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Kamala Harris PROVES she wants to destroy Israel (JTF.ORG video)

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Chaim Ben Pesach:

Please promote this important video everywhere possible.




Dan Ben Noah:
Liked, commented, shared, tweeted.

Any Jew who doesn't vote for Trump should have their head examined, but any Jew who votes for Commie'le should have their head blown off. Gentiles too, because we have a commandment of dinim, and if you vote for the wrong person, you will answer for it someday. And we'll start pronouncing Commie'le's name correctly as soon as schvartzas start pronouncing the English language correctly, which will happen on the 10th of Never.

Hrvatski Noahid:
Promoted on Telegram and Reddit.

kamel slept her way up to the top.  she is a literial whore.

Ilan Goldenberg history of being anti Israel.

Ilan opposed the Taylor Force Act to end U.S. economic assistance to the PA for its reprehensible pay-for-slay policies in support of terrorism -  

Ilan supported Obama's abstention of the anti-Israel Security Council Resolution 2334 + Secretary of State John Kerry's shameful speech at the end of the Obama Administration.

Ilan opposed the Trump Administrations recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital and moving the Embassy to Jerusalem.
Ilan said if these actions were taken - the U.S. should unilaterally recognize a Palestinian state and open an Embassy for the Palestinians in Jerusalem - supporting the division of Israel's eternal capital

Ilan supported restoring funding to UNRWA that has further been proven to be a front for Hamas -  

Ilan worked in the Biden-Harris Administration to lead an unprecedented effort to hunt and target Israelis for sanctions — in the middle of a war against Hamas terrorists.

Israel opposed the U.S recognition of Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights that has been critical to Israel's security -

Ilan supported reopening the PLO mission in DC that was rightly closed because of Fatah's pay for slay terror policy

Ilan supported the disastrous Iran deal and opposed imposing maximum pressure / sanctions on Iran. 2 articles on this.

Ilan supported "Freeze or reverse settlement activity through a range of options, including and ending the practice of shielding Israel from international consequences" -

Ilan supported returning to the indefensible pre-1967 lines that would be an existential threat to Israel -


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