General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Dan on October 24, 2007, 12:20:03 AM
I noticed that there are many NYers here on the forum... I would like to meet some of our members and get to know people, if you feel the same let's do it!
Who's down?
Here comes the paranoia bro but I would! ;)
Excellent Wayne! O0
If we have 10-20 people committing, we'll have double by the end of it all... I have been a strong supporter for 1 year and still I have NEVER met any of JTF members. I hope to meet Chaim someday as well!
I don't live as close but If I knew in advance I would! :)
If it's in NYC, then I'm all for it.
Queens College maybe?
How about Thursday, 10:00PM, Columbus Circle, at the southwest corner of Central Park, at the base of the monument capped by gold statuary.
Sorry Im all for it but Id need a bit more time :).I live in West Virginia.But I love your boldness brother!I do look forward to it and I think it would be great to eat or something together! O0
Queens College maybe?
Excellent Choice!
No fair! I'm too far away :'(
It's Perfectly fine, MILLS !
Just get the word out to ALL our members and have them ALL know that WE want to get together SOON!
It can all be arraigned.
So let's pick a date and time and go for it. I think Manhattan will be smarter than Queens since it's the center of NYC. If we have people coming in from outta state, chances are they are staying in Manhattan or maybe Brooklyn. Queens is like 2 hours from Brooklyn.
So let's pick a date and time and go for it. I think Manhattan will be smarter than Queens since it's the center of NYC. If we have people coming in from outta state, chances are they are staying in Manhattan or maybe Brooklyn. Queens is like 2 hours from Brooklyn.
Fine by me... Whatever is Easiest and most Accessible!
I get out of work at 6 on weekdays, so anytime after that is fine.
Vito what is that picture?LOL :)
That's me and my 30-06 ;)
Dumb Italian thinks he's a red neck.LOL So am I ...its ok with us mountain Italians!Its like old NY but we have an accent.Not me Im from NY....But I love em ,but NY style they aint right!30-06 LOL
For those of you coming from outta state, keep in mind NYC gun laws are very strict. In short, you cannot have any kind of firearm with you here unless you have a NYC permit, and keep in mind even small things like mace are iilegal.
Can I make a suggestion? This is a public forum. A lot of enemies are reading it. There could be some attempts at provocation or threats of violence if they know where you are meeting. Call me paranoid. I suggest that instead of arranging the meeting place on the open forum, you designate a coordinator to whom people could write a personal message asking about the place to meet. The only messages that should be responded to must be from people who have already been the members of the forum for a while and have recommended themselves as reliable. Otherwise, a hostile person might register to take advantage of this.
I'm not in NY, so I can't meet you unfortunately. I'll be with you in thoughts.
Good idea.
my advice is not to post meetings directly on this forum....best to do it covertly on PM or instant messaging...and like a phone chain...
so i would say, you make a post on who is interested in meeting? And then those that say "Yay" you PM them...and you dont make it such a big crowd either.
I agree 100% with Masha.
I would myself be happy to join you in a meeting,
but I live in france...it's a bit far from N.Y. ...
Anyway, for your sake,
since we need you ALL JTFers here, safe and alive,
if you are to meet each other,
But it is still a nice idea to meet each other, if possible.
Dumb Italian thinks he's a red neck.LOL So am I ...its ok with us mountain Italians!Its like old NY but we have an accent.Not me Im from NY....But I love em ,but NY style they aint right!30-06 LOL
My last name means "cowboy" in Italian.. so I have every right to be a redneck if I want to 8;)
Hey thats a great new picture ;)!!
For those of you coming from outta state, keep in mind NYC gun laws are very strict. In short, you cannot have any kind of firearm with you here unless you have a NYC permit, and keep in mind even small things like mace are iilegal.
LOL Its not like all the JTFer's are going to get together and go muslim hunting!
I'd be interested in meeting you guys. But Thursdays at 10pm isn't good for me since I need to work the following day. Weekends and holidays would generally work for me.
We can all meet in ma crib in Harlem. Eastside representin'. Ya'all down ??
I'd be interested in meeting you guys. But Thursdays at 10pm isn't good for me since I need to work the following day. Weekends and holidays would generally work for me.
Then how about a friday night?
I can make us some fiiiiiiiiiiiiine finga lickin' soul food down in Harlem...Ya'all know whatamsayin'?
I'd be interested in meeting you guys. But Thursdays at 10pm isn't good for me since I need to work the following day. Weekends and holidays would generally work for me.
Then how about a friday night?
That would be fine for me. But it wouldn't be good for our shomer shabbos members. Besides, do you plan on taking a trip from London to meet us? :)
I did give it some thought and it would be wise to keep the date and time close to the chest.There are nuts and worse who hate Jews and would even do evil things just to say they did it or for attention.My Earlier advice was wrong .Sorry!Change your date and time and keep it quite.PS I would love to meet you all! O0
I'd be interested in meeting you guys. But Thursdays at 10pm isn't good for me since I need to work the following day. Weekends and holidays would generally work for me.
Then how about a friday night?
That would be fine for me. But it wouldn't be good for our shomer shabbos members. Besides, do you plan on taking a trip from London to meet us? :)
Oh yes, I forgot about Shabbat. Maybe thats not such a good idea then. How about Saturday evening after Sundown?
No i'm not. I just stick my nose into everything. :)
OK, so do we have a set date and time??
>:( Always leaving out 'da rednecks :( If you ladies and gents meet, I'll be with you in spirit ! :)
~*Mills*~ ,
Ohhhhh dear that would be very bad.............. ;)
Look, you are going to have someone from the FBI, NYPD, maybe a UBL follower, the media (some "investigative journalist") and some JTF supporters.
Queens College maybe?
QUEENS COLLEGE....GREAT CHOICE. would we meet on the campus or maybe the cafeteria there? It's practically empty on Fridays.
Queens College maybe?
QUEENS COLLEGE....GREAT CHOICE. would we meet on the campus or maybe the cafeteria there? It's practically empty on Fridays.
I'm there on Wednesdays... So it's fine by me!
However, maybe Manhattan will be more convenient for most.
so lets take bets, how many FBI agents show up? 5? 10? 25? 100?
so lets take bets, how many FBI agents show up? 5? 10? 25? 100?
Total 2 FBI, 1 informer, 1 special agent.
I've made a JTF meeting in Queens College last year and only me and CJD showed up, no FBI people or muzzies (that we know of). But I think the best thing to do is for someone trustworthy to decide the exact time and place, and for everyone interested to PM this individual for the exact location and time. Of course, only member of the forum for a few months will be granted the information. This way none of you will have an excuse not to come by being afraid. For me, I work 6 days a week now so I probably can't come unless it is Sunday evening.
so lets take bets, how many FBI agents show up? 5? 10? 25? 100?
Total 2 FBI, 1 informer, 1 special agent.
maybe only 2.....
What....we arent important enough for helicopters and a SWAT team...well I never ^-^
We can all meet in ma crib in Harlem. Eastside representin'. Ya'all down ??
:::D this is the funniest post I've ever read!!!!! :::D
...and some random muzzie guy :D
That what I meant when I said a UBL follower.
I've made a JTF meeting in Queens College last year and only me and CJD showed up, no FBI people or muzzies (that we know of).
The FBI were there taking pictures from a few feet away. You just didn't realize it. Heck, I remember there was another JTF guy sitting a table away and you guys weren't sure who he was.
Just have fun!And leave all serious talk to the forum.Talk about lives ,family, sports ,hobbies.The governments only concerned about violence.The person who keeps trying to bring up violence would be your informer.Either way that is the one to watch.By the way hi FBI! :::D
The FBI were there taking pictures from a few feet away. You just didn't realize it. Heck, I remember there was another JTF guy sitting a table away and you guys weren't sure who he was.
Firstly, the FBI doesn't care about this organization as they don't see it as a threat yet. Secondly, if the FBI was there then who cares, they've got nothing on us and we're not cowards who are scared of our own shadow. Yeah, hailcolumbia also came but he didn't believe a JTF meeting was taking place with 2 guys, he thought it would have more people so he assumed it was canceled.
If the meeting is during the day on a Sunday I would be interested in coming. Queens College campus on Sunday was a surprisingly good spot to meet. The weather may not be as favorable this time of the year as the last time we tried this but parking and public transportation are all good. Manhattan is OK but it would also have to also be on a Sunday. Night hours are out of the question for me.
The FBI were there taking pictures from a few feet away. You just didn't realize it. Heck, I remember there was another JTF guy sitting a table away and you guys weren't sure who he was.
Firstly, the FBI doesn't care about this organization as they don't see it as a threat yet. Secondly, if the FBI was there then who cares, they've got nothing on us and we're not cowards who are scared of our own shadow. Yeah, hailcolumbia also came but he didn't believe a JTF meeting was taking place with 2 guys, he thought it would have more people so he assumed it was canceled.
If the FBI was there they should have come over and joined us. For the most part I don't think JTF and the members of this forum should be worrying about the FBI. I think if anything we are a very law abiding group!
Law abiding? YES!
But don't forget, Chaim is a convicted felon, and since JTF preaches unpopular messages, the FBI has reason to worry. We may know that we ain't doin anything wrong, but they like to keep tabs on everyone, which is fine with me.
I wish I can come to the meeting... But I'm leaving for Romania on Saturday! :'(
I'll come back to the U.S. sometime in December, G-d willing.
Chaim has done his time and has said many times that JTF needs to now do things legally. If they are going to watch me because because of Chaim's past and the fact that I am a member of the JTF forum let them do what they need to do. As far as I am concerned they can come right up and join the fun no need to hide. If they are taking my picture I hope they are getting me with eyes open and my mouth closed :o
Or at least my good side.
hey if the FBI comes then maybe we can persuade them and have someone on the inside tipping us off.
With all our talk about meeting the FBI, maybe they won't show up after all :::D
Now That's the Spirit I talking About! O0
It's Great to see our forum members coming together...
I do not believe that the FBI is monitoring JTF in any serious way. The FBI knows that JTF is a law-abiding organization and that it would be a waste of their time.
It's true that I was involved in a bombing campaign to free Soviet Jewry. But that ended in 1986, 21 years ago. That is ancient history. I am now almost 51 years old and have not broken any laws for 21 years. The FBI knows that it is very unlikely for a 51 year old who has been a law-abiding citizen for 21 years to suddenly start illegal activities. Anything is possible, but statistics show that there are not many middle-aged bombers out there.
So our American members have no reason to be concerned.
In Bolshevik Israel, however, simple free speech and dissent is often a criminal offense. So in Israel, the Shabak (the Israeli FBI) is certainly monitoring the activities of our movement, even though our Israeli movement is also law-abiding.
But in the U.S., I honestly think that the FBI has little or no interest in JTF.
Ive never broken a law....even if the FBI was monitoring I would still be here, it would be well worth being spied on ;)
Same here I have done much harm in the name of my causes but I have learned violence will take me no further and my crimes were long ago .The FBI does have better things to do.That being said I don't regret my works of the past only wish sooner I could have done it without hurting others.If one has paid the price that is all required.I always meant well! :)
Chaim is correct there is little on this site to interest the FBI. :)
Only risk is idiot individuals that want to prove a point.
IP is are easy traced and logged through servers, everywhere you go you leave a marker.
I am sure out of the billions of messages a minute the FBI is interested in you.
If you have wee look on the who's on line you will see the guests are more interested in members profiles. ;)
I think Chaim said it Best!
So, Let's go on with our agenda... we're law-abiding and our cause is Righteous!
If you have wee look on the who's on line you will see the guests are more interested in members profiles. ;)
Thats very true, they should have to register in order to view members profiles, those nosey little creatures ;)
smile!!!!!!!! ;)
I feel that JTFers who live in New York should get together and have a meeting about JTf.
Just a get together ,eat a piece of pizza or a bagel or a cup of coffee.Relax.have fun!
I feel that JTFers who live in New York should get together and have a meeting about JTf.
Joe and Wayne, you guys are right on the money!
Let's do it! O0
If you have wee look on the who's on line you will see the guests are more interested in members profiles. ;)
Thats very true, they should have to register in order to view members profiles, those nosey little creatures ;)
Its because we are so beautiful we just can't help it :::D
Can someone PM me about the meeting, thanks.
I want to be informed, too.
I want to be informed, too.
Keep me posted. If I can get there by car and the time and place are good. I would love to be there.
Somebody please take the initiative and PM everyone, who answered 'YES' to the invite...
Date, Time, and Place TBD...
inform me as well..
The following 16 people expressed interest in a NYC JTF meeting.
1) Danstx19
2) Christianwhitenation.nam
3) Tzvi Ben Roshel
4) Vito
5) Daniel
6) Merkava
7) ItalianZionist
Cool jdl4ever
9) cjd
10) Joe Gutfeld
11) dannycookie57
12) Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim
13) Lisa
14) Ari
15) bullcat3
16) Yisrael
good group! ;)
The following 16 people expressed interest in a NYC JTF meeting.
1) Danstx19
2) Christianwhitenation.nam
3) Tzvi Ben Roshel
4) Vito
5) Daniel
6) Merkava
7) ItalianZionist
Cool jdl4ever
9) cjd
10) Joe Gutfeld
11) dannycookie57
12) Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim
13) Lisa
14) Ari
15) bullcat3
16) Yisrael
Great List Yisrael... I'm sure this will help !
But where are some of our other NYers like MasterWolf or Mord ? ;D, they are definately the biggest/strongest members... in size
I heard Karl Marx is coming too !
if somebody is coming to florida on vacation we could meet O0 8;)
I was in Miami-South Beach 3 weeks ago!
Only stayed for 3 days, though!
I have family in and near Hollandale, and Hollywood
I was in Miami-South Beach 3 weeks ago!
Only stayed for 3 days, though!
I have family in and near Hollandale, and Hollywood
you should call me, i live in northeast florida but we could meet in orlando or miami perheps next time O0 8;)
OK. Sounds good!
I'll take you up on that offer next time.
OK. Sounds good!
I'll take you up on that offer next time.
I would come, if it's on a weekend.
I sent out a mass mail suggesting a date and place (sort of.) If you are interested in meeting up, PM me...
I sent out a mass mail suggesting a date and place (sort of.) If you are interested in meeting up, PM me...
I didn't get any message.
Sounds good. Looking forward to an announcement.
I didn't get an email either. Who's the chief organizer? I would make it November 4th at 2:15 PM. Although I might not make it if the Hospital I work in is busy.
I also didn't get an email... :(
Nobody got the e-mail, PM him..
Hopefully an official event can be put together. Would also be a good spot for Vito to start collecting his signatures.
Hopefully an official event can be put together. Would also be a good spot for Vito to start collecting his signatures.
That would be like killing 2 Birds with 1 stone. ;D
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