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The Sages taught that a man's semen is the strength of his body, his body's life-force, and light of his eyes, and if a man habitually ejaculates overly much, his body and his physical power are weakened, and his life span is shortened. This even includes a man who makes it his habit to engage overindulgently in permitted sexual relations, beyond his expected conjugal duties to his wife - his old age advances upon him prematurely, his strength is weakened, his eyesight diminishes, his mouth and his armpits emit foul odors, and his hair falls out, to name a few of the resulting physical problems and malfunctions that the Sages warned of. With this loss of strength, various pains and medical susceptibilities will come upon him. The wise doctors of earlier generations said that one man in a thousand dies from unrelated illnesses, and the rest die from physical problems that develop from their excessive sexual relations (and masturbation).