Guns and Self-Defense => Guns/Firearms => Topic started by: White Israelite on September 19, 2007, 11:16:18 AM

Title: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: White Israelite on September 19, 2007, 11:16:18 AM
We need another camp like this. I have many ideas myself on training. Alright so it shouldn't be like the Islamic camps where the guys swing on monkey bars and what not but a serious camp for teaching Jews self defense. I think it would prove appropriate if there were classes to learn how to shoot different types of guns, be it AK47's, M16's, SKS, Galils, different handguns that are commonly used like the Beretta M9, Glock series, SIG series, etc. Shooting them would help users become familiar how to use each gun and zeroing in the sights and what not. Also learning the different setups of each gun as AK47's have different safety and mag release than say a M16.

Field stripping these guns would prove useful if one were to ever encounter a enemies gun and had to use it and shoot it or learn to field strip it. Also to shoot different calibers to be proficient and used to the recoil of different types of guns. Identifying ammunition and magazines to know which gun they belong to.

Training could involve identification of different camouflage patterns to know who the enemy is or what not. Perhaps learning to sew and making your own Load Bearing Vests or sewing on new patches to an existing LBV if it isn't a MOLLE setup. There are many different configurations available on http://www.zahal.org if anyone wants these vests, I have one myself.

Boots are necessary, get used to walking in boots because they will be good for walking long distances and climbing up uneven surfaces like rocks and mountains or what not.

Camping, I think camping will be important and surviving on limited food rations as well as areas where Jews may need to hide out in the event SHTF. Food rationing will be important, when we had the hurricane here in Florida, almost all the food stores were sold out and there was plenty of looting. From my understanding, Judaism prohibits hunting as it is considered cruel and unusual and also most of the food wouldn't be considered Kosher although there are a few animals that could be considered Kosher. By shooting it, wouldn't this be violated proper slaughter procedures? If not, hunting and fishing may be useful for collecting food when in need of emergency supplies or as backup.

Flashlights are important, check out surefire aluminum flashlights, durable as heck, lightweight, and very portable.

Training in a firefight, there are several ways to do this safely. There should be simulation of what would happen in a firefight, how one reacts under pressure and adrenaline rush and keeping cover. Paintball could be useful but they are not realistic in terms of reloading although they will leave a nice welt. I played paintball for a few years in the woods and it was good for learning how to keep cover from getting hit and teamwork as well as communication. Airsoft could prove very useful, Airsoft is similar to paintball in respects they are 1:1 replicas of the real deal and even accept magazines and field strip like a real gun. More information here.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airsoft

There are different areas that could prove useful for training, the woods and perhaps could build structures like buildings or what not. Communication is very important.

Hand to hand combat, like KAPAP, Krav Maga, Systema, etc. Military martial arts would prove useful if you are ever in a situation where you cannot get a clear shot on someone as they are too close by or you do not have access to a gun. Unfortunately the version of Krav Maga taught in the states is a watered down version mainly for civilian use. You can learn the real stuff in Israel though.

I think that preparing for the worse is important, it will happen sooner or later and we should not sit around talking because otherwise we are just floating ducks taking shots. How many Jewish community centers have been invaded by Neo Nazis or muslims and killed innocent people in the last few years? I can think of several.

Not only is this useful for self defense and to become dependent in different situations, but it could certainly help if the SHTF and we end up in a situation where there is an economic collapse in this country, pogroms against Jews, another hurricane Katrina, or some sort of overthrow of the government in which case we will need to know how to fight.

To get this rolling, we would need land, we would probably want it to be rural where there is not a lot of people around, we would need it in a area with very lax gun control laws (in the south), and permits for setting up buildings. We would also need funding for the weapons and to pay those who want to participate. Probably need insurance as well if the paintball thing was done. Also would need funds for weapons, we would need to keep legal and that would mean semi-auto firearms stored in a safe place with identification and inventory so we know who rented which gun. We need to make sure the people renting the guns for training are legal as well and not convicted felons or prohibited from firing a gun, as much as I disagree with current gun laws, we must remain legal. It could end up an expensive project but I would hope this could be doable with planning and funding.

Living quarters would be a good idea since the courses would probably be several weeks of training and would need to provide a place for people to sleep.

My idea of rural would be somewhere like West Virginia or Alabama in areas that are very open and lots of trees. Northern Wisconsin would be good too but the gun laws are too strict there.

There are hundreds of different Neo Nazi militant groups and Islamic groups in the United States. Why do we not have something to counter their attacks? These folks are serving in the military getting training while being paid and then going on to teach others once they get out of the service to fight. We cannot underestimate the enemy and must be prepared.

There are legal issues to consider. The government does have a habit of infiltrating groups like this generally to make sure nothing illegal is going on which is why I stress that everything needs to be double, even triple checked that there is nothing that breaks the law. Recently a militia in Alabama was busted on having explosives or what not, we don't need a situation like that. The JPFO also provides various videos of the ATF trying to claim an individuals semi automatic rifle is illegal and try to bust them for it. We don't need a waco happening at a camp like this and with the mainstream media being so hostile towards Zionism to begin with, it wouldn't make good news though a situation like that would probably be kept hush hush.

