aryeh kaplan wrote that before moshiach comes nevuah will begin again... so look for it... n.
824   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / these next elections... (final edited version)...  on: January 13, 2006, 06:10:30 PM 
i promise you all... peres or olmert or whoever kadima puts up will lose... it will be bibi again unless moshiach comes or the whole country suddenly turns to kahane's legacy and realizing that he would easily have won this time for pm had he lived and been allowed to run... of this i have no doubt at all... rav meir would have won... and a huge revolution breaks out and sweeps the whole entire country and puts an end to the current system... tragically our loss is greatest now with rav meir gone... oh how we could have used him right now... oh how we need him now... but we still have Hashem... and that's the point... we are not losing... Hashem is winning... he just knocked sharon out... it was a clear and clean ko... and kadima is through now too because of this... they were only going to vote for sharon because everyone is scared about what might happen... and they knew or thought they knew that at least sharon could take the country to war if all hell broke loose and get the people to go along... something they will never do with olmert or even peres... not to mention peretz forget about it... maybe, maybe bibi if he does alot of tshuvah and we started to trust him on the right (which right now and probably at all... he is not trustworthy period ever) so forget about us... but maybe, maybe....he has enough clout to get the left to go along in case of an emergency or a crisis... this election is now and always has been over this one indicator... and now with sharon gone and rav meir killed it is all over... there is absolutely no one out there to feel secure with... to trust in... save for Hashem... and thus this is the supreme moment before our final redemption...we all only have Hashem to trust and look up to for leadership... Hashem will send someone to rescue us... of this i am positive... it may not be moshiach yet... we still may not be zoche... but we will be redeemed from this tzora and dire situation... hopefully with moshiach finally... and if it is moshiach ben david... the first thing he is going to ask for if moshiach ben yosef is chas v'shalom already killed... that Hashem revive him and join in the fight against gog and the world... and then someone is going to come forward to be moshiach ben yosef (if alive)...  or he will stand up out of his grave... i know who my candidate would be for this role... not shlomo carlebach or even the rebbe of lubavitch... besides neither of them were slaughtered... they died of natural causes... my vote would be for rav meir... or even r. binyamin... "wouldn't that be a kick in the head?"

if however moshiach ben yosef is the one Hashem now sends forward... we are still perhaps a little ways off for full and complete redemption and we have more pachad and hard times left to go with him as our leader... and depending on his and our combined net worth he will either live and succeed or die and fail to a certain level... only partially fulfilling his mission until moshiach ben david finally shows up... and then we are still in for kehachtah tzoros... but i believe firmly we are already passed that time... that we have been living in that time ever since 1990 and our suffering is crescendoing now... not just beginning... and so rav meir was and is moshiach ben yosef perhaps (provided that he can come from one of the other shevatim since rav meir was a kohen but perhaps not)... and now Hashem will rescue us... (moshol to follow next week).... please G-d... but for now... if Hashem is going to give him techiat hamatim anyway as soon as moshiach ben david arrives... so why let him die in the first place?

answer: to make us worry... to test us some more... just one last time... it really is Hashem doing it all Himself anyhow... so here we are put to the final test... when moshiach ben yosef dies (if he does) or even if we still have to worry over him because he is going to appear now... (both are still possibilities) ... the point is not to lose heart and give up... cave in to gog and all the goyim... america and britain... especially... the eu and russia secondarily... arabs way down the line... i don't think anyone now except golus jews wants israel to capitulate anymore... no one sane b'aretz does... all though i'm worried about the rabbanim... it tana d'bay eliyahu... that yehudah will fight along side and with gog against yerushalayim... and one of my teachers taught us that yehudah always means the spiritually elite rabbanim and gedolim... they are on the chopping block now... extreme pressure being exerted upon them to cave... meet the pope... go along with the road map to hell... etc. and they are doing it... all over the world and in israel too... just as predicted.... but are they wrong in doing so...? i say yes... but they say no... they say we are not supposed to be taking matters into our own hands... we are supposed to give now... bend but not break... we are called upon to just gut it out and wait for Hashem to save us... that it is still not time for maccabees to start guerillah warfare...or any war... unlike what rav meir held we should do and that this mesirat nefesh on our part will bring moshiach... who is right? this is the only question.... but either way we must find ways not to lose hope... because Hashem will save us... don't give up and don't cave all the way in.... don't get frightened... stand up to the threat of our oppressors at least in your heart... don't go over to their side like ravsheki did at the time of chizkiyah and yehsiyahu hanavi against ashur (the assyrians)... see there... we must remain firm in our own souls... we must trust and have faith only in Hashem even if we do not take any other actions personally... and that is our nisayon... all of us jews world wide... this is the final hurdle to redemption.... hold out! hang in there! we can make it together.... hold! hold on! hang tough! hang in! rebel in your hearts and minds... daven and learn like crazy with fierce strength and hope in Hashem to defeat all our internal and external enemies... now is the time of our liberation and freedom from all tyranny forever... forever! now is the time!!!! now!!!! be well and G-d bless... am yisroel chai!!!!!  ta... nik.
825   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: more d'vrei nevuah from rav meir hy"d...  on: January 13, 2006, 05:32:56 PM 
pegging him for what he truly already then was... always was... always... know this... internalize this.... he was always exactly what he turned out to be at gush katif... yamit was him... gush katif was and is him... nothing else was ever him... never ever was... ta... nik.
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826   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: more d'vrei nevuah from rav meir hy"d...  on: January 10, 2006, 07:35:23 PM 
right you are ortho... right you are... ta... nik.
827   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: v' od... (pgs.60-61)  on: January 10, 2006, 07:31:32 PM 
q: "today's young israelis are far more attracted by material comforts than by zionist ideals. doesn't this mental attitude work against the establishment of settlements in judea and samaria? is there sufficent pioneer spirit to colonize the west bank?"

a: "were there enough people in the 1920's who wanted to come to israel? today, if we had a government which was really committed to creating settlements, we wouldn't have this problem. we don't have to reproduce the same material conditions as in the 1920! we can set up settlements that are more comfortable. if they were given free housing, many young people and young couples would come. the issue you are raising, though, is more complex and more serious. western democracy feeds everything that is wrong and sick in human nature. the parties compete with each other in promising people an easy life. the main concept of democracy is that people should believe that they need to have more... there, the only true value is that of wanting more. but that's exactly what's happening here. everyone says the sephardic jews who came to settle in israel were backward people! yet these jews arrived here with very deep values. and these values were taken away from them and replaced by dizengoff street values. by materialism! it's really unbelievable! insane! it's a sickness! you listen to people talking on a bus. what are they talking about? all they can talk about is money. that's what this country has made of them. this is not a jewish state. it's a hebrew-speaking portugal that would like to be a hebrew-speaking sweden or america. this is our tragedy! and it has to change. our struggle is not a political struggle; it is an ideological struggle, a struggle of two different concepts of life, two different concepts of the world. we want to create this country with jewish values. as i have said many times in the knesset, it is a struggle between the hellenists of our time and the jews who want to remain jewish."

read it and weep!!!!
828   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / more d'vrei nevuah from rav meir hy"d...  on: January 10, 2006, 07:10:06 PM 
in the book against him by two french writers... called... "israel's ayatollahs"... he granted them a long and an extensive interview... here are a couple of the q's&a's... (pgs.57-58)... this book was published in 1987 people... 1987!!! read:

q: "do you expect to come to power through elections alone?"

a: "yes... but if you ask me what is going to happen in this country in the near future, i'd answer that things aren't that simple. the economic problems are very serious; the government is a fraud, just like every other government. democracy breeds governments that are fraudulent, because a government which has to rely on its voters for its existence cannot tell the truth. the bitter truth. if they say: 'we have to cut down on this... we must reduce that...' people won't vote for them. therefore the government has to lie. that's what democracy is all about! democracy is like compost, it nurtures fraud and lies. and it must lead to dictatorship eventually. because since a democratic government doesn't have the courage to take the steps that are needed, problems are bound to get worse, and in the end the people will accept a dictatorship. the train of events may happen here, precisely because the majority of people in this country have no experience of democracy. even without kahane, democracy means nothing to them. therefore we might get a dictatorship here, if the unemployment situation gets worse."

q: "in your opinion, who would be the best candidate as a dictator?"

a: "at this moment, sharon, without any doubt. he has the best claim. but he is a very, very bad person."

q: "why?"

a: "he is very bad! i'm not talking about his political views. i don't judge him according to his views. he's bad. he's a liar. he has no moral principles. he has no ideals. he's capable of doing anything, and i'm just as afraid of him as the left are."

q: "then you wouldn't approve of a dictatorship under sharon?"

a: "absolutely not."

look what we lost people... look at the insight we just don't have anymore... how great is our tragedy... how immense our agony and sorrow!!!!.     
829   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Where is Rabbi Avi Toledano ?  on: January 10, 2006, 06:36:49 PM 
whoops! so sorry... but also angry as hell over the namesake who was murdered... when are we  going to just let it rip...? tell the world enough is enough! and tell them from henceforth onward 2 goyim for every one jew murdered in cold-blood... and mean it! and do it from now on... and start keeping the mitzvot of the torah which demand justice for the martyred and demand cleansing of the land from dam naki whenever it is shed.... if you wonder why so many of us datim are "buying the farm" during these atrocities over the last 10 plus years... it is because these mitzvot (as well as all of the rest of them) are not at least being demanded by us to be put in motion and become the sole law of the land.. there is no excuse for our not taking vengeance... at least some of the time... and no excuse for our not screaming for torah law and mitzvot to be implemented.... at least the effort must be made if we wish to see our people spared heartache and grief... spared from losing their loved ones and spared from losing hold of any more of our precious holy land... 
830   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Do you think that Sharon's stroke is punishment from ab/anyone doubt it?  on: January 10, 2006, 06:20:30 PM 
absolutely... and even if someone tried to kill him it still comes via Hashem's agreement to let the plot succeed against him... at least until this phase anyway... we'll see about the rest... ad mavet... and not to toot my own horn but... a pulsa d'nura is supposed to work within 30 days of its being performed... it has been at least 3 months... and i read here that they may never have finished performing the rite because of technicalities and people getting scared off... so i attribute my death davening campaign with at least a bissel success in all this... since i began... i have seen the pope go 3 days later... then the saudi fraud king faud... then chief justice rehnquist a certain nazi... and then peter "osama" jennings... we know which arab witch he dated and why... yuk.... then we saw mussa arafat gunned down in a hail of bullets in gaza... as per vol.2 biblical code prediction... i know it was supposed to be yasser over there foretold to die that way... but the author informed ol'yasser-baby and so they had to drag him out of that hole of his to let him perish in paris as another line thru his name on that same page foretold... as an alternate death scenario for him and then the other prediction was passed onto to his cuz... ain't that sweet?  and then of course we saw chiraq (remove the ch and what's left is iraq!!!) of france go to the hospital and now sharon... not a bad list of enemies of the jewish people... not too shabby for a few months worth of intense davening... huh?  ta... nik.
831   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Munich  on: January 09, 2006, 06:23:18 PM 
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   in the aftermath of my seeing this vile film...



(ISAIAH 1:24)...

(and l'havdil...)

"they brang us up with horns and hollywooden song; dead snakes and poisoned wisdoms between our teeth; the evil that's been done still is carrying on
and on this night there'll be no peace...

the old leaders' bones still beat on our homes;
they built our life before us, we had no choice;
the evil that's been done still is carrying on
and when they're gone we'll be the voice..."

(cat stevens: "100 i dream")

and so in light of the above... let us reason together as jews and as adults...

first of all...

israel should have been nowhere near those olympics... the very thought of our trying to ape the goyim and be just another run-of-the-mill, mediocre nation among the many out there is of course a denial of our G-d-given mission to be... an "ohr l'goyim"("a light unto the nations")by being a "memlechet kohanim v'goy kodesh" ("a kingdom of priests and a holy nation") which naturally presupposes our willingness for said mission to live alone... as it also says in the torah... that israel is to be an "am l'vadad yishkon" ("a nation that dwells apart")...   


even if one could make a case for the scenario of israel participating in such world-events... still the thought of their going to do so in munich, germany barely 25 years after the shoah (the holocaust) is an anathema beyond words and a cruel injustice to the memory of the six million jews who perished shortly after the previous hitlerian, berlin games of 1936... and thus this was an absolute obscenity on israel's part which cannot be disputed...


even if by some untoward and unseemly twist of dementia one could lay out the necessity of israel's participation even there precisely because of those above stated atrocities... in order for germany to be able to demonstrate and show before the world that they were indeed remorseful and duly penitent... still even in that case it was an even further outrage against and an outright assault upon both our jewish and our human dignity for the then present generation of jews in the guise of athletes to be seen as agents of and coming in representation of and on behalf of our murdered predecessors in order to forgive and forget... kiss and make up... etc. which was not their right to do nor was it their business to posture and arrogate to themselves... the assumption of the role which only G-d claims for His own... which then clearly made even their very arrival there such an enormous chillul Hashem (a complete and utter desecration of G-d's name)... one which no one living then or now can possibly fathom or fully measure... 


putting all the above aside for the moment... and this next item is also true for any olympics which israel appears in... not just ones on nazi soil...

what huge saps and naive fools they were inside the israeli government to send their citizens to such a monstrous place with such an infamous history without insisting upon and bringing along their own armed security personnel... or at the absolute, very minimum, the means for a modicum of self-defense... just in case... for the israeli olympic team to be in the possession of their own private sidearms or other such  weaponry... in case of an emergency... either of which may have quelled and stymied if not completely thwarted and stifled to begin with... the entire threat and subsequent actual terrorist event from ever occurring...

o.k. now with all of the above registered and kept in mind and adequately stated for the record... let us proceed to comment upon the content and product of spielberg's filth which he is attempting to pass off as true creative art and as sincerely offered and legitimately proffered political science to boot...

historical revisionism is always a lie and always an utter fraud perpetrated upon an unknowing and unaware populace... especially in and toward a future generation not alive at the time of the events in question... and as such this is a vile betrayal of the real truth... and what is more this is not and never should be seen as the right of poetic license and/or of creative polymesizing on the part of the author... not at all... it is just what i said before... a shameless fabrication and a premeditated misrepresentation of the truth... and no matter what the theme or subject or point, spin or slant of its creator it is unacceptable and a sin against mankind not to mention in this case... a rude and unjustified stain upon the sanctified memory of those 11 holy martyred jews and also a painful slam and affront to their families and loved ones... not to mention a horrific broadside and harsh diatribe leveled against the heroic and courageous men and women who risked their lives in order to bring vengeance and justice... true honor to their fallen compatriots...

and despite the revenge done in secret this event became yet another awful scar for the whole house of israel to bear thru history... as we all witnessed yet further precious souls of our people slaughtered mercilessly and dispassionately by and in a thoroughly jew-hating world... an event which hardly caused a blip to the smooth continuation and completion of those olympic games of '72 nor did this tragedy ever give a moment's pause to or cause for any remorse or reflection of sadness to well-up inside the callous, heartless and thoroughly disinterested mindset of its governing body and officials... as they have never, ever considered any memorial or moment of silence for these slain olympians right on down to this very day...

and thus i maintain that... spielberg's task in "munich" was to tell the true story and only then, if he had to, work in his message and/or his personal bias along the way... but he should not have related his subjective viewpoint and/or his skewed, far leftwing take or angle by changing the authentic storyline itself... he should have and could have found a more sensitive manner in which to get across his liberal opinions and propagandist pedantisism...

but there is more that has to be said here unfortunately... and that is that a worse crime against israel and the jewish people has been perpetrated here... the grave miscarriage of justice done us all by spielberg's definite equivocation of all violence committed in this incident and during its aftermath... to his mind all violence is evil and unjustified and therefore both the cold-blooded murder of 11 innocent athletes... all slain via genocidal-hatred for the jew... and the subsequent payback... a form or use of violence aimed and intended solely for the guilty and their accomplices in this vile act of terrorism... are equally wrong, unethical and immoral...

however... revenge for murder is not murder... it is vindication and recompensation for the soul of the dearly departed and martyred... according to G-d's laws in the torah (which is the sole law that matters for jews everywhere... especially in israel)... vengeance is justice carried out to completion and it serves as a strong warning and a solid deterrent to our far too many enemies running amok out there as well as a clear statement of our firm resolve for the future safety, welfare and security for every jew... anywhere... for the message revenge sends is one that is loud and clear and unequivocal... stating that: jewish blood is no longer cheap in this world... and that all of you jew-haters and murderers out there beware... for you will pay a heavy price for these kinds of atrocities against our people... for from this time henceforth we reassert our dignity and self-respect... we are the chosen... we are the good... and you are the evil ones and the bad... you are all wicked and have hated us for no other reason from time immemorial just because of G-d's laws of morality that we raise aloft and signal to the world... and these events depicted in "munich" were back then just the world's latest collective attempts to eradicate jews, judaism and israel from the earth... as we say each year at our pesach (passover) sedarim...

"lo echad bilvad omdim alenu l'chaloteinu... elah she b'chol dor v'dor omdim alenu l'chaloteinu... v'HaKodesh Boruch Hu matzelenu m'yadam..."

"not one alone or just once have they arisen against us to destroy us... but in each and every generation they have stood up to wipe us out... and yet each and every time G-d has saved us from their hands..." (and ever it will remain so for all-time to come)... amen selah...

and so as we continue forward along this same theme... we proclaim to the world: hey! listen up... pay close attention here... learn well what transpired afterward... you can expect more of the same for every future atrocity or even just the attempt at one... for just as it is the solemn duty of each and every jew world-wide to defend and support israel... so too is it the obligation of israel to come to the aid and rescue of every jewish person in danger or trouble anywhere in the world... and if too late to save them... then to exact vengeance for them... and this does not just apply as it did in '72 to israeli citizens... no... this is israel's job for every jew anywhere on the planet... and this is not an overextention and/or a meddling by israel in another country's internal affairs... no sir... for if the goyim demonstrate that they cannot or will not defend jews and guard their blood from being shed... know that israel can and will no matter what the consequences or collateral damage... so you have been warned world... protect your jews and leave them alone or else suffer the humiliation of israel doing for you (for us) what you will not or cannot do for us yourselves!!!!

one more point and we shall move on to the conclusion of this piece... as i was standing outside the theater passing out literature against the movie... one american white gentile came by and said to me in self-righteous hypocrisy and arrogant venom... "i hate both of you guys... to me you're both baby-killers!!!" he did not wait around to hear my response or debate the issue further though i sought to offer him the following 4 answers by way of reply...

1) if so what justified your race of europeans killing off most if not all of the indian redmen and aborigines of this hemisphere north and south...?

and 2) even though we jews are entitled by now to run them all out and/or kill them all for what they have done to us after we tried in good faith to make peace with them (insanely) for more than a hundred years by now... and thus we have even more of a right and an ethical standing to drive them away or even to wipe them all out then you all had back in the early pioneering days of america... and still...

3) we are only baby-killers because after they came and killed our innocents in cold-blood... we tried to get at those culpable for our children's' murders but... cowards that they truly are... they ran for cover behind the skirts of their women and the tiny bodies' of their own children... and so then despite our best efforts to safeguard them; risking and losing, in the process, (wrongfully and sinfully) our own soldiers... sometimes their babies and children and women (non-combatants) died by our hands... and all of this being true despite the fact that we surely know by now that virtually all of those children and babies would have grown up to loathe and hate us... (and still will of those whom we were able to save... even though we spared their lives and risked and lost ours to do so)... so there is no moral-equivalency here at all in comparing and contrasting the violence of either side... the equation is not balanced and you know it you filthy scumbag... you haughty, slime-sucking, jew-hater!!!!

and finally 4) i dare you to go up to some arab/moslem terrorist-bastard and say to him the same words that you just said to me... i know you don't have the guts to do so... you gutless wonder... you anti-semite but only of the jewish persuasion... for you only said it to me because you know ahead of time that i have regard for the sanctity and sacredness of human life even for your poor, miserable excuse of a life... and i am therefore  unlikely to pull out an uzi and blow your flippin', white-trash brains out all over the pavement...

and so... finally the concluding thought and observation of this piece... a close friend of mine pointed out to me the glaringly overt hypocrisy and the actual stunning neglect and dereliction of duty displayed by the weisenthal center of l.a. in all of this uproar... not a word was ever spoken or written by any of them against steven spielberg for this outrageous insult toward israel and the jewish community writ large... and their mute response is deafening and their opting out from any and all involvement in this controversial issue is all the more noteworthy and maddening since we all know how loudly they screamed and hollered and carried-on and virtually spilled a river of ink over mel gibson's equally troubling film... "the passion of the christ" which they found both offensive to judaism and a potential dire threat to the jewish people... and this film "munich" isn't both of these things as well?

do we detect a slight double-standard in play here? just asking... we have seen their inaction and heard their silence all year long... as another friend of mine has made clear... first by taking no stand whatsoever over the rape of gush katif in gaza and following that up by their ignoring the threat that condi rice's pressuring of israel over the easing of the rafah crossing and other arab, work-related restrictions of freer access into the heart of israel which has greatly endangered the lives of jews and made much simpler the task of terrorists to harm, murder and mutilate innocent jewish men, women and children... and as such there can be no excuse offered for the center's failure to speak out... and so any blood shed as a result, G-d forbid... will be on their hands and heads as well...

and so for their blatantly fawning complicity in these matters with both spielberg and sharon over the clearly self-interested, remunerative considerations which they had and which must have led them to the shunning of their own self-appointed (in the first place) responsibilities and the eschewing of their decades-long, watchdog-role and spokesman-posture on behalf of and from within the jewish world... for all of the above... my friend has correctly and justifiably... and well-deservedly, i might add, daubed them... "the museum of silence"... to wit i concur and offer my own appellation... "the museum of tolerance": ("whenever fame and fortune are at stake... anything and everything is tolerable or tolerated")... a little long-winded and unwieldy i admit but just as astute and right-on!!! peace out... mp   

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832   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Where is Rabbi Avi Toledano ?  on: January 09, 2006, 05:23:06 PM 
i heard he was abducted by arab terrorists and murdered... nik.
833   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Ha'Ivri to LA times/nikmatdam to l.a. times... lech l'gehenom!!!  on: January 09, 2006, 05:22:18 PM 
death davening baby!!! death davening... more later when it finally comes to sharon... yemach shemo v'zichro!!!! nik.
834   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / something to ponder and soul search over...  on: January 05, 2006, 06:17:14 PM 
given all of the current and most recent political events in israel these last few months... especially also all the insane hatred being spewed via iran at us and their threat of gaining nukes and remember the sad and frightening predictions in the bible codes (vol.2) concerning such during 2006 or 7...  and then consider the following: think about how easy rav meir could be elected pm in these next elections had they not murdered our chosen leader and denied us our human and political and (democratic) rights!!! think about this awhile!!!! we have been robbed and orphaned and as a result we are in dire crisis and huge danger!!!! may Hashem bring moshiach immediately or i fear we are going to go even further down and draw even closer to anniihilation!!!! G-d forbid!!! just a little added food for thought to throw into the mix of these lightening-fast events and developments flashing our way lately... ta... nik.
835   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Sharon suffers serious stroke  on: January 04, 2006, 06:55:55 PM 
that is simply not true... it is a kiddush Hashem whenever a true rasha dies... true if he was a jew it would be better for him and all of us if he had done tshuvah... but if he refused defiantly until the end... and certainly if he was a rodef and/or a machteh et harabim it is a great, great simcha when his evil will and designs are finally thwarted and defeated by Hashem or by k'lal yisroel's concerted actions directly... nik.
836   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: only Kahane can save Kook/perhaps if...  on: January 04, 2006, 06:23:12 PM 
the problem they (the kookists) have is that they completely forgot the sage-old advice and maxim of david hamelech... "sur may rah v'aseh tov"... (first things first... first "turn from or remove the evil and only then can you succeed at doing or bringing good into the world")... at best they have it reversed.... and at worst they have always completely ignored the raisha of the verse either out of fear to go to war or out of a mistaken belief in an ideology that like chabad too believes... that says just do good and the light you radiate alone will be strong enough by itself to vanquish and disapate the darkness...

that is and can only be true if the darkness is passive and not trying actively to extinguish the light...  but we face a darkness that hates us and wishes to rid the world of us even if that means living in eternal tohu v'vohu...

so only by doing what is at first difficult but nonetheless right... the "hakir et harah m'kir becha..."  ("uproot the evil from your midst") mitzvot have the jews, holding their breath, been able to outlast evil in this world... and still yet and for which they were willing and are still today willing to die attempting to eradicate the kingdom of darkness and the rule of evil from off the face of the earth and then do the good and bring to life the light of Hashem to shine for all eternity...

you simply cannot do the latter even in in conjunction and simultaneously in tandem without first doing the former... ta... nik.

837   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Munich  on: January 04, 2006, 05:56:40 PM 
that moshe parry guy is moi...  but you better hold your praise until you see my next scathing op-ed piece on that vile, filth... i feel that many of you will be shocked and angry with me over it... and besides most of what i wrote above is my rendition of paraphrasing what i've heard and read rav meir say... they are not my original words... ta... nik.
838   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: BZK memorial event on Wendesday/and for all of us here in hutz l'aretz?  on: January 04, 2006, 05:47:58 PM 
send us a transcript and/or a dvd of the event won't you...? as i have said before on this site... rav binyamin's writings and teachings have been without a doubt some of the sweetest and most powerfully moving torah i have ever learned... what a tragic loss... what a terrible, terrible blow to all of our futures... he gave me air to breathe here in golut... his torah was my oxygen... take care david... and G-d bless... nik.

