General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Trumpeldor on October 24, 2007, 01:38:34 AM
Courtesy of moderator Lisa's wonderful website
Video: http://cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/ver/247.1/popup/index.php?cl=4635297
LOL thats the funniest thing Ive seen since,well I don't know! :::D
What a schmuck.
What a schmuck.
At least he is not practicing taqqiyah...
What a schmuck.
At least he is not practicing taqqiyah...
True, at least he's being honest. It would be much better if democrats and leftists just came out and said "I HATE AMERICA, VOTE FOR ME!"
One wrong vote in congress put that moron up there. Uff, if I ran this country..... :o
A hand over one's heart, a hand over one's genitals, what's the difference?
What is taqqiyah...wayne jude
What is taqqiyah...wayne jude
It's what Muslims do when they tell you that Islam is a religion of PEEEEEACE. Lying about the true nature of their religion in order to fool the silly infidel for strategic advantage is taqqiya.
What is taqqiyah...wayne jude
Pretending you're something that you're not.
Is taqqiyah a Hebrew word?
Is taqqiyah a Hebrew word?
Arabic probably.
Is it for real??? >:( Or a hoax picture, just curious, I'd like to know before I get mad at his lack of respect!
On second glance, it DOES look fake. Notice how Richardson is staring off in a different direction and the perspective is noticeably off. The flag also looks really fake.
taqqiyah is an Arabic word. It's a Islamic concept.
Is it for real??? >:( Or a hoax picture, just curious, I'd like to know before I get mad at his lack of respect!
At least he's standing.
Is it for real??? >:( Or a hoax picture, just curious, I'd like to know before I get mad at his lack of respect!
On second glance, it DOES look fake. Notice how Richardson is staring off in a different direction and the perspective is noticeably off. The flag also looks really fake.
The shadows look real.
Saw the video on Lisa's site.Its real.What planet is that Evil bastard from.OH ,I forgot planet islumm...
Is it for real??? >:( Or a hoax picture, just curious, I'd like to know before I get mad at his lack of respect!
On second glance, it DOES look fake. Notice how Richardson is staring off in a different direction and the perspective is noticeably off. The flag also looks really fake.
taqqiyah is an Arabic word. It's a Islamic concept.
Watch the video. It's real.
Ok yes, totally real.
I don't know what was worse. Seeing that piece of garbage keep his hands down during the anthem or hearing that OTHER piece of garbage attempt to sing it!
My thoughts exactly.He clapped his hands first and the other idiots followed.Look there is no decent winable candidate.This is so sad! :'(
I would like to shoot him.
I would like to shoot him.
SHHHHHHH... you don't know who's listening. Shoot who? ;)
It is very SHAMEFUL that someone like obama has gotten this far in the race! (And hitlary clinton too)
They represent a big part of America. This is scary. I think we will have another civil war soon, only we will win. With all their gun control, boycotting the Military, in a war, they will loose big time.
It is very SHAMEFUL that someone like obama has gotten this far in the race! (And hitlary clinton too)
They represent a big part of America. This is scary. I think we will have another civil war soon, only we will win. With all their gun control, boycotting the Military, in a war, they will loose big time.
Thats a fact.
Ok yes, totally real.
I don't know what was worse. Seeing that piece of garbage keep his hands down during the anthem or hearing that OTHER piece of garbage attempt to sing it!
I would like to shoot him.
SHHHHHHH... you don't know who's listening. Shoot who? ;)
That's for sure.
Is he facing Mecca ?
You really expected a muslim to be respectful?
Is taqqiyah a Hebrew word?
This is an Islamic concept. But whenever I hear this word, it also sounds very similar to one of the shofar callings on Rosh Hashana, the signal for one elongated shofar tone.
Is he facing Mecca ?
Ha ha! No, he's facing the KFC ;)
LOL !!!
LOL !!!
Damn! If that's not a Lipitor special! Her thigh looks bigger than my belly, and believe me, I've got quite a belly :)
I don't know what's worse, Obama not showing respect for the national anthem by refusing to put his hand over his heart, or that aweful singer mangling the national anthem.
I guess they didn't do the pledge of allegence or the national anthem in the madrassa where he went to school.