Author Topic: Why is Israel letting Palestinan terrorists in Israeli jails rape Israeli guards  (Read 1322 times)

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Gilboa Prison Intelligence Officer Interrogated with Caution over Female Guard’s Rape by Arab Terrorist
By David Israel, August 1, 2022

Major Nisim Finish, who was the former intelligence officer of Gilboa prison, was interrogated with a warning last Thursday at the national prison interrogation unit of Lahav 433, Kan 11 News reported late Sunday night. Finish served as the prison’s intelligence officer during the period when the reported rape of a female guard by an Arab security prisoner took place in Gilboa prison.

The guard, pseudonym Yael, wrote (Gilboa Prison Guard: Terrorist Prisoner Raped Me): “Unfortunately for me, of all the prisons, I was placed in Gilboa prison. I discovered to my astonishment that there was one ‘commander,’ a Palestinian terrorist with blood on his hands, who controlled all the officers and staff who obeyed him and carried out his ‘orders’ without any argument. He walked freely around the prison when he was not handcuffed, and sent his dirty hands and touched the bodies of female soldiers without anyone’s intervention. Everyone knew. Everyone was silent. Everyone was afraid. Everyone ‘worked’ for him.”

According to Kan 11, at least one of the female prison guards told police that she had reported to Finish about the security prisoner’s actions. Finish was investigated in the past on these charges and the case against him was closed due to “lack of guilt.” After the investigation was reopened about six months ago, he was summoned last week for questioning with a warning.

Finish’s attorney Shani Iluz told Kan 11: “My client’s heart goes out to the victims of the crime. He expresses great sorrow for their pain and would never have ignored or given a hand to the harassment of women.”

While the initial complaining female guard (there were four, according to recent reports) was carrying out tasks in the prisoner’s wing, she was sexually harassed by him. Despite this, her shift commander asked her to move to work permanently in the security wing where this prisoner lived. She vehemently refused, told her shift commander about the sexual harassment she experienced in that wing, and filled out a Prison Service memorandum in order to file an official complaint, which was directed to the prison’s intelligence officer.

According to her, on the same day, her shift commander showed her a text message he received from the intelligence officer, in which he wanted to know, since she was refusing to work in the security wing, what other female guards he could schedule to work there.

Israel Prison Service Commissioner Katy Perry on Friday published a letter she sent the service’s staff addressing the rape accusations, saying: “Over the past day, news has been published indicating a serious and difficult event that presents us with a challenge, both at the organizational level and the personal level as commanders, parents, and family members. As a strong organization that knows how to stand firmly on its path, we will once again know how to investigate, draw conclusions, and deal with full responsibility and severity wherever necessary.”

Preferably in less than one decade. Or, as the accusing guard’s attorney Keren Barak put it: “My client read the words of Commissioner Perry, who promised that the incident would be investigated and conclusions drawn, and said she didn’t have an iota of faith in the system, which since 2018 has not reached a single conclusion, and certainly has not investigated in depth the years in which she (the complaining guard) served in Gilboa prison.”

Barak reiterated her client’s assertion that only an outside committee of inquiry would throw light on the system that turned IDF recruits serving in a security prison into sex workers.

Offline Dan193

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Smotrich: Prison Rape Scandal Part of Overall Surrender to Terrorists
August 1, 2022

Religious Zionism Chairman MK Bezalel Smotrich on Monday posted on his Facebook page that the case of rape and pimping of female guards in an Israeli security prison that shocked Israel in recent days (Gilboa Prison Intelligence Officer Interrogated with Caution over Female Guard’s Rape by Arab Terrorist) is part of the much bigger story of Israel’s surrender to the terrorists and terror organizations.

Eventually, I hope you’ll understand why I chose to illustrate this report with the image of Smotrich and his faction member MK Itamar Ben Gvir.

“The State of Israel surrenders to the terrorists and the terrorist organizations, and lets them run the prisons to maintain peace there,” Smotrich wrote, explaining that “the terrorists are held in prison in groups based on organizational affiliation and the heads of the organizations in the prison manage their groups and determine a great deal of their procedures and conditions.”

“As a result, security prisoners receive much better, summer camp-like conditions in Israeli prisons than regular criminal prisoners,” Smotrich said. “They cook for themselves, enjoy cultural and leisure life, watch a multitude of channels on television and live in groups that allow them to communicate outside the prison walls and direct terrorism from the inside.”

The allegations by a female guard at Gilboa security prison that she was pimped out by her commanders to the leader of one terrorist faction behind bars were first filed in 2015. They have been ignored repeatedly, including during the reign of governments in which Smotrich served in a ministerial capacity, under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Clearly, the Israel Prison service’s failure to protect its female guards was as shameful as its failure to keep security prisoners from escaping. On September 6, 2021, six such prisoners staged an escape through a tunnel they began digging under the Likud government and used to escape under the Lapid-Bennett coalition government.

Clearly, those system failures stretch over decades. One reason for that, according to Smotrich, is that “every time they feel ‘their conditions are deteriorating,’ they riot and threaten to go on a hunger strike. This puts the Israeli security system into fits of anxiety about a wave of solidarity riots in the Arab communities of Judea and Samaria, and they, in turn, subdue the prison service command which complies with their demands.”

“In this atmosphere of striving for peace at any cost and turning the terrorists into the landlords of the prisons, the female guards are abandoned and are used to fulfill the sexual desires of the prisoners. The main thing is to maintain the quiet,” Smotrich wrote.

The right-wing leader suggested that beyond punishing the individuals on the ground who were responsible for the alleged atrocities, the time has come to completely change the equation in the security prisons.

He recommended the IPS “cancel the organizational affiliation within the prison walls; periodically disperse the prisoners among the various prisons, move them from place to place once in a while; set their conditions at the minimum required in keeping with international law and the treaties to which Israel is a signatory; and in short, end the luxury conditions and start treating them as security prisoners and not as privileged people who live the good life at our expense.”

“It should be done drastically and all at once, with a willingness to quell prison riots harshly,” Smotrich noted, adding that the same harshness must be applied to the solidarity riots that would surely rise in response in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza.

“There may be a few difficult days, but if we respond decisively, it will turn the equation, restore deterrence and demonstrate to our enemies that terrorism doesn’t pay,” Smotrich concluded.

I, for one, know of one extremely qualified candidate to be the Internal Security Minister who would happily carry out these solutions, and then some. His name is Itamar Ben Gvir and he is currently in stalled negotiations with Smotrich over their expected joint run in the coming election. If these two fail to join forces again, it would deprive Israel of both a strong, religious right-of-center party, and of a potentially effective minister to manage the police, the prison service, and the clandestine police.

We have high expectations of his and Ben Gvir’s Knesset faction – they can’t let us down.