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ASK JTF 07/06/22 - Chaim Ben Pesach answers questions from JTFers


Chaim Ben Pesach:

1. Video version on Rumble (the program is 56 minutes this week):

2. Video version on Odysee:

3. For those who would like to download the file for their MP3 players or iPods:

Hrvatski Noahid:
According to Rambam, the Explicit Name of God is either the Tetragrammaton or the Name Ado-nai. According to Ramah and Ritva, Y-H-V-H is referred to as the Explicit Name, but not Ado-nai. But it is possible that for Gentiles, they agree that Ado-nai is also considered an Explicit Name, and that Gentiles are liable for cursing it, just as for cursing the Name Y-H-V-H. 


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