Save Western Civilization > Save Europe

Laboratorium Pieśni - Sztoj pa moru (Што й па мору)


Hrvatski Noahid:

Dan Ben Noah:
Shamanism will not save Europe.

Hrvatski Noahid:

--- Quote from: Dan Ben Noah on August 23, 2023, 06:34:11 PM ---Shamanism will not save Europe.

--- End quote ---

There is no Shamanism in the song's lyrics.

Dan Ben Noah:
Well there's no telling what's in the lyrics.  Some forums don't allow posts in languages that people aren't going to understand.  I think we should only allow posts in English and Hebrew since we have always had to worry about Slavic trolls.

Hrvatski Noahid:

--- Quote from: Dan Ben Noah on August 23, 2023, 06:40:42 PM ---Well there's no telling what's in the lyrics.  Some forums don't allow posts in languages that people aren't going to understand.  I think we should only allow posts in English and Hebrew since we have always had to worry about Slavic trolls.

--- End quote ---

At the sea, blue sea
There was a floating flock of white swans
And where did the gray-white eagle come from?
It dispersed the flock around the blue sea
White down rose to heaven,
Gray feathers fell on a green meadow
And who will collect these feathers?
- A beautiful girl


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