A camp like this should be open to all Jews, orthodox, conservative, secular as long as they are dedicated to Israel and the survival of the Jewish people. Hitler killed people with only a Jewish grandparent and it is necessary that it doesn't happen again in the future.
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: MartinP on September 19, 2007, 12:26:28 PM
Totally agreed! If you need an instructor, let me know, I have 8 years military service under my belt!
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: White Israelite on September 20, 2007, 03:21:24 PM
Come on guys, anyone else interested in this idea?
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: EagleEye on September 20, 2007, 03:24:05 PM
I'd consider working with legitimate righteous Gentiles too, even if they have no Jewish Ancestry, like Newman.
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: White Israelite on September 20, 2007, 03:29:19 PM
I'd consider working with legitimate righteous Gentiles too, even if they have no Jewish Ancestry, like Newman.

I think that would work, Noahides could be invited as well. In the event a war breaks out in the US, Nazis will be targeting Noahides and Zionist supporters as well.
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: Ultra Requete on September 24, 2007, 03:55:14 AM
I'd consider working with legitimate righteous Gentiles too, even if they have no Jewish Ancestry, like Newman.

I think that would work, Noahides could be invited as well. In the event a war breaks out in the US, Nazis will be targeting Noahides and Zionist supporters as well.

You mean neo nazis, muslim nazis or NWO nazis? Well propably all. That's good idea.
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac) on September 24, 2007, 06:30:14 AM
You've got Serb support aswell. I myself am familiar with the AK 47 and its Serbian sister rifle Zastava, Also Snipers the Zastava M76. costs about 300$. If the s h i t hits the fan I'm in;)
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: White Israelite on September 24, 2007, 01:58:39 PM
You've got Serb support aswell. I myself am familiar with the AK 47 and its Serbian sister rifle Zastava, Also Snipers the Zastava M76. costs about 300$. If the s h i t hits the fan I'm in;)

Sounds good, I know the serbs suffered from the muslims big time, I seen those videos what they did to Serbs when capturing them, and it was barbaric. They are disgusting individuals and we made a big mistake by not attacking Bosnia instead.

I've got a few projects lined up right now. I've got my H&K USP .45 acp pistol, my Galil .223 rifle and i'm going to the gun show this week to pick up a few SKS and some more handguns. Maybe it's just me but I can't stand the M4, it's light weight, very accurate, and accepts some cool optics but other than that, I feel it isn't very reliable and I would hate to have to field strip one if SHTF and i'm stuck in the battlefield.

The AK47 is a great gun despite what some people say that it's a POS, very reliable, simple to use, and will function pretty much anywhere under any conditions. I've seen videos of people firing the damn thing on full auto where they had a Class III and the barrel started on fire from getting so hot yet the gun still continued to fire. I don't think any other series of guns could do the same without exploding.

People might be picky on where a gun comes from, I personally know a few Jewish folks who will not touch a Austrian or German gun under any conditions (H&K, Walther, Glock, Steyr) and they are missing out on a lot of fine guns. To me, a gun has no nationality. Use whatever you can because it may save your life.

Regarding the threat, I think we are threatened by several different factions, Muslims yes they are one of them, I am sure many of them smuggle weapons into mosques, Neo Nazis are a large problem as well, these guys are armed and trained, many of them are preparing in martial arts (including Krav Maga, an Israeli martial arts) and even using Israeli guns (Uzi, Galil), don't underestimate these guys, just because they are our enemy doesn't make them stupid. They know full well what they are doing. I think these guys may be more of a threat to us than muslims. A lot of these guys are obsessed with physical appearance and working out which is smart, training and learning how to use weapons, etc. I think we need to do the same, quite frankly I can almost guarantee that there are more Neo Nazis than there are Jews. Think of how many Kahanist Jews there are and narrow it down. Take that to a level of militant Jews and that's a very small number. We do not have the numbers they do and that is why it is important we learn to fight back if it ever comes down to that. I've heard the response before "You don't need weapons, all you need is G-d". Yes we do need G-d I agree but what about the holocaust? Jews were being killed while praying to G-d, we have to want to live and want to fight back to survive as well.

I've got a large sum of funds that will be used for weaponry because I feel weapons are a very important part to survival. Now some people may argue why I need so many, different job and I prefer a different caliber or type of gun plus they are fun to collect.
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: Maccabi on September 24, 2007, 07:55:39 PM
why do you think boots are necessary? just curious...

I have done a lot of backpacking (spent about 5 months long distance hiking).

Conventional wisdom says you must have boots, but at least for backpacking and camping, it is total B.S.

Running shoes or even high top cross trainers will shave about 2.5lbs off of your carrying weight which is a lot when you multiply it over many steps (also considering the weight is on your feet).  Yeah, you could twist your ankle, but if you work out regularly and have good balance, your ankles get pretty strong. At least in my experience, the pluses of lightweight footwear highly outweigh the drawbacks.

True, you might need boots if you are carrying over 40 or 50lbs of gear, depending on what condition you are in but I would probably tend towards a light configuration (at least for a prolonged situation with lots of walking/running movement)...Meaning minimal equipment for lightweight/mobility and decrease in fatigue, blisters etc...

