Kahanist Singles > Jewish Singles

Should women dye their hair?

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Hail Columbia:

--- Quote from: newman on January 27, 2008, 05:51:58 PM ---What about redheads?
--- End quote ---

If the red hair is natural, then those are the kind of women that I am really into.

I used to dye my hair every month to new colors (not crazy ones like pink and blue). The worst I dyed to was black. But nothing is like being natural. It just feels right. But let people do what they want. It doesn't hurt anyone.


--- Quote from: Hail Columbia on January 27, 2008, 07:04:09 PM ---
--- Quote from: newman on January 27, 2008, 05:51:58 PM ---What about redheads?
--- End quote ---

If the red hair is natural, then those are the kind of women that I am really into.

--- End quote ---

  Yes,Women NEED to dye their hair- its NATURAL color, I have 60,000,000 grays since I had the operation.

Merkava.... she has too many teeth for me !!!

Dye the hair is ok. I see it as a kind of jewelry/ makeup. There are a lot of women and girls who dye their hair. As long it's not red or pink.  ;D


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