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Hello from Germany aswell

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Muck DeFuslims:
I don't believe the average Pole was willfully complicit in promulgating the holocaust, I know it.

The Polish denials of aiding and abetting in the genocide of Europe's Jews are as genuine as the German denials.

'We didn't know.'

'We were just following orders.'

'We had no choice.'

The truth is they not only knew, they actively and gleefully participated.

And not just during the war, but after as well.

Bunch of freaking anti-Semites.

And there's always some [censored] that tries to deny what actually happened.

Let's get something straight junior. The crimes the Nazis commited against the Poles are miniscule in comparison to the wholesale mass extermination of Jews. That's not trivializing the Nazi crimes, but stating an historical fact.

And it's also a fact the Poles were glad to be rid of their Jews.

Now you might not like these facts, but that doesn't make them any less true.

But if it makes you feel better to go on believing fairy tales, go right ahead.

Just don't expect your BS to go unchallenged at JTF.


I pretty agree with Muck DeFuslims on that, but it wasn't the Pols only.

No, they are not facts, they are a perverted attempt to advance Jewish interests by distorting the facts.  If Polish people wanted to murder the Jews, they did a great job before the war (sarcastic) having one of the biggest Jewish populations in Europe, and could have always finished the job after the war...but they didn't.

--- Quote ---The crimes the Nazis commited against the Poles are miniscule in comparison to the wholesale mass extermination of Jews.
--- End quote ---
A ridiculous statement.  Though many Jews were killed, the crimes against Poles and other Eastern Europeans (Gyspies could be added in here too) are substantial enough that nothing can make them "no big deal."

I bet you've hit the report post button a thousand times now begging for the mods to save yourself from your inferior and unresearched arguments.

Since you don't know history, I'll provide you a link and a google search.

Also, Italians initially resisted nazism, until Hitler's political pressure eventually coerced Mussolini into anti-Jew legislation.  In its original incarnation, Italian Fascism was not anti-Jew.

Muck DeFuslims:

--- Quote from: EagleEye on October 18, 2007, 03:32:16 PM ---Since you don't know history, I'll provide you a link and a google search.

Also, Italians initially resisted nazism, until Hitler's political pressure eventually coerced Mussolini into anti-Jew legislation.  In its original incarnation, Italian Fascism was not anti-Jew.

--- End quote ---

Since you're incapable of reading comprehension I'll remind you the issue isn't whether the Nazis commited crimes against the Poles. That's a given. They commited crimes against all 'non-aryans'. That's their ideology.

The issue is whether the Poles were complicit in the Nazi holocaust against the Jews.

You insist the Poles were largely innocent bystanders that didn't aid and abet the Nazis in their genocide against the Jews. To which I say bullshiite.

I'll say it again (and you'll deny it again)...the Poles not only knew what was going on and didn't lift a finger to try to stop it, they actively and often gleefully participated in it.

The kapos in the camps, the failure to rebel when the Warsaw ghetto was being liquidated, the turning over of Jews attempting to hide, the refusal to return stolen assets and property- even after the war. The list goes on and on.

Sorry junior, but you're not going to convince this Jew that what happened, didn't happen.

And I'm of Polish heritage.

Go peddle your crap to someone that's dumb enough to buy it. 


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