I am wondering if this might carry over to combat...I personally would probably feel more comfortable and mobile in a pair of basketball shoes, cross-trainers, or even running shoes.

I definitely want to learn this stuff...I went shooting recently for the first time and it was very fun...shot some .45 and 9mm

Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: newman on September 24, 2007, 08:05:18 PM
This organisation is non-racist, non-political and non-antisemitic. Anyone can form their own militia with their training system.

I recommend a look at this site:



I also discourage army boots and camo fatigues for citizens militias unless concealment traing in the boonies is being done. It just frightens the populace unneccessarily. Wear kahki cargo pants, hiking boots and maybe a mil-surp' jacket. Same effectiveness for most situations without bringing undue attention to yourselves.
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: Wayne Jude on September 24, 2007, 08:31:38 PM
Weapons also hold their value when dirt hits the fan.
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on September 24, 2007, 08:42:03 PM
Militias which are not a complete and total secret are first infiltrated by Federal Agents from the BATF and FBI without the militia's knowledge.

This is always followed by a huge public bust and prison sentences, the result of a long and determined agent provocateur campaign whereby the Federal Agents eventually coax the least mentally stable and least centered member or members to break Federal laws.

unless the militia in question is a Muslim militia planning to stage jihad inside America...in this case, FBI agents come and eat a picnic lunch with you, have photos taken, and make sure that they haven't "offended Muslim sensitivities"

Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: Wayne Jude on September 24, 2007, 09:04:27 PM
Mass, you are 100% right.Its the FBI s best game.Unless your an islamic terrorist
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: newman on September 24, 2007, 09:30:11 PM
Militiamen can only get busted for breaking the law.

The ones who get busted do the following:

Make explosives

Stockpile components to make explosives

Obtain automatic weapons without proper permits

Manufacture/ convert automatic weapons without proper permits

Provided you do none of the above or break any other laws, you have nothing to fear. KISSATA strongly opposes breaking any state/ federal laws (apart from unconstitutional ones like gun bans).
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: Wayne Jude on September 24, 2007, 09:32:41 PM
Yes Newman ,but trust me the minute you are known as a militia you are a target.However you are right,if you are a non violent militia you safe.And that is good.
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: Wayne Jude on September 25, 2007, 12:37:59 AM
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on September 25, 2007, 01:35:38 AM

With all due respect, it is not uncommon for such groups to suddenly be raided, with a warrant for one member, and most if not all members arrested at the same time, for any number of "imaginary" charges including "suspicion of conspiracy to ......" "suspicion of possession of outlawed weapons...", etc...

Shortly after being booked, and indicted, the member whose warrant caused all to be busted "disappears into nowhere", and at the next lawyers counsel meeting the indicted member is informed that the vanishing member was a government agent & informer, off and away on his next mission.

Suddenly, evidence is presented which was planted by the arresting officers & agents...all kinds of illegal weaponry, military weaponry, drugs, pornography.....

And there is no way whatsoever to prove that the "militia" members never posssessed any of those contraband, because two or three lying Feds will testify under oath that all the contraband was in possession of the suspects, etc. etc...

The judge will have predetermined the guilt of all long before the trial ever begins.

Sentencing will be harsh and severe.

Chances are good that the "leaders" will meet a violent stabbing or beating death during the first few days of prison (also prearranged to happen by the authorities...especially if you're a Jew).

This scenario is played out with great regularity in the United States.

The authorities don't need any evidence of illegal activities...they just create all the evidence needed to imprison any and all "political threats".
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: White Israelite on September 25, 2007, 02:45:26 AM
Then perhaps we can keep it to those with Jewish background. Perhaps we can setup a website with directions to an office. People that signup are screened and when they are accepted, we will disclose the address to those who signed up. Doing nothing however isn't going to fix anything. We are sitting ducks right now and I think we need to be prepared for the worst. There are ways to keep it secretive.
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: Boeregeneraal on September 25, 2007, 03:36:47 AM
I completely love the idea!!!

Im in. Just too bad the damn australian governmen t is soo damned strict on weapons...oh well, suppose ill head to the US then
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: Ultra Requete on September 25, 2007, 04:06:41 AM
Then perhaps we can keep it to those with Jewish background. Perhaps we can setup a website with directions to an office. People that signup are screened and when they are accepted, we will disclose the address to those who signed up. Doing nothing however isn't going to fix anything. We are sitting ducks right now and I think we need to be prepared for the worst. There are ways to keep it secretive.

They're govermntal informers among the Jews too; you have to extra carefull in recruiting; not accepting strangers, mentaly ills or overzelous types; not doing some stupid things like explosive and machine weapons manufacture or storing; and always be 110% legal and you'll be well; But best thing to do is to join military or law enforcment agencies first.
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: Boeregeneraal on September 25, 2007, 06:06:08 AM
Newmna, seems like us in AU need to do something similiar eh? We've got about 5million square kilometers of potential ground to base our facilities. bloody gun regulation!
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on September 25, 2007, 09:56:03 AM
Cohen:  "There are ways to keep it secretive."

