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To What Extent Do You Practice Sexual Modesty?

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--- Quote from: NewYorker on October 09, 2007, 02:21:31 PM ---
None of the above. Life is to short.  :)

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lol... I agree. I don't think there should be a law prohibiting PDA, (public displays of Affection) for anyone. And I don't think it is good to dictate to people when to become intimate with someone else. I think that's a personal decision. If you're religious and your religion dictates that you shouldn't partake of hugging, touching or anything else , physical...then I don't have a problem with you if you don't. I just think its wrong to tell people NOT to do something because you dont' do it.

ETA: I don't think hugging someone, even a girlfriend/boyfriend could/should be considered inherently sexual because its physical contact, either. You could hug someone or kiss someone just because you care about them.

Oh, and I clicked on none of the above because I'm already married. HOWEVER I do shake hands with men who are friends of my husband, or if I'm in a professional setting, with new male co-workers as an introduction. I do that with females also. Why is a handshake or a hug considered sexual, praytell?


--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on October 09, 2007, 02:32:02 PM ---Did you ever kiss a man before?

I only kissed 2 girls on the cheek. Now I'm happy they didn't let me kiss them on the lips so I can save it for marriage.

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Good for you, Yacov.


--- Quote from: raiseyourfist on October 10, 2007, 02:23:37 AM ---The reform movement is a load of balony...

they have women leading the services on the bimah wearing kippot and tzisit.

The torah is very clear on the laws and ways Jews are meant to abide them..

I just think their are some Jews and Christians that turn people off religion by trying to act holier than thou and not respecting others with less extreme positions on topics like sex before marriage

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Great post, raiseyourfist. I'm a Christian but the last thing I expect is for another "Christian" to offer their words of wisdom where it pertains to intimacy w/ my husband. (Trying not to be descriptive.) Before my husband and I were married and had announced our engagement to my church members back in 1994, some female elders, whom I trusted and listened to for sage advice on everything else, pulled me to the side and asked me..."Are you pregnant?" As if my husband couldn't possibly love me and think I'm worthy to be his wife. >:(  Some people need to know when to open their mouths and when to shut them.

i was about to complement you on your posts but you beat me to it... O0

Well I voted for just refraining from pre-marital sex, as I personally don't see anything wrong with doing the other things on that list as long as you exercise some constraint and control.

Having said that, the one time a girl wanted to kiss me, I didn't feel comfortable and "chickened out". I have hugged a few girls though, and I really don't see why people think it's a bad thing.


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