Hashem y'nakum dam avadecha hashafuch...
839   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: to lenny...  on: January 04, 2006, 05:40:32 PM 
right after i posted this atop.... i received your latest brochure and saw them all in hebrew... i will just have to get them in ivrit... not that i can't learn them well just that english being my mamaloshon i learn them deeper in translation... always have... how else have i taken sefer harayon apart three times and taken it out of the realm of just another limud to a life-sustaining labor of love and a passionate ache and yearning for Hashem, k'lal yisroel, redemption and vengeance and for all of biblical eretz yisroel and beyond...?  so i guess my next $2g's will be spent on those sefarim... thanks at least for this... regards... oh yeah... i saw a tape of rav meir with your father and mother accepting an award and speaking... the wx man had them... nik.
840   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Munich  on: January 04, 2006, 12:46:32 AM 
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Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 20:54:34 -0800 (PST)
From: "moshe parry" <[email protected]>  View Contact Details   Add Mobile Alert
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Subject: points of clarification... re: "munich"...
To: [email protected]
CC: [email protected]
to be clear... we are not a terrorist organization...

we vow vengeance against our enemies WHEN OUR
seek jew-haters to be brought to justice if possible
but if not we will remain vigilant and never forget or
forgive their atrocities against us and at the
appropriate time we will avenge our fallen brothers
and sisters...

the film depicts the aftermath of the munich '72
olympic games where the mossad exacted revenge
world-wide... unfortunately we realize that we jews in
the diaspora do not have this strength or power... nor
israel's reach or freedom of action... as such i am
not advocating vigilantism against our enemies...

i am on the other hand pledging all-out, no-holds
barred self-defense if the world ever attempts another
holocaust of the jewish people... that i assure you
will be our response this time around... if G-d forbid
that horrible day ever comes again...

just wanted to bring these points to your attention...
this is not a retraction just a clarification of
motives and resolve... moshe parry

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841   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Munich  on: January 04, 2006, 12:45:01 AM       
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Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 19:15:12 -0800 (PST)
From: "moshe parry" <[email protected]>  View Contact Details   Add Mobile Alert
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Subject: press release re: "munich" film by spielberg... (final edited version)... (promise!)
To: [email protected]
CC: [email protected]
i rushed too much before the sabbath to get this
out... check for changes and additions... (sorry)...

intention to demonstrate and protest opening of
"munich" film by spielberg... on dec.23,2005 in
westwood... (unless "opening" is announced somewhere

statement from eshel avraham director.... rabbi moshe

(310)625-8672 (temporarily out of order) //
[email protected]

we adamantly and vociferously protest and condemn the
film "munich" produced and directed by steven
spielberg... for depicting jewish angst and
uncertainty over whether the land of israel really
belongs to the jewish people...

once again in a long train of similar incidents with
the creation and release of this vile film spielberg
postures and personifies the age-old, stereotypical,
guilt-ridden jew of the golut (diaspora)... the jew
who always feels compelled to justify his own
existence to the world and apologize for the existence
and  continued survival of the planet's one and only
jewish state... israel...

this golut-mentality is born out of nearly 2000 years
of a hellish exile and stems from a perceived need by
the jew to be loved and accepted by the gentile

we reject this view out of hand... true jews have no
guilt... and we have no need to apologize to anyone
for judaism, jews or israel... furthermore we owe the
world nothing for our welfare or for our survival...
and we do not seek or require your love... just your
respect to abide by our wishes to leave us alone...

we have seen the notion of the gentile's "love" all
too often throughout human history.... we have felt
his love with pogroms and crusades and expulsions and
inquisitions and all manner of holocausts... big and
small... we have had enough of the gentile love... we
want to be left alone to serve our G-d and keep His
torah in our land without any interference and for
this we will fight on...

the land of israel was promised to our forefathers by
G-d repeatedly in the bible... scripture further
records His giving it to our ancestors twice during
the biblical era and it was further vowed by Him to be
returned to us a third and final time near the end of
days... this is the israel you see before you since
1948... a jewish state arisen out from the ashes of

and so to reiterate... we are unapologetic for our
existence and our claim to the whole of eretz yisroel
(israel)... it is ours and only ours... all of it with
borders set down inside the pages of the self-same
bible which almost the entire earth recognizes as the
authentic word of G-d... the one and only G-d... the
G-d of israel...

and as such... once again we reject categorically the
message expressed in "munich" that the jew is torn and
must explain and defend his right to his land even to
himself... or even be made to consider territorial
compromises of any length, width or breadth... these
are the machinations of jews with sick minds and
diseased souls.... ones who are self-hating and

we are not they... we have no doubts as to the
rectitude of our claim and we bear no guilt that we
have finally risen to a level where we can defeat our
enemies and thwart their plans to wipe us off the map
and inflict grave harm to them for each and every
SELF-DOUBT!!!! no more excuses for our victories over
those who wish to destroy us... no more self-hatred,
hand wringing or lamentations of any kind for jewish
power and might... this is not the religion of
"turning the other cheek"... that is in the wrong
bible... the wrong bible... no... this is the religion
of "throw the other fist" and only thus is our
response to those who would maim or kill a jew because
he or she is a jew... vengeance by any and all means
possible to the ends of the earth... until the end of

only strength and jewish ironclad faith in G-d will
protect us and with the help of the Al-mighty... we
declare and proclaim our solemn vow with one voice and
one heart.... NEVER... EVER... AGAIN!!!! never again
will we "go as sheep to the slaughter" for the
world... we pledge to each other our sacred honor to
go down fighting and give back as good as we get
should the worst ever occur again...

and so let "munich" (and all others like it) be
consigned to the ash-heap of history where it belongs
for the trash that it is... the downtrodden jew of the
exile is no more... long may all our enemies burn...
long may they burn!!! AM YISROEL CHAI!!! (long may
israel live!!!)

with love of G-d and israel... moshe parry...

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842   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / to lenny...  on: January 04, 2006, 12:37:37 AM 
i am begging u on hands and knees to translate and publish the "watchman and leaders" shiurim of the rav as well as his perush hamacabee" material on nach... at least publish them all in hebrew so we can start learning them until u get the english ready for us... i have nothing to learn now... i've read it all multiple times from rav binyamin too.... and i've seen the films and tapes.... also please put together a collection of speeches of them both... publish them as well... won't you... please? ta... nik.
843   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rejoicing at Sharon's ill health  on: December 27, 2005, 05:12:19 PM 
yby... and what does "take it easy" exactly mean?
844   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / question l'kulam...  on: December 22, 2005, 09:06:50 PM 
in the face of such overwelming odds... not just to that of david vs. goliath... but much more like to the level of avraham vs. nimrod... in the face of this great of an evil force arrayed against us... and if we are decent and G-d loving jews like our forefathers and mothers... then a single query will suffice...

how can we not rebel...? ta... nik.
845   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: is there borer by jews...?  on: December 22, 2005, 07:41:11 PM 
 yes there is... sadly we must make havdalah over certain jews or they will undermine and destroy us... allow me please a word or two on this subject... i do not rejoice when any jew dies... religious or not... they are all precious children of Hashem... and Hashem loves the greatest rasha among them more than we love the greatest tzadik... however... and this for me and to me is a huge HOWEVER... (with a capital U)...

if the jew in question is a kofer b'ikar... a denier of the faith in Hashem... or a blasphemer and mocker of torah-true judaism... especially if he/she held positions of power and prestige form whence to negatively impact and influence many from the hamaon am (general jewish public at large).... to follow their example in defiance of G-d and in hatred for torah jews and judaism... in other words if we are speaking of jews who are true hellenists and/or erev rav unjewish jews... then and only then do i rejoice at their downfall and/or demise...

and this applies not just to a peres, a beilin or a sarid... no... this even refers to lower down on the totem pole types... if they are sonei yisroel... self-hating and self-loathing jews and after all of these years to the present date they have not shown any signs of remorse or of tshuvah... then i personally am through waiting for them to do so and for the good of the k'lal they must go... to save the righteous we must allow the wicked and the wanton sinners to perish and allow them to be weeded out... to rid ourselves of the chaff... in order to save the grain via spiritual winnowing... we must be prepared to   and in this current climate of dire straits i feel we can no longer wait for them to return or repent and we must actively daven (at least) (if not openly rebel) against these unjewish jews... and i say this with a determined but heavy heart... i do not say this lightly or without excruciatingly painful soul-searching... and as my other post today queries... how can one not feel this way toward those who seek to destroy the body and soul of their fellow jews... who seek to ruin the holiness of the land of israel and seek to lehachit... rise up in open defiance of the G-d of israel... how can we not hate them? how can we not rejoice when Hashem takes them down... how can we at the very least not want in our hearts to do the job ourselves of removing the evil from our midst... even in a situation like our current one... where we are not able or are not willing to do it befrat... in actuality...?   

846   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: yby are you daft?  on: December 22, 2005, 07:10:46 PM 
i assume yby... by bigmacs you are referring to moi...

take a chill pill with the state of ememrgency we are now in...? you are indeed mad... nero took one and fiddled while rome burned... is that what you would have me do right now? the real story some say is that he converted to judaism the ultimate insult that could befall roman civilization is for the ceaser... the emperor of the whole entire empire to go over to the enemy's side... don't you get it man? it is us hebrews against esav's world... as rashi comments by the birth of yakov and esav... shem told rivka either one or the other will be on top thru history... they will be bitter enemies and so while one is in ascendency the other is in freefall decline... and right now we are on the way back up for good this time ever since 1948 and esav knows his end is near... and is fighting to prevent his inevitable and total and imminent demise and you would have me calm down and ho-hum the present matzav we are in...? as the rav told us often... we surely are a people in need of a national couch... i am in disbelief and dismay at your words that is all i can say... utter shock and mystification... peace out... nik. out
847   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Hanuka – The Real Story/and how!!!  on: December 21, 2005, 07:59:26 PM 
super... just great... only one thing to add...

"ain somchim al hanes..." "we do not rely on miracles..."

we hope and pray for Divne intervention... but even without it we must fight for our torah and our land that Hashem has entrusted to us...

learning torah and davening... tzedakah, tshuvah and doing maesim tovim... are all great, great mitzvot... they are what it is "really all about"... but these alone are fine, Divinely favored, deserving and perfect in every way only after there is peace and freedom in our midst... until then... by necessity we are at war lest we all perish... and battle becomes for us not only a dire necessity but a badge of courage and a medal of honor and a sign of valor upon all those who fearlessly and relentlessly wage it... but much, much more than this... they become an obligation... a mitzvah... a commandment no different than shabat or kashrut... a jew can and does wage war with learning and davening... they are our secret weapons... the gemorah brachot says that david hamelech kept 200-400 pairs of chavrutot learning around the clock behind the lines but he himself drew his sword and rode into the fray... in fact he led the charge always for Hashem's army... and for this we most love, revere and respect him and await his distant son to arrive and redeem us... for he understood the nature of a milchemt mitzvah... a war of self-defense which should and does summon everyone of the nation... beckons and bids every able bodied and minded man, woman and even the gifted child to the front to wage war and fight for our people, our heritage and our land and for our G-d... our survival in our dor demands nothing less or short of this from us as well today... at this moment in our history... but few of us as yet have risen to the challenge or have responded to the urgent call... morning, noon and night this great mitzvah is imposed upon us from our G-d above and justifiably commands our total rapt attention without surcease 24/7... but alas we have not as yet returned the expected answer... "heneni!!!" "i am here! i am willing! send me o' L-rd!!!" in deep sorrow and sadness...   nik.
848   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Fw: RED ALERT!!! bibi looking to take Feiglin down and spit him out...  on: December 21, 2005, 07:12:25 PM 
in that case...thank you very, very much eliezer... thank you for saving us alot of misspent energy and spinning of our wheels and for sparing us from much utter gut-wrenching grief...

everyone to the bunkers!!!! the revolution is ON!!!!! RAK KACH!!!!! ONLY THUS!!!! nik.
849   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rejoicing at Sharon's ill health is a mitzvah...  on: December 21, 2005, 06:51:41 PM 
"rejoice not when your enemy falls (lest I save him and do to you what i had begun to do to him)..."

for the millionth and one time... as the rav has taught us... the halacha on this could not be any clearer...

those words from chumash and mishley only apply to our frum, dati and observant jewish enemies (people we are supposed to love as ourselves but we fail to do so for whatever the reason) (rashii describes these jewish enemies as those we haven't spoken to in three consecutive days out of anger)... this is who we are not supposed to rejoice over at their downfall...

but true enemies goyish, helenist or erev rav... those who hate us, the torah and Hashem... we are supposed to celebrate openly and publicly their demise and Hashem's (and our) victory over them!!!! these downfalls are acts and events of pure kiddush Hashem!!!  as we daven during the yomim noraoiim... "and thus (or then) will the righteous exult and dance for joy... when evil will shut it's mouth and the kingdom of wanton sinners will go up in smoke like that of a furnace and be wiped off from the face of the earth forever!!!!" amen selah!!!! bimehara v'yamainu...

come on now... for crying out loud... learn this lesson once and for all!!!! get it straight in your heads... we are not fighting against them over politics and for power or over territory and for land for land's sake alone... no... for then we wouldn't be any better than them... Heaven forbid!!! no... we are like the macabees... we are fighting against them for Hashem and for eretz hakodesh and for everything we hold precious, near and dear!!!! for torah, yerushalayim, moshiach and the beit hamikdash... and for all of our fallen martyred people... men, women and children of early and late... wake up and stay awake... damn it!!!!! nik.
850   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Fw: Feiglin's next move and his only one...  on: December 21, 2005, 06:10:22 PM 
whether he stays or leaves is immaterial right now for this next election... whatever else he does his one move is to exert and apply intense pressure on bibi and on the likud...

he should try to help bibi form a gov. w/out elections pushing them off until next november... i know moshe is not in the knesset but he can still be given a seat by bibi and then a ministerial position; religion or whatever... and/or a cabinet post w/out portfolio if he can't get a seat...

either way he is then the "element of moshiach or seeds of the redemption within the last secular gov. before moshiach"... according to rav kaduri...

otherwise if there are elections in march... sharon will win unless he drops dead first... please G-d... bibi can only win if feiglin and marzel are brought in and all the religious parties and national ones join forces...

but likud is looking to do the opposite... get rid of feiglin and move to the center and hope to beat sharon at his own game... which is ludicrous of course because then even labor and peretz will beat him... as the right will have no one to vote for... and anyway they wouldn't have because if bibi moves towards the left and center... it only demonstrates that he is just as owned; bought and paid for as the rest of them... and these and all elections in israel are a cynical joke and sick manipulation of the populace and as such an utter waste of time and a monumental fraud against jewish decency and dignity... bibi's only hope is to publicly do tshuvah for hebron and vow the kahane viewpoint...

in fact, unless they all do so in likud they are all through brought down by their own greedy conniving and lust for power... the same evil midot which banned the rav and disenfranchised 10-11 or so seats of the people back in '88 has now come back around full-circle to haunt them and bite them all in the ass... as john lennon once sang... "instant karma's gonna get you..." and besides... anyone left in likud at present who is for ousting feiglin is certainly a sharon plant whom he requested to stay behind for this one election and wreak havoc from within and then come over and join him when it's all over and then the likud will be left for dead... sharon will have killed herut and begin's vision once and for all as was his (their) plan all along... but we were simply too blind and much too naive and just too plain stupid to see any of this coming down the ol' pike...

but do not fret... for to be sure israeli democracy is now on life-support... code blue... flatlining into oblivion... good riddance and the sooner the better....

so let's all work together now and get ready to revolt if we have to (if bibi turns left we revolt before the elections or even if he comes around to our side but still loses then we rebel afterward) and if we do these things i know... "we will all shine on... like the sun and the moon and the stars... on and on and on..." that is...  in the light of moshiach at long, long last... amen selah... ta... nik.
851   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: if feiglin wins tomorrow...  on: December 18, 2005, 09:15:55 PM 
the news concerning sharon is another link in the chain being woven by the Al-mighty... leading us to what rav kaduri said... the next government will already contain within it the seeds of moshiach and a true torah-state... things are falling into place incredibly now and i see this as nothing short of miraculous... i just couldn't see it before now... so come on feiglin!!!! and i really mean this now!!!! ta... nik.
852   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Preparations for 5th Yahrzeit of Binyamin and Talya Kahane  on: December 18, 2005, 05:48:35 PM 
yes... it was a small gathering but effective... and we usually hold two... and we may do so in combo with binyamin's on jan.5 
853   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Sharon hospitalised... watch this space/it works!!!!  on: December 18, 2005, 04:48:53 PM 
'death davening' works!!!! it really is working!!!! thank You Hashem for answering us...

here is the sample of the prayer i have been saying at the end of shmone esreh since three days before the pup (pope) died... and since then king faud the fraud of saud and peter jennings yemach shemo v'zichro both 'bit the dust'... and that efing anti-semite, par excellance... jacque chirac fell ill and may soon check out from hotel earth... and arafat's first cousin and former security chief moussa arafat was gunned down in aza and chief justice and no jew-lover rehnquist has also just recently died... and now sharon... please G-d or incapacitated and unable to continue to rule will do just as well... no matter... that will be good enough to accomplish and further our agenda here... and all this just since i began this endeavor just this past summer... oh and falling from grace in shame, disgrace and scandal is also acceptable to our minds... as has recently happened to and for dubya with what befell congressman delay and 'scooter' libby and hopefully soon karl rove... all powerful road-map players... and may condi only be the next one to be toppled from her prisitine, golden pedestal... 

actually this same prayer i have been saying since the saboro pizza parlor blast took the life of the only daughter carrying the only grandchild friends' of mine living here in l.a. will ever have or could have ever hoped to have in their lifetimes... i just rededicated it to this cause when i came up with the concept of praying for the Divine deaths... not assassinations... mind you... of all enemies of israel.... jew or gentile... man or woman... holding any power whatsoever to implement, enforce or even just influence opinion in favor of 'the road map to gehenom'... the pathway to hell and perdition for world jewry... the blueprint for yet another auschwitz for our people... and only if it is clear that they will never do tshuvah and back down from their disasterous policies for the whole house of israel...  and so here it is... please join me in this on-going campaign 24/7...

"Hashem... please redeem us... please save kl'al yisroel and eretz yisroel... please destroy all of our enemies completely and utterly and wipe them off from the face of the earth... and avenge the innocent blood that they have spilled of our people all throughout history... like You promised... and in the meantime prevent them from shedding anymore of our blood... and may we live to see the great vindication of our people, our heritage, our nation and our land... and may it be Your will to let us behold the great kiddush Hashem... the great sanctification of Your Holy Name and the great unification of Your Sacred Name... when You bring moshiach and rebuild the beit hamikdash... despite our sins and flaws and failings to You... and despite the goyim and the erev-rav jews trying to stop You and prevent You from fulfilling Your Divine destiny for the world for tikkun olam for us and for them... and may we live with You then in yerushalayim ir hakodesh... this time forever... in order to serve You, obey You, keep Your torah and come back to Your torah... the way You wish us to... and may this be Your will in our lifetime... we beg You, we urge You, we supplicate You, we petition You, we beseech You, we implore You, we plead with You and we yearn for You... we entreat You and we yearn for You to take us home to You... this time forever... amen selah..."   
854   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / if feiglin wins tomorrow...  on: December 18, 2005, 01:38:08 PM 
if by some miracle feiglin beats bibi i will still not be retracting everything i have said up to now against avichai's positions and posturings... however... and this for me is a huge however...

HOWEVER... if he does win and is running for pm and can pull together all national and religious parties to his support... i will rally to his side for the sake of the shortest path to our objectives... we can always rebel if he loses...

so let's see it mosh... pull it off tomorrow and i will see the Divine hand in all of this... beginning with the break-up of likud over the rape of gush kativ... so come on moshe stun us on the 'morrow!!!!

ta... nik.
855   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: What about the state of Judea proposal?  on: December 18, 2005, 01:28:22 PM 
lenny... fine...  i concede you your point... but my point is do it already... make a start at something... anything to rebel against our taskmasters... time is of the essence... ta... nik. 
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856   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Preparations for 5th Yahrzeit of Binyamin and Talya Kahane  on: December 18, 2005, 01:25:59 PM 
and here in l.a. we will be observing it to and put together a program or two... ta... nik.
857   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: What about the state of Judea proposal?/it is all one issue...  on: December 17, 2005, 10:41:15 PM 
it is all one issue lenny... referendum over the whole land and if not secession from israel to the state of judea and if we can revolution by massive civil disobedience to take back the rest after we opt out... and any time zahal has a mind to... a coup d'etat and then we will really be on the right track to moshiach and a torah state!!!!

as to the lunatic who appears just above (exlax).... you obviously do not understand satire or cynicism... now do you moron? ta... nik.
858   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re:a melech now!!!!  on: December 16, 2005, 01:34:17 PM 
we are allowed to have a beit hamikdash replete with mizbeach... (altar) right now... eventhough we are all tamei... (impure) because 'tumah hutra b'tzibur' means if the majority of the people are impure then the avodah is still allowed until there is a provision of the red-heifer (parah adumah) made available for the majority of the am to become pure (tahor) thereby... so the kohanim and leviim can get to work now as far as i am concerned and we can make pesach with korbonot (lamb/goat sacrifices) this year...



but back to the point of all this...

if we can and should do all of this right now... this year... immediately... we can also have ourselves a ruler... a king... a frum, G-D FEARING... jewish man from any tribe...

859   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: nir kahane hy"d...  on: December 16, 2005, 01:19:45 PM 
nope... just a tom selleck fan of magnum p.i. he always used to say it to higgie-baby as a mocking sort of joke due to higgins proper british upbringing... it's just an inside joke i have with myself... i'm from l.a./// lala land...
860   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: nir kahane hy"d...  on: December 15, 2005, 10:02:32 PM 
my signature... nikmatdam... is nik. and ta... is see you later in british...
861   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: If the Knesset is a lost cause what should we be doing?  on: December 15, 2005, 10:01:01 PM 
what are we supposed to be doing to take them down and take power...

mitzvot... learning, davening and above all revolutionizingly calling for all torah law to be inacted and enforced.... period!!!!
862   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re:laws to follow upon ish tam...  on: December 15, 2005, 07:31:29 PM 
two additions to yakov ish tam...

the rav says in the jewish idea...


1) the rambam says that no ger toshav is allowed to be accepted and his rights granted by israel (the jewish majority) until the yovel is in place and being counted... in other words... when a rov (50%+1 more jew) is living in eretz yisroel and that is the majority of the whole jewish people... only then does yovel become active as a mitzvah and shemita becomes d'oryta as do all other trumah and maeser laws and other 'laws obtaining specifically to the land of israel'...

2) he also quotes tosfot and others laying out the rule of who can become a candidate for ger toshav status and/or even less for eved canaani status)... in that when it came time for them as a people each canaani nation of the seven we conquered... when given a chance for peace they had to immediately accept it without first fighting...

once any from that nation began to fight even if the majority wanted peace... or a significant minority... but they warred against us even with just one battle... all of them... every last one of those gergashites or emorites or whathaveyou... all of them became immediately pasul for being accepted as even avodim let alone as for gerey toshav... canannim anyway were only acceptable as the lowest of all servants... woodchoppers and water-carriers... because their actual din was supposed to be flight or death.... but apparently Hashem had rachmanut on them though He despised them thoroughly... and allowed them to become our abject slaves as long as they did not raise a single hand against us when we came to conquer them (this law may be subject to machlokot and dispute if i remember correctly this is not a universally held ruling; not everyone holds by this decision) and of course they also had to reject all avodah zara immediately...

and so my dear friends and brothers and sisters... clearly the arabs (the so-called 'palestinians') are now all pasul... they are all one group and they all hate us anyway... and some of them have already fought with us and worse killed some of us... and so they all have to go... lock, stock and barrel...

in fact every single goy of any stripe has to leave first before re-applying for ger toshav standing and only when yovel starts up again will that be mutar... and of course all of their batei avodah zara have to be immediately closed, destroyed or converted to exclusive places of judaism... that means all churches and all mosques... because both of their monotheisms are not up to our standards of it and even if they really are considered montheists halachically (i personally do not accept either of them being so for differing and varying reasons... christians because of the trinity and the adoption of pagan practices to meet the pagan minds they were absorbing throughout the roman empire and moslems because allah was previous to islam just one of many of their yishmaelite pagan gods... the crescent or moon goddess... and the three sisters that rushdie writes as having been the closest idols to this main idol of allah at the time of their 'transformation' to just one god... too bad it was also an idol and later the imbodiement of their heavenly one god (not Hashem either as i explain next)... and besides the black kabah building with the pit they circle at their hajs and throw stones into the valley or moat surrounding it smacks of avodah zara to mercury... god of war... it too had nothing to do with Hashem though they now claim avraham and yishmael set it up to be a beit Hashem... but really it had to do something with their worship of another pagan rite in their hierarchy of avodah zara mamash... and mohamed let it remain apart of the new way... and besides they are savages and therefore not ovdey Hashem because as quoted in kehati... meseket avodah zarah perek beit mishna aleph or beit... the meiri says that the arabs do ugly disgusting actions ('maesim muchroim') such as murdering people unless they convert to their faith which the real G-d... the one and only G-d never set down as a commandment for any humans to do to each other ever... and so they in a real sense worship a different god...

and so there you have it... no goy is allowed to remain when moshiach comes or even earlier if we can somehow institute and impose torah law on the land... not until the third and final beit hamikdash is erected and then it will be allowed for them to visit and bring offerings as it says in navi... az... 'then it will be a house of prayer for all mankind'... then and not before and only a house to Hashem who they too now worship because finally they get it and will have learned the truth that escaped them all throughout human history...... and now they openly and unreservedly acknowledge this truth and repudiate the mistaken notions and beliefs of their ancestors and forebearers...... 'for on that day... Hashem will be one and His name will be one'... on that day... not this day... unfortunately... and so until then they all have to leave and anyway...  until then we need time ourselves to set eretz yisroel up right and to all learn our proper roles and places of avodah to and for Hashem and His torah... ta... nik.
863   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Kahanist Mega Sumitt...  on: December 13, 2005, 07:38:35 PM 
yby... right you are... undo the influence of the erav rav rabbis... how do we do that? by not listening to them anymore and by refusing to take their advice and/or orders... in other words thru massive civil and religious (also now).... disobedience... when the cabal can no longer use their 'rabbis' to do their dirty work for them... then we can face them down directly and topple them from power... hit the streets!!! (world-wide) not just in eretz yisroel.... call for the immediate emergency referendum... to request the people to among other things listed above... to institute the jewish torah halachic laws of arei miklat, dam naki, egel charufah... cleanse the land of innocent spilled blood campaign and movement... now hit the bricks everyone!!!! if only they were dying in terrorist attacks i'd say fine they'll come around give them some more time... but we are mainly the targets and so Hashem obviously is letting them succeed at hurting us because He does not accept our excuses that we are not the majority and we can't win the battle for torah now... He at least wants us to try and start calling for this to come about... our silence in the face of the powers-that-be's unmitigated defiance of and hatred for torah is just not acceptable to Him any longer... it must be or else we would be spared the brunt of these on-going atrocities and we would not be made to absorb and to suffer all these heartbreaking and tragic events... we must wake up and like my rebbe... rav nissan yagen ztv'k"l taught me... and learn the lesson that yaakov avinu had to undergo until he finally finally got it... that he was having serious difficulties (i.e. the death of rachel and dina and later yosef) because he had neglected to fulfill his vow and go up to beit E-l as he promised and swore to do on his way out of eretz hakodesh... and so to us in this tekufah we are experiencing terrible things and agonies are befalling us because we are not keeping up our end of the bargain adequately to represent Hashem and His torah to our fellow jews... just my opinion... ta... nik.
864   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: What about the state of Judea proposal?/it's fine...  on: December 13, 2005, 07:18:15 PM 
yoohooo.... over here dear...  i'm ready... so let's do it!!! today!!!! right now!!!!... no? thought so...ta... nik.
865   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: nir kahane hy"d...what about the query?  on: December 12, 2005, 11:48:25 PM 
still no one will answer me... was he related or wasn't he?
866   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Kahanist Mega Sumitt.../save it guys...  on: December 12, 2005, 11:40:00 PM 
we all know he said referendum or revolution... we all know he said this... he described the referendum as...

1)gov. of israel... i.e. shall the current knesset be disolved or abandoned and new elections held with only the following people and parties allowed to run...
a)those who will end the intifada immediately; b)those who will throw the arabs out... all of them including from within israel "proper"; and c)those who will promise to annex all the territories to israel immediately...

2)to which can now be added...

d)will vacate oslo and the road map to hell immediately; and e)those who will install and enact torah law as THE only law of the land period...

if this passes then the people have spoken and must be adhered to... and if the gov. refuses to allow for the people's right to voice their opinion and desires then...

