New to this forum here. Awesome stuff. A couple of more things. Islam doesn't mind what religion you are, as long as it is Islamic. Or on the verge of converting to Islam, which is what a non-believer technically is. And then G-d forbid that someone convert *from* Islam. The worst fires are reserved for them.
And then, I haven't seen this myself, although I've heard this interpretation from A Christian Arab that seems *in the know* about both Islam and Arabia. But supposedly, all statements and promises are non-binding if made with a non-Muslim. Or at least that is how some fundamentalists are preaching it. Can anyone shed any light on this one?
And lastly, from this very site, the heads of various Islamic entities (especially Abbas for the PLO) keep using the word Salaam, which gets translated to peace here in the US, but which means only ceasing the hostilities. Presumably to be resumed later. Even if they used the correct word, I still wouldn't trust them, but at least the correct idea would have been expressed.