Kahanist Singles > Jewish Singles
Do You Think Pants Are Modest For Women?
--- Quote from: newman on January 28, 2008, 07:31:27 PM ---
--- Quote from: OdKahaneChai on January 28, 2008, 07:25:43 PM ---
--- Quote from: newman on January 28, 2008, 07:20:14 PM ---
--- Quote from: OdKahaneChai on January 28, 2008, 07:13:11 PM ---
--- Quote from: newman on January 28, 2008, 07:04:29 PM ---
--- Quote from: jdl4ever on January 28, 2008, 07:00:40 PM ---Rabbis are not allowed to make any new Rabbinical decrees in our time (with rare exceptions like the Gadol Hador making one accepted by most of Israel) since there is no Sanhedrin. Just about all Rabbincal decrees ever made are recorded in the Talmud. Therefore, there is no "Rabbinical Decree" ever made specifically against wearing pants anywhere in the Talmud. I don't know who made this nonsense up. The only reason why it used to be forbidden was that it used to be a male's only form of clothing and this is a Torah prohibition. Nowadays I see no logic why pants should not be allowed as more women wear pants than skirts in many areas.
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African men wear long 'dresses', so why aren't they banned as 'mens clothing'.
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And this custom is widely accepted? ::)
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By hundreds of millions of africans and Indians, yes.
In Scottland men wear kilts.
The point is; who is to say what constitutes 'mens' clothing and in what country does the Rabbinical ruling apply?
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The Rabbis are to say what constitutes men's clothing, and you'd have to ask one of them if it applies in such countries (even though said garments are usually very different from skirts).
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They are only as different from skirts as womens slacks are from male trousers.
I wonder if Jewesses are obliged to wear pants in a country where men wear skirt-type garments.
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I highly doubt it, because there's still the Tznius issue.
Re: "...The point is; who is to say what constitutes 'mens' clothing...?"
Oh! That's an easy one!
Consult Mr. Sheldon Lapidus, General Proprietor of Sheldon & Sons, Haberdashery for Big and Tall Men, 55804 1/2 Flatbush Ave., Atlantic City, New Jersey!
He will have the definitive answers!
Dr. Dan:
--- Quote from: newman on January 28, 2008, 06:45:06 PM ---
--- Quote from: Just Erica on January 28, 2008, 06:32:52 PM ---
--- Quote from: newman on January 28, 2008, 06:29:16 PM ---
--- Quote from: Just Erica on January 28, 2008, 06:18:26 PM ---
--- Quote from: newman on January 28, 2008, 06:10:24 PM ---
--- Quote from: Just Erica on January 28, 2008, 06:02:54 PM ---
--- Quote from: newman on January 28, 2008, 06:00:07 PM ---
--- Quote from: Just Erica on January 28, 2008, 05:52:15 PM ---
--- Quote from: newman on January 28, 2008, 05:35:45 PM ---
--- Quote from: Just Erica on January 28, 2008, 05:17:10 PM ---
--- Quote from: newman on January 28, 2008, 03:17:08 PM ---With western cities and transit systems full of raping muSSlims and blacks a lot of women feel safer in sturdy pants than a dress or skirt.
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Newman, we have argued about this before. There are white rapists also and a lot don't seek out women wearing certain types of clothing... in the end rape isn't about what you have on, it's about an animal's power over you. Little girls are raped or molested every day, do you think it's because of the clothes they have on?
***ANYONE who has ever raped should not only be cut out from the rest of society but should have something 'cut off' in the process.
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1/ I'm not saying clothes make any difference to a rapist. They'll go for a woman in a power suit just as quick as one in a mini skirt. I'm just saying some women feel more secure in jeans because access to their privates is harder for a would-be attacker.
2/ Do I have to explain statistics to you for the 100th time? There are far more balack rapists per capita than white as you well know. In europe the tiny (5%) muSSlim population account for over 50% of all rapes. I imagine the blacks of the USA have a similar showing in the rape statistics relative to there overall % of population.
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I don't care, really because in reality, anyone who rapes is a threat to females and males everywhere. My point is that there are whites in the fold also who rape. I'm not going out looking for 5% of Muslim men to rape me, I'm looking out for ANY man who'd try.
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You've missed the point as usual.
A large % of pitbulls bite. A small % of poodles bite. Therefore we are more concerned about pitbulls than poodles.
A large % of russian Lada cars are lemons. A tiny % of Toyotas are lemons. Therefore we avoid buying Ladas in favour of Toyotas.
Get it?
Because a large% of black males rape, mug, stick-up and kill and a much much smaller % of whites ( " ), we are more cautious of blacks than whites.
This is the 500th time I (along with Ze'ev, Bullcat and others) have had to explain this concept to you. Why does it not sink in?
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You and your analogies...like I said, I'm not going out looking for black men or muslim men to rape me or my girls. I'm safeguarding them and teaching them to fear ANY stranger who may have thoughts of hurting them. Percentages aren't on my mind at this time. As soon as I start thinking of which percentage of Muslims will rape me, a black man will try. As soon as I start thinking of which percentage of black or white men will rape me, a Muslim will try. I just choose to be leary of people I get bad vibes from..not necessarily someone of a certain race.