REVOLUTION... sit downs and sit-ins... strikes... massive civil disobedience... etc... we all know what this program entails and we all know the rav said we should do this...

stop trying to back away from this truth... stop trying to back us off from just going out and doing what has to be done...

referendum or revolution... no other options... no other choices... no other excuses, delays or ideas...

do the rav's bidding or get out of the way...

either he was right or he was wrong...

about this and about everything else...

so choose... decide... and get on with it already...

if you hold a summit at all it means you either disagree with the rav on what he said we need to do... or you don't want to do his program and legacy because you are too frightened...

at least be honest about it... but above all don't let "plants" dissuade us (you) from what we already know is right... ta... nik. 
867   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rabbi: Disengage from State  on: December 10, 2005, 10:35:53 PM 
Quote from: LT~KN on November 29, 2005, 01:29:22 AM
I'd sooner join forces with Christians than with Wolpe. I read his book on the Rebbe... scary that a Jew can write such things.

what did rav wolpe write?
868   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: nir kahane hy"d...  on: December 10, 2005, 09:22:02 PM 
there are only three kinds of people who discount all conspiracy theories as bunk... 1)the ignorant... 2)the petrified... and 3)the complicit...

which one are you? ta... nik.
869   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / nir kahane hy"d...  on: December 09, 2005, 06:31:48 PM 
was he related to the family of rav meir? of course it doesn't matter... a jew is a jew and we are all precious... and a lost jew any jew is a tragedy.... but if he was related... it is no accident or coincidence... it was planned by the cabal to continue to terrorize torah jews...
870   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Feiglin is the new temporary chairman of the Likud/bully for him...  on: December 09, 2005, 12:30:17 AM 
o.k. and then what? he'll run against sharon and peretz and win? are you nuts? what have you been snortin'?

the only way to take these guys down is by massive and i mean massive civil-disobedience... MASSIVE!!!! as in all-out... full-court press... civil-rights movement level.... take to the streets and stay there until this is resolved and torah-law becomes the law of the land or die tryin'... i'm ready to stand up and deliver...or sit-down and disrupt business as usual... whatever it takes to be like rebbi akiva and do what he did in the face of such an utter travesty of justice and in earshot of such mocking hypocrisy... of lying, thieving and jew-hating and jewish self-loathing... i'm ready to be openly defiant as he was with his public torah lectures and discourses... this is what rav meir said we should do if a referrendum was not held... this is what he said we should do... referrendum or revolution... remember? and so here we are... at the edge... on the brink... hanging out over the precipice... and on the verge of monumental events about to unfold... and this is what we should do... and it feels so right... call for the immediate enactment of all torah laws period and don't cease doing so until the last man, woman and child... and we will keep on it and at it and we won't back down ever and we won't take no for an no... not this time... not anymore... never again...

well that's it folks... that's the whole plan... nothing else needs to be done... nothing else will work anyhow... massive civil-disobedience... this is the way... this is the way forward for us... this is the only path left open for us to take to actually do something great, noble and brave... this is a real avenue still available to us of such magnitude and world-stage import and vision... of kiddush Hashem mamash!!! they have sealed off all our other paths to power (Hashem's paths thru us)... they have gone too far these murderers and they are already way over the line with us... and they drew first blood repeatedly now for years hiding behind arab terror that they direct to get us to fold and run away and capitulate... well this feels righteous to me anyway... and there isn't another alternative better than this one... only our fear will keep us from recognizing this approach as just and proper... only our trepidation will keep us from an heroic and valorous stand to be put up there... win or lose... right along side mordechai and esther's and matisyahu and his maccabee sons' two precedent-setting and trailblazing examples of courage and virtue..  and so this is the way to go...

in defiance of their moral bankruptcy... in total negation of their right to rule... this is what they deserve in any event... they have earned our rebellion.... there is no forgetting and no forgiving ever for what they have done since the shoah and onward since before statehood even... against jabotinsky, stern and begin... and since then too... with the sephardic atrocities and anti-torah measures and stances over the decades... and to the more recent slayings of all of our leaders, friends and neighbors (loved ones) beginning with rav meir... well this is finally it!!! the gauntlet is cast down and we are at it for real.... to the end... no matter who falls... no matter who falters... we know the truth... the real truth... the only truth... and we know G-d is on the side of torah-true judaism... by any means necessary... revolution now!!!

"if not now... when?" after they take away from us yerushalayim and the rest of yehuda and shomron...? after? after... when there is nothing left of the dream except faith alone??? no... now while we still have some power... now when we still have some resources and man-power... now while so many can still be rallied to our cause and be summoned to our fight for physical freedom and spiritual liberty... now when the torah of G-d beckons us to be her true sons and daughters...  now when we can still show and demonstrate to Hashem and each other (and the world) whose side we are really on... and only on... now... while the yearning for redemption is so awesomely strong and the ache for vengence is burning so fierce... now is the time... now... while the sensation deep within us is a ruach of volcanic fire of pure agony and righteous-indignation...  agony for the slain and martyred and for the forever scarred, maimed and bereaved... agony for the 6 mil. they bled from us by design and on purpose... agony for the land and law of G-d we witness being trampled and spat upon daily and with such arrogant impunity by so many around the globe and b'aretz that it shatters and slashes us to the very core like a sword to the heart... and now is the time while the wound still bleeds so profusely that its memory is fresh and shocks us and sears us with pain... cutting us to the quick leaving us no other option but to fight back for our lives or simply choose to is the time.... NOW!!!

ta... nik. truly with love of and in love for Hashem and israel!!!!
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"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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871   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: it's all in the writings... revolution now!!!!!  on: December 07, 2005, 04:56:53 PM 
yeah... rav binyamin's haggadah and his other writings especially the divrei torah in his darke shel torah parsha sheets are some of the most beautiful, moving and purest torah i have ever learned... PERIOD!!! and rav meir's sefer the jewish idea is without a doubt one of the two most important seforim on yahadut ever written outside of the tenach and talmud.... EVER!!! the other one being derech Hashem by the ramchal...

you people on this forum make me ill... there is so much judaism and truth to be absorbed from the two of them that would straighten out your heads and help you to see what needs to be done and how Hashem anyway is going to get it done even without us...

arguing whether or not we are just spinning our wheels.... READ!!! LEARN!!! AND then start serving G-d and stop whinning... you people make me furious.... so no "ta's" from me today.... nik.
872   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Opposing Feiglin is the yetzer hara on the highest level.  on: December 06, 2005, 09:16:31 PM 
feiglin is thru.... NEXT!!!!! ta... nik.
873   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Open question: where is Gerar?  on: December 06, 2005, 09:15:29 PM 
and besides... it doesn't really matter where it is and whether it is ours as offered to us by G-d at the brit bein habetarim.... because wherever there are goyim in that region threatening the lives of jews we have a right and a commandment to wipe them out and save ourselves... as such all of lebanon, jordan, syria, egypt and saudi arabia and iran are ours for the taking and we should preempt now everywhere before it is too late and we get nuked... ta... nik.

NUKE MECCA NOW!!!!! this is my political party... 
874   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Former Terror Now Director Seeks to Disqualify Right-Wing Party  on: December 06, 2005, 09:09:22 PM 
tell oppenheimer for me to go ef himself... ta... nik. 
875   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / and there you have it folks...  on: December 02, 2005, 03:05:59 AM 
yep there it is... if feiglin really said that avichai is the reason for his success... you know the whole thing is an utter fraud and an absurd waste of time and feiglin has sold-out and changed beyond recognition from his truly courageous and heroic zu artzenu days... because i find avichai to be an obnoxious, vindictive, silly and petty little man who would pull all of our collective kochos into one tiny corner of a lost cause... actually into a never- was-any-hope-at-all cause... i tell you he is a plant on those two boards mentioned and he is sucking the life out of the free thinking and fresh creativity of all of us so-called "right-wingers" and i mean right wing in the right and wrong sense of the term not the right or left nonsense spewed about so much as if from a sewer which has a broken vein...
876   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Feiglin surging in the polls/pshh what a surge....  on: November 30, 2005, 06:53:07 PM 
what surge from 8% to 9%....?? your polls show he is a non-entity... what the hell you been taking? and by the way dictator is spelled dictator not dictater.... what is wrong with you? no one is going to take you seriously if you present yourself to be a moron... that's moron not moran... get it? good... now go back to bed... your bothering us... ta... nik.
877   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Opposing Feiglin is the yetzer hara on the highest level/says who?  on: November 30, 2005, 06:48:08 PM 
go tell this to rav ginsburg who says feiglin is wasting his time with a bunch of reshayim from which salvation can never come... so put that in your pipe and smoke it... ta... nik.
878   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rabbi: Disengage from State  on: November 28, 2005, 11:22:36 PM 
eretz yehudah shall rise again!!! see now even the yeshivah world is catching on and gaining strength and courage... secession now!!!! ta... nik.
879   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Open question: where is Gerar?  on: November 28, 2005, 11:20:46 PM 
gerar is eretz yisroel proper owned by the plishtim at the time yitzchak avinu came there like his father before him to dwell there during a famine... Hashem told him there to stay there and not go as well as his father did all the way down to mitzrayim because he yitz. was an oleh temimah and hence it was asur for him to leave the land for the rest of his entire life... proof positive that aza belongs to us despite the fact that the plishti are descendants of mitzrayim and not of canaan... also because avimelceh tried so hard to get a deal with both of them we konw he knew the land was ours in the future and he just wanted to remain until the inevitable loss to him and his people came to pass... ta... nik.
880   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Kahane won/we can all win now!!!! hit the streets.....  on: November 28, 2005, 11:01:57 PM 
amen... of course this is the way... we are dying... frum families are being killed because we are not insisting on G-d's laws to be immediately enacted... if they were dying and we were not ... i'd say that Hashem is punishing them until they give into Him and comply with torah dictates... but because we are also dying as well... being murdered too therefore there is nothing to conclude other than 1) that our jewish enemies are behind these terrorist bombs and 2) Hashem is allowing so many of them to succeed because we are not standing up to these unjewish jews enough and bravely calling for torah law to be immediately carried out... like cracking down on zenut... like not allowing dam naki to be spilt upon holy soil and spiritually pollute the land of G-d... we need justice and the death of the murderers or their expulsion to cleanse it or re-purify it... and we need to do both sides of the mitzvah of yishuv haaretz... i.e. the kivush half and then the yishuv half... as rav binyamin kahane always taught us... h"yd... and we need to demand the immediate keeping of the sanctity of har habayit... that is at least the ridding of vile arab dogs from roaming up there and defiling it with their tamaei beings... and we must demand and require the immediate implementation of the laws of arei miklat and of ir haneidachat... and the laws of ger toshav b'zman hazeh... none allowed until after yovel begins again and ergo all goyim out of the land and all of their batei avodah zarah closed down immediately...

and Hashem is not giving us any excuses that they are the majority... the unjewish jews and we can't make them do it.. maybe not yet but we haven't even tried to demand it and at least this is demanded of us by G-d... to stand up for Him in His land (not ours or theirs... jews i'm speaking of here and only jews who are the only ones with a legitimate claim to the land... but even so frum or frie... none of us have the reshut to do with this land... G-d's land one iota outside of the tenets and commandments of Hashem's torah) and so we are chayiv for not doing our part enough... to stand and fight... to show at least this much courage to call for the right things to be done... for torah law to reign supreme... and on this failing we are being judged so very harshly these last several years and punished so severely and with so much heartbreaking sadness... losing parts of our holy land and too many parts of our jewish collective body and soul...

come on jews wake up damn it!!!! snap out of it... it is us or them... and we should fear more what Hashem will do to us and against us if we continue to fail Him and not serve Him... rather than worry what the jew-hating goyish world or the self-hating unjews will try to do to us... we should all agree on a particular line in the sand and draw it clear in front of the world and our unjewish brethren and we should vocally and openly tell them what we are prepared to do if they ever dare cross it again... and we should mean it to our death's if necessary... and then let us arise and fight!!!! coup now!!!! viva la revolution!!!! ta... nik.

next time i will quote you the chofetz chaim and others telling us... calling out to us over the ages to stand and to fight... next time... nik. 
881   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: a play out of the ol' self-deposition book....  on: November 26, 2005, 09:57:15 PM 
even this brings no response from you feeble-minded morons...
882   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Kahane won/won what?  on: November 26, 2005, 09:46:32 PM 
open your eyes and shut your mouth for a second and you will see that we have won nothing yet... and we will not have won anything at all until these nazi, erev-rav, unjewish jews are completely removed from power and vanquished forever... and we will have achieved nada until an authentic torah-true state arises from their total collapse and demise and Hashem's truth finally wins out and emerges into the light of day out from their amalekite ashes... no more israeli elections... down with democracy... revolution only... and nothing but revolution... coup now... coup now.... viva la revolution... viva!!! ta... nik. 
883   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / a play out of the ol' self-deposition book....  on: November 23, 2005, 08:58:28 PM 
now that Hashem has forced the hand of sharon to depose himself as did rabin back in '76-'77 which led to begin which had real potential until sharon came along for the cabal and wrecked everything... now yet another sea-change is in the offing... praise the Al-mighty... pray that it be a true revolution and not another false messiah like feiglin, eitam, or you name 'em and pick 'em and fill in the blank_____________ ... the system is broken but sharon has just smashed what was left of it... now is the time to hit the streets and demand kach and kahane chai's restoration... if marzel becomes pm perhaps we have a future... if not... only Hashem and moshiach can help us survive... coup now! coup now! viva la revolution... viva!!! ta... nik.
884   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: a great message for our time from the 60's...  on: November 19, 2005, 11:30:26 PM 
and let's not forget this precious one...
885   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: American Capos  on: November 19, 2005, 11:29:32 PM 
and of course this gem...
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"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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886   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Jewish neighbourhood in Chevron under threat?...  on: November 19, 2005, 11:27:01 PM 
and this one too...
887   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: U.S GOVT killing off JDLERS .  on: November 19, 2005, 11:22:41 PM 
and this one also...
888   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: thinking like a footsoldier in the army of Hashem...  on: November 19, 2005, 11:22:11 PM 
and this one...
889   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: like it or not... like me or not...  on: November 19, 2005, 11:21:39 PM 
this one...
890   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: just remember.../i guess you can't so i'll show you which...  on: November 19, 2005, 11:20:49 PM 
he wasn't the only thing i talked about and i don't post on kahane.whatever... and i am referring to my posts about revolution in israel...
891   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / just remember...  on: November 17, 2005, 10:33:01 PM 
when and if this site goes down from disinterest... just remember that none of you were ever willing to respond to and deal with the substance of my posts... even if to tell me to go to hell for my opinions... you all just decided to ignore me and refused to even deign to respect my offerings for their content and message... and thus you deserve for this alone for this site to fall off the radar and disappear into the black abyss and freefall into oblivion... (tohu v'vohu); but then again that has been for some of you your sole intention all along... thinking of the conversations we could have engendered... ta... nik.
892   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: U.S GOVT killing off JDLERS ./better late than never; i guess...  on: November 09, 2005, 07:31:47 PM 
sheesh... you guys just waking up to this realization NOW? truly we are a blind, deaf and dumb people... i know i said i was gone... but i just couldn't resist this one... this evidence of a level of such utterly pathetic and hapless unwareness... truly sad and depressing and of course there will be no signs of outrage from any of you yellow-bellied and gutless wonders... that's o.k. though 'cause i got you covered... i got your back... i told you i would do something when the time was right and when the time has come and it just has... it is here right now.... i have a path and i am taking it... ta... nik.
893   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!!  on: October 17, 2005, 07:19:25 PM 
Quote from: YBY on October 14, 2005, 12:51:35 PM
The people who discount the Sanhedrin are like blind men walking on dangerous terrain.

and for once you are right on!!! the sanhedrin now formed will lead us to moshiach very soon now... we will have a king and prophets again within the next 2 years.. ta.. nik. 
894   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / like it or not... like me or not...  on: October 17, 2005, 07:01:52 PM 
just for your edification i will draw attention to my posts where i list and predict things that have not virtually but literally have come true in the last few weeks... i said texas would be hit next and soon after katrina and it was... (rita and katrina combined presented the bush white house with a nice hefty 5 billion dollar damage assessment to oil and military and corporate interests)... and i said the east coast would be pummelled and it was and is still in the process of being whacked... one more of these and had i been told by G-d of these things (i wasn't and do not claim to have been) i would qualify for a navi... look to d.c. or environs in md. or virginia to be next... annapolis or langley are my guess... next on Hashem's "hit parade" on america... if this third thing comes to pass which i said would probably occur instead of ahavat seeing l.a. as next... which wasn't far off because fires ravaged the valley hills shortly thereafter but did negligible damage to sites of military or corporate wealth importance as i am claiming is G-d's goal and aim here since the rape of gush katif... it is however raining quite heavily here now the last couple of days so we will see ahavat... but if any of these next set of targets or even one or the other.... or west point gets it worse than the past week of ny/nj storms...then i will fall in the category of some low-level of ruach hakodesh... not prophecy mind you i have not dreamed these storms or been told by Hashem they will occur... but i sense His plan and know somehow that He is livid with america and the world right now... but you guys go right ahead discounting me... i could care less... i serve G-d not you all... and i called these last 2 major weather events dead-on... dead-on... and as such should earn some modicum of your respect... i called them both long before they appeared on the doppler screens... so go back and check my posts out and look at the dates and you will see the truth.... that is if any of you can be objective for even five minutes... so there it is... put that in your yom tov cups and drink it!!! as for me.. i am through here... ta... nik.   
895   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: thinking like a footsoldier in the army of Hashem...  on: October 17, 2005, 06:51:11 PM 
o.k. all... ta... ta... have it your way i'm gone... if i can't get any of you to address this message i posted and react to it... fine... have a great life... see ya guys... you all can't handle anything i have to say so i'm wasting my time with you... so long... nik.
896   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: thinking like a footsoldier in the army of Hashem...  on: October 14, 2005, 12:03:25 AM 
true enough ahavat... i have no G-d according to that chazal... but even david hamelech had to go into hiding... to escape from shaul... when the time is right i will be there too and then when i do have a G-d then you'll really see what i can do... ta... nik.

p.s. meanwhile none of you can handle my posts so i'll just have to go elsewhere.... you are all so intellectually dishonest and totally without vision... sorry... 
897   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / we need a king...  on: October 13, 2005, 11:58:08 PM 
viva la revolution... viva!!!
898   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / one footsoldier in the army of Hashem has trumped all you armchair generals...  on: October 12, 2005, 04:17:46 AM 
is there no one with the guts or brains to debate me or answer me? thought not... sorry to have awoken you... go back to sleep... by all means... nighty night... don't let the bedbugs bite... ta... nik.
899   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!!/an idea whose time has come...  on: October 12, 2005, 04:11:45 AM 
revolution... the one and only thing the left and sharon truly fear...
900   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / thinking like a footsoldier in the army of Hashem...  on: October 02, 2005, 09:54:52 PM 
and not like a general in the army of the erev rav...

the L-rd is the L-rd of Hosts... He doesn't need feiglin and He most certainly doesn't need likud... likud as a party should only die tonight and i would be thrilled... Hashem rules the earth and everything in it... and he will choose His own leader to send... we should be aligning ourselves spiritually only with the coming of that leader and no one else... AND WE SHOULD GIVE OUR ALLEGIANCE NOWHERE ELSE AND TO NO ONE ELSE EVER AGAIN!! NO BIBI... NO BEGIN... NO EITAM... NO FEIGLIN AND OF COURSE CLEAREST OF ALL... NO SHARON.... NO ONE ANYMORE PERIOD...

for from the moment that they banned rav meir under shamir... yemach shemo v'zichro.... from that precise second they became pasul... from that exact time they became clearly an instrument of esav (gog)... of avodah zara... and of the sitra acher.... and to whose end i will never vote for or lend support for nor ever again look toward for yeshua... they are totally without scruples and totally without a jewish neshama... and thus no good for k'lal yisroel can or will ever come from them...

the good elements if indeed there be any remaining at all should bolt the party and start anew.... but even this is too little... too late... and would now be just another meaningless and worthless gesture at caring about the welfare of jews and as such just another desperate flailing attempt to right the capsized and quickly submerging ship-of-state of the late-great state of israel...

for this state and the likud as its leading and driving force are already dead... and have been ever since they banned rav meir... but only recently now have we been able to see likud and israel for the corpse that it has long ago already become... from then until now it has already been dead but we did not yet see it as so... so jews away from its midst... it is tamei matim... tamei... tamei yikaru... and as david ha melech... sweet singer of israel composed.... (psalm 115:6-7)... "lo ha matim yehallelu Kah... v'lo kal yordei dumah... v'anachnu nevarech Kah... mayatah v'ad olam... hallelukah..." / "(for) neither the dead can praise G-d... nor any who descend in silence... but we will bless G-d from this time forward and forever... Hallelukah..."

for (wicked) jew or gentile spiritually or physically it would seem neither of them can praise G-d even while they are still alive nor any who go down to the grave (this is obvious that they can no longer praise G-d) they certainly cannot since they are now dead... but david is teaching us that even these while yet breathing are as if already dead... they are the virtual-dead and as such cannot and will not praise G-d or serve Him... they are as good as gone... as good as dead.... and eventhough they yet walk around among us since they have proven themselves to be totally dedicated and committed to evil and are therefore destined to burn in hell forever for their rebellion against G-d... they are already considered by G-d and the righteous on earth as if they have already passed on... and since they would never change even if they lived forever we can now regard them as dead and as insignificant and we should shun them, abhor them and revile them... "reshayim b'chayayhem keruiim matim" / "the evil even during their lifetime are already called dead..." but we the faithful and loyal still to G-d... we are the living... the only truly living... and we "tzadikim afilu b'mitatam keruiim chayim" / "the righteous even when dead are still called living..."  so we will bless and serve G-d with everything we have and we will live forever...

and so since their entire lives are spent sinning against G-d... against the torah... and against the people of israel and the land of israel... and thus against their very own souls... so they are already dead even while still physically and only clinically or technically alive... they are complete and utter reshayim with no good left in them and therefore their destruction is only a moment away... they are as if lost forever already... tshuvah is even beyond their reach... not that they are ever actually reaching out for it... and so we should pay them no heed... give them no quarter... nor give them any respect... neither should we fear them or give in to their demands or decrees... we the living servants of the L-rd of Hosts should stand in total rebellion against them and against everything they stand for... rejecting and revolting against everything they espouse or believe in... we the living should never allow them to lead us anywhere... ever again!!! it is over for them...

they are totally pasul... like an etrog irretrievably unfit for use on succot to fulfill the mitzvah... they are tamei forever.... not even the parah adumah can revive them and purify them... just like a dead body cannot come back to life or be made pure by the sprinkling of the ashes of the red heifer... but must await the special tal... the dew of techiat ha matim to return to life... so these are dead already eventhough we see them upright and talking... etc. it is only k'ilu (as if) they are still alive... that is all... only we are really living.... they are dead... they are like the zombies in the movie... "the night of the living-dead"... and therefore we should fight them tooth and nail and never surrender to them no matter how many of us they continue to kill thru their surrogate wild beasts and sub-human murder-machines... show them no kindness or mercy... give them no credence... ignore their every command and we should only give allegiance to and be davek to (cling to) the truly living G-d of israel... the sole lifegiver of the universe... the source of life for all living beings... amen selah! rak kach!!!! (only thus!) ta... nik. 
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901   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!!/why???????  on: October 02, 2005, 09:45:17 PM 
oy gottismir... enough with the feiglin and likud already.... ta... nik.
902   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Feiglin should quit his utopia and quit Likud ALREADY!!!/you said it brother...  on: October 02, 2005, 09:43:37 PM 
more whitenoise from avichai... yadayadayada... ta... nik.
903   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is hurricane Katrina Hashems revenge.  on: October 02, 2005, 09:41:45 PM 
agoi is alright in my book... so far so good... wish i could say the same about some of the jews on here...he e-mailed me privately... he meant isiah 14... he's on our side... ta... nik.
904   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: feiglin, revolution or holocaust...  on: September 30, 2005, 01:30:19 PM 
feiglin can't win... and G-d will thank G-d never allow another holocaust... He is already in the process of bringing america to her knees for the tiny strip of land she stole away from us last summer and that leaves...  REVOLUTION.... the surest and the best way for us thru our own mesirat nefesh to help bring moshiach... rav meir always held that when and if we stand up for Him in the world against all the goyim then and then only will Hashem send moshiach... and then we will suffer less in the long run this way than if we sit back and do nothing and wait for Hashem to do it all for us... while we show no loyalty and trust... in this ofen (manner) we will still get moshiach eventually but with a whole lot more yisurim and pain... better for us to do the equivalent of brit milah and korban pesach in mitzrayim and then Hashem will come to our rescue all the more quickly, swiftly and decisively... ta... nik.
905   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Feiglin should quit his utopia and quit Likud/more like gulag than nirvana...  on: September 30, 2005, 01:22:27 PM 
right you are... he had something great going when he founded and led zu artzenu and he should go back to rabble-rousing angrily from the streets... that is what he does and did best anyhow... besides revolution is our ONLY hope now anyway... ta... nik.
906   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!!/long articles from m.y.  on: September 29, 2005, 08:10:03 PM 
Quote from: YBY on September 29, 2005, 05:44:29 PM
Avichai there really is no need to post these lengthy articles here since most of us probably visit the manhigut website.

not to mention the fact that they are an utter waste of time for us since the whole israeli political and electoral process is beyond corrupt and well beyond salvaging for any good for k'lal yisroel... only total revolution and/or moshiach will help... rak kach!!! (only thus) (fist in the air)... ta.. nik.
907   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Jewish neighbourhood in Chevron under threat?... you betcha!  on: September 29, 2005, 08:02:03 PM 
lies, lies and more damnable lies... of course jerusalem is on the chopping block... hamish exposed this secret clause of oslo years ago already with the other one for 90+% of the west bank to be tossed in as well... and barak was just aching to sign on the dotted line with arafat for both of these savage seditious betrayals... yemach shemam v'zichram... for jerusalem is just a sandy pile of rocks to the self-hating jews... and the west bank nothing more than sheep pasturage... i heard what's-his-face... belien on an l.a. radio talk-show saying that the temple mount has to go and that it was only (in his words)... "a kind of a sacrifice" to give it up... not even a painful concession like sharon-nazi always says... only sort of a hard choice... these are diseased jewish souls who need to be removed from the planet by Divine visitation... mita b'day shemayim... please G-d soon... ta... nik.
908   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "The Case of the Stolen Goat"/and the sick get sicker...  on: September 29, 2005, 07:51:16 PM 
it is all a gov. sponsored plot to remove them by fabricating violence and tension and then instead of the arabs being punished and removed... of course it will be the jews... sick stuff from a sick and demented medina... ta... nik.
909   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: another filthy salvo from yby...  on: September 28, 2005, 07:43:03 PM 
let me see if i got this right... now you want your wife to do your fighting for you? my... my... my... o.k. how about this... i'll close my eyes and count to ten and you run and hide and i promise to come and find you... i know just where to look too... right behind your wife's skirt... or does she wear the pants in your family as well...? ta... nik.

p.s. oh and by the way... "between you and myself" is incorrect grammar... it should have read... "between myself and you"... or "between you and me" or even "between me and you"... anyway... enjoy... n.
910   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Chevron under threat?/and jerusalem can't be far behind... G-d forbid...  on: September 28, 2005, 07:36:57 PM 
Quote from: revava_aus on September 28, 2005, 07:02:04 PM
no. what i meant was that i didnt want chevron to be free of jews. however in the expulsion of jews from gaza, it could not be prevented. i dont see thousands of people marching to stop whatever will happen in chevron

or anywhere else in yehudah and shomron for that matter... maybe just perhaps when it is yerushalayim on the chopping block jews will finally awaken and be heard from with enough fire in the belly to make a difference... maybe... one can at least hold out some small modicum of hope in any event... ta... nik.
911   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: withdrawals and intimidation....  on: September 28, 2005, 03:39:46 PM 
withdrawals thru intimidation... this is what yby is guilty of and he should be censured from the moderator for his tone with ahavat yisroel and for his open, low-life threat leveled against me... however someone besides myself will have to do the honors... for i am not a sissy nor am i afraid of him and do not wish to appear so by tattling on him to the webmaster... but objectively speaking his rhetoric lately has been way over the line... agree or disagree? ta... nik.
912   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: yby metaphorically challenged...  on: September 28, 2005, 02:55:12 PM 
yby you are a real piece of work... let me tell you.... i'm not calling you out for a fist fight you moron... i'm using the haggadah as a reference to tell people here to stand up to you and your foul, bad-mouthing of everyone and encouraging them to fight you hard in a "war of words"... like civilized jews... not barbarians... but let me give you a tad bit of sound advice in concern for your equilibrium... "if you can't take the heat... stay the hell... way out of the kivshan ha aish!"... ta... nik.

