Author Topic: The arrogance, egotisticalness, of Bar Rafaeli  (Read 4521 times)

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Re: The arrogance, egotisticalness, of Bar Rafaeli
« Reply #25 on: December 24, 2007, 01:08:09 AM »
Yes...Bar it's much better to marry a 40-year old man when your 18 to dodge the draft, get a quickie divorce, cavort with a gentile movir star to boost your career so your'e jusy not another coke-snorting. anorexic twit wearing overpriced "couture" clothes on some glossy magazine....

Many of my females cousins have served in the Mo'odin (Intelligence), which they saw as not only aduty, but an me the fewer Bar Rafaeli's in ISRAEL, THE BETTER!

Chaim and I believe women shouldn't serve in a Jewish army for religious reasons. But we also believe that no Jews should serve in the current IDF because it is not a Jewish army but rather an army of expulsion.

The first is logicall consequence of feminazist ideology; If woman have all rights they shud have all the civic duties military service including; especialy when Israeli A-rabs are rightly exempted for security reasons from draft. And IDF is only thing that prevents Arab muslim nazis from Eretz Yisrael and abroad from tearing Israeli Jews apart; so every Jew and righteus non Jewish Israeli shoud serve in army; but refuse to obey the illegall and imoral expultion orders.

I am glad someone made this thread some time ago because it will allow me to give my own opinions on this vile peice of garbage and as almost always have the last say...

This source doesn't surprise me at all about Bar.. she has always been ashamed of being an Israeli and although some people might regard her as a nice person, i can tell you her weak personality is an example of the driving force behind terrorist organizations and the Iranian nazi regime...

now if we could put all the people like her (sick self-hating muslim enabling vermin) in a jar and have them all destroyed that would be fine.. i dont have a problem when self hating leftists die, but for her to have the chutspah to tell people not to fight for Israel and to just give in is absurd and i hope she disapears from this world..

I am one person she should stay away from...  >:(

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Re: The arrogance, egotisticalness, of Bar Rafaeli
« Reply #26 on: December 24, 2007, 02:13:05 AM »
Yeah I think even Yossi Beilin would view her as too left wing. She has really given new meaning to the concept of a self hating piece of excrement.
I am urinating on a Koran.