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Ask JTF For November 4 Broadcast

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Why is it not kosher to eat beef with dairy? A Jewish friend had told me that in Judiasm it would represent an act of cruelty against the animal.
thanks Chaim

PS   I think the stop Hillary campaign should start now, since she is the worse dem. candidate and we should stop her from getting the nomination.

   What do you think about state and federal funding of Amtrak? We need better public transportation options, but Amtrak is run poorly. Do you think congress should have to keep bailing Amtrak out financially every time the railroad complains for more money because Amtrak cannot run their operations more efficiently? State funding makes more sense, because if a state wants better service, it can pay for that.

Joe Schmo:
Chaim, Shalom:

I know how you feel about the man, but what was your reaction to the murder of John Lennon?

Shalom Chaim

What is your opinion of the sick, disturbed individuals who wear the Keffiyeh scarves? What should be done to them? You live in New York, so surely you encounter the hipster, Eurotrash swine who don them for whatever reason. What do you say to these people?

To me, the keffiyeh is more offensive than the swastika because at least the people who wore the latter in public are for the most part rotting in hell.

Shalom, Chaim:

It was recently announced that an immigration judge has allowed a Muslim rapist who emigrated from Serra Leone at the age of six to not be deported because of a supposedly potential violation of his rights. What do you feel about this? I hope you will spread the word of this recent travesty by Britain's liberal government.


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