p.s. oh and by the way... let me give you another good, solid piece of advice... i assure you y... you absolutely want no part of me... you have no idea with whom you are dealing... n.
913   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: a great message for our time from the 60's.../retractions and deletions...  on: September 28, 2005, 08:59:02 AM 
no one here should ever feel that they have to remove or alter their posts because someone misunderstood what they were saying... clairifications... yes... self-censorization.... never!!! i'm sorry you took down your message ahavat... you should not have to bow to the likes of yby and his vile and filthy mouth... rather as the haggadah says... you should be "bashing his teeth in" this is what he deserves and not the self-satisfaction of seeing you backdown... ta... nik.
914   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: a great message for our time from the 60's.../disgruntled in l.a.  on: September 28, 2005, 01:14:16 AM 
i wasn't the one who was insulted... you ding-dong... ahavat was!!!! don't you even recall that you were responding to ahavat? man are we a messed up people... sheesh.... ta... nik.
915   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Jewish neighbourhood in Chevron under threat?.../what else is new?  on: September 28, 2005, 01:11:31 AM 
what do you expect from a pig but a grunt? ta... nik.
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916   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!! where was he?  on: September 27, 2005, 01:34:11 PM 
and where was his famed strength? alleged koach that is... ta... nik.
917   General Category / Revava news, FAQ's and announcements / Re: Announcement: Join the Hameir L'David/Revava Mailing List  on: September 27, 2005, 01:32:47 PM 
david... is this for receiving darka shel torah and action newsletters too? i haven't received anything in the mail from you in quite awhile... warm regards... ketiva v'chatima tovah... ta... nik.
918   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: yby... big boy inc...  on: September 27, 2005, 01:25:58 PM 
ooh! what a big boy you are... using such filthy language and all... you must be real grown up... anyway this proves that you are just way too cool for the rest of us... but fyi you weren't just being sarcastic you were being obnoxious and insulting as everyone can now tell for certain by how you responded back to me.... you are loathesome and need to learn some manners... so go such an egg... maybe that will help... at least it will help us out as it will make you shut the hell up! ta... nik.
919   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Shlomo Aviner: Must See Site & Video!  on: September 27, 2005, 01:19:50 PM 
thanks for the info and the heads up... ta... nik.
920   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!!/april showers bring may flowers...  on: September 26, 2005, 11:59:32 PM 
but the elections next spring are as irrelevant as this string...  ~~~~~~    ta... nik.
921   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: a great message for our time from the 60's...  on: September 26, 2005, 07:15:53 PM 
go to hell yby... you don't also have to be drowning to throw someone else a line to save them... this is why, rav meir wrote, Hashem made moshe rebenu grow up separate in the palace of the pharaoh... so he wouldn't have a golus mentality and would rise up to protest unafraid of the egyptian taskmasters at the appropriate time... of course his wanting to identify with the suffering of his brethren was a great mida... and so when he went "out to see their plight firsthand for himself" this was of course an admirable trait and made him all the more worthy of becoming G-d's agent of rescue... and according to chazal he even went so far as to get down in the pits with them and felt the slavemaster's lash on his own back as well... but this is not a contradiction... because when he felt their pain it did not reduce him to their level of abject misery and degradation... because he still maintained his royal bearing and human dignity and therefore he was able to fight back.... so stick that in your pipe and smoke it you dangerously misguided jew (dangerous for the rest of us too)... ta... nik.
922   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: American Capos/right you are...  on: September 26, 2005, 06:52:22 PM 
they (we) are essentially capos... really should be spelled... kapos... anyway... we are too frightened not to make waves here which would get our so-called jewish leadership upset with us or and especially so in consideration of our host goyim; powers-that-be... yemach shemam v'zichram... we american jews even orthodox and even rabbis lack the guts to do or say anything... and so the blood of the martyrs of oslo ooze out from every pour of our being... and we are just as culpable as the left who drive the suicide process... we see it as a forced policy rammed down the israeli publics and world jewry's collective throats... and yet we agree to the vile disengagement because... "who are we to tell israeli jews how to live and what to do or not do..." as if a referendum had been held and passed... (even that would have been asur and a chillul Hashem... but for argument's sake...)... and so our rabbis cower behind these precious gems of sedition and betrayal and worry over their pensions and their kavod from israeli muckymucks on their next little junket to the holy land... and so they hide like knaves behind lies and communal fear of raised jew-hatred and claim the rest of us are forbidden min hatorah from raising the octave any higher on the debate or from doing anything to "rock the boat" or ratchet up the machlochet and thus "endanger" precious american jewry... i loathe the appelation and am ashamed to be a part of such a cowardice group... we are yellow... we are pathetic... and we are therefore even more chayiv than our parents and grandparents generation of the shoah... we have more clout... more wealth... more power and the ability to speak up and have had the courage in our youth to have done so before for others and on behalf of more universal and therefore more "acceptable" causes... and most crucial of all... we have prior precedent to warn us and alert us to swift and decisive action... and thus when we do nothing for our fellow jews whose blood is being spilled almost on a daily basis... like by tali hatuel and those pure and precious little neshamot of hers... we are even more of an outrage to G-d... G-d if the thought of tali and her girls and fetus doesn't fill you with rage even still and make you spit bullets and blood... vying and agitating for revenge!!!!!! and indeed this is gufah the true litmus test... if her and her children's murder doesn't bother you to this degree than you are not a real jew and i abhor you and disown you.... even if your silence and reticence and lack of anger stems from fear of reprisal mayace the goyim and not from apathy which is of course infinitely worse... but even if due to cowardice and timidity both of these cop-outs are sick enough and are also inexcusable... because it is demanded of you to do something... anything... even if it is only to call 911 and not to actually step in like chuck norris and prevent or deter the attack... but G-d demands at least that you summon the requisite courage to at least do something... and we all can at least cry out and protest in anger and death daven.... and thus not be guilty of "standing idly by when our brother's blood is being spilled..." lo tamud al dam rayecha!!!!" screams out from the pages of the chumash at us to act and to act with fervor!!!!!  i have also been guilty of this myself in the past but no more... never again!!!! never!!!! ta... nik.
923   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: a great message for our time from the 60's...  on: September 26, 2005, 06:35:49 PM 
as you wish... but from my vantage point the front line jews you refer to are largely passive and hoping to avoid any and all confrontation save for an occassional protest march or two... no real defiance... not even widespread civil-disobedience which is still non-violent... anyway... i'll take my shot from here first and from there when the moment is right... ta... nik.
924   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / why we here still have spunk....  on: September 26, 2005, 03:37:48 PM 
what we have going for us here in golus... it would seem... is that the fight has not been drained from us by all the emense suffering from terrorism directed by the left via the arab-dogs and leveled at the dati and settler... this is what we have going for us still... we are so far free from their evil schemes and machinations...

also we are truly free... while our democracy stinks and has been rigged for a long while by the cfr-fascists, etc. they still have not gone to a totalitarian reign of psychological terror and physical abuse on all of us peons who stand in open rebellion to them, against them and of them... they are too powerful they think and therefore are not afraid of what we might do or say because they feel so secure in their control... in israel itself that is not true... anyone like a binyamin or meir kahane is a real and not just a perceived threat to the establishment and so they have gone after any and all of these... now if i got to the kahane's exalted level of mesirat nefesh and widespread appeal and influence here in the states... i'm sure they would have to deal with me... but i am a nothing here (not that i care) but i am secretly having more effect than they know about but if i came to israel i might be too much for the sickos to swallow and they would get rid of me...

so i stay here for the meantime and try and whip up support for open revolution and generate encouragement and sentiment for a coup d'etat... then we can all go home and create a torah state and await moshiach... until then unless you are willing to silently endure all the abuse of power and quietly refrain from protest of despotic treatment of jews then you can abide in israel... if you cannot stand it and know you would have to cry out... better to do it in chutz l'aretz because you do none of us any good dead or in jail...

take care all and G-d bless... i remain... nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of the G-d of israel... and i yearn for redemption with every fiber of my being... and i ache for vengeance with every breath of my soul... ta... nik. 
925   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re:another great message for our time this time from rabbi ginsburg...  on: September 25, 2005, 08:29:37 PM 
i know... i know... i'm totally whacked! huh? well then i suggest you all read some of rabbi ginsburg's latest writngs on the subject... "time to crack the nut" and "time for action"...  ta... nik.
926   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is hurricane Katrina Hashems revenge.  on: September 25, 2005, 08:11:02 PM 
he quoted yesha 14... i put out a call to him to answer who this is... isiaih or yashka... let's see what he says... otherwise he has only quoted the real bible... ta... nik.
927   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / a great message for our time from the 60's...  on: September 25, 2005, 04:33:25 PM 
remember this one from good ol' professor timothy LSD leary?

"tune out... drop out... turn on...."

well it fits our situation b'aretz to a tee right now...

tune out... and ignore all the noise and nonsense emanating out from from the american/israeli and western culture... we are all pledged to total revolution from this point forward...

drop out... and refuse any and all cooperation with the evil regimes... their authority over us is forfeit and we demand that they leave G-d's land and leave it alone and that until they do so... until they leave us alone... we will not join their armies... we will no longer pay their taxes... we will not participate in their elections... and we will no more recognize their rule... and we will no longer obey their laws... we declare as of right now our complete independence from them...

and turn on... to torat Hashem... embuing ourselves with ruchniut embibing deeply from the pure wellsprings of the derech Hashem by lazzatto and the jewish idea by kahane... we stand in utter and complete rebellion against the memshelet zadon ruling the earth... they may whip our bodies or imprison us... or slaughter us... but our souls are free and we are totally liberated from this moment and henceforth...
from their control and hegemony over us... we await Hashem's chosen king... moshiach to rule over us and no one else...

and so be it resolved that we recognize no human form of government over us and take back our liberties and rights once ceeded to them because they have proven themselves criminally negligent in their former responsibilities to care and show concern for the welfare of the house of israel and have been shockingly indifferent to jewish pain and suffering... safety and security or the lack thereof throughout history ~ worldwide and thus they have long ago broken the social contract between us and we will no longer bow to their leadership or bend to their decree... they rule by fiat now and not by right and it is our sworn duty and obligation to throw off the yoke of their enslavement and oppression and it is our solemn and holy oath to swear our allegiance only to the torah and to the G-d of israel and we pledge our lives and sacred honor to this end and to each other...  and declare all jews worldwide to be free and emancipated jews forever from the serfdom of the nations and from the G-dlessness of the unjewish erev-rav jews b'aretz... amen selah... a blueprint and a call for a government-in-exile to follow... please G-d...  nikmatdam...

this is what it is going to take...

so who will join me? who will stand with me? sign your name or handle...
928   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / point of clarification need from agoi...  on: September 25, 2005, 04:13:21 PM 
hey man... in one of your posts you quoted a yesha 14... who is that isiaih or jesus? please respond...
929   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Good news for erev-Shabos/good news yes... great news no...  on: September 23, 2005, 04:34:53 PM 
amen... kain yirbu! but anything short of turning gaza into one giant parking lot is news not yet good enough for me... i want their blood so bad i can taste it in my mouth.... genocide now to all of them!!! it is way too good just to throw them out... i want to bury the lot of them... men, women and especially children just like the torah states... i say give them eretz yisroel... all of it... only make it just the part that's 6 feet under!!!! there is no forgetting and there will never be any forgiving for what they have wrought us... remember tali hatuel and her children and do not show them any mercy... no mercy!!! they all deserve to die... justice and vengeance demands it... the spilled dam naki b'aretz of our innocent people cries out for it... we must perform the mitzvot involved here properly... "those who show mercy to the cruel will in the end show cruelty to the merciful..." never were any wiser words spoken... shabat shalom... nik.
930   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: by the way... hurricane rita is texas bound... just as i called it...  on: September 23, 2005, 12:36:22 PM 
well i readily acknowledge what you just said... but if in fact the bible codes are correct... then 2010 is the year of reckoning for l.a. as a massive earthquake is predicted... so there is no need for a tsunami first... but i am not G-d and i conceed the possibility of your scenario coming true... it is just not what my intuition tells me... and since it called texas out of nowhere... and it said "very soon now"... i trust it to tell me that the east coast and d.c. are the more immediate targets.... but we will just have to wait and see... ta... nik.
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931   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Is hurricane Katrina Hashems revenge/yes but not as hot as ahavat's revenge...  on: September 23, 2005, 12:24:08 PM 
ouch!!! whoa... i apologize... then what were you saying...? i know not of this guy other than he quoted from torah our obligation to throw the goyim out of ey and therefore i thought he was on our side... how am i supposed to know from his one post that he is an evangelist...? i thought he was more of a ben noach... and so i again apologize but then i completely don't understand what you were trying to convey to me... and whether i tell a goy or a jew about the jewish people's lack of obedience to our duty is not the point... what is the point is that it is plain to see by everyone that we as a people are not complying with G-d's torah dictates... would that it weren't so... but alas inescapably it is... and has been the case for close to 300 years now... since the early reform days and the sabbatian/frankist heresies... sorry... but i just call 'em the way i see 'em... and i don't give a rip who is listening... the chillul Hashem is not my revealing the truth... the chillul Hashem is our people living especially on the sacred soil of ey while in open rebellion against the commandment to keep mitzvot and in flagrant defiance of the will of G-d... that is the avlah... not my making it public knowledge... and if i embarrass any jew because of it... then good... maybe someone will take it to heart and become more observant and then we will see a lessening of our collective suffering and finally see an end to this tragic golus... ta... nik.
932   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Nu?! What's up with the registration for the elections, did you guys get in?  on: September 22, 2005, 10:18:23 PM 
the ones who belong to all the world bodies of secular zionism... wzo, aza, world jewish congress... etc. the only good zionist groups are the rza and the zoa... one is dati and the other is run by mort klein...both mean well but have virtually no power vis a vis the other groups dominated by the haters of G-d, torah and judaism... 
933   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: A salute to a real Jewish hero/the most powerful nazis got away....  on: September 22, 2005, 10:10:47 PM 
that's gufah my point... he should have been after the american and british nazis as they represented the main ones who made hitler's evildoing possible... and they are the ones who survived unscathed to genocide the planet further... ala... korea, viet nam, laos, cambodia, russia, china, the entire continent of africa, parts of india and indonesia, both gulf wars, the balkans with serbia, albania, croatia and kosovo, etc. they are the nazis who won the war... and they have never met a genocide that they didn't love and embrace whole heartedly... they are the ones who should have been prosecuted first and foremost to stop them from nazifying the entire earth as they have done ever since ww2 with absolute impunity... ta... nik.
934   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Nu?! What's up with the registration for the elections, did you guys get in?  on: September 22, 2005, 08:21:30 PM 
he was not giving up so easily... he was asking for us to protest and make phone calls and demonstrations and the like... all of which i know are futile given the rape of gush katif... these people will not listen to our voices and will not respect our rights... you cannot move them... they are deaf to our appeals... go ahead and go for it... but you are just spinning your wheels... only revolution can help us now... ta... nik.
935   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is hurricane Katrina Hashems revenge.  on: September 22, 2005, 05:37:11 PM 
agoi... i think ahavat meant that there are jews who know the truth but who are too scared to stand up and fight for it... as for me... all i meant was that you are correct but that i am saddened that a gentile knows this better than more than half of G-d's chosen people do... people who should know all of this from their youth with every fiber of their being but alas they do not... and quite the opposite they fight against G-d's cause and refuse to live up to the calling He has given us.... take care and G-d bless... nik.
936   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: A salute to a real Jewish hero/there aren't any left...  on: September 22, 2005, 05:21:31 PM 
now is precisely the time to lay it all out on the table... how and why the holocaust happened and who was really behind it... and how our parents and grandparents generation failed us because of their fear to protest and their trepidation of authority... all of it... especially the so-called jewish leadership establishment in america and the foul and vile jewish agency in israel... they followed every sinister order they gave and allowed themselves to be duped at best or were cajoled at worst into silence and inaction though they knew the evil they represented but were not man enough to stand up against them and so 6mil. of our people perished and the real perps got away and were never made to stand trial and face their crimes... from my research and the documentation i have personally seen i know that there is no denying this truth and your anger at me is misplaced because you lack even an elementary understanding of who was in charge in europe and america and who was calling the shots and why... i could tell you but you wouldn't believe me anyway and so what's the use...? you are so utterly blind and deaf to the truth that it pains me to tell you of it... your little blissful world of ignorance is all you and people like you have and when that is threatened you all turn so nasty and downright insulting... all in order to protect your tiny little bubble of an illusion of security... to prevent it from bursting wide open and leaving you petrified from the fear of the unknown... you really are pathetic... you would kill the messenger (which is all that i am) but would let the real murderers continue to walk around unabated... leaving them in complete control rather than ever dare attempt to bring them to justice or at least expose their crimes against humanity for all the world to see... your cowardice disgusts me... but rav meir warned us of all the little men with no guts and how angry they become when they are frightened and backed into a corner from which there is no way out unless they bury the truth and the one who comes to reveal it... so that they can feel safe again and continue to sleep and dream their sweet reveries of self-deception and self-delusion... enjoy your nap! ta... nik.
937   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: revava banned again just like kahane, kach and kahane chai before them...  on: September 22, 2005, 02:52:59 PM 
what a surprise! sorry guys... another futile attempt and effort for a woefully futile goal... david ha'ivri sent me notice of revava's rejection from the congress... even if they qualify they're still excluded... why? because the zionists are a dead avodah zarah that only appeared to look like a yeshua but ever since even before the founding of the state they have been working for the destruction of torah and the faithful... they have been and are still in collusion with the arab-rodents and the west waging a war of annihilation against torah, G-d and dati world-jewry...they will never relent... they will never conceed and they will never let israel become a torah state... they are fanatical about this and emphatic about it in every speech they give and in every publication they print... they would all rather be dead or become dhimmi to the arab-dogs than allow moshiach to rule... our only option is to fight... our only hope besides when moshiach comes... is to revolt... and it is coming right down to it now... either we rise up or they will silence us forever... G-d forbid... it is now or never... viva la revolution... viva!!! ta... nik.
938   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: A salute to a real Jewish hero.  on: September 22, 2005, 08:52:34 AM 
and because it is elul... truth has to take a hiatus?
939   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re:water... water... everywhere... but not a drop to drink...  on: September 22, 2005, 08:50:10 AM 
it's no joke... there was one on the oregon beachfront back a few decades... it could happen if there is an earthquake in the pacific strong enough to cause one... up until now they have always gone eastward toward japan, etc. but who knows... maybe i'll be writing my posts submerged... lo alenu... however as true to my insight... i believe Hashem is going after major corporate wealth... i.e. oil... and military strength... i rather think next he might strike closer to home... home being the goal to wipe out d.c. and then the geulah can begin in real earnest... ta... nik.
940   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re:give Hashem the next cy young award...  on: September 21, 2005, 11:51:52 PM 
rita's even going faster and packing more of a punch than i thought she would... strike one was a wicked curve in on the hands of miss./alab. and now strike two is a 175 mile an hour fastball right down the old pike to texas... and strike three... well... stay tuned y'all... ta... nik.
941   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: A salute to a real Jewish hero/truth in low places...  on: September 21, 2005, 07:01:57 PM 
i am honestly "low" enough to want to speak the truth at all times and let the chips fall where they may... the aftermath of the holocaust and all of the testimonials and memorials are all based upon a huge lie that america rode in on her white horse to save the day... when the actual truth is that america stayed out of the war as long as she possibly could because a majority of her industrialists and financiers (not to mention the many politicians in their hip pockets) such as the rockefellers, ford, carnegie, du pont, the kennedy/fitzgeralds, the harriman/roosevelts, and the bush/walkers etc. were all on the nazi side having invested heavily in pre-war germany and secretly undermining the weimar republic in order to bring hitler to power... these american nazis were aided by their british counterparts in and out of the gov. and banking industry and the throne of england...

weisenthal was a potential thorn or burr in their sides... and either he could have or did uncover their complicity and guilt so they had him largely silenced only allowing him to bring to justice those nazis not valuable to the west or only years and years later when they were no longer of any use to them... not to mention that they blocked his investigations whenever and wherever they came close to exposing american and british elite involvement and/or outright participation in the murder of the 6 mil. like the avriell harriman/prescot bush connection to the slave-labor benefits they accrued to the tune of millions of dollars from aushwitz...

so yes you got it... i am this low without hesitation... so as to try and bring all of this truth out with rage and anger and to sink to the level of demanding justice and vengeance even if it means poo-pooing the life work of simon weisenthal... the answer is yes... i am scum and refuse if i have to be to bring the truth to the surface and i don't care who i expose or who i implicate in the process of doing so... the answer is yes... and to paraphrase garth brooks: "i've found truth in low places..." ta... nik.
942   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: by the way... hurricane rita is texas bound... just as i called it...  on: September 21, 2005, 06:44:43 PM 
that should be el shadai... and yes we are unworthy and that is why ezekeil 36-38 is coming true now where it states that Hashem will redeem us despite of ourselves... as He says... "i am not doing this for you... but for My great name sake... because I am sick and tired of My name being dragged thru the mud... and degraded on account of you in the world..." (which means among other things that everytime israel takes one on the chin G-d is humilated yet again and wherever a jew suffers under the heel of the gentile in golus G-d's name is desecrated a little bit further until it will reach the moment when G-d can stand it no longer and He will rise up to defend His own glory and honor)... this is what is happening right now with these two storms... kain yirbu! ta... nik.
943   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: by the way... hurricane rita is texas bound... just as i called it...  on: September 21, 2005, 03:36:08 PM 
yes we are... He does everything for us... we can't know His ways before He does things... but during and after we can and we do... to say different is blasephemy and kefira... as moshe rebenu was shown these truths after the golden calf incident when Hashem forgave us and passed His whole essence before moshe on har sinai... blocking moshe's view from the front but allowing him to see from behind... hamaven yaven... ta... nik. and i won't be a fool no matter how this turns out... because i called it before it was in the news or before anyone saw it coming... i knew it was on the way because i know that Hashem is fighting for us and is striking back now and just like in mitzrayim of course He could have started with makot bechorot and finished them off and ended the whole thing right then and there... but he had a reason and a plan to slow the process down to a ten-step procedure to liberate us... to increase His glory and honor in the world and to teach us forever His might and invincibility... as it says... "so that you can tell your children and grandchildren after you how i toyed with mitzrayim..." same same here ... and it is so delicious.... i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem and i yearn for redemption and i ache for vengeance...
944   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!!  on: September 21, 2005, 03:14:39 PM 
then why are you giving me so much flak?
945   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: by the way... hurricane rita is texas bound... just as i called it...  on: September 21, 2005, 03:07:10 PM 
i am not saying G-d is in this to hurt anyone... if you read back to what i said about jupiter island fld. and n.o. you will see i hold that those poor people are just in harm's way and that Hashem has no intention to devastate them per say... they are just unfortunately collateral damage and i hope they all get the hell way out of the way of rita... Hashem is certainly giving them enough time to anyway... texas is the site of many oil derricks and off-shore drilling as well as refineries inland and of course nasa...

my point then and now is that Hashem is hitting at the corporate wealth and military infrastructure of america owned and run by the cabal of nazis who helped bring hitler to power before ww2... who genocided the 6 mil. as part of their plan to rule the world and who first tried to prevent israel from coming back into existence and after she did anyhow despite their efforts to thwart her... have tried and continue to try to undermine her and have her destroyed... the rape of gush katif was and is the proverbial "straw that broke the camel's back" with Hashem and He has now gone on the warpath to pay america back for all her secret historical sins against us and Him and for the current ones which include helping iraq to get wmd ready to use on us and while that failed are now working with the iranians to nuke us soon... chas v'shalom... and so now G-d is finally stepping in to wipe america out before she can strike israel a death blow... kain yirbu! boruch Hashem!!! ta... nik.
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946   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: warning... imposter!!!  on: September 21, 2005, 02:59:34 PM 
you do think like a general avichai... a general ignoramous... ta... nik.
947   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!!/is not the answer...  on: September 21, 2005, 02:57:39 PM 
all in good time my young arrogant one... all in good time... there is a master plan in the works and i intend to come back to israel... you read correctly... BACK! as i have lived there once before and G-d willing i will move there once again... stay tuned... ta... nik.
948   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: A salute to a real Jewish hero/where? who?  on: September 21, 2005, 02:54:28 PM 
hey blowhard listen up... they are only called theories by those who discount them not by those who know they are true and have seen the evidence to back them up... so go suck on an egg for you know not of what you speak... you are is ignorant as you are arrogant... a very bad combination... certain to bring you nothing but grief and misery... ta... nik.
949   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: by the way... hurricane rita is texas bound... just as i called it...  on: September 21, 2005, 02:44:30 PM 
better tell your brother to head for the hills... this one is being sent special delivery from G-d straight up the alley to that efing jew-hater in crawford... it'is like Hashem is a prizefighter... he threw a hell of a left hook at new orleans and now he's coming right back with a solid right to the jaw of texas... bunch of jew-hating bastards anyway... hey w... hey baker... hey bush sr. pay attention 'cause this one is for all that you are (anti-semites of the first order)... and for all that you do (against jews and israel).... this one's from the G-d of the jews and this "one's heading just for you"... ta... nik.
950   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!!/[censored] or beach?  on: September 21, 2005, 12:47:49 AM 
and when feiglin bites the dust G-d forbid literally or figuratively... us beachbums will be there to pick up the pieces... stay tuned... got to go... the next set is comin' in... ta... nik.
951   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: by the way... hurricane rita is texas bound... just as i called it...  on: September 21, 2005, 12:43:07 AM 
now you are catching on... to paraphrase what mr. miagi once said... "now use mouth for something besides catching flies..." ta... nik.
952   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / weisenthal knew the whole world was nazified during and even after the war...  on: September 21, 2005, 12:39:56 AM 
this conspiracy theorist knows of what he speaks... i would refrain from name-calling if i were you... you wouldn't want to end up on the wrong side of olam haba... a word to the wise should be sufficient... and that is why i'll have to continue a little while longer until you too have a chance to get my drift... i'll tell you the same thing i told your buddy avichai... there are only three people who dismiss entirely any and all conspiracy theories despite much evidence to their authenticity... the ignorant... the petrified... and the complict... which one are you... airhead? ta... nik.
953   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / time to stand and cheer and thereby show your appreciation of Hashem!!!  on: September 21, 2005, 12:30:54 AM 
oh man... yet another one who understands not the torah... read "az yashir moshe"... we say it everday... it is full of happiness and celebration at the downfall of our enemies and gratitude for G-d's salvation... and what you refered to when it says in mishley: "not to rejoice over the downfall of your enemy... lest G-d's wrath turn from him and let it come over you..." that is only speaking about a jew with a fellow jew (both religious by the way) who hate each other or who are enemies for whatever reason... but at the fall of the goyim... the slavemasters of the earth... someone like gog umaygog... it is a mitzvah to cheer their downfall... and in fact when the righteous do so it adds to the kiddush Hashem aspect of the maesah... as we will shortly daven in shemoneh esreh during the yomim na'ahroyim...