Keep what?
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: White Israelite on September 25, 2007, 02:18:32 PM
Then perhaps we can keep it to those with Jewish background. Perhaps we can setup a website with directions to an office. People that signup are screened and when they are accepted, we will disclose the address to those who signed up. Doing nothing however isn't going to fix anything. We are sitting ducks right now and I think we need to be prepared for the worst. There are ways to keep it secretive.

They're govermntal informers among the Jews too; you have to extra carefull in recruiting; not accepting strangers, mentaly ills or overzelous types; not doing some stupid things like explosive and machine weapons manufacture or storing; and always be 110% legal and you'll be well; But best thing to do is to join military or law enforcment agencies first.

Oh absolutely, I was watching a video by the JPFO (Jews For Preservation of Firearm Ownership) on how corrupt the ATF is and how they would attach foreign objects to military surplus kits and claim that the person had a machine gun in posession despite the fact the guns fell apart and they needed to wield on parts to make it functional. They also tried to send an innocent man to prison who had an FN FAL and after about 15 shots, the FAL was slamfiring expending an entire magazine. The ATF agent admitted he never took apart the gun, a weapons expert took apart the FAL and saw the spring was disintegrating from use and causing the firing pin to protrude causing the primer to be hit everytime it got loaded into the chamber. A very dangerous practice as the gun could have been fatal.

Our laws do not allow import into the country a so called assault weapon unless it is manufactured domestically. A common practice (for example), Galils are banned for import into the country by name, only about 2,000 made it in imported by Action Arms, Magnum Research and a few other companys. Now the only way to get a Galil is to order an American receiver with a old parts kit imported from Guatemala that was used by some rebels. A lot of these kits are beat up and were at one time fully automatic, a lot of times the kits come with the parts to make these a fully automatic machine gun, but it is not a machine gun until it is assembled with these parts. Generally when you put these together, you have to have 5 American parts to make it legal.

One of the reasons I advised having the weapons in a armory is we know who's using the guns and who's renting them out, they will remain legal by staying semi-automatic. We can also avoid legal trouble by making sure we are not accepting any felons into the camp. We can make restrictions what they are bringing into the camp. I'm sure theres a way to keep it legal, we just need to know who we are letting in. If members brought their own firearms, we could probably require they fire the gun and make sure those are legal as well to avoid any trouble. Several militant type groups exist yet have not been shut down by the ATF, I believe it's nothing more than scare tactics. There was a camp at one point called Camp Meir Kahane and they seemed to run witthout having any problems?
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: jdl4ever on September 25, 2007, 10:05:57 PM
I like the idea as well.  I agree that you got to keep it secretive and only PM information to those you trust in real life and on the forum. I don't trust the gov't as they tend to close these Kahane following groups down and arrest all the members with trumped up charges like saying one of them was found having a KahaneChai flier from 17 years ago and was planning on remaking kahanechai or some nonsense like that.  Or they could just arrest you with fake charges and drop the fake charges a while later but in the mean time, you got to go to jail and bail yourself out and waste your time in court.  Or you were trespassing on some gov't owned property when you were shooting, you get the point, I don't trust them.  (And I agree that 2 JDL people were killed in prison and the gov't probably planned it).
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac) on September 26, 2007, 04:51:44 AM
I'm actually in favor of keeping the camp as small as possible. The closest men, so we don't even got to think about informants etc.
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: newman on September 26, 2007, 06:29:19 AM
Newmna, seems like us in AU need to do something similiar eh? We've got about 5million square kilometers of potential ground to base our facilities. bloody gun regulation!

The horse has already bolted in Australia on guns. Once they're taken/ given up, you NEVER get them back. A lesson to the US members here.

Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: White Israelite on September 26, 2007, 02:18:41 PM
I like the idea as well.  I agree that you got to keep it secretive and only PM information to those you trust in real life and on the forum. I don't trust the gov't as they tend to close these Kahane following groups down and arrest all the members with trumped up charges like saying one of them was found having a KahaneChai flier from 17 years ago and was planning on remaking kahanechai or some nonsense like that.  Or they could just arrest you with fake charges and drop the fake charges a while later but in the mean time, you got to go to jail and bail yourself out and waste your time in court.  Or you were trespassing on some gov't owned property when you were shooting, you get the point, I don't trust them.  (And I agree that 2 JDL people were killed in prison and the gov't probably planned it).

Yes I understand what you mean. It should probably be kept small and perhaps we could do recruiting to people we know or just those that share similar ideaology, gain trust, etc.

How do all these neo nazi and muslim camps survive without legal problems? Have you guys seen the Combat 18 neo nazi group videos? They are constantly training for war and haven't been shut down.
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: Wayne Jude on September 26, 2007, 02:26:54 PM
Because their not Jewish or white.But the safest way is small independant cells.But I don't think any move like this is a good one.The Government will set you up like they did to destroy the militia movement of the 1980's.Remember Timothy Mcveigh.A set up.Ruby ridge ect.Words are much more powerful.
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: Maccabi on September 26, 2007, 03:58:00 PM
I think a better route is this:

Simply encourage Jews to get involved in the martial arts for starters. 
Try to make your Yeshiva also a culture of MMA and share what knowledge you have with your fellow Jews.
(such as video tapes, techniques, split the costs of UFC fights on PPV etc...)

You may be surprised at what they have to offer!

Also go to your local Krav place and train.

