General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: admin on October 27, 2007, 11:41:43 PM

Title: Parashat Vayera and The California Wildfires
Post by: admin on October 27, 2007, 11:41:43 PM
This past Shabbat, we read how G-d destroyed Sodom with fire. It is interesting to note that at the same time, much of Southern California is burning. Maybe G-d is punishing all the evil Leftists and illegal aliens there. Although San Francisco would be a more direct comparison because Sodom was destroyed for homosexuality, something San Francisco is plagued with although there was an Earthquake there once and there is archeological proof of an Earthquake in Sodom dating to the same period. It's in The Jordan Rift Valley, part of The Syrian-African Rift Valley separating the African and Arabian tectonic plates.

Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, ZT"L said that Hurricane Katrina and the tsunamis where End of Days disasters. Perhaps this also.

It is interesting to note that the faggots planned the fag parade in Jerusalem the day before Parashat Vayera last year. I wonder if the Sodomites picked the date on purpose to sympathize with their spiritual ancestors who were destroyed in that week's parasha.

Title: Re: Parashat Vayera and The California Wildfires
Post by: Eliezer Ben Avraham on October 27, 2007, 11:46:38 PM
This past Shabbat, we read how G-d destroyed Sodom with fire. It is interesting to note that at the same time, much of Southern California is burning. Maybe G-d is punishing all the evil Leftists and illegal aliens there. Although San Francisco would be a more direct comparison because Sodom was destroyed for homosexuality, something San Francisco is plagued with although there was an Earthquake there once and there is archeological proof of an Earthquake in Sodom dating to the same period. It's in The Jordan Rift Valley, part of The Syrian-African Rift Valley separating the African and Arabian tectonic plates.

Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, ZT"L said that Hurricane Katrina and the tsunamis where End of Days disasters. Perhaps this also.

It is interesting to note that the faggots planned the fag parade in Jerusalem the day before Parashat Vayera last year. I wonder if the Sodomites picked the date on purpose to sympathize with their spiritual ancestors who were destroyed in that week's parasha.

In regards to Katrina I think that it was interesting how it was timed right after the gaza pullout. America can force us to throw out a few thousand Jews, but G-d takes vengeance on them and a quarter of a million Americans were thrown out of their homes.
Title: Re: Parashat Vayera and The California Wildfires
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on October 28, 2007, 12:03:09 AM
I am in Southern California, and with all due respect, I don't really think this is what went on. Yes, it is true that my region is extremely left-wing, but believe me--there are many righteous people here. I think it is much more likely that the fires were simply the product of a fallen world ridden with sin than a specific judgment.

(That being said, it is interesting to note that four of the seven confirmed dead at this point are illegal aliens.)

Title: Re: Parashat Vayera and The California Wildfires
Post by: judeanoncapta on October 28, 2007, 12:13:08 AM
Hey, Chaimfan, there are those people who have remarked that everytime Israel kicks "settlers" out of their home there is some natural disaster in the US in short order.

Gush Katif - Katrina

Hebron - Tornadoes in Brooklyn

Samarian Hilltops recently - Wildfires in CA

Some say it is just coincidence.

What do you think?
Title: Re: Parashat Vayera and The California Wildfires
Post by: Tzvi Ben Roshel1 on October 28, 2007, 12:14:45 AM
Tornado in Brooklyn? - thats wierd, when did that happen?
Title: Re: Parashat Vayera and The California Wildfires
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on October 28, 2007, 12:20:37 AM
Do you hope it spreads into Mexico?

Haha, no comment.  ;)

I wouldn't mind seeing cop-killing Aztlanist Nazis get burned (and there are a lot of those), for sure.
Title: Re: Parashat Vayera and The California Wildfires
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on October 28, 2007, 12:22:29 AM
PS: Actually, Yacov, it did spread into Mexico, by about eight to ten miles.
Title: Re: Parashat Vayera and The California Wildfires
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on October 28, 2007, 12:24:27 AM
Not too much, mainly the brushy areas of far northern Baja California Norte. Perhaps some of the outlying suburbs of Tijuana. I am not too certain.
Title: Re: Parashat Vayera and The California Wildfires
Post by: judeanoncapta on October 28, 2007, 12:24:56 AM
Around two months ago, there was tornado in Bay Ridge.