"oovechain, tzadikim yiru v'yismachu... vayesharim ya'alowzu...v'chasidim b'rina yagilu...v'olatah tikpatz pihah... v'chol harisha kulah k'ashan tichleh... ki ta'avir mamshelet zadon min ha aretz..."

"and thus the righteous will shout for joy... and the upright will exult... and the pious will rejoice in song... while (when) evil shuts its mouth and all the wonton sinners go up in smoke like in a furnace... when (because) the kingdom of defiance (and open rebellion against G-d... kefirah) has passed (forever) from the earth..." amen selah! kain yirbu! b'mehayrah v'yamaynu... ta... nik.
954   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: A salute to a real Jewish hero... he sure could have been...  on: September 20, 2005, 09:23:04 PM 
that's shocking and scum... two of my favorite words... you just have no idea about what really happened before, during and after the holocaust... he tried but the forces that be put a limit to what they would allow him to do... in order to stop him from finding out the true nature of america and britain... the truth is the elite... upper echelon of both countries are nazis... were then are still now... they had to stop him from investigating their involvement and participation in the shedding of the blood of the six million... now it is time for both of these govs. to pay the piper... time gentlemen... and ladies... time!!! ta... nik.   
955   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: by the way/ hurricane rita is texas bound/ just as i called it/ waitin'  on: September 20, 2005, 07:48:21 PM 
you got it... and i'm not the one being haughty... i'm the one cheering hard at the ultimate kiddush Hashem! i am pulling for the G-d of israel to rise up and blow america away... the true haughty and arrogant power in this world... i'm paying homage not to myself... but to G-d Al-mighty... EL KANAH!!! (the Jealous G-d) (jealous for His rights and for His honor)... america has been trampling upon them both for far too long now... and so you would do well to do the same... cheer it on and stand in awe as Hashem fights for His people and for His land... ta... nik.
956   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: revolution is the only answer...  on: September 20, 2005, 07:32:01 PM 
only by our finally standing up against evil and fighting it together b'achdut... can we ever hope to see moshiach... and not until he comes will there be any real peace or true justice in the world... and not until then period... nothing else will do it... nothing else will work... not democracy and not america and certainly not feiglin... so to paraphrase the immortal words of the beatles... "you say you want a revolution... well ya know... but if you're talkin' 'bout in eretz yisroel... brother you can count me IN!" ta... nik.
957   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!!/wha?  on: September 20, 2005, 07:26:28 PM 
your point being? do you even have one?
958   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: A salute to a real Jewish hero.  on: September 20, 2005, 07:23:44 PM 
he may have done his "best" and my words may have been "a terrible thing to say" but they are the truth... i will site my source...
959   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / by the way... hurricane rita is texas bound... just as i called it...  on: September 20, 2005, 02:47:56 PM 
i'm not a navi but if you'll check out my back and forth with avichai on the "benny begin prophecy" stream you will see from reply#22 that i took on avichai's challenge and made a prediction there that texas would be next to get hit from Hashem for gush katif... i had no prior knowledge of it nor any biblical codes to consult... just my common sense told me that since katrina was Hashem's return fire for katif... so soon He would go after the bush family band of reshayim on their home turf and base... and thus... tada!!! everyone say hello to the third plague (since the jupiter island 4 in fld. last year)... hurricane rita!!! kain yirbu and may america's well-deserved destruction for her current revealed and her historical hidden sins against am yisroel and eretz yisroel continue unabated now right into the geulah shelaimah... amen selah! ta... nik.   
960   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The hellenists destroying Israel and Judaism./let them...  on: September 20, 2005, 02:26:16 PM 
she sure would... she would go a long, long way in convincing jews of the utter decadence, lunacy and corruption of the once great and now late state of israel... ta... nik.
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"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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961   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: A salute to a real Jewish hero./from one a-hole to another....  on: September 20, 2005, 02:19:24 PM 
a case of sardines is not as meaningful as a case of salmon in combatting world hunger... those thousand represent catching the tail of the fish while the rest of it got away... minnows... mere minnows he brought to justice... the sharks and whales are still at large... ta... nik.
962   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!!/"be quick but don't hurry..." john wooden...  on: September 20, 2005, 02:14:55 PM 
i see... and so kahane getting arrested all of those times here and in israel was always a stunt and a ploy for better pr... according to your logic there is never a right time for fighting and taking a stand because there is always "the big picture down the road" to consider... only problem with that reasoning is the picture keeps shrinking because of all of the gutless hesitation and cowardice delay of action... and in the chanukah scenario... matisyahu should still be waiting for the right opportunity 2500+ years later... he was a tad rash and got a bit ahead of himself didn't he considering that the second temple was destroyed anyway a couple of hundred years later despite his family's chashmanoim rebellion .... tch... tch... think about what he might have been able to do for us all had he not rushed mindlessly into the fray like that...? oh yeah and jewish kids wouldn't have a holiday to compete with xmas either... think of all of those billions and billions of toys and gifts those poor kids would have had to miss out on... my... my... my... ta... nik. 
963   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: warning... imposter!!!  on: September 20, 2005, 02:03:39 PM 
oh... o.k.
964   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: A salute to a real Jewish hero./well maybe to a wannabe jewish hero...  on: September 20, 2005, 01:02:25 PM 
shows how little you really know... weisenthal was a sell-out... paid off and warned not to go after the really big nazi fish in and out of amer. and brit. gov. and elite corp. circles... and he obeyed these limitations imposed upon him his entire post-holocaust life... he was a nice old man... a survivor to be of course respected and accorded his due... but he was not a true hero... because his lifework was a shallow sideshow at best allowing the real murderers to escape justice and to go unpunished or he provided cover for them at worst... not a great track record either way... sorry to say... boruch dayan ha emet... and may Hashem rest his soul... he at least tried against impossible odds and forces arrayed against him which proved much too daunting and too frightening for him in a thoroughly jew-hating world... ta... nik.
965   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!!/it's not motzei shem ra if it is true...  on: September 20, 2005, 12:46:36 PM 
it is loshon hora if it is true... and it is... feiglin said so himself by saying he did not think it would help his cause to go down to the streets and get arrested... how can you deny he said this when you posted it yourself and it is there in black and white for everyone to see...? oh and by the way moron... it is not loshon hora either when it serves a towelet (a purpose) for my spreading it... in this case to warn people of feiglin's probable corruption... they got to him and he is over and done... you can stick a fork in him... he is through... ta... nik.
966   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: warning... imposter!!!/yby joking or serious????? huh????  on: September 20, 2005, 12:39:16 PM 
come again? what do you convey in your last message...? a state of judea would be a step in the right direction... so? why laugh at it? why denigrate it? and why deny that the current state of israel is bankrupt and immoral? anyway i don't get your drift vis a vis the stream here... we are talking about avichai's cheap parlor tricks... refuah shelaymah... ta... nik. ??
967   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!!/leadership is leadership wherever it is...  on: September 20, 2005, 12:32:53 PM 
leadership in the field... or in the house... makes no never mind... leadership is leadership... wherever it appears... wherever it is needed... feiglin's reasoning in assumption#11 is flawed and mistaken... rav meir never shied away from the streets and never cared one iota if he got arrested and this included the time period when he was running for kkknesset... so feiglin shows his true colors here... he has sold out to get a seat at the table with all of the big-name degenerates and has abandoned his true constituency to fend for themselves (really to flail around) aimlessly, miserably, hopelessly, ruderlessly and directionlessly... way to go feiglin... way to be there for the am!!! manhigut yehudi!!! my ass! what a crock! ta... nik.
968   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: warning... imposter!!!/the avichai follies...  on: September 19, 2005, 08:38:36 PM 
because it's fun! besides avichai has to have something to do to draw attention to himself now that he has aced himself out yet again... ta... nik. 
969   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: warning... imposter!!!/huh?  on: September 19, 2005, 02:29:47 PM 
are you blind? all day yesterday there was on the right column under latest member... nikmotdam... and today there is nikmatisdumb... this is cute and very flattering but it will be of no avail to avichai who is probably behind these... ta... nik.

p.s. this is avichai's way of ignoring me... can't you see? he can't handle me in a point by point debate and so he pouts and stamps his foot and throws a temper tantrum like a little 2 year old and then he threatens to ignore me but then he can't stand my free-reign that ensues so he shouts back again to try and drown me and my message out but he can't touch me or damage my credibility and so he goes haywire again... this time informing me that he really means it this time...oh man... look out! he is absolutely positively going to ignore me and much, much better this time... but that gets to him also almost immediately and so now he resorts to actual kindergarten stunts and antics..... nanananana! you can't catch me... and sticking his tongue out at me... and things like that... etc. boy... it really would be quite hilarious if it were not so pathetically sad... n.
970   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: warning.../attn. moderator  on: September 18, 2005, 06:16:27 PM 
someone please notify the moderator to check out the bonafides of nikmotdam before he/she is allowed to post here... i tried to already and the damn thing won't let me... ta... nik.
971   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / warning... imposter!!!  on: September 18, 2005, 06:14:02 PM 
someone wants to horn in on my handle... i am nikmAtdam "avenger of blood" and not nikmOtdam... "nothing of nothingness"... this is probably avichai planning to trash me to everyone here... look for differences in our writing styles to see the fraud and the plagerist for what he is... an utter jealous moron... ta... nik.
972   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Benny Begin's prophecy/but... but... but... avichaichick...  on: September 18, 2005, 06:02:52 PM 
boobalah... talk is what you do best... it is all you know... you are all blather all the time... you do the lionshare of blabbing on this site and you say virtually nothing new and important each and every time you open up your big fat mouth and put your whole entire foot into it... now please do us all a favor and go back to shutting the hell up and ignore away... ta... nik.

p.s. i know that "talk is cheap"... that's why you are so well rehearsed and too damn experienced in it... so shhhhh!!! zei shtil for once... yingalah! n.
973   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!!/yeah... yeah.... yeah...  on: September 18, 2005, 05:58:08 PM 
where have i heard that one before?
974   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Benny Begin's prophecy/curtains for certain...  on: September 18, 2005, 05:37:06 PM 
it's "bedtime for bonzo" again as avichai prostrates flat on his belly and puts his hope and all of his trust in a group of reshayim which comprise the kkknesset... one thing is historically accurate though and long established precedent by us... we as a people never seem to learn from the past... our mistakes are never quite ever put behind us because we keep on committing them and repeating them over and over again... and thus, wittingly or unwittingly, we carry all of our historical bagage and communal blunders along with us into each and every new present... avichai is just our latest typical sap and  predictable cad... ta... nik.
975   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: l'mashal... l'mah ha d'var domeh...  on: September 18, 2005, 04:03:11 PM 
amen to that... sure hope so... and it don't make no never mind where we come from to fight when the time comes... obviously being in ey has taken all the fight out of you pathetic whiners... ta... nik.
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"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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976   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: l'mashal... l'mah ha d'var domeh.../sos? or sob?  on: September 18, 2005, 02:47:48 PM 
and we will step up... and we will please G-d ride to the rescue... and when we do... this time don't get in our way and tell us that you don't need nor want our help... like all you idiots did when rav meir was alive... especially in yamit when we could have stopped this madness in its infancy and not let it grow to the behemoth it is today... you utter blind and stupid fools and gutless wonders!!!! allow me to leave you here with a little query... is there ever a time that you guys will be ready to fight? is there anything at all that you consider worth fighting for? and i mean initially fighting in the streets with angry protests and civil-disobedience... i don't mean with arms right from the git-go... huh? what say you? nothing... thought so... cat got your tongue? better go get a tetanus shot then...ta... nik.
977   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!!/if you're tired... take a nap...  on: September 18, 2005, 02:40:40 PM 
too bad that you're tired... however, i will keep slamming away at you... your freudian slip is correct... feiglin isn't the only way to save israel... he isn't even the best way to do so... so go back to sucking on that ol' egg, avichai... and give the rest of your mouth a well needed and well deserved rest... ta... nik. 
978   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!!/if he fails?  on: September 18, 2005, 12:46:36 PM 
you mean WHEN he fails! don't you?  because i already know he will even if by some "miracle" he should WIN!!!... binyamin's last words were that the geulah and the yeshua we are yearning for CANNOT come from within the system... why did he say that? not because he and his father were banned... but because we trusted in bibi to rescue us and he betrayed us... he saw then and there it will always be the same game... everytime the right revolts they will put up another supposed savior like they did with sharon who will then proceed to do oslo better than the left... to "be holier than the pope" (sic)... and that is why he announced his utter rejection of the above method of trying to war and change things for the better.... it would be the same story if effie eitam or moshe feiglin ever made it to the top... somehow... someway... the monsters would get to them and corrupt them... for surely we will never see them get there... to the top... unless the fix is already in... wink... wink... nod... nod... and all that rot... so no deal... in fact, you can take it and "put it where the sun don't shine!"  ta... nik 
979   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: philistine gaza the next strip mall...  on: September 18, 2005, 03:58:20 AM 
i say we need to make a vast parking lot out of the entire gaza strip... obliterate anything that moves there and cement it over forever!!! ta... nik.
980   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Benny Begin's prophecy/2010  on: September 18, 2005, 03:50:30 AM 
the earthquake has not happened here yet... and i am not claiming to be a navi so i don't have to make up my "prophecies" or forecasts as an actual prophet would have to... but i believe the codes are real and i am going with them as my predicition that some or all of them... most for certain will come true unless mankind especially america changes their course of action vis a vis israel... that is my prediction... i never said i was a prophet so i don't have to prove to you anything... my prediction of hurricanes soon hitting texas is bold and uncharted anywhere and i also will add now that my death davening is working and since i began... the pope, the king of saud-dust, jennings and rehnquist all have bitten the dust and now chirac is on the ropes... may he be next... and long may the enemies of k'lal yisroel burn... long may they burn!!! ta... nik.

981   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: While Synagogues Burn in Gaza/hatred is different from dislike....  on: September 18, 2005, 03:38:59 AM 
i don't hate you avichai... i hate your viewpoint... i dislike your obnoxious holier-than-thou attitude... but you are not the enemy i hate and rail against... you are misguided, conceited and dismissive but i don't hate you... i fear your influence on our fellow jews because your spewing here is wrongheaded and a danger to our survival... sorry but that is just the way i see it... and i will go to the mat for what i believe in... i'll try not to belittle you anymore but try not to spread such vile ideas and such utter rubbish... o.k.? think before you speak (or write) and try to debate not character-assassinate... another one of your less than admirable qualities... defend your point of view without insult and none will be returned in kind... ta... nik. truce?   
982   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is hurricane Katrina Hashems revenge../a good goy speaketh...  on: September 18, 2005, 03:31:05 AM 
amen brother... right you are... too bad it takes a gentile to remind us of our duty to Hashem... may you be blessed... ta... nik.
983   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!!/and come to think of it... speaking of a holy nation...  on: September 18, 2005, 03:24:07 AM 
thus speaketh the kingmakers of the likud... avi-chai and joe-joe... bravo... take a bow... good show... good show... now either of you guys tell me... if feiglin is acceptable to the party and the government in general and is not banned like the kahanes were... he must be evil and i will not support him... he does not represent torah which is all that either rav meir or rav binyamin espoused which got them both banned... and so what good is he even if he does come to power if he will not pick up the fallen torah mantle worn by these two giants of faith and vision? as for me... unless he takes their stand (and of course he will then get booted out) he is not fit to carry their shoes let alone wear their mantle... stick that in your pipes and smoke it! how 'bout them cards...? aye? read 'em and weep! ta... nik.
984   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!!/party hardy!  on: September 18, 2005, 12:06:59 AM 
yeah and that's gufah the point... all the parties are corrupt and dirty... none of which espouse our veiws except maybe herut but they never have a snowball's chance because a true kahanist cannot run for its leadership... ta... nik
985   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!!/ the sanhedrin shall rise again...  on: September 16, 2005, 08:36:11 PM 
i hope so... that is my dream... and i live on the west coast of america... ta... nik.
986   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / While Synagogues Burn in Gaza/my anger and rage burns inside of me with it....  on: September 16, 2005, 08:29:53 PM 
my hatred is only directed and targeted against the powers-that-be worldwide... the elite, aristocratic and utterly arrogant... against gog... and not against any of the hamon am... jewish or gentile... again this should be obvious to you all... but you aren't listening with your souls... i am in it exactly like rav meir was and binyamin too... i have read their works over and over again until virtually my every impulse is to emulate them and follow their lead and message... i have their vision in my guts and it is screaming for revolution... for due to my long years of research i have uncovered much painful knowledge of extant evil in this world and throughout history... and like avraham avinu in his day in his confrontation against nimrod so are we now in our time facing down nimrod's heirs gog u maygog... and knowing all this and discovering how truly massive the evil is in this world... if you are a true yorei and ohaiv shemayim... despite the fear and trepidation that may grip you from time to time... but when you see this much sorrow and depths of suffering in the world and view the true level of the evil... how can you not rebel against such tyranny and despotism... such obscene greed, avarice and arrogance... how can you not want to tear it down with every fiber in your being...? ta... nik. 
987   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: l'mashal... l'mah ha d'var domeh...  on: September 16, 2005, 05:33:32 PM 
apology accepted...
988   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!!/they are all irrelevant now anyway...  on: September 16, 2005, 05:30:48 PM 
the israeli gov. does not exist any longer... if revolution within or even without is an impossibility due to the level of their power and the depths of their depravity and corruption... then there IS no hope and Hashem has to take over and will or has already... so then elections are moot from now on anyway... i guess that is a good thing... because i would hate to have to still wade thru years more of meaningless election cycles before the people become aware of their utter fraud and sham.... we are at that stage now and not believing in the gov. or its authority and legitimacy IS a step in the right direction... even if we can no longer do anything to stop it... there is quite alot of comfort in this thought at any rate... ta... nik.   
989   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: While Synagogues Burn in Gaza/yeah great words of wisdom...  on: September 16, 2005, 05:09:26 PM 
hate can be a mitzvah when it is directed against those who hate Hashem, hate torah-true judaism and hate the idea of a special am... who seek with everything they have to destroy all of the above and to ruin every plan Hashem has for us, His world, His land and His people... they are trying to kill the dream totally and i don't have time to waste trying to convince you of this truth... you are just going to have to accept the fact that this is real and the truth.... you'll know it 5 or10 years from now anyhow... the kahane's were 20 and 30 years ahead of themselves... i unfortunately am only less than a decade ahead... i can't see any farther than 2012 at the most... by then we are all toast on this planet or we are toasting the arrival of moshiach... we have no more time remaining than this... on the outside we have just this much time to make a difference and stop the coming new world order/one world government or we are all in deep trouble... serfdom forever.... this is the truth i see... this is the sad vision i bring... i hope i am wrong but i don't see anything different... true peace... out... ta... nik.
990   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: While Synagogues Burn in Gaza/yby and avichai sing their own praises...  on: September 16, 2005, 02:48:29 PM 
while you guys fall all over yourselves in this touching little love-fest... might i remind you that israel is in a terrible sekanah right now and you are not helping the situation any by your naysaying against the kahane vision which years ahead of its time back in the 70's already foresaw and warned us about what is occuring as we speak in israel and to israel... just thought you'd like to know... ta... nik.
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991   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Benny Begin's prophecy/niks pics...  on: September 16, 2005, 02:41:18 PM 
i am not afraid of you avichai... but i am not in this for moi like you are... but alright avichai... i will take a stab at it and put myself on the line... i believe the goyim will come after the rest of eretz yisroel... the whole west bank including east jerusalem... i think the war in iraq will go to hell in a handbasket and the u.s et al will have to flee from there ala viet nam... i believe iran will attempt to nuke either israel or the vatican or both in 2006-7... and i believe america will be hit somewhere probably in ny with a dirty bomb or worse... i also believe chemical weapons may G-d forbid be used against israel by libya via jordan where they stashed all their wmd before appearing to cave into u.s. pressure... i also believe america will set itself up inside lebanon at a base in the bekka valley and that is the only reason they killed that former pm over there in order to frame syria and force her to retreat... let's see... i also think a huge earthquake will hit l.a. ca. in 2010... and more thunderous storms will wreak havoc on the east coast of america and texas next... there... let's sit back and just watch... oh yeah... i also think that the k.c. chiefs will win the superbowl this year... ta... nik.
992   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: l'mashal... l'mah ha d'var domeh.../ rak kach! kahane chai!!!  on: September 16, 2005, 02:20:10 PM 
i am not a navi and i am not a great leader as you all accuse me of setting myself up to be... i am just a jew who believes rav meir and rav binyamin were right and i will never support anyone or anything which contradicts their torah vision... i will not suport feiglin because he still believes in that obscenity known to the world as israeli democracy (sic)... so anybody or any ism that comes down the pike not holding by the kahane vision of torah and truth will earn my ire and my derision... and you guys like yby and avichai are scum to try and distract others here from what is my only and my obvious message here... it has nothing to do with me trying to shamelessly take a poke at self-promotion or self-angrandizement and any aspirations or ambitions you think i have (which i have none except to serve Hashem and call 'em as i see 'em...otherwise i wouldn't let myself be anonymous here)... and so these posts of mine are aimed at one thing and one thing only... they are an attempt to awaken my fellow yidden to the truth and to attempt to rescue them from their self-delusions, misconceptions and self-deceptions... which if they go unchecked and unaltered for much longer... WILL KILL K'LAL YISROEL AND DESTROY WHAT REMAINS OF OUR HOLD UPON ERETZ YISROEL!!! G-d forbid! shabat shalom... ta... nik.
993   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!!/referendum or revolution... remember?  on: September 16, 2005, 01:58:21 PM 
and according to your last bit of logic avichai... are we closer to feiglin as pm or revolution and a coup d'etat? which has more of a chance? and which would be more of a sea-change? and which is closer to fruition? ta... nik.
994   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: While Synagogues Burn in Gaza/meanwhile back on the ranch...  on: September 15, 2005, 09:25:35 PM 
when we last left our hero yby he was sitting on his hinney denigrating any idea that just might have a chance to at least inspire the nation let alone work to save it... keep sitting on your brains y and the next thought you have will be a revolting one... ta... nik.
995   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!!/sharon the plo savior...  on: September 15, 2005, 09:22:19 PM 
i wouldn't put it past our very stupid am... sharon is demented and just has to go... the sooner the better... or else we all just might as well pack up our stuff and move back to brooklyn... we are our worst enemy and as rav meir was oft' want to say... "we are desperately in need of a national couch..." we are not a normal people... you can take the jew out of golut but you can not take the golut-mentality out of the jew... ta... nik.
996   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: l'mashal... l'mah ha d'var domeh...  on: September 15, 2005, 09:12:07 PM 
i'm just messin' around with a few guys giving me a hard time... humor also takes the edge off... i am so serious most of the time and get frustrated at dunderheads like avichai and now all of a sudden yby... sorry... but this mashal came to me tues. night and i just needed to share it with u guys... this is what we are experiencing and yet no one will admit it... ta... nik.
997   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The power of our prayers can ressurect Gaza.  on: September 15, 2005, 07:46:50 PM 
me three...
998   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: who is calling for any more lame and stupid demonstrations...?/ not i...  on: September 15, 2005, 07:42:13 PM 
they do nothing as we've just witnessed and they did nothing when feiglin tried it with zu artzenu... they did not stop the fascists from destroying jews and israel... we need real disruption to their plans... we need real action... not pacifistic gobbeldygoop.... we need real anger... real rage... real firepower!!! all the rest is just for show to make one think and even believe (nothing really but self-delusion and self-deception) that he/she is actually doing something to fight for the cause... what rubbish!!! what hogwash!!!! what an utter waste of talent... way beyond just a simple waste of time... an utter waste of life... and so is trying to take over that piece of filth called the likud... it should die a thousand deaths tonight as should the rest of the entire stinkin' rotten government that pretends to pass itself off for the state of israel and dares to speak for world jewry ... amen selah! ta... nik.
999   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / calling all ybys... earth to yby... hello? come in...  on: September 15, 2005, 07:30:09 PM 
i'd love to y... only i'm not in it to commit suicide so that the likes of you can say... "see... i told you it would never work!" if and when i am ever in the position to make a real go of it... believe you me... i will go for it! or don't believe me... i couldn't care less... i know what i am about... and who i serve and it is not the likes of you jokers... i don't have to do anything you knuckleheads think i should... i don't have to prove myself to anyone but Hashem... and last time i looked... none of you guys is Him! so blow it out your ear and put that in your pipe and smoke it and blow it out your other ear... ta... nik.   
1000   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: l'mashal... l'mah ha d'var domeh...  on: September 15, 2005, 07:14:54 PM 
kinda hurts yby... right where it counts... yep... i'm a sob but you just can't help but pay attention to what i have to say... stinks to high hell... doesn't it? damn! ha! too bad... all you morons have it coming... ta... nik.
1001   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: While Synagogues Burn in Gaza  on: September 15, 2005, 05:28:26 PM 
jump in a lake...
1002   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / l'mashal... l'mah ha d'var domeh...  on: September 15, 2005, 05:15:13 PM 
and now class you all waited so nicely and patiently... so here is my mashal for the week... uh... avichai... no you may not go to the bathroom... sit down and pay attention... you just might learn something... no... you should have gone at recess...

anyway... just some side humor...

here goes...

am yisroel in eretz yisroel is like a jewish man with his left hand (or right... avichai it doesn't really make a difference which hand)...

o.k. ONE of his hands are handcuffed to a giant cage on a ledge hanging out over the ocean... inside are a bunch of murderous terrorist ARAB-dogs with weapons who are trying to kill the jew... in the jew's other hand is a key to the lock on the handcuff and at anytime he can release the cage to fall into the sea drowning all the terrorists merely by turning the key in the lock... meanwhile the beasts are desperate to save themselves and are trying to cut him down before he does them in... but this jew with the upperhand and the means to save himself is worried and bothered... tortured actually by his matzav... what will the world say if he saves himself from certain eventual death by killing all the evil terrorists caught inside the cage...? and so he is davening and screaming and crying out to Hashem to rescue him... and he does tshuvah and all sorts of other acts of penitence and increases his other mitzvot preformance and even learns more torah than he is normally want to do... all in the hope that Hashem will see his righteousness and faith and come to save him from his horrible plight...