The only thing that could cause problems is guns, so make that something separate and less frequent (maybe 5-10x per year at ranges).

I think MMA like Krav and BJJ are a good start.  Of course, they aren't perfect, but no one is going to get in trouble for being in top shape and learning lethal hand to hand.  Once you have that solid foundation in place, I think it would be much easier to add the more risky stuff in using less frequent weekend training.

I guess my point is a fundamental shift in thinking is a great start.  Associating your Jewish studies with various martial arts will be a great benefit.

Also I agree with whoever said that the neonazi culture trains harder and is more into muscle building.  It should scare you a little...but more importantly, it should motivate you.  Actually, fear can motivate you more than anything!

Remember, you are smarter than them...Their main edge is brute force criminal violence.  Take that away from them they are nothing but amoral, Jew-hating trailer trash. 

In the end, it may be cheaper, less risky, and more effective to simply do MMA training mixed with various weekend trainings like seminars and range shooting.

Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: Wayne Jude on September 26, 2007, 04:05:35 PM
Good advice!
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: White Israelite on September 26, 2007, 04:44:09 PM
I think a better route is this:

Simply encourage Jews to get involved in the martial arts for starters. 
Try to make your Yeshiva also a culture of MMA and share what knowledge you have with your fellow Jews.
(such as video tapes, techniques, split the costs of UFC fights on PPV etc...)

You may be surprised at what they have to offer!

Also go to your local Krav place and train.

The only thing that could cause problems is guns, so make that something separate and less frequent (maybe 5-10x per year at ranges).

I think MMA like Krav and BJJ are a good start.  Of course, they aren't perfect, but no one is going to get in trouble for being in top shape and learning lethal hand to hand.  Once you have that solid foundation in place, I think it would be much easier to add the more risky stuff in using less frequent weekend training.

I guess my point is a fundamental shift in thinking is a great start.  Associating your Jewish studies with various martial arts will be a great benefit.

Also I agree with whoever said that the neonazi culture trains harder and is more into muscle building.  It should scare you a little...but more importantly, it should motivate you.  Actually, fear can motivate you more than anything!

Remember, you are smarter than them...Their main edge is brute force criminal violence.  Take that away from them they are nothing but amoral, Jew-hating trailer trash. 

In the end, it may be cheaper, less risky, and more effective to simply do MMA training mixed with various weekend trainings like seminars and range shooting.

Awsome post, on the topic of MMA, do you know of any Jews involved in MMA? I know of many Jewish wrestlers who are well built (Bill Goldberg) though professional wrestling is more entertainment than anything. What's even more crazy is a lot of the neo nazis are even training in Krav Maga and even using Israeli weapons (Uzi's, Galils). They feel they can use these against Jews, I would definitely encourage fellow Jews to get involved in martial arts and learn to fire a gun. I don't know of any places here that teach Krav Maga but I will definitely be traveling to find a place. I go to my friends place out in the stick which is just 750 acres of land with nothing but woods and grass. We generally set up targets of Adolf Hitler and work on our accuracy. I don't understand why so many people hate the .223, people claim that it's not good for killing but only wounding yet my tests on ballistic gel show it does some pretty crazy stuff on impact. I don't really like AR15's though they are fun for just plinking, seem too unreliable but I do love my Galil. It sure gets a bit heavy running around with it though.

Regarding body building, Neo Nazis like to use propaganda that Jews are not physically strong and that we are tiny people that are weak. I'd love to change that image, while that is nothing more than a stereotype, I've seen some pretty strong Jews though I myself am not that tall (about 5ft10), I'm bulky in the arms and wrists so my friends say I have great potential to be large. I am starting to work out to be physically fit. I am considering joining the military as well when I get physically fit.

I'm a bit confused on the gun issue myself, most Jews I meet seem to be very emotional on the topic of guns or don't like them, what's even more odd is a lot of the Jews that I talked with who feel that guns should be banned end up owning a small .32 caliber revolver in their closet or something and never fire it. I know that anytime I see a picture of a nazi holding a gun to a Jew in pictures, it makes me angry and in it's self shows how we need to stick by the words "never again" by being armed to prevent such a thing from happening again. Gun control won't disarm our enemies, it'll just disarm us and give the criminals a safe working environment.

I figure most Jews didn't get into guns because many were brought up in the city where gun control laws were strict, also hunting, hunting is frowned upon in Judaism as I believe shooting an animal would not be kosher and Judaism teaches it is cruel to the animal unless used to protect your life. I was raised shooting guns, my father was huge into guns and owned some very rare stuff, I shot his M-14 and shotgun when I was 9 years old in the basement. The police came to our house when he was diagnosed bipolar and the state refused to renew his FOID card (Illinois law) which means if you own firearms without a FOID card it's a felony, he barricaded him self in the house when the police came to get his guns and my mother tried to get him to surrender because we didn't want to see him die as he was outnumbered by the police. He surrendered the guns and they were confiscated and destroyed. He was charged with a felony which he then took a plea bargain and was able to get it down to a misdemeanor. I will never allow the police to do this to me, ever. Gun Registration is only used against the innocent like my father.
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: White Israelite on September 30, 2007, 01:47:18 PM
We have a problem. Apparently it is illegal in many states to participate (as a civilian) in paramilitary training. The definition of paramilitary training is unclear. Apparently muslim extremeist groups have been shut down in the past for playing paintball as under the patriot act. This is rather worrying as some of the activities our kids engage in (Paintball, Airsoft) playing in the woods or what not could be considered paramilitary training. I guess they fear the overweight 40 year old guy that dresses up in camouflague playing around in the woods for fun.

