Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
Arkan and the "White Tigers"
I do not speak from a Croatian point of view.
I am only telling facts comrade.
If Arkan had bad activities than that’s not my or your fault.
Why can’t we criticize each other if its based on the truth and facts? I do not understand it. If I say that Arkan was a criminal that’s not Croatian propaganda but the truth. If I say that most people from the west consider ex Yugoslavs mostly us the Serbs as some hard criminals,
is that immediately a Croatian point of view? Go to the west and represent your self as a Serb and you will see how they will look at you.
Where are my Croatian points of views? Can you mark them.
All I said on this topic are facts.
You did not come with one argument to prove that it is not like that.
If you considered for example Milosevic as a Serbian hero in the beginning of the nineties that’s understandable. But to think in the year of 2007 that Milosevic and Arkan were true heroes and patriots that is insane.
Тhe fact the west considers Serbs as criminals in general
is definitely NAZICROAT PROPAGANDA that came "true".
NAZICROATS went in the west
to carry the LIE of Serbs as "nazis" !!!
Where ?
At Ruder Finn "agency", in new-york.
This is a name we Serbs shall NEVER FORGET.
I do not need to "go" to the west,
since I am born and live in france.
I represent myself ALWAYS as a Serb,
and YES, we Serbs are seen as
the WORST CREATURES the world ever carried.
As for you,
I did not come with any "argument",
since I thought I shouldn't have to,
because we are, JTFers, on the same side (?)...
My reaction to your anti-Arkan post
had nothing to do with reason, but with passion.
I didn't expect any Serb here, if you are One of us,
to claim Arkan was in fact a "criminal"...
(Serbs= "criminal hordes"....their soldiers="criminal hordes"....their leaders="criminals"......)
Are you working for a western agency of "information",
like RUDER FINN's, about Serbs ?
You will make great money.
Do you intend to demonstrate all Serbs are, in fact, "criminals" ?
Perhaps you've got some first hand info ?
NAZICROATS will welcome you.
A "croatian" point of view is that Arkan is a "criminal".
You share this with them.
--- Quote from: Husar on October 15, 2007, 03:25:47 AM ---I didn't expect any Serb here, if you are One of us,
to claim Arkan was in fact a "criminal
--- End quote ---
If you are not able to recognize a Serb? It says enough.
serbian army:
Dalmatia learned these stories in flee market :::D
Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac):
No he didn't. I'm from Knin in Krajina, and Arkan was, stoping refugees and abused them into joining his "voluntary" guard
wich was in the beginning voluntary.
Of course he saved serbian lives but he also destroyed serbian lives.
->True<- Serbian heroes are Radovan Karadzic, Milos Obilic, Ratko Mladic, Cica Draza and many more.
but NEVER Arkan, Milosevic and Legija.
I hated djindjic too. but that doesn't change the fact that those three are bastards. Might aswell be croats.
Don't argue with eachother over these bastards, It is below us. Unite and praise true heroes instead.
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