Hashem takes one look at this pathetic excuse for a jew and painfully cries out... "foolish jew...why are you crying to Me...? why won't you simply use that which I have already put into your hands to allow you to save yourself completely from your dire straits...? I have even commanded it of you and still you won't comply... what more can I possibly do for you? I have made them weak and you strong... you have the power in your own hands to end your nightmare and suffering but you won't act!!! why should I have to do anything more to help you...? why should I even try when you won't even help yourself? I taught you not to depend on miracles... I taught you to do things derech ha tevah whenever you can... whenever and wherever possible... I have saved you countless times in the past when you were unable to extricate yourself... but this is something you can do for yourself... this is one commandment I gave you that you can see the necessary reason for carrying it out and yet you still will not obey Me because of your fear of the goyim in the world... "what will they say?" YOU SHOULD BE ASKING YOURSELVES RATHER.... WHAT WILL I... G-D... SAY AND DO IF YOU WILL NOT SHOW TRUST AND FAITH IN ME AND COMPLY WITH MY WILL AND MY WISHES AS SET DOWN FOR YOU IN MY TORAH...? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS ANYWAY? THIS IS SELF-DEFENSE AND WHO CARES WHAT THE WHOLE DAMN WORLD WILL SAY? WHO GIVES A GOOD RIP...? AT LEAST YOU'LL STILL BE ALIVE TO FIGHT ON!!! YOU CAN'T SURVIVE IF YOU DIE!!! AND YOU WILL DIE EVENTUALLY IF YOU DO NOT SAVE YOURSELF FROM THEIR ATTEMPTS UPON YOUR LIFE... AND I WILL NOT SAVE YOU UNLESS YOU DO THE THINGS I INSTRUCT YOU TO DO... TURN THE DAMN KEY ALREADY AND PUT YOURSELVES OUT OF YOUR OWN MISERY!!!"  thus spoke Hashem to the poor confused jew with the key to his own complete salvation resting in the very palm of his own hand!!!!

and that boys and girls... and avichai... is the lesson for the week... class dismissed.... all except you avichai... you get detention because you are so dense.... you get to clean all the chalkboards and erasers with your tongue... good day... ta... nik.   
1003   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: While Synagogues Burn in Gaza  on: September 15, 2005, 04:49:55 PM 
we'll see...
1004   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: While Synagogues Burn in Gaza/civil-war... are you in also?  on: September 15, 2005, 04:24:56 PM 
wish i could... working toward the day if and when it becomes necessary and feasible... all i lack to begin the war is between say another 99,999-199,999 like minded and armed jews... ta... nik.

this isn't a cop-out... just reality... even yehudah hamaccabee had a group of fighters around him... something at least to work with and stage a coup with... so get real yby... and stop your carping too...
1005   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Benny Begin's prophecy/avichai's clap-trap gets him in trouble yet again...  on: September 15, 2005, 04:17:24 PM 
shut the hell up... no one is claiming to be a navi here... i for one am only giving over p'shat in already extant nevuot.... you scourge... and besides even an actual candidate for navi-hood in front of the sanhedrin only has to provide 3 natural phenomena predictions to prove his authenticity... (earthquakes, volcano eruptions, tidalwaves and the like)... but of course you didn't know this halacha because you are an utter am ha aretz (ignoramus)... and so avichai go back to sucking on that ol' egg of yours... 'cause no one needs your imput around here anyway... ta... nik.
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October 20, 2006, 02:16:32 PM 

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1006   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: While Synagogues Burn in Gaza/civil war  on: September 15, 2005, 01:14:37 PM 
not against children you jerks... against the elite power mongers like the chashmanoim did against the misyavanim... the hellenists who stood in the temple doors and blocked our serving Hashem... sound familiar? ta... nik.
1007   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The power of our prayers can ressurect Gaza.  on: September 15, 2005, 01:10:31 PM 
i have to daven now coming soon my mashal of the problem...
1008   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!!/hevel havalim...  on: September 15, 2005, 01:08:38 PM 
what an utter waste of time...
1009   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Benny Begin's prophecy/yby  on: September 15, 2005, 01:04:09 PM 
doesn't matter yby... and it is "DO... answer a fool according to his folly" in proverbs... but not to answer for and toward someone whose head is thick as a brick... not for his sake but for the sake of all those in earshot (or as is the case here... eyeshot) of him and who thus may be misled by such an idiot... i answer him for you all not for him... i know he is already braindead... but thanks anyhow for the kudos and props... ta... nik. 
1010   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Benny Begin's prophecy/bickering for bickering's sake...  on: September 15, 2005, 12:09:22 PM 
bickering for bickering's sake alone that is a crime and shows off our weakness... bickering with a know-nothing bastard like avichai is a lifesaving venture... so avichai to demonstrate to you how right ahavat is and to prove what an imbecile you are and how the thimble-full of knowledge you have of torah-true judaism is dangerous to k'lal yisroel's survival here is my response... (according to the ramban in his sefer... "sha'ar ha gemul" /"the gate of  recompensation" i.e. of ultimate reward and punishment)...

true no negative prophecy has to come true... but.... (got that jerk? but... here comes a giant contradiction to your statement to ahavat)... BUT!!!!

if the navi is commanded to perform a symbolic action like jeremiah instructing boruch his talmid to tie his prophecy on bavel to a brick and cast it into the river perat (the euphrates) which he did... then... the nevuah will come true no matter what tshuvah the iraqis later do (none to date anyhow) and thus will be accomplished Hashem's will to pay back bavel for daring to harm k'lal yisroel and destroy G-d's first temple in jerusalem... and thus as in jeremiah 50-52 both gulf wars were predicted and i knew years and years in advance that war was coming there... and that there would be 2 of them and that nothing will go right there and that eventually all those foreign forces will have to flee iraq for their lives as the whole place is going to go up and afterward remain a "tel olam"/ a heap of rubble for all-time...

and so with the war of gog u maygog which this is... in israel... since chazal defined it as the war of those who come up against the redeemed people of G-d to undo the redemption process which they now have done by rolling it back in aza and the shomron... and as foretold in ezekiel:36-38 and zecharia:14... this war will happen!!! because here instead of a symbolic act by the navi... here Hashem Himself raises His "hand" and swears an oath to destroy them and save eretz yisroel... so it will all come to pass and as we pray each tisha b'av... "jerusalem was destroyed in fire and in fire it is destined to be rebuilt...") you utter moron... so the whole thing is going to come close to a disaster and then G-d will save us at the last moment... but no stupid election for an illegitimate form of government on torah-soil is going to rescue us... you flaming ignoramus... the only thing we have control over here in this scenario and nevuah is whether we suffer greatly or only a small amount... whether the third of jerusalem destroyed is the arab portion or our own... depending on whether the geulah is b'eita or b'achishena... and according to the gra ever since his own days pure achishena has been closed to us and is impossible... however an achishena b'eita a hurrying up of the end so that we don't have to absorb and taste every last bitter drop of onesh and yesurim is possible and even probable based on yitziat mitzrayim... and the concept of "maesa avot siman l'banim..." the deeds of the fathers are a sign for the children... so we will be redeemed and rescued early just like back then in our first redemption... how early is and has always been up to us... but some fire and suffering will be necessary for our sins and indeed the last 12-15 years and in fact the last 60 including the holocaust has been a requirement of G-d to pay for our historical sins and the sabbatian ones of the last 300 years or so and of course for our own in our lifetime...

so my best advice to you avichai is to go suck an egg... and don't quote torah to us any longer for you are a thorough am aretz from aleph to tav and only make yourself look stupid and ridiculous... ta... nik.       
1011   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Benny Begin's prophecy/came true the other week  on: September 13, 2005, 09:22:53 PM 
maybe so avichai... maybe he is a joke as you say... but by virtue of the fact that he doesn't run we know the system is rotten to the core and there is no saving it and it has to go... because otherwise he could win in a heartbeat and no one turns down such a sure thing if not for the certain knowledge that he will be savaged or eliminated if he even tries to make the attempt.. so as usual avichai... you do not know what the hell you are talking about.... ta... nik. 
1012   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: While Synagogues Burn in Gaza/as usual words of "wisdom" from avichai...  on: September 13, 2005, 09:15:52 PM 
you are such a fool... it is not possible for anyone to be this dumb... you have to be a gov. plant... there is no way to checkmate a group of people who will sink to any level to remain in power... only revolution can bring them down... they will never allow their power to erode from within the current system... they will cheat and steal elections... rip off money and resources... sell out their own grandmothers if they have to and kill anyone they deem a threat... until the end of time if we let them... now is the time to stand up against them and take our nation, people and land back! now is the time! now! it is already late... if we wait any longer they will only become more and more entrenched... we need to rise up enmasse and refuse to obey their laws and dictates because they have forfeited their right to rule over us due to their calculated cruelty and obstinante refusal to protect jewish lives and property... they have no authority any longer if we do not allow them to rule over us... we have to declare a gov. in exile and we have to turn to massive civil-disobedience and if necessary... civil-war... if it comes to that they have drawn first blood anyway and it is they who need to feel the vengeance of Hashem... a nice coup d'etat is what they deserve... up their's with a rubber hose!!! ta... nik.
1013   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The power of our prayers can ressurect Gaza./are not sufficient...  on: September 13, 2005, 09:03:27 PM 
rav binyamin wrote clearly that our going around and ringing our hands and calling for tshuvah and increased learning and better kavanah in prayer in order to undo our tzuros is misleading and ineffectual because it is not the root of our problem... what then is? our refusal to demand and carry out the implementation of our holy torah... all of its mitzvot... all of G-d's commandments... the problem we have from terrorism by the arabs is from the very source of our aveirot... we refuse to do the mitzvah of cleansing the land of dam naki and ridding it of goyim as per the dictates of Hashem in 2 of His commands in His torah and therefore He sends these dogs against us to bite us... mida k'neged mida... until we do these 2 mitzvot among others as well but these two most directly and most importantly... we will continue to suffer loss of innocent jewish life and we will continue to be oppressed in our own land by wild animals and their unjewish zoo-keepers... it is this simple... and thus it is all the more tragic that we do not as yet get it... and that is why we continue to "get it" from Hashem thru these pigs and vile creatures... wake up jews to the truth of these matters before we are all destroyed and all of our land is stolen away from us!!! ta... nik.
1014   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: While Synagogues Burn in Gaza/avichai is fiddling with likud...  on: September 12, 2005, 06:56:30 PM 
mosques are still standing in israel because of jews like you avichai... you are a coward and a gutter-swipe... a gutless wonder who supports a corrupt unjewish system of government that is callously indifferent to the suffering and death of thousands of jews and their families world wide... you are the lowest of the low and you are an anathema and a traitor to your people... go suck an egg... ta... nik.
1015   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: our prayers can ressurect Gaza./techiat ha matim al yeday avichai!!!  on: September 12, 2005, 06:51:51 PM 
thanks yby... but someone better knock some sense into avichai... he sure is acting like a horse's pitut... ta... nik.
1016   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Benny Begin's prophecy/true and becoming truer all the time...  on: September 12, 2005, 06:38:21 PM 
well done thanks... proof positive that the whole system is corrupt and going to hell in a handbasket... by virtue of the simple fact that benny begin won't run for rosh ha memshalah we know that there can come no salvation thru the current system... benny is the true heir to the throne of his father's "malchut" and not sharon or bibi or feiglin or eitam but he won't run... only he could undo his father's mistakes which sharon, yemach shemo v'zichro, undermined and caused his father to commit but he just won't run... and thus no greater proof exisists or is required to tell me that the entire system has to go up in flames... viva la revolution!!! ta... nik. rak kach!!! israeli gov. unban kahane chai or go to everlasting perdition!!! 
1017   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Announcing the “Orange Front”/yes there is something we can all do!  on: September 12, 2005, 03:26:24 AM 
the uniting principles of a solid program of action are presented in my response to avichai's "prayer is all we need" post... see there... ta... nik. and i agree ahavat... eitam is a fraud... an utter opportunist... a gov. plant to try and dupe us once again like with netanyahu... yemach shemo v'zichro... the butcher of hebron... and effie-u...c...k... has said that any right wing violence even in self-defense should be met with a harsh crackdown and stiff penalties in response... he is trash... utter rubbish and should not just be ignored... he needs to be loathed... he should be shunned!!!! ta... nik. 
1018   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!!/avichai's silly punim....  on: September 12, 2005, 03:18:02 AM 
boy are you a horse's ass!!!
1019   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The power of our prayers can ressurect Gaza./ shameful and shameless...  on: September 12, 2005, 02:02:05 AM 
"why stand you still and cry out to Me" (now is not a time for prayer)... "tell the people to venture forward..." (now is a time for decisive and courageous action)... (shemot:14:15)...

especially now that Hashem has struck back against our enemies... now is a time to stand up and demand that the torah of G-d become the law of the land of israel or else! now is the time to insist that we implement all of the laws of the torah... to go to the gov. and demand justice for the innocent blood spilled during oslo... (dam naki)... now is the time to remonstrate against all jews world wide and especially against those in israel who refuse to be moral... who live like the canaanim once did which got them spat out of the land and which just got us thrown out of a part of it ourselves... and i stand corrected... no punishment is listed for dam naki not being avenged... perhaps it implies (since it is worse than the aveira of zenut) that not just we will be removed or spat out but we will continue to die as more and more and more of our innocent blood will be spilled because we take no action to kill or exile our murderers... and more and more heavier will soak in the tuma of dam naki... spiritually poisoning our land and our people's hold upon it...  our hegemony and full sovereignty over it...

time to stand up for our heritage and our torah... our people and our land... time to throw caution to the wind... and time to stand up and be counted.... b'makom sh'aine ish heshtadale l'hiot ish..." ('in a place where there are no men... strive to become one...")...

now is the time to demand that every jew in chutz l'aretz who has the means buy property or land in israel so that the next time they come to throw jews off our land there will be no room anywhere to put them because the land will be so full of jews that it will be bursting at the seams with jews that we will have to throw at least some arabs out to make room for a population exchange or none at all... and then we can better concentrate our enemies in one local and thus make easier the effort to drive them all completely and unequivocally off our land...

and now anyway is the time to stand up as one man with one heart and with one voice and scream bloody murder for the fulfillment of the entire mitzvah of yishuv ha aretz... the command to dwell or live in the land of israel... both the "living in" part and the kivush ("conquest" part) of the mitzvah to dwell b' aretz... the killing or throwing out of all of the arabs and other goyim from eretz yisroel... to make a true torah state devoted to G-d...

this is our singular task and this is our solitary goal... and yes much prayer is needed and required... but it alone is not enough... we must fight... we must demand... we must protest vocally not in polite meetings behind closed doors or in print or even in the media... but we must do this in open and in angry forums and demonstrations until the whole am is riled up in a massive revolt state of being...  we no longer have the luxury of hiding behind the excuse of "what can we do?" "we are weak and they are the majority and they are in control..." this simply will not be acceptable any longer... it will just not do anymore... we see G-d has punished us for our inaction... you see we continue to lose precious jewish souls from our midst... we see now that the redemption process has not only been stopped or halted but it has been reversed or rolled back by the enemies of G-d... gog u maygog... and "yehudah has also done his fair share and has fought alongside gog against yerushalayim..." just like chazal have predicted...

no my friends the time for davening has long since passed... except for "death davening" against  our enemies... but we must take up arms... the arms of full revolutionary fervor, fire and zeal and the not taking no for an answer...  repeatedly, unitedly and vociferously making the demand that immediately torah law should and shall become the law of the land for all time to come... and we must fight for its victory and right.... we must strive for its light and its truth to come to power... because Hashem demands this avodah of us and He is already lashing out against us because of our trepidation and fear... our hesitation and capitulation... in the name and love of Hashem and each other and all that is holy and of which we hold so dear... we must begin to rise up to stifle the gaping wound from flowing profusely and freely or we risk losing it all... both people and land... ta... nik. 

1020   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Women In Green What? wha?  on: September 07, 2005, 03:05:09 PM 
i do not know to whom you refer...? cuomo? sinatra? a mob figure? who? guliani? i haven't a clue... i was just answering yonatan about the help from evangelicals... confused... ta... nik.
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1021   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!!/sos...  on: September 07, 2005, 02:59:57 AM 
and you know this address off the top of your head because...?
1022   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Women In Green What?/ rav meir's lesson...  on: September 07, 2005, 01:48:15 AM 
i am not so sure you are correct, yonatan... rav meir said that vort in "never again!" when he was referring specifically to jews in golut being in trouble and accepting help from wherever it stems from... no questions asked... but rav meir was always very clear... inside eretz yisroel we have but one address for any and all of our petitions of need... Hakodesh Boruch Hu... and to yearn for help from any basar v'dam no matter how sincerely and lovingly it is offered to us is still tantamount to our demonstrating a lack of bitachon and emunah b'Hashem... look what befell avraham avinu after he made a sensible and pragmatic pact with avimelech of gerar (aza)? the satan maligned him and Hashem was forced to test avraham with the akeida just to prove the satan wrong!
1023   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!!/avichai's life in pictures...  on: September 07, 2005, 01:22:06 AM 
come on avichai... just admit it... you can't handle any of my argumentation... you do not possess the mental acuity nor the command of language nor the capacity for passionate erudition to seriously and successfully debate me issue for issue... point for point... so you resort to name-calling and infantile coloring book-style diatribes... what are you still in the 2nd grade? "nanananana..." next you're going to use the tongue sticking out smiley-face on me... aren't you...? ooh... so scary... please don't avichai i don't know if i can take much more of this... i might cry.... you're pathetic... and now you have boxed yourself into a corner which you cannot extradite yourself from because according to your own words you are supposed to be ignoring me... so all you have left are these self-portraits... you check-mated yourself... i didn't even lift a finger to make you appear this ridiculous in front of everyone here... i barely engaged you this past week and believe me avichai i held alot back... i didn't need my full arsenal... besides i assure you... take my word for it... you really don't want any part of me... and i mean this sincerely... i'm not trying to brag... i just know my capabilities is all... and i know you're no where near my league... sorry!

well anyway... as i always tell people who have trouble dealing with moi... "if you can't take the heat... stay out of the kivshan ha aish!"

so run along now avichai and go play in the sandbox and leave the serious dialogue and heavy discusions to us adults... o.k.? thanks... that's a good little boy... ta... nik.
1024   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Temple Mount access... "the envelope please... and the answer is..."  on: September 06, 2005, 05:21:26 PM 
it is important to know the parameters of the discussion vis a vis the religious community and ascending har habayit...

there are places up there that are forbidden for any human being to go... even if we were totally tahor (pure) from tumat meit (defilement of contact with the dead) via the parah adumah (the red heifer)... like the place of the holy ark... the kodesh hakedoshim (holy of holies) where only the kohen gadol may trod once a year during the yom kippur services up there..

there are other places like the kodesh (the holy) where we would be permitted to walk if we were pure... but we are not and cannot yet get to that state due to no parah adumah ashes being available to us to cleanse us from this highest level and degree of tumah (impurity)...

because of these two above problems our gedolim have ruled it is forbidden for us to ascend har habayit (i.e. better if we do not go up) eventhough there are spots like where the ezrat nashim (women's section) was... that are permitted to us even now in our defiled status as long as we at least go to mikvah (ritual bath) first to remove all other lower forms of tumah... but they still rule we should not go up because someone may wander into forbidden zones which even accidentally let alone purposely carry with it severe reprisals and punishments for this transgression... koret (excision... the "cutting off" of the soul's eternal existence) and mita b'day shemayim (death by Divine decree)...

however since 1967 rav shlomo goren and others have charted the permitted places up there and have instructed that it would be safe if guided tours only were led for prayer services... i.e. no more tourism... and therefore it should be made available for us to at least construct a shul or two up there in the permitted areas for jews to daven there...

at the very least rav meir held that if we are going to adhere to the strict orders of those gedolim who feel it is inappropriate for us to go up there now... then it should become off-limits for everyone... jew and gentile alike... and certainly no non-judaic services should be allowed up there as this marks a grave chillul Hashem... desecration of G-d's Holy Name... and as such at least the mosques should be taken down and shipped to the muslims elsewhere to their countries and the whole area should remain dormant and a human-free zone until the moshiach arrives and the third and final temple is constructed...

however... not to defy my rebeiim and the gedolim of eretz yisroel... but i for one feel that we are facing an emergency situation (horat sha'ah) for jews in the world right now and therefore we should go up there enmasse to pray... these tefilot would of course benefit greatly all jews everywhere whatever their matzav (condition of security) and i feel these dramatic and tremendous actions would enthuse, excite, spur on and inspire many... many jews to come back home to israel and to torah-true judaism... and who knows they may be the key and the very catalyst we need to finally bring moshiach... just my very humble opinion anyway... ta... nik.   
1025   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!! to avichai... amnesia has now set in...  on: September 06, 2005, 05:07:58 PM 
hello? you are supposed to be ignoring me... remember?
1026   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: avichai's charming summation of the weighty issues raised in this post...  on: September 06, 2005, 02:40:15 PM 
Quote from: avichai on September 06, 2005, 02:08:38 PM
More ramblings of a lunatic.

takes one to know one avichai... takes one to know one... ta... nik.
1027   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!! ignore away avichai...please, please ignore me....  on: September 06, 2005, 02:35:41 PM 
talk about childishness? sheesh! but this is a good development here... leastwise in this way perhaps some others can get a word in edgewise in response to my offerings without your 2 cents stuck in and clogging up the system all the time... and your "sound advice" to me is a crock... you only offered it up to demean, belittle and deride me... you don't have a single compassionate bone in your body... how do i know? because your ulterior motives are showing through... better tuck them back in so that you don't embarrass yourself any further in front of all these good folks... ta... nik.
1028   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: my immediate reaction to the rape of gush katif... erev shabat nachamu...  on: September 06, 2005, 10:56:05 AM 
so don't read it...
1029   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / 2 further reasons for our losing parts of eretz hakodesh... (4 total)...  on: September 06, 2005, 03:51:27 AM 
(note:) read finberg's piece at the bottom of the post first and then my reply to him...

thank you... you have comforted me somewhat but
remember... even under joshua we did not fulfill this
other half of the mitzvah of yishuv eretz yisroel...
even from the start of our conquest and settlement
inside eretz hakodesh we failed to comply properly and
fully to Hashem's command...

little did we know then that "masei avot siman
l'banim..." "the deeds of the fathers are a sign for
the children..." what a terrible precedent they were
setting for us... and that we would historically
follow exactly in their footsteps and just as they
eventually lost part of and then the whole of the land
so are we and will we... G-d forbid... unless we
finally rise up and honor G-d's torah by doing this
mitzvah fully and completely...

so with all of this now said how have you comforted me
just a bit?

because without your reminder of rav binyamin's words
which i know so well from his writings... i would not
have applied this following idea and lesson which does
soothe my soul... for we have not and are not really
dwelling in the land at all... we are just gerei
toshav ourselves since we won't fulfill the mitzvah to
rid the land of the goyim... we never had or still
have any of the land... we are strangers here... mere

this is a comfort to me in the sense that the pain is
still there of the missed opportunity but all hope is
not yet lost because we can still rise up and act and
get it all (not back because we never had it) but go
out and conquer it properly and fully once and
forever... so thank you my friend...

also the sin of all of us enmasse for the last 38
years or so... our sin of not going there to live also
contributed to our sense of real and palpable loss and
thus we bear some if not alot of the responsibility
for this tragedy and setback as well... and this
combined with my other two reasons which i sent out
erev shabat... now covers the gamut and full range...
there are four reasons we lost a portion of our holy
land this week... and we have only ourselves
collectively and individually to blame...

1)zenut (sexual immorality) which the torah states the
land cannot tolerate and will spit us out just as it
did the canaanim...

2)the allowing of innocent jewish blood to be spilled
with impunity and our unwillingness to atone for it
with the spilling and/or exile of the perpetrators...
which the torah says the land cannot tolerate or abide
either and also therefore is implied in the verse that
the land will spit us out...

3)our not going up to the land to live as an entire
nation from all over the world fast enough and
completely enough though Hashem gave us 38 years
(really 50) to do so...

4)and lastly rav binyamin's vort that we refused to do
the complete mitzvah of yishuv haaretz which involves
both settling jews on the entire land and removing all
goyim from the entire land...

peace out... moshe

--- Moshe Finberg wrote:

> Stop the Deportation/ Maalat
> Help Us Help Them, Please donate generously.
> August 20, 2005/ 15 Av 5765 Moshe Finberg
> Chairman, Maalat HaGeula (Ascendant Redemption)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> I, like many of you, have been reciting tehillim,
> davening harder than ever, and learning extra
> portions of Torah in the hope that these holy-
> intentioned efforts would merit the miracle needed
> to
> stop the Sharon Deportation Plan/Surrender to
> Terrorism. The feelings of helplessness and despair
> became overwhelming as I listened to the inane
> commentary from even my "friends" at Fox News as
> well as the usual Israel bashers at CNN and the BBC.
> I then applied some skills I've learned through
> cognitive therapy to quiet my mind and hear HaShem
> explain that there is good to be found in this.
> First, I heard that our holy ancestors suffered far
> greater physical and emotional pain over the past
> 2000 years, and most remained true to HaShem and
> the Covenant. The new twist, of course, is that they
> didn't suffer the pain, shame and humiliation from a
> Jewish government in the Jewish National Homeland.
> Nevertheless, as a wise man once told me, do not
> confuse Jews with Judaism or the Knesset with
> Israel.
> Ok, he had my attention, and I quietly listened for
> more. Arik is not evil; HaShem hardened his heart as
> he did to Pharaoh in order to set the stage for our
> redemption. Then I was reminded of the following
> lesson from R. Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane, ZT"L:
> It has become polite custom when learning Parashat
> Mishpatim to focus on the verse "do not allow them a
> foothold" and to breeze over "they shall not dwell
> in
> your land," a clear prohibition on Gentiles living
> in
> Eretz Yisrael when it is under Jewish sovereignty.
> According to the Rambam in chapter 10 of Hilchot
> Avodah Zarah, "...when Israel has power over them
> (the Gentiles), it is forbidden to allow them to
> live
> amongst us. Even as temporary it is
> written, 'they shall not dwell in your land' – even
> temporarily. And if they accept the 7 Noachide laws,
> then they have the status of a resident stranger.
> And we only accept resident strangers when the
> Jubilee is in effect." During the holy struggle by
> the
> rabbis to prevent withdrawals from Eretz Yisrael,
> they omitted the requirement of driving out the
> Gentiles. This requirement is the flip side of
> Yishuv
> HaAretz (Settle the Land), inseparable and essential
> to the mitzvah. There can be no inheritance of the
> Land without a disinheritance of its inhabitants.
> This
> verse was uncomfortable for rabbis who didn't want
> to ruffle feathers over the Ishmaelite trespassers.
> Many of us are consumed with anguish this week
> over the Israeli government's violation of the
> common
> lesson from the teaching that it is forbidden to
> withdraw from any part of Eretz Yisrael and leave it
> in the hands of Gentiles. Is not the obvious lesson
> from these verses of Torah that we must drive the
> Gentiles out of all parts of the Land which are
> under
> our control and never again allow them to live
> there?
> It should be obvious that the tragic situation in
> which we find ourselves is a direct result of our
> failure to follow the Torah and drive out the
> Gentile
> inhabitants after reconquering the Land in 1948 and
> 1967. HaShem has ordered us to drive them out and
> destroy their foreign gods. Not only did we disobey
> HaShem's commandment to do so, we gave the fifth
> column of hostile resident strangers dominion and
> control over our holy Temple Mount which they have
> desecrated and where we are forbidden to even
> whisper a prayer. We cannot pick and choose
> mitzvot; the mitzvah of settling the Land is
> dependent on our driving out the Gentiles.
> As always, Reb Binyamin distilled timeless lessons
> from our timeless Torah. HaShem causes all action
> for a reason, and this is the lesson I heard when I
> became still. The government of Israel has given the
> world a test of how it will respond to population
> transfers based on religion. As many a Jew over the
> past 2 millennia has worried about what the world
> will
> think before doing something to help a Jewish cause,
> Arik, with his hardened heart, tried it out on his
> own
> People first, and the verdict is in. Not a single
> county
> or human rights organization raised a peep over the
> forced removal of Jews from their homes based solely
> on the fact that they are Jews. Let this be a
> lesson
> and guiding principle when we fulfill the
> commandment that "they shall not dwell in your land"
> and we drive the Ishmaelites from our Land to
> reestablish our control over the Land of Greater
> Israel. Please see the rightness of this and know
> that
> the World must never again be allowed to apply this
> indifference only to Jews. It must be held to the
> same standard of silence when the Ishmaelites are
> deported to any on of the 22 Muslim nations already
> in existence just as it did for the Jews. Could Arik
> be
> a mad genius??? Could then be the real end
> game??? Remember the mitzvoth of settling and
> expelling, commandments from our G_d, and never let
> the other Nations forget the indifference displayed
> to
> the forced removal of Jews from their homes.
> HaShem save, may the King answer us on the day
> we call!
> Only thus, m
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Please Forward this Email
> Stop The Deportation/ Maalat HaGeula -
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> * Never Again to indifference.
> * Never Again to silence.
> * Never Again to Ethnic Cleansing.
> * Never Again to the deportation of Jews.
> "I will plant them upon their land, and they will
> never
> again be uprooted from their land which I have given
> them, said HaShem, your G_d." Amos 9:15.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Stop the Deportation/ Maalat HaGeula
> Moshe Finberg
> Chairman
> * Email: [email protected]
> * Phone: 303.442.1276
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Ascendant Redemption has been determined by the
> I.R.S. to be an organization described in Section
> 501
> (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions
> to
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1030   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / my immediate reaction to the rape of gush katif... erev shabat nachamu...  on: September 06, 2005, 03:29:38 AM 
Fri, 19 Aug 2005 18:54:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: "nikmatdam" <[email protected]>  View Contact Details
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Subject: attn. rav mendel... "ehem... uh... pardon me please... excuse me for a moment world... but i have something to tell you..."
To: "mendel weinbach" <[email protected]>
CC: "nikmat dam" <[email protected]>

