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Hello from Belgrade

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maybe israel and russia will help serbian people whit arms becuse Israel and russia got great arms so we can get rid of the islamic enemy!! dont forget that kosovo is under albanien okupacija.. we must defend kosovo!! help the serbs overthere..never forget them :'( :'( :'(....SRBIJA IS KOSOVO!!..


my father was and American Airman in WW2 and was saved twice by the Serbian people! I will never forget that! Thanks to your people! Welcome


--- Quote from: SAMSON on March 16, 2008, 09:16:19 PM ---Cojpe,

my father was and American Airman in WW2 and was saved twice by the Serbian people! I will never forget that! Thanks to your people! Welcome

--- End quote ---

Wow, isn't that great! Son from one of those airmans is right here :o))))
So cool! I've read so many interesting stories from some of those airmans. There were around 500 saved if I'm correct and they already raised their voice against independent Kosovo!

WOW that's great!!! O0

Serb pride world wide, kick Albanian malaria out of your country kick them out and seal the borders.
People have yet to realize that what they are dealing with in Kosovo is a tumor, an infection.


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