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ASK JTF #47 - Here is the thread where you can ask questions for our next video

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We have removed the 300 character limit on forum posts. We will instead impose a limit of two short questions for every person on Ask JTF. If someone asks more than two short questions, we will not be able to answer.

For the sake of the proper order of the show and so that all of our viewers could understand, please ask your questions in English.

(this is the second rule, I'll just translate it to Hebrew):

לישראלים: למען הסדר הטוב של התכנית, ועל מנת שכל הצופים יבינו, אנא כתבו את השאלות שלכם באנגלית

Hrvatski Noahid:
1. Why do Jews visit and pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem? There is no Torah Law or Rabbinical obligation to congregate there or at the site of any other monument.

2. Someone recognized me as the Hrvatski Noahid from your videos and asked your opinion of the Dalai Lama? 

שלום חיים הצדיק מה שלומך? מקווה שהיה לך ראיון מוצלח עם משה פבריקנט גם מתי נוכל לקובע תאריך זום שהקדוש ברוך יברך אותך באהבת ישראל רם מאיר אברהם

Dear Chaim, I know this is comparing the Flintstones to the Jetsons but would you please compare Africa to Japan?
On one hand, Japan is one of the most techincally advanced countries while none of the African countries come anywhere near that.

Joe Gutfeld:
Shalom, Chaim!  What do you think about the no bail law in NY state?  Do you think that if Lee Zelden wins the election for governor that he should get rid of this policy?  Thanks.


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