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ASK JTF #49 - Here is the thread where you can ask questions for our next video

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היי חיים,

1.האם לדעתך יש סיכוי שבן גביר הוא סוכן שב"כ?

2. לא ענית לי בסרטון הקודם, מה דעתך על ריצרד סילברשטיין בעל הבלוג תיקון עולם?

Dear Chaim, please discuss these four Southern cities
1. Memphis,Tn
2. Birmingham,Al
3. New Orleans, LA
4. Jackson, Ms

What do they have in common? All of them are majority black
and they all suck.

Joe Gutfeld:
Shalom, Chaim!  What is your opinon on the raid of Donald Trump's home in Florida?  I know you don't like Trump (neither do I), but what the democrats are doing is disgusting.  Do you think this raid is legit or do you think it's another tatic by the Democrats to keep Trump from running in 2024?  Thanks.

Dear  Chaim;

Did you see the movie “2000 Mules” – it shows how ballots in the 2020 elections (numbers can be found out if investigated) were inserted into thousands of "Ballot boxes" in key cities (Illegal boxes financed by $500,000,000 (1/2 a Billion) of Mark Zuckerberg).

Do you think these Yids: Schumer, Schiff, Nadler, Garland, Blinken, Sanders and many others (liberal lawyers & judges) are out to destroy this country? Is this country doomed? Do you think the Kushai’s are helping or hindering the Jews.

Do you think the “American people” are aware of these Jews at the top of the pyramid? If so, how will it influence the fillings towards Jews in America?

Can you please comment on each of these persons?


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