Exactly. My opinion Israel should be totally isolated, guarded and insular without a care of the outside world. Just Judaic culture and Noahides kinda like monks in Tibet. Where reality is Torah and the world is fake. I think i heard Rav Kahane ZT"L say that last sentence at one of his lectures that has since been removed from zootube.
The argument that Israel should be isolated because Judaism doesn't proselytize is incorrect. What is the Torah Law basis of Jewish outreach to non-Jews? Moses was commanded by the Almighty to compel all the inhabitants of the world to accept the commandments given to Noah's descendants (Maimonides, Laws of Kings 8:10). Jewish Sages also said that the mitzvah of loving God includes calling out to all mankind to serve God (exalted be He) and to believe in Him. This is because when you love a person, for example, you praise him and call out to others to draw close to him. So too, if you truly love God — through your understanding and realization of His true existence — you will certainly spread this true knowledge that you know to the ignorant and the foolish. We see that this mitzvah includes spreading love for God to others from the Sifri: " 'You shall love God,' i.e. make Him beloved among the creatures as your father Avraham did, as it is written, 'The souls that he made in Charan." The meaning of this Sifri: Avraham, as a result of his deep understanding of God, acquired love for God, as the verse testifies, "Avraham, who loved Me". This powerful love therefore caused him to call out to all mankind to believe in God. So too, you shall love Him to the extent that you draw others to Him (Maimonides, Sefer Hamitzvot, Positive Commandment 3). The Jewish Sages and the faithful Rabbinical authorities are commanded to explain the Noahide commandments to the Gentiles, and to teach them how these seven mitzvot should be fulfilled (the Divine Code by Rabbi Weiner, Second Edition, p 28). Tosafot, Tractate Hagigah 13a, states that it is an obligation for the Jews to teach and inform the Gentiles of the seven Noahide commandments.