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ASK JTF #20 - Here is the thread where you can ask questions for our next video

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What is your take on the Uyghur situation in China?

Kahane-Was-Right BT:
Dear Chaim,

1. In Israeli history, why did people who fought heroically on the side of good in Etzel and Lehi become traitorous politicians later in life?

2. One leader that as far as I am aware stayed true to Revisionist ideology, Israel Eldad, bemoans in one of his books about how Communism had more revolutionary appeal to young Jews in his era than Zionism did, and he says this occurred even AFTER the War of Independence, that young Jews he knew left Israel to go fight for Communism.  Was this a largescale phenomenon?  How many fell victim to this false idol? 

Dear Chaim,
I wanted to set the record straight.
1.   I do NOT support Donald Trump! I would much preferred Ted Cruz! But given the choices, would you have voted for Hillary? WHO DID YOU VOTE FOR? IN 2016? 2020?
2.    In my view Trump was a stupid president who missed the opportunity to clear and clean the CURRUPT SWAMP – namely fire the entire of DC workers and put all the criminals in jail – In his time none of this things happened!
3.   These SWAMP PEOPLES have been promoting wars all over the world – why?
4.   I always asked why the US is an enemy of RUSSIA and not a friend.
5.   I just asked - and you did not answer – if we are better off with our current president? Nor did you answer – who in your opinion is running our president - I assume you think he is making no decisions whatsoever – and absurd and pathetic situation!
6.   Finally, do you think the US should send troops to Ukraine? Please comment.

Judah Katz:
Shalom Chaim, 

Your opinion on the following orthodox Rabbis who have YouTube channels and live in America. 

Rabbi Manis Friedman and Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi 

Do you have any family in Israel? Tell us about them.

Rabbi M. Kahane often spoke about the Arab problem in Israel. Why do you say muslim problem?


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