General Discussion / Re: Trump," US will own the Gaza strip"
« Last post by Dovid_2 on Today at 09:18:04 PM »The USA will enter a new golden age.Trump's ideas are large, vague, and unworkable. These ideas won't fix anything. It's just magical thinking.
As Chaim alluded to: when America unleashes its energy, then it can get somewhere... Why hasn't this already happened yet? Because when it comes to business, Trump is extremely hesitant to act on anything before he can ensure that someone from his extended family gets their cut on it somehow. This is an enormous hinderance.
I agree that Gaza and in fact all land between the river Nile and the river Euphrates belongs by right to Israel, but Israel is not the Israeli government. Israel is actual nation, the Jewish people.The only people that can make Gaza habitable are the hilltop youth -- or to be more specific, people who follow their model of primitive living. The hilltop youth model is an ingenious strategy that crushes the stranglehold of the deep state by challenging the entrenched financial models that choke the prime Israeli real estate market. As the Talmudic scholars alluded to (and I'm paraphrasing): "When everyone is fighting over Israel, the land is worthless" (that means to say, when everyone desires the same area of land to live in, it's not worth the headache of trying to live there because of the incessant intrusion into ones personal life that would occur because of said interest in that area). Unleash the lands to the masses and you will have massive quality aliyah.
It could be that what Trump is doing will make Gaza actually habitable for Jewish people again. They can't live there now without being murdered/raped, etc. Let's see if this helps.
A nation is not a government. A nation is a people.
What Trump is discussing is the "waterfront value" of Gaza... In a nightmare scenario where Gaza turns into Florida, you will get "seasonal" aliyah of dope fiends and other degenerates, as well as the festivals that are inevitable with their presence. We saw what happened at one such festival on Oct. 7th.