Kahanist Singles > Jewish Singles
To What Extent Do You Practice Sexual Modesty?
wow!!! congratulations on that!!!! kids are the greatest tresor in the world!
No I dont go as far as the shaking hands thing, I have to shake hands with men during the work day, and I dont see anything wrong with shaking hands. Most of my friends are men, so I am very comfortable with men, I hug my friends.
Sure, like I would kiss a relative, on the cheek.
Administrator for a security company, I work with mostly men.
Wayne Jude:
Sound interesting :)!
I dont see anything wrong with a kiss on the cheek.....and if I had sexual thoughts about my male friends..they wouldnt be my friends any longer, you cant have those feelings for friends and still remain friends. Luckily we are all entitled to live our lives as we see fit in the US ;) Ive lived my life to this point with few regrets, Im content.
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