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General Discussion / Re: Ella Eff Off and UNRWA
« Last post by Nachus on September 11, 2024, 11:41:48 PM »
 :usa+israel:                                                                                                                          :fist:

  That is true that the ‘ugliness’ “inside”
  a “human being” and or vile soul especially
  considering what she ‘stands for’ and supports
  is far worse than having any unattractive type
  of appearance or in making Frida Kahlo look
  like a stunning Israeli model compared to her.
 :usa+israel:                                                                                                                          :fist:

  Rav Tovia offers a ‘bottom line’ style
  “take” on this interesting topic and it
  is surely one of the best presentations
Liked, commented, shared, tweeted.

Black female couldn't debate by herself. Black female needed help from fagdude and monkeychick to debate Trump. Trump still won the debate against three people (and I use the term "people" very loosely). Women who vote for Commie'le are basically saying that the first female president should be a hooker who slept her way to the top and was chosen for VP based on her race and gender. These stupid women are also selling out their cats.

Please promote this important video everywhere possible.



Torah and Jewish Idea / Re: Ticket to Heaven Daily Dose
« Last post by Hrvatski Noahid on September 11, 2024, 07:16:15 AM »
Although this arrangement is theoretically elegant, some difficulties arise when applying it to real-world systems like brains and computers, as they have limited memory and limited time to process information. Even with an estimated processing power of trillions of calculations per second, the human brain faces constraints on its capacities that only allow it to process a fraction of what is actually happening in an environment. Additionally, Friston’s Free Energy Principle would imply that the brain is making vastly complex comparisons between its memory and the world at every second. While this is technically true, this principle faces similar mathematical constraints in real-world scenarios, as there are only so many calories that can be burned at one time.

The brilliance of the Free Energy Principle, and the reason it has proven to be so exciting for neuroscience and psychology, is because several pre-existing constructs in mathematics and physics exist that simplify these computations to such a degree that the proposed computations could be plausibly handled by a human brain. Put simply, instead of having to make calculations across all possible environmental states, including extremely unlikely ones like unexpected meteor strikes or ghost apparitions, the human brain instead makes a series of guesses or hypotheses, and then calculates the amount of surprise generated by its sensory inputs.

Once a level of surprise is ascertained, the mental model can then be progressively revised to fit the incoming sensory data, or action can be taken to change the world to match the model. This can be represented visually by two converging graphs, which represent probability distributions, which in turn correspond to expected and actual states as expressed by the brain’s electrical signals.

With its emphasis on an iterative progression towards a sophisticated and expansive perspective on the world, the general trajectory of development implied by the Free Energy Principle would imply that the human brain begins at a low level of sophistication and grows in response to the sensory information it acquires. The Free Energy Principle would also imply that the more data someone has access to, the more sophisticated and expansive their hypotheses about the world should be – and the less often they will be surprised. (Ticket to Heaven by Zachary R.J. Strong, PDF version, p 108-109)
General Discussion / Re: Did anyone here watch the debate?
« Last post by angryChineseKahanist on September 11, 2024, 02:29:24 AM »
scum were cheating as we expected.
General Discussion / Did anyone here watch the debate?
« Last post by Mishmaat on September 10, 2024, 11:40:51 PM »
Thoughts? Concerns?
thank you sir
interesting to see dov as well.  hope he can double his nickel in nov.
General Discussion / Re: Who was the worst U.S. President ever?
« Last post by Mishmaat on September 09, 2024, 10:09:32 PM »
Only a few years after that giant suicide bomb on 9/11, Obama went on an apology tour kissing up to Muslims. His policy of ass kissing and appeasing his fellow Muslims has made it almost impossible today to correctly point out that we are at war with Islam. Not Hamas, or Hezbollah or any other Islamic terrorist organization. They’re symptoms of the problem. We defeat Hamas and another Islamic Nazi group will just emerge to take its place. At best, people will say “radical Islam” and that just absolves Islam. Those demons are planning to commit an atrocity 100 times worse than October 7th, God forbid.

George W. Bush also deserves an honorary mention. There’s a special spot in hell reserved for him.

I like the pro-Israel rhetoric lately that Trump espouses and I do realize the existential threat posed by a Kamala presidency, but Trump is obsessed with “making deals” so even if he’s elected there’s still an uphill battle to fight.

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