Here are the states that have laws against such activity.

States with Both Anti-Militia and Anti-Paramilitary Training Laws (7)

-Florida. FLA. STAT. ANN. ch. 870.06, 790.29.
-Georgia. GA. CODE ANN. ss 38-2-277, 16-11-150 to -152.
-Idaho. IDAHO CODE ss 46-802, 18-8101 to -8105.
-Illinois. ILL. REV. STAT. ch. 1805, para. 94-95.
-New York. N.Y. MIL. LAW s 240.
-North Carolina. N.C. GEN. STAT. ss 127A-151, 14-288.20.
-Rhode Island. R.I. GEN. LAWS ss 30-12-7, 11-55-1 to -3.

States with Anti-Militia Laws Only (17)

-Alabama. ALA. CODE s 31-2-125.
-Arizona. ARIZ. REV. STAT. ANN. s 26-123.
-Iowa. IOWA CODE s 29A.31.
-Kansas. KAN. STAT. ANN. s 48-203.
-Kentucky. KY. REV. STAT. ANN. s 38.440.
-Maine. ME. REV. STAT. ANN. tit. 37-B, s 342.2.
-Maryland. MD. CODE ANN. art. 65, s 35.
-Massachusetts. MASS. GEN. L. ch. 33, s 129-132.
-Minnesota. MINN. STAT. s 624.61.
-Mississippi. MISS. CODE ANN. $ 33-1-31.
-Nevada. NEV. REV. STAT. s 203-080.
-New Hampshire. N.H. REV. STAT. ANN. s 111:15.
-North Dakota. N.D. CENT. CODE s 37-01-21.
-Texas. TEX. GOV'T CODE ANN. s 431.010.
-Washington. WASH. REV. CODE s 38.40.120.
-West Virginia. W. VA. CODE s 15-1F-7.
-Wyoming. WYO. STAT. s 19-1-106.

States with Anti-Paramilitary Training Laws Only (17)

-Arkansas. ARK. CODE s 5-71-301 to -303.
-California. CAL. PENAL CODE s 11460.
-Colorado. COLO. REV. STAT. s 18-9-120.
-Connecticut. CONN. GEN. STAT. s 53-206b.
-Louisiana. LA. REV. STAT. ANN. s 117.1.
-Michigan. MICH. COMP. LAWS s 750.528a.
-Missouri. MO. REV. STAT. s 574.070.
-Montana. MONT. CODE ANN. s 45-8-109.
-Nebraska. NEB. REV. STAT. s 28-1480 to -1482.
-New Jersey. N.J. REV. STAT. s 2C:39-14.
-New Mexico. N.M. STAT. ANN. s 30-20A-1 to -4.
-Oklahoma. OKLA. STAT. ANN. tit. 21, s 1321.10.
-Oregon. OR. REV. STAT. s 166.660.
-Pennsylvania. 18 PA. CONS. STAT. s 5515.
-South Carolina. S.C. CODE ANN. s 16-8-10 to -30.
-Tennessee. TENN. CODE ANN. s 39-17-314.
-Virginia. VA. CODE ANN. s 18.2-433.1 to -433.3.

The constitution puts you in the unorganized militia, however all that really does is give them the right to call you into service. It doesn't give you the right to form your own. The US Supreme Court ruled on it in 1886 when they decided Presser v. Illinois. They ruled that the government couldn't prevent you from owning weapons under the second amendment, but the could prevent you from forming your own private army.

Look up the laws and Presser v. Illinois

This is disturbing, right now the government isn't going after airsoft and paintball groups, but it is disturbing to know that in the future that they may go after folks that participate in these activities. There may be ways around this, technically we are not organizing a militia or a militant group of Jews, but rather teaching individuals survivalist skills and self defense, although in a court room it could be set up that we were engaging in something other than that. I need ideas to get this plan off the ground legally. Looks like my homestate (Florida) is out.

Here are some pictures from our airsoft games, are we terrorists merely because we play in the woods with replica firearms for entertainment?




Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: Maccabi on October 01, 2007, 03:27:17 PM
looks fun!
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 01, 2007, 05:03:57 PM
Because their not Jewish or white.But the safest way is small independent cells.But I don't think any move like this is a good one.The Government will set you up like they did to destroy the militia movement of the 1980's.Remember Timothy Mcveigh.A set up.Ruby ridge etc.Words are much more powerful.
The Christian white nationalist movement has survived because those of us who survived the 1980s and 1990's smartened up and left the militias idea behind.My dog is trained to be good with kids, obey ect.However when the time is right he will instinctively know what to do .I think that should be our goal.The FBI is not interested in  me because I do non violent means.How ever if I started training with my comrades,there comes the sharks.They will come and knowing a little of the history of the JDL  and JTF,They might be chatting among us now.I don't under estimate my enemies ever and I suggest you  all don't either.My life experience is there is always a rat or traitor.But if you all decide some along a defense league remember.SMALL Cells of no more then 5 people and NO  leader organization.Sorry to be such a downer but I care and have been there.
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 01, 2007, 05:11:02 PM
From the ADL web site.NO friends of mine.

