The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Finally - Real Authors and Good Research Take On Islam - Books You Need To Read


You must read "The West's Last Chance" by Tony Blankley; "The Truth About Muhammad and the World's Most Intolerant Religion" and "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades" by Robert Spencer; and "America Alone" by Mark Steyn.  Can't recommend these books highly enough. Every one of them is excellently researched and places the current threat from the Islamic world in historic context. Despite protests to the contrary by Islamic apologists and politicos, world conquest, conversion by the sword, and fanatical adherence to a murderous philosophy is the heartline of Muslim world, and these books lay out that case with impeccable research, historic fact, current events, and political evolution. These are not hysterical, exaggerated, hypothetical scenarios, but are based in real world facts that show the true face and aspirations of Islam. Check them out, read them and pass them on. The more information about what the world of Islam is, wants, and is capable of the better armed we can all be for the battle.

Good books, Also check out: because they hate and why im not a muslim


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