so all of you little, insignificant, jew-haters had yourselves quite a week huh? well enjoy it while it lasts because when it's gone so will you be gone... forever... buried under the rubble of the heap that is your sorry excuse for what passes for your humanity...
for the first time in its history the american government has openly joined the ranks of the reshayim (wanton sinners) and they did so they think with utter impunity... sure they lied again and again saying this was just sharon's great idea.... yeah like oslo just happened to be israel and the plo "eloping" and israel going much farther than they needed to or that the arabs deserved or etc, etc.... sheer sheker.... pure fiction every last letter of that line of thought... but america got away with hiding its hatred and loathsome posture as the true enemy which it is in league with the saudis (and the iranians) to one day soon now rid the world of israel... but this time is different for the first time the veil slipped off and we saw the dirty lying hypocrits and despoilers for who and what they really are... for this time they openly defied G-d... upon their orders they willingly and wickedly contramanded the will of the G-d of israel and His redemption process... getting filthy erev-rav, satanic and sabbatian, impure and unjewish jews  to do their dirty work for them... exactly like the nazis did with jewish kapos back in the days of the shoa... oh how you yearn for those days to come again don't you? all of you bloodthirsty monsters and ravenous, rabid dogs.... every pore of your body oozes and drips with the fresh jewish blood of gush katif and you lust and hunger for more jewish flesh to rip into and yet thirst for more jewish blood to drink... so you reversed G-d's redemption temporarily and you openly defied His exalted will... one day you will reap what you have sown this week... for this week you became unequivocably.... gog oo' maygog... destined for obliteration... (read daniel 7 and ezekeil 36-38... yes you too america.... especially you... and that decadent and psychotic pathetic backstabbing island-nation of (nothing great about it) great britain... you finally revealed yourselves and now we see the raw naked truth of your bestiality and your desecration of the G-d of israel... you may appear invincible like the goliath and nimrod of old before you but you will fall as sure as they both did... as assuredly as the sun will rise tomorrow morning...
we will see what you will get... if you get more of our land before you are destroyed than we are punished even further than just this week's carnage... with the sudden and painful loss of part of our holy covenental land...... from your vantage point you sinned against the L-rd and will one day get what you deserve... but from our perspective... the faithful jews of israel... this black week is punishment for many things we did wrong between us and G-d... and with each other.... but mainly it is because we did not take G-d's torah to heart carefully enough... it says at the end of parshes achrei mot and kedoshim (vayikra: leviticus:18:27-28 and 20:22-24) that the land of israel can not tolerate immorality and when it becomes saturated with the tumah (the impurity) of our actions like the canaanim (cannanites) before us... it promises to spit us out and off of the land of israel for these great sins against our king's commands... and even if the "settlers" were not (and they most definitely were not) the source or cause of this grave onesh (punishment) still among the rest of the jews in the world and the other remaining jews of the state of israel... there was plenty enough of those sins going on for kl'al yisroel as a whole to receive this setback at this time... because we are guarantors for each other... all in it together as apeople... and the sins of even one of us especially in the land of israel contribute to the pain and suffering of all of us as an entire people... "kl'al yisroel aravim zeh l'zeh..."
but there is something even worse than this that we owe this onesh to... something even more threatening, damaging and sinister to our welfare and continued future hold upon our heritage... and i lay this squarely at the feet of and in and by the hands of the unholy so-called "jewish" government of the now late, great state of israel... which because of their immoral and obscenely unjust actions this week have loudly sounded their own death-knell and once rung cannot be unrung... it has been sounded and the thud you will soon hear is their power crashing down to the ground... and they are through now for good... they demonstrated this week that they do not rule in the best interests of our people nor do they care at all for any jew's safety and security anywhere in the world... and therefore their authority is forfeit and their sin is greatest of all and will be visited with G-d's wrath greatest of all... and that sin is the the sin of the allowing of innocent jewish blood to be shed and in the wake and aftermath of it the deliberate and callous refusal and failure to follow the dictates of the halacha (code of jewish, torah law) which calls for the atonement or repurification of the land of israel which as the torah states near the end of sefer bamidbar (the book of numbers) (chapter 35)... that the land of israel cannot tolerate nor stand the spilling of innocent jewish blood and again eventhough it does not say it openly here like it does by zenut (sexual depravity)... it implies the same "spitting out" punishment because of course the spilling of innocent jewish blood is far worse and much more severe than, relatively speaking, the sins of deviant morality (and i mean this only by comparison because obviously they are extremely serious matters that G-d cares deeply and greatly about us guarding and fulfilling... these biblical, torah laws and mitzvot relating to the sexual drive in man)...
and the torah is clear over there... if you allow innocent spilled blood (we refer to murder or accidental manslaughter and not to the spilling of necessary even jewish blood by the beit din or during times of war, even of civil-war)... yes you heard me right... we have had plenty of them and we need one more and they were and are all justified and legal and proper and considered good deeds when they occur as a last resort rather than let the evil jew destroy the torah and land of israel... (i.e. only if there is absolutely no hope for their repentance and as a self-defense mechanism... which today it just became... really years ago... already.... (read further)....
but i digress from the point... and that is that when a jew sins and becomes a rasha (an evil doer) and murders a fellow jew in cold blood in front of two kosher jewish witnesses... he needs killing... he needs it to, with a proper and sincere tshuvah (repentance) to save his soul and we the people of israel upon our land of israel need his death by court sanction and decision... in order to wipe off the stain of innocent blood spilled on the holy soil of our sacred land... and so no mercy is allowed, no commuted sentence to life in prison and absolutely no ransom or bribe to escape the inevitable is to be sanctioned or condoned or else!... no we need the cleansing of his blood for the blood he spilled and only by his blood being spilled in turn do we achieve this repurification.... according to G-d this is so.... this was not made up by any human being... and it is the sole thing that we can do in order to save ourselves from being evicted from our land by G-d...  and so even if this innocent-blood slaying was done by accident... even then we still require a cleansing process for that blood and we send the manslayer to exile until the death of the kohen gadol (the high priest) (not for now any explanation as to why him and why he alone bears this burden and awesome responsibility for eretz yisroel)... in any event... this is why we lost part of our land this week... this is the main reason.... there the torah is only speaking of wicked jews killing or semi-righteous ones who do so by sheer accident... and yet the penalty is mandated and as you know already or have just learnt here,  the sentence and culpability is very, very severe and intense and it is utterly immutable... but kol shekain... all the more so when the killers and shedders of innocent jewish blood are vile animals and sub-human arab dogs and wild beasts... for then the agony of that crime screams to the highest levels of the heavens for justice and vengeance and barring any the loss of part of eretz yisroel is easily understandable and is i am afraid to say TO BE EXPECTED!!! G-d forbid... andeven more can be lost to us if we do not act quickly enough to restore order and comply with the Divine imperative.... to keep the torah of G-d and make it the sole law of the land...
but we are quiet and we are silent and we are not protesting or demanding the correction of our wrongdoing... and we do not yet see the error of our ways... we have not atoned for the rivers of our brothers' and sisters' blood lo these many years and now G-d has come down this week to hold us accountable for it... and has now requited us and required their lost blood from, by and at our own hands... we are guilty and are to blame for our failing to meet the Divine obligation and to thwart the evil of our deeds and those of our poor and shameful excuse for a governmnet  and so He took back a small but painful portion and part of our land like the amputation, G-d forbid, of a limb from the body... lo alenu... enough said... hamaven yaven and we must rid ourselves of this evil regime on the land and we cannot be complacent any longer or we risk losing it all ... chas v'challiah!!!
a word in closing... mr. president sir... your esteemed honor and majesty... sire...king george the second... you and your band of "war on terror partners" sharon and blair... the three of you bear the weight of the sins of this day for the world at large and you know what will befall you all in the end...
but i say this to the lot of you and any and all of your so-called cast of "world-leaders"... you did not heed the warning of G-d to you in rome this year to leave G-d's land alone... you just couldn't resist and so what you can look forward to for you and for your peoples is that this time around it won't be 4 million people attending one man's funeral but you and your countries will suffer many millions of untold grief, horror, agony and wailing... mida k'neged mida (measure for measure... "an eye for an eye" etc.)... but that is perhaps down the line... a few years off yet... (hopefully not)... but i say to you for today... for right now to keep in mind... we see the truth now... your war on terror is a lie and a fraud and a sham!!! "war on terror" my kishkes... if you are fighting a war on terror mr. president then tell me why are hamas terrorists singing and dancing in the streets of gaza this week? they are terrorists... aren't they on your stupid state-department's list? well then remove them and kill them or shut the hell up about your conducting any great war on terrorism... because if you don't kill terrorists you can't and don't have a real war against them or their ism either...  would you allow al qaeda to defy you and openly dance somewhere where your missiles could reach? then why do you do so now here in israel... or in the philippenes, or in syria or lebanon (the becca valley) or in iran or chechnya? you are a liar mr. president you do not and never did have a war on terrorism going on because if so why are all the terrorists and i mean virtually all of them... why are they all still standing almost 5 years into such a great, world-wide, "generational" (as you yourself phrased it)... war? liar!
and to you mr. sharon you utter, nazi scumbag... you who pride yourself in your "democratic" israel... you know you were elected to do the opposite of this week's infamous atrocities... to get rid of the arabs on our land not to remove jews from it... and you will go down in history as a tyrant... a bully... A PARO! (a pharaoh)... why didn't you do that which even the miserable torah-hater rabin promised... a referendum on any such major move... why not? because you knew damn well that you would lose hands down in an avalanche and not just in a mere landslide... that's why... you deplorable "spokesman" for evil ... you are haman's excrement incarnate and you will soon be joining him forever...  and so i say to you as you hide behind the fig-leaf of democracy that the world tries shamelessly to cloak you in... i say to you as well as to your cronies... you would not hold a referendum so you will now absorb a full scale revolution.... soon please G-d... and know this... if i had a million jews with me i would move to israel just in time for us to become citizens and vote in the very next election... and we would vote you and your ilk out of power for all-time... but alas i am at present without that million... if i had with me between 1-200,000 jews armed to the teeth i would march on the knesset and stage a coup d'etat and if a civil war broke out... so be it! afterall you drew first blood this week beating mere lads... how very proud you must feel in all of your glory that you beat yeshiva students and children into submission... bully for you... you drew first blood really back when oslo started and even before at least when you murdered rav meir kahane... if not before... at the altelena... but you drew first blood and history will note this and record it and when the revolution does finally come we will be above board because our civil-war if need be will be righteous and sanctioned by G-d and led by moshiach... because i alas have no army with me... nor do i possess any weapons of war... so this option will also have to be put on hold as well...
but the one thing that i do possess and we all have is the kol, kol yaakov... the voice of tephila and believe you me when i tell you all that i am using it night and day... everyday round the clock to pray... yes to daven for your death... and for all of your partners as well... death davening for the lot of you... and what i wish for is for Hashem to strike you down Himself... because if some human, any human, does the killing it will not be accepted by any of you as a sign from above and you will not learn to have the dread and fear of the Al-mighty which i wish to bring down upon all of your heads thru my davening... and so just know wherever you go.... wherever you are.... whatever you're doing... just know that i am praying hard for you sir... praying long and hard mr. prime minister for your demise...  davening for your mita b'dei shemayim... "your death by heavenly hands"... let no mortal man or woman strike any of you down... please may Hashem do it Himself in all of His glory and might... and do it soon and rid us of the likes of you all forever and may He see fit to have rachamim (mercy) on us and redeem us swiftly and return to us all of our land, people and our full and complete...  torah-true way of life... amen selah...
as for you mr. blair... i'll come to you later... shabat is coming and i must cease here... but i have a special message for you as well so don't fret now... i'll catch ya later... ta... nik. shabat shalom... peace love and torah for the faithful jew and goy... war for everyone else until the end of time!
jews... "never again!" you vowed... remember? well...? if you can't see that this is the start of another at least attempted holocaust of our people... G-d forfend... then i feel sorry for you all... i really, really do...
sharon, blair and bush... may G-d evict you all and not any longer...  His Holy, chosen nation...
"evict bush, sharon and blair... not jews!!!" peace out... nik.

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1031   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the ignorance is bliss theory...  on: September 06, 2005, 03:19:48 AM 
amen y... amen selah!
1032   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!! avichai on the ropes...  on: September 06, 2005, 03:18:59 AM 
go to hell avichai... go directly to hell and don't collect $200... i'm not going anywhere... and i am not the one who invented the concept of revolution here in israel... rav meir said it plainly and openly... either israel holds a referendum over its policies and the future direction of its governmental institutions or axiomatically a revolution will eventually occur due to the "laws of nature and history" for wherever you have a vacuum or a surfeit of liberty and freedom you get either slavery or revolution... usually both... but you don't get equal rights and justice... and to quote "the who"..."you never did and never will" ever get "democracy" from such an explosively rancid equation... as for my being a psychopath and in need of therapy and medication i can only say... that if you already have to resort to such nasty and pathetic rhetoric you have already lost the debate with me and you are exposing yourself to everyone hereon for the spiritual fraud and intellectual lightweight that i felt you were from the very beginning... you are a blatherer... nothing more... a blowhard and a bully... and it is YOU and not i who should take a hike! or would you prefer a flying leap? ta... nik.
1033   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the ignorance is bliss theory... the geilah monster attack in the back...  on: September 05, 2005, 08:19:36 PM 
Sun, 04 Sep 2005 23:30:21 +0200
From: "terwi144" <[email protected]>  Add to Address Book
Subject: Meeting?
To: [email protected]

Shalom, Nikmatdam! ( Does this 'dam' mean blood?)
At first you got me angry, sorry,  but now I am starting to find your agressive tone more or less amusing.
You surely are a firecracker, man!
Am I very wrong when I suppose you are still rather young?
You remind me very much of the teens I am teaching for some 30 years now, a ministry the Lord has blessed very much,  in His grace, and which He wants me to continue, so I'll obey Him and not you, OK?
I suppose you are only a man and obeying a man is idolatry, if I am correct.
How many people did you lead to Him?
How many will be in heaven because of you?
Well... I know one rav Sha'oel who was just like you and then the Lord grabbed him and said: "O.K. - now I am going to use you to build my Kingdom, whether you like it or not."
He had a vision in broad daylight and saw Jesjóe'a, whom He háted deeply and bitterly ( could be yóur twin) standing at the Right Hand of G.d Almighty - in heaven - and He said: "Sha'oel, Sha'oel... why are you persecuting Me?"
You must know that the poor, deluded soul was on his way to Damascus, to imprison and even kill the believers in Yeshoe'a and he thought in his spiritual blindness that he was pleasing G.d.   
Well, G.d certainly has a sense of humour and He saw the intensity and the fire in Sha'oel, misdirected at that time, because he tried to please the legalistic (= spiritually dead) rabbi's - never try to please legalistic people, they're all in the dark -  but as He is G.d He decided to turn that same intensity in HIS divine direction, and after the vision Sha'oel was blind for 3 days, which was good for him, for now he had time to think and to repent.
Imagine Nikmatdam, always thinking you are right, and then discovering that you are working AGAINST the G.d you thínk you are serving... Pfff...
That must be a HUGE shock, don't you think?
Sha'oel was shattered, utterly shattered.
He, the super-orthodox-Pharisee, saw himself now in the light of G.d: a fanatic, a killer, a cold-blooded bastard, who did not understand óne iota of the truth in the Torah, which he could recite by heart, as if thát mattered.
And then G.d sent an old man to him.
"Go to Sha'oel", the Lord spoke to Ananias in a vision " Arise, and go into the street which is called Straight, and enquire in the house of Jehoedah for one Sha'oel of Tarsis, for behold, the man is praying....
He has seen in a vision a man named Ananias coming in and putting His hand on him , that he might receive his sight."
Well, Ananias was not exactly happen, because he knew only too well what this fanatic had done to the saints, but He had to obey and so he went.
The Lord had said: " He is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear My Name before the gentiles and kings and the children of Israel.
For I will shew him how great things he must suffer for My Name's sake."
And Ananias went into this house and laid his hands upon Sha'oel, and he told him that Jeshóe'a, Who had appeared to him in a vision on the road to Damascus, had sent him, that Sha'oel should receive his sight and the Ruach haKodesh.
At the same moment he could see again and, as G.d had changed his heart, he wanted to be baptized.
So this angry man, murderously-angry man, became the greates apostle of the Lord, for G.d can use people like him.
That's why  I am not angry when I read what you wrote.
You have potential, man...
If I was G.d ( which I am not..) I'd like to turn you into something important, that you would become a servant of the light and stop being so unhappy, confused and angry.
I'll be in Jerusalem for Sukkoth from 14-21 oktober, and if you are there in this period too, let's drink a cup of coffee and talk a little bit.
You intrigue me...
If you have any courage, and not only hurtful words, let's make an appointment at Moriah, a coffeeshop close to the Cardo.
Don't be afraid of me, I am only a small woman of 60 with a lot of understanding for young people.
I have the idea that G.d wants something with you - that's why the story  about Sha'oel.
Think about it and don't explode again - it becomes boring and it doesn't help your bloodpressure.
Relax, brother, and trust that everything will be just glorious for all G.d's children in the end.
Shalom for now,
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1034   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!! come now...  on: September 05, 2005, 08:14:47 PM 
what trouble am i trying to get you in? i am not an agent provocateur... i hate the shabak and the cia, et al... i really want a revolution like happened in russia... ta... nik.
1035   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is hurricane Katrina Hashems revenge./ without a doubt...  on: September 05, 2005, 08:11:55 PM 
good job here avichai... also to be kept in mind... this news event had a seemless segue from gush katif... it was literraly the very next major world news story after the rape of gush katif... there was no month-long gap for example between events... this is as clear an act of hashgocha pratis as you can possibly get... only jew-haters will deny the connection... ta... nik. 
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1036   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the ignorance is bliss theory...  on: September 05, 2005, 08:08:10 PM 
thanks ahavat...
1037   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!! bull!  on: September 04, 2005, 06:45:15 PM 
they both may have run but when they were each in turn banned they realized the error of their ways and more importantly the bankruptcy and sheer hypocrisy of israel's "democracy" (in name only)... so again instead of assailing how much and what i have read or studied of a particular subject or author i think it is you who have failed to do your homework... or as i said before here you are a gov. shill to prevent a revolt! you are so full of it that most people here should easily be able to discern your holier-than-thou attitude... so in sticking with your condescension and your whithering put-down style i throw back in your face your own words... go study some more torah especially the jewish idea and rav binyamin's works and then we can talk... you utterly arrogant a--!!! ta... nik.
1038   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the ignorance is bliss theory... the geilah monster...  on: September 04, 2005, 06:02:13 PM 
you all should read the diatribe she unleashed on me privately... stay away from this woman... and tell the moderator to pull the plug on her... i'll get her attempt to shmad me up here shortly... nik.
1039   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the ignorance is bliss theory... and the bliss is ignorance response...  on: September 04, 2005, 04:00:40 PM 
there is and cannot be any forgetting of nor any forgiving for what the world has done to the jewish people throughout history in the name of jesus or allah and muhamid (name misspelled to insult)... first and foremost... it would be the height of obscenity of us and a tremendous insult to the memory of our tortured and martyred ancestors to accept apologies on their behalf for the atrocities which befell them not us... and secondly and more crucially as i wrote here previously... G-d, Himself, has sworn vengeance on our behalf and who are we to ask the L-rd, G-d of israel... to forgo that which He deems so absolutely necessary and so unequivocably just?

next... you may have read tnach and seen about the embrace of the non-jew underneath the wings of the Divine presence in acceptance of their conversion but this is only before the true messiah (not jesus) comes ... afterward they will still be loved and succored by the Shechina of G-d... but no longer as converts but as gentile servants of G-d... and even now we do not embrace any converts or born-jews for that matter who accept yashka as their personal savior or what-have-you... to us it is not judaism plus it is judaism minus!!! and as such we reject them both... and G-d does too... this is what we are taught by our rabbis and teachers for the last 3300 years... any "rabbi" who feels differently about this fundamental principle is no rabbi and is a rebel and sinner against the G-d of israel... the one and only G-d of the universe... period... end of statement and i do not want to address this point with you anymore... from now on i will simply ignore any of your reference to brit chadashes or "extras"... 

lastly... i am very disheartened to read here in your post that you have contact with and educational influence over jewish boys and girls... i must insist and request that you cease and desist from these actions immediately as you are doing more harm and damage to their souls than aid and comfort and you will be held accountable to G-d for it... better that they remain totally ignorant of their faith and heritage than learn from you wrong and sinful notions of a pseudo-judaism which is treif and disgusting... no matter what the outer trappings of real torah you give them... shabat or kippot you are misleading them and outright attempting to shmad them and G-d will get you for this... please cease... horrified... nik.l 
1040   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!! and the beat goes on...  on: September 04, 2005, 03:30:11 PM 
who's bickering...? i'm just holding to my party line... kahane chai... to my leader, binyamin kahane hy"d... for a dead binyamin is far and away better than a live sharon or bibi....although granted not better than a live feiglin would be but he doesn't have a snowball's chance... and if still alive i would much prefer binyamin as prime minister over feiglin... no contest...  but again... let me be brutally honest and bluntly clear... i am not bickering... i firmly believe in my vision just as ardently and adamantly (at least to the same level) as you do to your own opinion and viewpoint... binyamin even with the requisite support to be pm would not accept the job because we need a torah state not a goyish one... the only way he would have ever accepted the post would have been if he were able then to immediately abolish the entire current israeli form of government in favor of instituting a true torah-law state... (an halachic medina) and as such... all of this is so because we maintain and hold that the israeli system is completely broken... shattered... and cannot be mended... and even if it could be fixed or was not as corrupt it still would need to be toppled as the whole thing is a monumental abomination and gigantic chillul Hashem!!! and ergo the yeshua we are seeking even a momentary one... cannot... not may not... not perhaps not.... not even won't... but absolutely...100%... CANNOT! come from within the current system even if feiglin himself, b'k'vodo v'atzmo, were to become pm today... this is what rav binyamin taught us and he is correct not you or feiglin... the both of you are very sadly mistaken and even sadder... so utterly naive... revolution is now the only path to our even temporary salvation sans moshiach's immediate appearance... and sans moshiach any yeshua we achieve or Hashem grants us will be only just that... a temporary one... for only when Hashem brings moshiach can and will we usher in the ultimate and permanent geulah... and not a moment before... ta... nik.
1041   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MOSH FEIGLIN!!!!!!! couldn't be elected dog-catcher under the current system  on: September 04, 2005, 05:12:12 AM 
dream on avichai... feiglin has about as much chance of being prime minister as new orleans has of hosting this year's superbowl as scheduled... when are you jews going to realize that democracy in israel simply does not really exisit? when are you going to acknowledge that israel is a fascist state? i wish it were not so... but i also wish that my ucla bruins would win a national championship in football... just once in my lifetime!!! lo haya v'lo nivrah... i'm sorry to have to admit... ta... nik.
1042   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: gulf coast hurricanes... new orleans and jupiter island, florida...  on: September 02, 2005, 01:10:43 AM 
why not hit wash. d.c. you ask? all in good time friend all in good time... in mitzrayim Hashem did not go for the jugular right away... he first toyed with paro like a cat does with a mouse before he kills it and eats it... slow... as the pasuk says: "so that you may tell your children how G-d toyed with egypt..." it is in shemot look it up... the word is histolael! toyed, joked around, played with... showed how utterly helpless and powerless they were and then... only then went in for the kill... this is glorious! this is true kiddush Hashem! and we are living right now to see it happen! how fortunate we are!!! mamash... one week after a horrible chillul Hashem! G-d stood up as it says in yechzkel 36-38... somewhere in there i'll get the exact pasuk tomorrow... "not for your sake israel do I do this... do I redeem you out from the nations (because you do not yet deserve it)... but for My sake! because I am sick and tired of My name being dragged around in the mud because of you (because of your sins and because of the chillul Hashem involved everytime a jew is persecuted or murdered by the goyim in golut... and they scoff at how weak and powerless I am or how I am dead or never even existed) and I cannot tolerate this matzav any longer and so for My great and awesome Name I will redeem you and make the nations of the world pay for what they have done to you!!!" amen selah!!!!

and thus... just like back then when Hashem took the most powerful nation on the face of the earth and utterly obliterated it as if it had no power and no greatness whatsoever... same same here... only this time it is going to be even more delicious... because it is against an even greater power... the greatest in history and they are going to look like less than nothing compared to Hashem's might... i mean look at this... just one storm and such vast devastation... the arrogant gog u maygog are really going to get it... and i for one am going to love it every juicy step of the way... they have to pay for the 6 mil.... they have to pay for what they are trying to do to destroy israel and have been secretly all along these 50+ years... these evil nazis that run this world have to pay and the slower and longer that they twist in the wind the more they suffer and the more every drop of jewish blood gets avenged... boruch Hashem! boruch dayan ha emet! mida k'neged mida! Hashem will at long, long last arise and be yanakum dam avadecha ha shafuch!!!! kain yirbu... beemehayrah v'yamaynu! amen selah... ta... nik. 
1043   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / gulf coast hurricanes... new orleans and jupiter island, florida...  on: September 01, 2005, 02:05:46 PM 
last hurricane season you will remember had 4 or 5 storms hit from different directions directly upon the center of florida where 90 miles north of miami lies jupiter island home of the rich and famous in american gov. and within the u.s.corporate structure elite... an opening salvo of Hashem's war against the american cabal and enemy of k'lal yisroel...

this week the war saw round two delivered with deadly fury, menace and wrath as Hashem obliterated one of america's oldest cities founded by the french sometime in the 1600's... but why this target next? well if any of you conspiracy buffs are up on your research you will have seen the great movie/documentary by oliver stone: "jfk"... within that movie is a scene which sheds light on this subject and gives us the clue we need to answer this puzzle... kevin costner as "big" jim garrison n.o. parish d.a. takes a walking tour of downtown n.o. circa 1966 and points out to his assistants all of the u.s. military installations in place back in '63 which represent still in our own day and age the american military might in the south ever since the north's conquest of the south in the civil war... herein lies the key fact... Hashem raged against these places this week... the cia, fbi, oni (naval intel.), etc. i wonder what these sites look like today... Hashem was not just going after innocent american citizens in both of these attacks... no... they were unfortunately just in harm's way... collateral damage... Hashem was going after the high and mighty and attacking amer. military and primary homes and offices of the elite in corporate and gov. america in both of these forays...