Prominent militia arrests: Multiple members of the following groups have been arrested and convicted, usually on weapons, explosives, or conspiracy charges: Oklahoma Constitutional Militia, Georgia Republic Militia, Arizona Viper Militia, Washington State Militia, West Virginia Mountaineer Militia, Twin Cities Free Militia, North American Militia, San Joaquin County Militia.

Dont think these jewish tratiors wont turn on jtf.
Extremism in America
Christian Identity
Ku Klux Klan
Militia Movement
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The Militia Movement
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: White Israelite on October 01, 2007, 07:13:42 PM
Because their not Jewish or white.But the safest way is small independent cells.But I don't think any move like this is a good one.The Government will set you up like they did to destroy the militia movement of the 1980's.Remember Timothy Mcveigh.A set up.Ruby ridge etc.Words are much more powerful.
The Christian white nationalist movement has survived because those of us who survived the 1980s and 1990's smartened up and left the militias idea behind.My dog is trained to be good with kids, obey ect.However when the time is right he will instinctively know what to do .I think that should be our goal.The FBI is not interested in  me because I do non violent means.How ever if I started training with my comrades,there comes the sharks.They will come and knowing a little of the history of the JDL  and JTF,They might be chatting among us now.I don't under estimate my enemies ever and I suggest you  all don't either.My life experience is there is always a rat or traitor.But if you all decide some along a defense league remember.SMALL Cells of no more then 5 people and NO  leader organization.Sorry to be such a downer but I care and have been there.

Leaderless movements are definitely smart. I don't like to give credit to Nazis, however Combat 18, one of the major reasons the feds haven't shut them down is they appear to operate as a leaderless movement or a lonewolf movement. They have a group of 5-10 people who fight under the Combat 18 banner and generally keep a hidden identity concealing their faces. I wouldn't mind getting a few Jews together at the shooting range who are Kahanists. I can't see anything illegal about it as it's not a miliita and we're not advocating violence against anyone, just defending our lives.

From the ADL web site.NO friends of mine.

Prominent militia arrests: Multiple members of the following groups have been arrested and convicted, usually on weapons, explosives, or conspiracy charges: Oklahoma Constitutional Militia, Georgia Republic Militia, Arizona Viper Militia, Washington State Militia, West Virginia Mountaineer Militia, Twin Cities Free Militia, North American Militia, San Joaquin County Militia.

Dont think these jewish tratiors wont turn on jtf.
Extremism in America
Christian Identity
Ku Klux Klan
Militia Movement
Sovereign Citizen Movement
Tax Protest Movement
Latest Updates
The Militia Movement

Yes I don't trust the ADL, they are bad news.
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 01, 2007, 07:23:58 PM
Yes exactly! But the leader less cells who know nothing about the others except the basic plan are more likely to survive to another fight.NO bragging or websites or meeting together the different cells, each must work totally separate from the other.This way if one gets caught, the others are still in the safe!
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: White Israelite on October 01, 2007, 07:42:08 PM
Yes exactly! But the leader less cells who know nothing about the others except the basic plan are more likely to survive to another fight.NO bragging or websites or meeting together the different cells, each must work totally separate from the other.This way if one gets caught, the others are still in the safe!

Sounds like a plan, organize on the internet and keep up to date and what not. We really need a subforum on here dedicated to self defense, weaponry, etc.
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 01, 2007, 07:57:19 PM
Yes only tell what needs to be done, than suggest the lonewolves[cells of us ] do what needs to be done.
wayne jude
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: Yisrael on October 03, 2007, 01:39:23 AM
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 03, 2007, 05:43:27 AM
That took Christian white nationalist 25 years to figure out.Luck!
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: White Israelite on October 03, 2007, 08:53:10 AM

I have heard of this before, I don't think it would hurt to have more than one camp especially for Jews that do not live near New York :) . New York also has some very strict gun laws.
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 03, 2007, 04:50:27 PM
But,As I said before, militia is not as mighty as the pen.
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: White Israelite on October 06, 2007, 10:26:09 PM
If anyones interested, heres some video footage of what we do. It's a large download due to the high quality of the camera and I didn't want to reduce the quality.

Right click, save target as to your harddrive.

Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 06, 2007, 10:28:40 PM
Im sure Erika wants to lead one! LOL

Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: White Israelite on October 08, 2007, 02:18:08 PM
Im sure Erika wants to lead one! LOL

A black Jewish militia?


Wait is Erika Jewish?
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 08, 2007, 02:26:47 PM
NO but she looks like him.
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 08, 2007, 02:41:19 PM
Yes their hired!
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: Nolandforshalom on December 24, 2007, 12:04:53 PM
I think the most effective practice would be a loose series of Armed Patrols, like Rabbi Kahane Did, who in a time of war can unite to protect Jewish Lives. In peacetime Jewish areas can be protected by the patrols. All we would need for each partol is 2 or 3 guys, a truck/car and a gun...
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: JTFFan on December 24, 2007, 12:12:24 PM
Yes their hired!

Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: White Israelite on December 24, 2007, 01:06:17 PM
I think the most effective practice would be a loose series of Armed Patrols, like Rabbi Kahane Did, who in a time of war can unite to protect Jewish Lives. In peacetime Jewish areas can be protected by the patrols. All we would need for each partol is 2 or 3 guys, a truck/car and a gun...

Heck that would be a good idea. There are so many Jewish towns in New York or California that are unprotected, even if there were a few armed Jews patrolling, that would help quite a bit.
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: KansasJew on January 07, 2008, 10:48:04 PM
Okay you got another Instructor

American and Dragon Kenpo Karate
Small Unit Tactics
Combat Pistol Shooting

20 years US Military and 4 years Civilian LEO
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: JTFFan on January 07, 2008, 10:49:15 PM
Ok O0
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: Crni Skorpion on June 13, 2009, 09:57:32 PM
Perhaps, instead of having fears of Government Inspections, simply have your own inspections?

Law can not touch you if you do something wrong - if you have members who can prove they have no criminal record and are mental fit, then have instructors who can inspect each 'barracks' if you will have a place they can stay. This way, if one person of the group does a thing illegal on your camps then you can report this to authorities - they see you follow law, problem ends. If they do an illegal outside your camp, you are not in knowledge of this thing, no problem for you.

I must admit, I am not Jewish... I would fight for Jew people, because I have seen what [censored] head Muslims are like, I have seen what Jews are like and I grew up against Nazism. I have worked for Jews, I have had Jew friends and I have had a Jew girlfriend... I can say you are most nicest and fairest peoples I ever did met.

Perhaps a branch for your Militia for Gentile (I think this is the word right?) who support you. It would be a honour to fight beside such a people who can survive ANY THING!
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: ProudAndZionist on June 25, 2009, 09:48:34 AM
A militia for Jews would be a good idea. ;) The JDL is like it, right? And the Kahane Chai too? ;)
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: ZviTheRomanian on August 04, 2009, 02:30:49 AM
Yo I'm new, I'm 5'8 and weigh 145ish,  I just walked by a damn big muslim on the street today, Beard, little skull cap and all .  and dont get me started about them Neo-nazis, they are usually huge,   I work out and am strong for size but whats ur take on gaining weight and muscle?  Anybody?
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: mord on August 04, 2009, 08:00:45 AM
Yo I'm new, I'm 5'8 and weigh 145ish,  I just walked by a damn big muslim on the street today, Beard, little skull cap and all .  and dont get me started about them Neo-nazis, they are usually huge,   I work out and am strong for size but whats ur take on gaining weight and muscle?  Anybody?
They never look big to me i see them around
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: SW on August 04, 2009, 09:34:22 AM
A militia for Jews would be a good idea. ;) The JDL is like it, right? And the Kahane Chai too? ;)

True. The JDL is a militant Jewish organization which takes action. You can see a lot videos on YouTube of the Camp Meir Kahane.
Here is a link to the JDL Camp  http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=706_1189446153



Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: FreedomFighter08 on August 05, 2009, 05:06:03 PM
I fully agree. We need to make Jews stronger. I personally work out like a horse and I'm making good gains. In my neighborhood, which is a Bukharian neighborhood in Queens, NY, a lot of the Bukharians there workout and are very strong. We need extensive training though. The only bad thing is:

1) Would minors be allowed (teenagers)?
2) Would people have transportation to this place?
3) How much would this cost?

This economy is in the shitter, and personally, that last thing that people would want to do is pay thousands and thousands of dollars for this. I say Lev Leviev gets his ass out of his diamond deals and funds this.
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: patches on September 07, 2009, 07:36:50 PM
Every Jew a 22!
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: The One and Only Mo on September 07, 2009, 07:38:23 PM
A militia for Jews would be a good idea. ;) The JDL is like it, right? And the Kahane Chai too? ;)

True. The JDL is a militant Jewish organization which takes action. You can see a lot videos on YouTube of the Camp Meir Kahane.
Here is a link to the JDL Camp  http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=706_1189446153



One of my friend's goes to a JDL training course.
Title: Re: We need a militia for Jews
Post by: bobish on November 15, 2009, 08:21:58 PM
"We need a militia for Jews"
Yes, there is a great need for this.

I live in Vermont.

A friend teaches pistol to new shooters.
His club offers women only classes,(most of the teachers are guys).
They loved it.
His club also teaches rifle marksmanship. Long range Rifle clinics

Also, there are still a lot of shooting ranges, here.
And a few good schools.

Semi autos are welcome.

Safety, handling, shooting, marksmanship, individual tactics, group Tac.
Depends on the level of the shooters.

I would suggest, if you go to a school, to keep quiet about your plans.
Unless you really know the teachers.
Group tactics can be a bit of a problem, to explain.

I know of one school, not in Vermont, that does not seem to have a problem with training groups.
On all sorts of stuff.

http://www.suarezinternational.com/tech.html (http://www.suarezinternational.com/tech.html)
He might be what you are looking for.
Maybe not.

If I can help, I will...