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You're avoiding the issue.
Why did you say .......
--- Quote ---There are white rapists also
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What point were you trying to make?
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Because you never bring up white rapists when we have these discussions. NEVER. You make it seem as though they don't exist. Give every evil rapist equal bashing.
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That's like saying somebody complains about unreliable De Loreans but doesn't mention unreliable Toyotas. There's a reason.............. PROPORTIONALITY.
I repeat (and I'll keep repeating it 'til it sinks in):
--- Quote ---A large % of pitbulls bite. A small % of poodles bite. Therefore we are more concerned about pitbulls than poodles.
A large % of russian Lada cars are lemons. A tiny % of Toyotas are lemons. Therefore we avoid buying Ladas in favour of Toyotas.
Get it?
Because a large% of black males rape, mug, stick-up and kill and a much much smaller % of whites ( " ), we are more cautious of blacks than whites.
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And I'll keep saying THIS until it sinks in (which it never will). You make it seem as though the white men who rape aren't doing anything wrong because black men are raping more than they are. When you neglect to even bring ALL evil rapists into question, you make it seem as though one group is better than the other.
I don't have an issue with the statistics, I have an issue with you not adding EVERYONE who rapes in the same bunch.
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That's an invention.
I NEVER said whites who rape are doing nothing wrong. I just don't mention them because there are not enough in % terms to worry about as far as generalisations about ethnicity go.
That's why jesse jackson was releved to see white kids behind him and not black ones. Now, I'm sure jesse would tell you there are bad white kids, too. But HE understands the concept of proportionality.
Get it now?
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Here...If I'm driving in a predominantly black neighborhood, I'm goign to make sure my doors are locked...in a neighborhood that isn't like that...i admit, I might forget to check.
Either way, my car automatically locks itself whenever I'm driving. I just double check when and if i'm in Newark NJ or Harlem...
Just Erica:
--- Quote from: There Are No 'Israeli' Arabs on January 29, 2008, 06:20:28 PM ---
--- Quote from: Just Erica on January 27, 2008, 09:20:57 PM ---
--- Quote from: There Are No 'Israeli' Arabs on January 27, 2008, 08:58:13 PM ---
--- Quote from: Just Erica on January 27, 2008, 02:30:38 AM ---
--- Quote from: There Are No 'Israeli' Arabs on January 27, 2008, 12:52:47 AM ---
--- Quote from: Just Erica on January 26, 2008, 09:00:15 PM ---
--- Quote from: There Are No 'Israeli' Arabs on January 25, 2008, 11:58:15 AM ---
--- Quote from: Just Erica on January 25, 2008, 03:40:09 AM ---
--- Quote from: Lisa on October 09, 2007, 06:07:51 PM ---I wear pants.
It all depends. Sometimes skirts can be modest or immodest. The same holds true for jeans.
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I love pants. However , being a female who was once kicked out of a church for wearing pants :o, I'm more for women wearing them than ever. lol I wear long skirts and maybe shorter (knee-length) flowing skirts. I feel feminine in everything I wear though. (It's important though, being a Chicagoan and all...that I wear pants during the harsh winters. Looking pretty, or feminine isn't worth me freezing my touchas off. O0 )
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Can't you wear pants under your skirt?
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No. lol I would wear a long winter coat or just wear pants to work.
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But a skirt is more modest.
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What, is that a male answer? LOL Come on now. I think some men are just threatened by women who wear pants. I don't know WHY but that's just strange. Anyway, I'd be more concerned with how long the skirt is (for my own taste) than whether wearing pants or not will make me look less pure.
I love skirts but I love having the freedom to choose whether I wear a skirt or something else.
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I don't care what you wear. You are not Jewish, therefore the laws of modesty do not apply to you. The issue here isn't so much the Torah prohibition against crossdressing, it is the prohibition against immodesty on both men and women. Tight-fitting skirts or pants are also prohibited.
Second, I'm not threatened by women who wear pants. If you want to look like a man, go ahead. If that's the way you want to express your feminist liberation, by all means.
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There is the sexist in you. I don't wear pants to look like a man. That's why women have slacks that cater to their body type. Pants aren't a MAN thing... everyone should have the right to wear pants if they want to. I look feminine in pants.
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No, there's the gentleman in me that wants to see a woman take on a more feminine look and identity. In addition, I also do not want to see an outline of some of a woman's lower body parts. I despise short shorts and skirts and think they are sick. And it is not proper to go to a beach where the sexes are together, just like it's not proper to look at you, G-d have mercy, in your bra and underwear. I also practice a level of ahabath yisrael, loving your fellow Jew, in that I try my best not to look at the body of a Jewish girl that is dressed immodestly, for her sake in addition to mine.
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It's improper to dress in a swimsuit while at the beach? What is proper attire for the beach in your opinion?
I think some men look GREAT in a kilt ;)
I had to wear one to school and I dont think I looked like a man
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