Kahanist Singles > Jewish Singles

To What Extent Do You Practice Sexual Modesty?

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Wayne Jude:
Im a virgin and will be till I meet miss right.I have 5 kids and a few animals....And Im a good dancer.6'2"190 pounds of healthy mass.OK I don't know where this is going either.disregard!LOL :D

New Yorker:

--- Quote from: Christianwhitenation.name on October 10, 2007, 02:53:46 AM ---Im a virgin and will be till I meet miss right.I have 5 kids and a few animals....And Im a good dancer.6'2"190 pounds of healthy mass.OK I don't know where this is going either.disregard!LOL :D

--- End quote ---

Did you adopt the kids?

I figure 12 months in the Jewish equivalent of pergatory is worth a lifetime of sinfullness and fun.  ;)

Wayne Jude:
LOL no there mine. ;)

Pre-marital sex is only a sin for Jews. It's not against the Seven laws of Noah, so all of us gentiles can go for it.  O0

Wayne Jude:
Your r so stupid and I love it


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