Author Topic: Muslim veils prompt bans across Europe [Europeans finally have had enough?]  (Read 18518 times)

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Offline davkakach

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Re: Muslim veils prompt bans across Europe [Europeans finally have had enough?]
« Reply #25 on: November 26, 2006, 06:32:53 PM »
Have any of your family members been murdered by muslims because you are extremely sensitive and protective. If thats the case then im sorry.
One of my good friends, who served in a certain Israeli elite special forces unit, was killed by your co-religionists in Lebanon more than 10 years ago.  But that's beside the point.  Every Jew is my family, and I mourn every Jew murdered by muzzie scum. You say you're sorry, but at the same time you defend the ideology that justifies the actions of the murderers; you believe that the evil, demented pedophile that originated that ideology was a genuine prophet.

BEFORE i actually have done anything wrong...then who will be known as the wrongdoer? You that "liquidated" a young girl that u don't care "a flying f-ck about" or me because i came on jtf and asked questions
We at JTF are a civil rights organization, we do not advocate anything illegal, and we certainly do not incite to violence.  We merely express opinions.  You came on JTF, asked questions, got answers, but you still continue to defend Islam (a result of your abysmal ignorance of true Islam, no doubt, but still, very annoying).  At some point in your life, you will have to make a choice between civilized society and Islam.  You won't be able to be a hypocrite forever.  When another terrorist attack devastates the West (and it's only a matter of time) and the West finally does away with its suicidal, self-imposed political correctness and turns upon its Muslims (lynchings, deportation, organized extermination---who knows...), the choice will be forced upon you and your family.  No more "Islam is a religion of peace" garbage.

Know this: In public kuffar might seem nice, tolerant, inclusive, forgiving, and avid proponents of multiculturalism, but in the privacy of our homes, I assure you that we kuffar say to our family and trusted friends things about you muzzies that are much worse than the most extreme "Islamophobic" rhetoric you'd hear coming out of the BNP.  Did you read in the news about recents polls that indicate a change for the worse in Dutch, Belgian, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and British attitudes towards Muslims and Islam?  The numbers are telling: 70%, 80% of this or that population have a "negative view" of Islam.  The election of strong-armed, fascist leaders who will promise Final Solutions to the Muslim Problem is only a matter of time.  If you read WWI and WWII history, you will see that everything is ready for another similar ugly episode in Europe, and you, being young, will definitely be caught in the middle.  It's not a matter of "if".  It's a matter of "when".  If the Europeans are merciful, you will only be deported.  But if the Europeans will resort to their usual WWII selves (and considering the terror they suffer from the hands of your co-religionists, gang rapes, torching of cars, existence of no-go zones, crime, drugs)---you and your fellow co-religionists in Europe are finished.

You can choose life, civility, goodness, hope, and truth.  Or, you can choose death, darkness, evil, and falsehood.  Life, unfortunately, doesn't care that you're young---you have to choose.  I sense a potential in you, so accept my sincere kudos for having an inquisitive, (kind of) critical mind, and showing interest outside your dark cult.  But now you have to choose.  Islam itself requires a Muslim to choose.  The Qur'an condemns "hypocrites" (peaceful Muslims that make friends among the kuffar) and considers them worse than the kuffar, and for whom the hottest places in jahana are reserved.

Nobody is telling you to convert to this or that religion.  You can be an atheist, as far as we Jews and Christians are concerned (most of us are secular to the point of being atheists, anyway), but to renounce Islam you must, if you don't want to experience the full extent of European vengeance and cruelty.

Choose wisely.  Choose life.

Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann