Save Western Civilization => Save Serbia => Topic started by: serbianunity on October 20, 2007, 12:06:23 AM

Title: Peaceful Demonstration in Chicago
Post by: serbianunity on October 20, 2007, 12:06:23 AM
In light of the declaration of the Kosovar Albanians that they will declare independence on December 12 of this year.  All Serbs and friends of Christianity are invited to join us in a peaceful protest in Chicago.  The date has not yet been set but we urge everyone to spread the word to anyone in and around the greater Chicago area to join us.  I repeat this will be a peaceful show of force and a plea to the American community to recognize the brevity of this situation.  We also urge our Israeli brothers and sisters to join us, REMEBER...INDEPENDENT KOSOVO EQUALS SUCCESS FOR ISLAMIC MILITANTS WORLDWIDE...it is time for the two nations who suffer most at the hands of Fundamentalist Islamic Terrorist ( Israel and Serbia ) to join one another in our war against terrorism and our simple, righteous goal of living peacefully in our own respective homelands.
I also would respectfully like to thank Mr. Chaim Ben Pesach for having the courage to speak the truth in regards to the situation in my homeland of Serbia.  We are eternally grateful to jtf.org for supporting us in this crucial time for our people.  We hope that you will continue to fight the good fight, you have our full support.
Please stay tuned to this posting, as I will be adding information about our demonstration as it becomes available.
Thank you.
Title: Re: Peaceful Demonstration in Chicago
Post by: kellymaureen on October 20, 2007, 12:20:14 AM
I wish I lived near Chicago, I would be there  ;)
Title: Re: Peaceful Demonstration in Chicago
Post by: Jasmina on October 20, 2007, 12:37:06 AM
  I have to go back to Romania by the end of the next week and I don`t really know for how long I will be there. I will go in Belgrade for sure to see my friends and to spread the word about JTF also! If I will come back in the time when this demonstration will take place, I would be there! and by the way, WELCOME TO THE FORUM! here is the right place to be!