and of course the beat goes on... every u.s. disaster from here on out should be scrutinized for Hashem's planning and assault on america's might and wealth... peace out... peace, love and torah for the faithful jews and goyim of the world... war for everyone else; both jew and goy; until the end of time... ta... nik. 
1044   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is hurricane Katrina Hashems revenge.  on: September 01, 2005, 11:00:43 AM 
yeah just one... are those pics we're looking at of gush katif or of gulf katrina? my... my... my... mida k'neged mida... kain yirbu... we warned you america not to sin against the G-d of israel... you wouldn't listen and so now you are going to get it good... boruch Hashem! boruch dayan ha emet! bon voyage.... ta... nik.
1045   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is hurricane Katrina Hashems revenge.  on: September 01, 2005, 05:42:59 AM 
well the last comments from you two guys is certainly welcome and most refreshing...but the word is apologize... but i don't think america will be around to do any apologizing after Hashem gets through with her... her sins against israel and jews have largely been kept hidden and secret but now they will become exposed and it will be time for her to pay the piper... the american elite and the british aristocracy are responsible for bringing hitler to power and for arming and paying for his ss henchmen to be trained and let loose on the world and they both bear the responsibility for the shoah and the blood of the 6 mil. and they both especially america have been holding israel back for years until they could reign us in like this and now leave us vulnerable and threatened as to our very existence and survival... america the gov. not the people is evil... thoroughly evil... and have been secretly trying to destroy israel in league with the saudis (read loftus' book "the secret war against the jews")... so america is the real enemy trying to undermine the entire jewish state in favor of the arabs and all of their beautiful oil... the british did the same during the mandate years and even before and after when seemingly out to help us were really aligning themselves with the erev rav jews like ben gurion and weizman solely for their own empire building purposes and then they double-crossed even these jews to try and have the whole pie to themselves forever... i say to hell with the both of them and may Hashem tear them both down to the ground and bury them forever... amen... ta... nik. 
1046   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is hurricane Katrina Hashems revenge.  on: August 31, 2005, 06:42:03 PM 
amen selah moshe! they are now saying that the late great city of new orleans may never be rebuilt... it may have received too much flood damage to make a comeback like it had after a 1969 storm possible... boruch Hashem! mida k'neged mida! t... nik. 
1047   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is hurricane Katrina Hashems revenge.  on: August 31, 2005, 02:50:49 PM 
so? it still could have woosed out had not the rape taken place!
1048   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is hurricane Katrina Hashems revenge.  on: August 31, 2005, 12:25:59 PM 
you betcha! darn tootin'! i recall that while the rape of gush katif was taking place the weather guys were charting the path of katrina and calling it first a tropical depression and then a gulf storm not expected to become a full-blown hurricane even let alone a category 4 one!!! and then whamooo!!! out of the blue it hit harder than anyone expected... Hashem in direct control... as He took over a normal, natural cyclical storm and turned it into an instrument of His wrath and revenge!!!!

the world led by the u.s. attacked our southern coast and mida k'neged mida Hashem is laying waste to the u.s.' southern coast!!! and this is just today being called the worst natural disaster in the history of the u.s.!!!

and manifestly, this is due to the gaza pullout which despite what they are saying... bush et al arm-twisted sharon to go through with and call it his own plan all these many months in the lead up to it...  so america which is now openly in defiance of G-d's will for eretz yisroel and for us, His people..  therefore this is just the opening round of what the u.s. can expect from Hashem... as for me... i say... boruch Hashem! and kain yirbu... ta... nik. 
1049   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Looking ahead.  on: August 31, 2005, 03:04:55 AM 
first of all avichai you see this button over here on the right... ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' it is called an apostrophe and it is supposed to be used for contractions... like don't for do not and for possessives like nik's for belonging to nik... in case you are wondering you are using the comma tab for an apostrophe... it is a little matter but it is most disconcerting and takes away from trying to take your messages seriously... as to whether or not i need to learn more torah before talking to you any further... well i've (see what i did...? i reached over like this and used the apostophe key... '  instead of the comma key , so it came out i've instead of i,ve... do you see the difference? good.)  anyway i have been at this torah learning business now for thirty years... i know i got a late start in life... but most people around who know me say that i have thank G-d learned a velt and am something of a talmud chacham... maybe not of your caliber and rank, i don't know... (see i used both keys that time properly... don't worry you'll catch on eventually) now i'm guessing here, correct me if i'm wrong, (see i did it again...? ''' and i even threw in a couple of commas in the right places for effect... ,,,,, that's a comma... and this is an apostrophe... '''' anyway keep trying you'''''l get it i have confidence in you,,,,,//// '''''nuf said....),,,,  but i am guessing that you haven't logged the same amount of time or material... but that avichai is neither here nor there and is not the ikar... as our chazal teach us... it's quality of learning not quantity that matters most... as the gemora in brochot says (daf daled or hey, if i recall correctly)... "echad ha marbeh v'echad ha memayit... elah sh'kivan libo l'shaim shemayim..." (it is all the same the one who learns much or does much in terms of mitzvot or the one who does little... however the main thing is that they intend their hearts in their learning or their observances purely for the sake of heaven") so you might try to be a tad more humble and not assume you know more torah than everyone on here...

as to your point... well yes of course.... Hashem can do anything He likes in and with His world... it is afterall completely His and not ours.... however... He could have stopped the rape of gush katif but He did not for whatever reason... mostly to test our faith, set up the goyim for huge onshim... ala gulf katrina... and more to come and of course unfortunately... as i have mentioned here there are 4 sins we have done if not more as a people to mechaiiv ourselves in the loss of part of eretz yisroel... (in case i did not specify them on this site and i did not i will write a post detailing why i think this horrible tragedy befell us... just not tonite though)...

and so G-d could bring feiglin to power if He wishes as  He did with begin... my point is look how bad begin's rule within the current system turned out to be... (with the rape of the sinai out of our hands)... so i put no stock in or faith in anyone even moshiach himself being able to do anything positive from within the current system... and in fact, avichai as is my or was my true intention in my previous post... though i went off on a tangent to talk of real-politic and where mankind is holding... the point which you missed i will now clear up... and that is the ratzon Hashem cannot be served, satisfied or fulfilled thru the current system since it is by its very structure and existence a huge chillul Hashem ad ha rakiah... as it flies in the face of the will of G-d for torah to run His land and as such i believe this system must fall and/or be toppled before anything positive can be accomplished b'aretz in terms of safety and security for yidden... period end of statement and good night... ta... nik.
1050   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Looking ahead.  on: August 30, 2005, 05:13:44 PM 
more utter hogwash from you avichai.. you must be a gov. plant on this site... shabak? cia? and no i don't have half a brain... i have a whole one thank the good L-rd...

rav kahane said after everyone on his side got angry at him for not paying lip service to shamir and the isr. sup. crt. so that he could stay viable for high office in the cabinet...  he told us that the actions taken to outlaw him and ban the kach party when all he was doing was merely spouting pure, unadulterated and undeniable torah principles proves how bankrupt the system was and that staying inside was no longer beneficial to the cause of Hashem because the corruption and hypocrisy of the is. "democracy" had just then reached beyond all hope of repair... he told his followers not to worry... that the political and morale crisis would reach such proportions that the people would eventually come to him looking for him to lead them to a soulution (i.e. a revolt)... he laid the groundwork for such a rebellion in his magnum opus "the jewish idea" (sefer rayon hayehudi")... maybe you read it... i have three full times cover to cover... both volumes...

if as you say feglin and/or sackett both of whom i admire greatly for their guts and courage against the oslo suicide process in the mid-90's... if either of them approaches the top while remaining sincere and holy... true to Hashem's cause... they will be murdered before they assume ultimate control... pure and simple... they will be eliminated by the powers-that-be as a true threat to the established order... and if either of them does reach the top and yet they do not get waxed... know that this is so only because they have sold-out and are now carring the water for and are in the employ of the cabal... (the neo-cons with their penchant and fixation upon establishing all of that new world order garbage... they are comprised in part by the cfr, nsa, cia, shabak, eu, un and the israeli ruling clique... etc.)..

it is just that pashut... just that "elementary my dear avichai"... a begin or a lincoln or a jfk (rfk) can no longer slip thru the cracks and somehow break through to the top of the world government elite foodchain... no way... no how... they will get whacked and the cabal no longer gives a good damn rip if we know of their abhorent actions... they are that arrogant and in their mind that invincible and above the regular course of lawful action backlashing out against them in response... and they can act with impunity anytime, anywhere in the world they like... and there is no longer anyone or anything (save for G-d) able to rise up to challenge them and call them on their evil deeds and no one strong enough to bring them down... they have finally evolved into gog umaygog and only Hashem can and will destroy them in His good time... g'day mate... ta... nik. 
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1051   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the ignorance is bliss theory...  on: August 30, 2005, 12:07:03 PM 
when the messiah comes and rebuilds the holy temple... all nations (whoever is left standing after vengeance and thus deserving of living in G-d's redeemed world) will flow there to worship and serve the one true G-d... and yes the prophecy will come true then that har habayit in yerushalayim will "become a house of prayer for all mankind..." but gielah no one will be coming there to pray in the name of allah or jesus or buddah, etc. all those religions and their false gods will be gone... only the G-d of israel will be recognized as the one true G-d and only G-d... as it says and we pray thrice daily.. "on that day He will be one and His Name will be one..." all churches and mosques and ashrams etc. will be destroyed or converted to places of torah... and only judaism will be practiced in the land of israel... in fact only torah-true judaism will be practiced around the globe... no not everyone will convert to judaism... in fact, no converts will ever again be allowed to join after the messiah comes due to the probable insincerity of the applicants after we begin to rule the world forever... however all goyim will practice the implied form of judaism which is assumed thru the 7 universal laws of mankind known as the sheva mitzvot b'nai noach which proceeded the torah for the entire earth and is recorded in the torah as coming to mankind from G-d as their revelation of His exalted will for man... and thus all of the sweetness and light and non-judgemental gobbeldigoop which you espouse is just pure fiction and flights of fantasy... get real... judaism and true service to G-d is just that... service... avodah... obeying laws... first work on fear of G-d then you can come to love of Him... if you skip the first step all you end up with is syrupy expressions of an emotional pseudo-spirituality that sounds good and holy and all of that but in reality has no substance and thus no actual long-lasting viability... ta... nik. 
1052   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Looking ahead.  on: August 30, 2005, 03:09:41 AM 
truth sorry... i meant my previous post for yby who called me and idiot...
1053   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Looking ahead.  on: August 30, 2005, 03:06:03 AM 
oh gp blow it out your ear avichai... if either of those two once great activists make it under this sick, demented, diseased system they will have to be corrupt and will just have to have compromised their ideals to get to the top of the heap... and that is just what it is... a heap... and what a giant heap of manure it is... as to yby's last comment... maybe you didn't read my post well enough... the chofetz chaim clearly was talking about the failure of torah jews to rise up and make war with the communist jews of russia... as for rav moshe... he would have said those words if they involved taking matters into one's own hands to defeat rashaiim jews as he openly said was mutar against the arab menace... look at what he says... the main thing is to protect jewish life... and if peres is killing jews and he is... he should be stopped according to rav moshe no different from arab terrorists... a terrorist killing jews who himself is a jew needs to be killed the same as any goy... an enemy of k'lal yisroel is an enemy within or without the jewish fold... ta... nik.
1054   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the ignorance is bliss theory...  on: August 30, 2005, 02:53:23 AM 
yeah but we jews don't need to wait until later for the truth to be revealed... we know the truth already and we have known it for thousands of years... you and your co-religionists unfortunately do not accept the truth from us and have invented your own version which you hope will turn out to be correct (which we know will never be)... but you hold out hope for your end of days scenario to be right and tell us "we'll see whose version is true" and i understand where you are coming from... a place of darkness and confusion... but for us it is all light and has always been that way despite our far too many persecutions and exiles and despite all of our way too many jewish rengades and heretics who have left the fold and who have strayed far-a-field from the camp of the faithful and who have abandoned the ranks of the truly G-d fearing, pious and torah observant among the loyal adherents within torah-true judasm... ever since G-d opened our eyes and ears to Him and His torah on mt. sinai we have known the truth and have never been in doubt about it since... not even for a second... on the other hand you guys were not there and hence not privy to that revelation of the absolute truth and therefore you can not and do not know what we know and you will only be convinced or know for sure when events in the last days come to pass exactly as our teachers and prophets have always taught us and then you will see... but meanwhile for and in the present time...  you cannot and do not see it... but just because you are blind and deaf to the truth... doesn't mean that we are as well... for we have never been without this knowledge of the truth for even a moment over the course of the past 3300+ years... anyway... again all of this is just the way it is... peace out... ta... nik.
1055   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Looking ahead.  on: August 29, 2005, 11:40:17 AM 
and truth be told you told alot of truth in your rant... but...

rav meir wrote a book maybe you read it... "referendum or revolution"... he said that it is inevitable either the gov. hold an election over all its planned moves and give-aways and whether the country should be based on democracy or torah... or it will... not may... not perhaps... and not only if one day radicals like me take over... no but israel will... that's... WILL... fall into the throes of a full-fledged revolt as a natural outcome of its nazi-like tyranny as do all societies that oppress its people... just look at the former soviet union... so my call is not wild... my call is for us to get ready for the now unavoidable and necessary evil of rebellion in order to liberate ourselves from despotism...

furthermore... yes violence or the threat of it would have worked to block the eviction... yes... rav meir wrote an essay before yamit which he detailed how and why barricading ourselves in in undergound bunkers with weapons of war and men, women and children... on a purely volitional basis... and the making it known that we were "crazy" enough to fight to the last man... would scare the socks off the gov. and they would not be able to move on us... i knew your little demonstrations and roadblocks were doomed to failure from the outset... that's why i didn't come to participate in these futile and pathetic attempts at resistance... rav meir said... getting your head or face bashed in doesn't help or solve anything... making them prepare to kill everyone with all that that implies in image and media hype would... not could but WOULD prevent what happened two weeks ago already from happening... you just have to make them think that you're crazy enough for this... i am... are you? so put that in your pipe and smoke it... 

i leave you with two quotes and one paraphrase... who said the following...?

"the jews erred at the time. when the jewish communists began their persecution, they should have confronted them with war and self-sacrifice. even though many jews would have died, they might have weakened the power of the satan. because none of us volunteered to fight and die if necessary, the jewish communists have strengthened themselves in destroying the religious and cultural life of the jews."

who said this? none other than the saintly and universally revered sage and gadol hador... harav and gaon yisroel meir kagan hacohen... the chofetz chaim speaking to rav elchanan wasserman!!!!

next who wrote this in as a tshuvah in a letter to his flocks...?

"it is this that lost us our kingdom and destroyed our holy temple and lengthened our exile and brought us to our present plight... our fathers sinned and are gone... they failed to busy themselves with learning how to make war."

who? none other than the holy and mighty torah giant the rambam himself!!!!

and now for the kicker... who penned this tshuvah which was published in the ny jewish press sometime in the spring or summer of i think 1984 but which has long since been pulled from their archival files for obvious controversial reasons... at least they had the guts to print it once... i remember seeing and reading it... it was front page center news at the time... it was a letter in response to the shoking events and arrest of the so-called "jewish underground" who blew up 5 west-bank arab-town mayors... kein yirbu... and they made an attempt at those abominations on our har habayit... this rav said something to the effect that...

"those boys should be released immediately and be granted full amnesty... they had every right to take the law into their own hands... because the government of israel is not doing nearly enough to protect and insure the saftey of its jewish citizenry from arab terror..."

who? harav moshe feinstein zt"l!!!... that's who! and if that was true back then al achas kama v'kama is this true now!!!!

so now go ahead...  go on and call these three and rav meir hy"d... idiots and fools... i dare you! peace out... ta... nik.
1056   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Looking ahead.  on: August 29, 2005, 02:54:01 AM 
yby... why is a gov. in exile such a chillul Hashem? why isn't what we have now an absolute chillul Hashem shain k'mohu? your reasoning is flawed... you have no real sense of the depth of degredation and contempt jews are held in now all over the world... we are literally hanging our heads in shame over here and we are seething with rage... i want a civil war and a coup d'etat so bad i can taste it in my mouth... they drew first blood... we will draw last blood.... "mi chamocha b'aleem Hashem!"
1057   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the ignorance is bliss theory...  on: August 28, 2005, 04:27:28 PM 
i am sorry gielah but i cannot let stand your assessment of things to be... the founders of christianity knew their thing was a crock from the git-go... it was woven out of whole cloth... and they knew that the torah was true and that the real naviim (prophets) were authentic... so in order for their new testament to have any fighting chance historically speaking they had to account for the eventual coming of the real, jewish king or messiah (not jesus) in the end of days... so they had to invent and manufacture a story such as you refered to in the book of revelations... this story had to account for the messiah and it does by calling him evil... the anti-christ... in fact your good buddy jerry falwell a few years ago actually said that the anti-christ was alive in the world today and that he is either an american or israeli jew... he of course apologized for this but no matter he said it and we know why...

now as to the reign of terror or holy hell as i call it that will proceed and or eclipse the true messiah's coming this is because so many people and whole or parts of nations are going to be deserving of severe punishments and revenge for what they and their ancestors did to the jewish people over the course of the last 3300+ years since the torah was revealed to us on mt.sinai... sorry this is unavoidable and if it only takes 7 years the world will be lucky and most fortunate... these acts of vengeance are promised and sworn to us by G-d Himself in the the real bible and backed up repeatedly by every navi... in every prophetic book in the rest of the tenach... the old testamment... so sorry this is just the way it is and will be when the true messiah (not jesus) arrives... (see this for yourself in parshat hazinu in deuteronomy:32:39-43) where it says:

"...see, now, that I, I am He -- and no god is with Me. I put to death and I bring life, I struck down and I will heal, and there is no rescuer from My hand. for I shall raise My hand to heaven and say, 'as I live forever, if I sharpen My flashing sword, and My hand grasps judgement, I shall return vengeance upon My enemies and upon those that hate Me (those who hate My people israel) shall I bring retribution. I shall intoxicate My arrows with blood and My sword shall devour flesh, because of the blood of corpse and captive (among the jewish people at the hands of the nations of the world throughout history), because of the earliest depredations (plundering and laying waste) of the enemy.' o nations -- sing the praises of His people, for He will avenge the blood of His servants (the jews and only us); He will bring retribution upon His foes, and He will appease His land and His people (the children of israel)."

again sorry but this is just the way it is and will come to pass... and i might add... it is a fate the world so richly deserves... amen... soon and in our days...     
1058   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Looking ahead.  on: August 28, 2005, 03:55:27 PM 
binyamin kahane was right... the system is so corrupt that it can not and will not ever be able to correct itself or be corrected... the downfall of the present state of israel and the ascendency of a torah-true state is our only hope... and we should form now a government-in-exile... replete with a sanhedrin and a king who is sworn to abdicate the moment the true moshiach ben david appears... (on penalty of death, if he does not)... i have written a jewish declaration of independence for american (western) and israeli jews... if anyone wishes to receive a copy e-mail me at [email protected]... ta... nik. 
1059   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the ignorance is bliss theory...  on: August 28, 2005, 03:11:15 PM 
pseudo temple or pseudo-messiah... same difference gielah... that garbage comes from the book of revelations and will never come true... "lo haya v'lo nivra!" ta... nik.
1060   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the ignorance is bliss theory... to gielah  on: August 28, 2005, 02:12:06 PM 
thanks for the support... but we do not believe in the book of revelations and there will be no pseduo-temple... only the real one... the third, final and eternal one... ta... nik.
1061   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the ignorance is bliss theory... to avichai  on: August 28, 2005, 12:30:43 AM 
you have read my reply to you in private... don't make me make it public with any further comments assailing my motives or my heart.... if i may say so myself... i am as thoroughly l'shem shemayim as they come these days (not that i am anything great as compared to past generations... far from it)... but just ask david haivri or yisroel meir cohen for the truth of my words... so please stick to commenting upon what i say here and not to what i may or may not be representing to your mindset... thanks... ta... nik.
1062   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / the ignorance is bliss theory...  on: August 26, 2005, 12:41:27 PM 
i have been away from here far too long... my last post brought snickers and eye-rolling... people the world over laugh and chortle at conspiracy theories i know... but there are only three types who "disbelieve" or discount them... the ignorant, the petrified and the complicit...

think people... how is it humanly possible that israel is still having to abide by any kind of peace process at all after all the violence we have been made to absorb...?  the arabs broke every tenant of their side of the bargain and especially the most important one to reject terror which they couldn't keep to for 20 minutes if their life depended upon it or they were offered oodles of cash to be quiet... 20 minutes! no way they can stop for even that long...

and so the point gets lost... israel should not have to even consider a deal with these wild beasts... name another country which the world would expect and demand such an agreement where the people there would not rise up in revolt? only the jews are made to heel... only we are expected to make compromises which get us killed...

the whole thing is a conspiracy from a-z or where you guys are from aleph-tuf... i am sick and tired of being scoffed at... read people... think... why is this being done to us and who has the power to impose it upon us and keep themselves hidden from our anger and rage and retaliation? who and why?

the whole oslo/road map to hell garbage is aimed at our annihilation... pure and simple...

if the peace process were a business venture (which it largely is... casinos slated to go up everywhere where jews are removed...) but let's say i agreed to give you 10k and you would match that and we would make a joint investment in something... only i come to you and only try to give you 2k... and we argue over our agreement... i say this is my portion and you say no... here in the contract you signed it stipulates each of us giving 10k... not me 10 and you only 2!!! and i call you names and insult you and throw the money in your face and bad mouth you to the community and media as a welcher, etc. you get the idea... and later i offer a little more and then when that is rejected and you demand the full amount or no deal... i call you an obstacle to our enrichment and i threaten your family... and finally i give you a tiny bit more and when you refuse yet again to accept the off-the-cuff revisionist terms i slug you in the face and storm away...

but wait... later on i come back and say o.k. o.k here's the 10 we agreed upon let's do business together... would anyone in their right mind demand of you that you still had to go through with the deal simply by virtue of the fact that initially when i seemed sincere you had signed onto it...? and now despite the fact that i did not deal with you in good faith and indeed caused you much harm and grief you are still held to your word and expected by "law" to go through with the deal!!! no way would anyone say this is right, fair and/or mandatory... in fact people would call you a fool or worse if you still decided to go ahead with the venture with me after what i put you through!!!

well folks... this is oslo... or wait... no! it is not called oslo anymore because of the violence... oslo is dead... but it is called the road map and the results are demanded of us to be the same!!! is this not the height of arrogance on the world's part and the pinnacle of sheer stupidity on our part?  welcome to insanity!!!! israel is being made to absorb death and maiming which signals no compliance what-so-ever and grants no peace or the promise of it ever coming to fruition... and the world demands we still take the deal and give away our land to seal it... obscene and absurd... no? but this is the level of jew-hatred in the world... the powers-that-be want us gone and israel destroyed... jews dead and israel wiped off the map!!! and none of us rises in revolt? lambs to the slaughter yet again! what manner of men are we?  what is this?  why are we still sleeping...? or better yet why are we all still so blind and so deaf as to the real nature of what is really going on here and so ignorant of who is doing this all to us and for what reason...

wake up jews!!!! there is a giant conspiracy arrayed against us and our so-called "jewish" leaders are in on it... certain jews world-wide are doing the dirty work for the goyish powers who want us all (not these "special" jews, mind you) but the rest of us especially observant jews... they want us out of here permanently... and this is what will befall us... G-d forbid... unless we act and act now!

jews... we vowed... NEVER AGAIN!!!! remember? well...?

world... evict sharon, blair and bush... NOT JEWS!

shabat shalom... nik.   
1063   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / sanhedrin 16b  on: March 08, 2005, 12:54:03 PM 
the gemora is refering to the law of ir hanidachas... and the final maskana is that only one city is eligible to be deemed and doomed as one and as such only one at a time may be prosecuted and tried because we do not want to depopulate eretz yisroel... and we see this even applies to reshayim jews because we need their continued presense and they of course can still do teshuvah eventhough usually we say by such a place that they are too far gone for repentance... anyway then the gemora discusses where this city can be located in order to qualify and be condemned as an idolatrous city beyond rehabilitation deservant of total death and destruction... and they conclude even at the borders and not as the pasuk seems to exclude them by saying "in your midst" (b'toch)... we do not say they are too close in proximity to goyim and have fallen under their evil influence and thus they are indeed chayiv according to halacha... BUT!!!  BECAUSE THE CITY RESIDES AT OR ON A BORDER OF ERETZ YISROEL (AN OUTPOST OR SETTLEMENT).... IT CANNOT AND MUST NOT BE DESTROYED.... LEST IT ENCOURAGE AND INVITE THE GOYIM TO INVADE AND ATTEMPT TO OVERRUN THE JEWISH PEOPLE OF ISRAEL, AND CONQUER AND DESTROY THE REST OF ERETZ HAKODESH!!!!

and this is the conclusion the gemora makes here... so if this applies even to just one city and a city comprised of complete reshayim to boot... then KOL SHEKAIN OF  kol shekains it applies to MULTIPLE CITIES ON THE WEST BANK AND IN GAZA... (YEHUDAH AND SHOMRON AND AZA)... COMPRISED OF A POPULATION OF DECENT, LAW-ABIDING AND G-D FEARING JEWS!!!!!

just some food for thought... we see here it renders the machloket between gedolim moot... does "land for peace" have any merit and do we say pikuach nefesh is docha (pushes off) chillul Hashem? both are seen here in the light of this gemora to be foolish queries as the very destroying of even one border town of evil, sinful jews is proven to be a terrible sekanat nefashot and as such a potentially suicidal event... leading to war with our enemies due to our own stupidity of allowing them to see us destroy each other... and due to the fact of our own show of weakness we open the door for further abuse and terror from them by virtue of the hope we engender in them that they are winning or that we are disintegrating... and so even ir hanidachais jews are left alone in eretz yisroel so as not to encourage our enemies to attack us...

please spread these words of truth far and wide among kl'al yisroel...
1064   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / 9/11 an inside job...  on: December 29, 2004, 04:11:47 AM 
yes friends the american government or a shadow part thereof... the same folks who brought us all the assassinations of the 60's... watergate in the 70's... iran/contra in the 80's... gulf war1 and rav kahane's death in the 90's are the same perps who did 9/11 in this new century... and i have proof much of which i have already delivered to my friends here and abroad... with al qaeda as their mercenary surrogates they killed 3000 human beings for their own sick, evil designs on world domination, conquest and global power and empire building (gog umaygog) and we jews and israel are not invited to the party!!! my first tid-bit of info for you is the following... what does al qaeda mean in arabic? "the group" or "the bunch or band" (of brothers)... and what does the cia call itself? "the company"... so you tell me who created, armed and set off these vile murderers? who works for whom? i rest my case for now... ta... nik. 
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"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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there i did it now i will burn this onto a cd when i get the chance...

i am thru with revava... they lied to me... they decieved me... they abused me... and therefore... i am gone... bye bye revava... hellow jtf... and thanks for being here guys and gals... nik. out...
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline TorahZionist

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unlike Revava which censors Revava and Yekutiel material.

I'm sure you mean

unlike Revava which censors JTF and Yekutiel material.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2006, 05:14:45 PM by TorahZionist »

Offline Nahum

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wow  what did they do?  i remember that you used to be a prominant member of their forum. 

Offline Nahum

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Did you change niks subject title for this thread?  i dont remember him saying that.