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ASK JTF #50 - Here is the thread where you can ask questions for our next video

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היי חיים היקר מה שלומך?
1. איזה מפלגה לדעתך לא הולכת לעבור את אחוז החסימה מהבאות:
מרצ, "הרוח הציונית"(של שקד), ישראל ביתנו.

2.האם אי פעם חשבת למה אין לך עזרה מלמעלה לעלות לארץ ישראל? אולי השם צריך אותך דווקא בגלות מסיבות לא ידועות לנו?


Well apparently I must be an idiot.

Binyamin Yisrael:
1. Mehmet Oz is running for Senate against John Fetterman in PA. Fetterman is a Bernie Sanders supporting Socialist. Mehmet Oz is a Turkish Muslim. Right now he's on TV with Ambassador Friedman and the Republican Jewish Coalition and he's talking like a Conservative Republican who is Pro-Israel.

Is he a real Muslim or is he engaging in taqiyya? What should I do in the election? I don't think there is a lesser of the evils. It seems like Oz is the lesser of the evils but he's a Muslim. Should I not vote for Senate?

2. Discuss the following Communists.

Karl Marx

Lev Davidovitch (AKA Leon Trotsky)

Vladamir Lenin

Joseph Stalin

Georgy Maximilianovich Malenkov (Stalin's successor)

  :usa+israel:                                                                                                                        :fist: 

   Shalom Chaim,

   1) Please compare and make distinctions between
       ‘Conservative Democrats,’ the Hugh Carey, Scoop
        Jackson, and Mario Biaggi type compared to ‘Liberal,
        Rockefeller type Republicans’ like LaGuardia, McCain,
        and Bloomberg, former RINO, Dem, now ‘Independent.’
        and the various reasons if and why these Dems are better.
    2) Comment on these people: Jerry Falwell,
        Oscar Wilde, John Stakelbeck, Khalil Gibran,
        Israeli Brigadier General Dan Shomron and
        Art Buchwald. Thanks.




Joe Gutfeld:
Shalom, Chaim!  What do you think of the recent primary loss of Liz Chaney?  She is one of those Republicans in name only in the way she helped the democrats keep trump from running in 2024.  Also what do you think of Sarah Palin's primary win to repesent Alaska in the congress?  Thanks.


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