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ASK JTF 01/04/22 - Chaim Ben Pesach answers questions from JTFers


Chaim Ben Pesach:

1. Video version on Rumble (the program is 66 minutes this week):

2. Video version on Odysee:

3. For those who would like to download the file for their MP3 players or iPods:

Binyamin Yisrael:
You didn't say if Outlaw is a black name but I found the answer. It was a British name. It was most common in the US in North Carolina, including slave owners so that must be how descendants of black slaves get that name.,%E2%80%9Coutside%20of%20the%20law.%E2%80%9D&text=%E2%80%9C%5BW%5Dhen%20family%20names,were%20known%20by%20no%20other.%E2%80%9D

Hrvatski Noahid:
According to Rambam's Laws of the Worship of Stars (and Idols) 10:6, during the diaspora of the Jews, no Gentile can be accepted into a legal status of a "Resident" (Ger Toshav in Hebrew), even if he makes a declaration before three Torah-observant adult Jewish males that he accepts and abides by the Noahide Code. However, the title Ger Toshav alternatively refers to any Gentile in any location who keeps the Seven Noahide Commandments because they were commanded to Moses in the Torah.


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