listen, i was just got kind of annoyed that some people here had the opinion that "hitting" on girls was not appropriate for this forum. But it turns out those peoples' interpretation of "hitting on" was different from what I meant...
I have to admit, however, that what I was feeling was a sense of bitterness and frustration by some males on this forum and that's why they refused to want to talk about it.
And so out of anger and jest i posted the original poll..which yaacov took the liberty to change a little bit because he probably knew I was annoyed and was doing this in he returned the favor which was, quite frankly, a cool thing to anger eased after that.

and that's why I had nothing to respond to about eating cookies...
Rather...Cookie is my dog's name...and she can say "Ra Rav Roo"...most of you saw the youtube video already.