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Thank G-d, Trump cancels the sanctions on the heroic Hilltop Youth (JTF video)
Chaim Ben Pesach:
Please promote this important video everywhere possible.
Dan Ben Noah:
Liked, commented, shared, tweeted.
Anyone who calls themselves a "Palestinian" is a terrorist and should be sanctioned by the United States and executed by Israel. Most of them can't even pronounce their own supposed nationality.
Hrvatski Noahid:
Promoted on Telegram and Reddit.
There would be no hostages without the stupid mixed dancing festival.
Pretty much every member on this forum knows that there is
no such as a "Palestine" or "Palestinian" people.
Just like there are no Lebanese, Syrian or Jordanian people.
:usa+israel: :fist:
Sure, sanctions on the Holy Land instead of
on the enemies of decency, righteousness
and civility especially by that administration
of filth. Let us all hope and pray that the
current Trump administration will not
chas v’ chalila flip flop on this issue as for
now they are doing the “right thing” and that
should Be ezrat HaShem continue! You do not
and cannot reward the insane tactics of demonic
beasts like that with a state nor give up Jewish
land, period! Excellent commentary as always.
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