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Baruch HaShem, 4 New Videos From David And Chaim (10/10)
It was funny how David laughed after Chaim said all supporters of Ron Paul should be killed in one of his videos... it really takes away from the seriousness of what Chaim is saying...
--- Quote from: raiseyourfist on October 11, 2007, 04:43:42 AM ---It was funny how David laughed after Chaim said all supporters of Ron Paul should be killed in one of his videos... it really takes away from the seriousness of what Chaim is saying...
--- End quote ---
I think Chaim should try to be careful not to sound like cruel far-left liberals. It's probably just better to say that most (there's someone on this forum who supports Paul) of Paul's supporters are crazy.
Re: "...athletic supporters..."
Every JTF member should ponder this thought:
Lenin advocated that all dedicated Marxists/Communists living in Western parliamentary/democratic countries should always vote for the most extreme anti-Communist political party and/or political leader seeking office.
How does that make any sense?...
The revolutionary seeks radical change in the social-political order; as opposed to a mere change in policy (while maintaining the same corrupt and unviable political order which they seek to overthrow).
Therefore, by using this logic, a taskforce seeking the complete and permanent end to Israel's present form of government (one which promotes corruption, feeds off of its own corruption, and which promotes Jew-hatred in exchange for the financial support of other nations seeking the destruction of the Jewish People), must support and vote for candidates whose governance will be the most oppressive, least tolerant, and most extreme.
This will greatly shorten the life-span remaining for the current status-quo government and social order, resulting in the citizenry revolting against the status quo.
[The current U.S. Republican/Democrat form of "musical chairs" government allows only for people with different names to assume the continuity of the same power structure; the real powers directing all domestic and foreign policy being international central banks and supranational globalist corporations which threaten the very existence of Israel as well as the United States of America.
By choosing the "most acceptable candidate who really has a chance of winning", or "the candidate who most promises continued support of Israel", one merely guarantees that Israel will continue to be dissembled through a "Roadmap To Peace in the Middle East". Ron Paul promises to "end American involvement in the Middle East, bring the troops home, end America's reliance on foreign oil, and "mind our own business".]
Now, I ask you all...
Which candidate should you be supporting if you desire Israel to be free from two political parties which both seek "A Two-State Solution--two democratic states, living in peace, side by side, Israel and P__les_ine"?
Which candidate should you be supporting if you desire Israel to be free from State Dept. pressure, free from Congoleeza and Madeline Albright, free from Jimmy Carter & the Clintons, free from the blackmail of international financiers, and free from the "Roadmap"?
And, which candidate should you be supporting if you desire to see an America free from the Federal Reserve, free from the IRS, free from Affirmative Action, free from forced busing and forced racial integration, and if you desire to live in an America with free enterprise, under G-d, under the rule of the Constitution as the Supreme Law of the Land?
Maybe Massuh's not quite so crazy as some think him to be?
How do you explain Ron Paul's vote in the yeas column?
An article for MassuhDGoodname:
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