Torah and Jewish Idea > Torah and Jewish Idea

Why Did Rabbi Paul Convert to Christianity? -Rabbi Tovia Singer


Hrvatski Noahid:

  :usa+israel:                                                                                                                        :fist:

    As Rav Tovia here points out, Paul:
    (Saul) was said to have been a
    ‘disciple’ of HaRav Gamaliel ZT”L and
    among other things, misquoted the
    Hebrew Bible as though that was not bad
    enough and shows that he was not an
    individual with an ‘unshakable’ level of
    emunah and refused to get along with
    others harmoniously as well as attempting
    and to a degree successfully to coerce them
    into heretics/pagan practices instead of zeal-
    ously promoting the opposite which would
    have been the proper thing to do by spreading
    the necessity and obligation of Jews to adhere
    to Biblical law, to follow the Holy and Sacred
    Commandments given by HaShem to Moses
    in the correct and proper manner! Well done,
    interesting commentary.


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