This is good. The forms don't even ask about real race anyway. There are only four races and some races are combined under "Asian" and then it asks country. Of course it only includes South Asia and the Oriental countries. India has 3 different races.
Hispanic is also a fake race but sometimes it's asked separately from race. Hispanic is the other group that asks which country.
White and black don't offer which white or black country someone is a native of.
None of the questions offer Australoid as a choice even though it is one of the four human races alongside white, black, and Oriental.
The US Census Bureau believes in an affirmative action level of racial knowledge. Before politically correct nonsense began, India was under white.
Also, morons don't know that ethnicity is a sub-race, not the same thing as race. Sometimes forms ask race and give you the choice to check off more than one race or ethnicity. I do that if white and Middle Eastern are listed. But the morons probably think those are separate races. They should remove white if they want Middle Eastern listed separately from European but they think European is the same as white.