It did hit an Arab neighborhood,

Title: Re: Parashat Vayera and The California Wildfires
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on October 28, 2007, 12:27:18 AM
Hey, Chaimfan, there are those people who have remarked that everytime Israel kicks "settlers" out of their home there is some natural disaster in the US in short order.

Gush Katif - Katrina

Hebron - Tornadoes in Brooklyn

Samarian Hilltops recently - Wildfires in CA

Some say it is just coincidence.

Difficult to say. In the case of Katrina, I think it is a lot more likely that G-d was punishing the wicked and evil blacks.

Wildfires are extremely common in So Cal, actually. We get them in droves at least once a year, sometimes more. Our vegetation and landscape are designed to be burn-dependent (chaparral). We have a very dry, semidesert climate with a lot of xeric (arid) plants that grow that use volatile oils to compensate for low water. Burns stimulate new growth of hillsides and promote a renewal of plant and animal life. It isn't a bad thing at all, unless humans live in the area.

That being said, most of our fires are arson.


Title: Re: Parashat Vayera and The California Wildfires
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on October 28, 2007, 12:31:09 AM
Are they set by illegal aliens or schvartzas?
Honestly, I have no idea. One guy from Hesperia (desert city in San Bernardino County) was caught setting fires and arrested, but I don't know his background. Other arson suspects are still unknown at thist time.
Title: Re: Parashat Vayera and The California Wildfires
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on October 28, 2007, 12:33:12 AM
Four years ago, the disastrous Cedar Fire, which killed eighteen people in San Diego County, was set by a Hispanic (I forgot his name, something like Sergio Ramirez) who supposedly was a lost hunter. I never found out if this was true, or his legal status. I would not be surprised if he in fact was an Aztlanist terrorist.
Title: Re: Parashat Vayera and The California Wildfires
Post by: Eliezer Ben Avraham on October 28, 2007, 12:42:10 AM
maybe it was all the governators secret plan
Title: Re: Parashat Vayera and The California Wildfires
Post by: Daniel on October 28, 2007, 01:02:48 AM
This past Shabbat, we read how G-d destroyed Sodom with fire. It is interesting to note that at the same time, much of Southern California is burning. Maybe G-d is punishing all the evil Leftists and illegal aliens there. Although San Francisco would be a more direct comparison because Sodom was destroyed for homosexuality, something San Francisco is plagued with although there was an Earthquake there once and there is archeological proof of an Earthquake in Sodom dating to the same period. It's in The Jordan Rift Valley, part of The Syrian-African Rift Valley separating the African and Arabian tectonic plates.

Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, ZT"L said that Hurricane Katrina and the tsunamis where End of Days disasters. Perhaps this also.

It is interesting to note that the faggots planned the fag parade in Jerusalem the day before Parashat Vayera last year. I wonder if the Sodomites picked the date on purpose to sympathize with their spiritual ancestors who were destroyed in that week's parasha.

In regards to Katrina I think that it was interesting how it was timed right after the gaza pullout. America can force us to throw out a few thousand Jews, but G-d takes vengeance on them and a quarter of a million Americans were thrown out of their homes.

Yeah, G-d killed a bunch of blacks because of the gaza pullout by the Jews.
Title: Re: Parashat Vayera and The California Wildfires
Post by: Tzvi Ben Roshel1 on October 28, 2007, 01:31:17 AM
I understand leftists getting burned (literally) , but why are illegel aliens at fault? I mean seriously, why is it their fault, and why should their be anger towards them, becuase they are trying to do what everyone else wants to do- which is to survive and make a better living. That said, I dont support them coming here, nor do I support those leftists who help and want them here, but if I was in their shoes I probably would also want to come to America.
Title: Re: Parashat Vayera and The California Wildfires
Post by: Yisrael on October 28, 2007, 02:00:55 AM
Tornado in Brooklyn? - thats wierd, when did that happen?

August. I was in Israel then but I read about it online. There was minimal damage.
Title: Re: Parashat Vayera and The California Wildfires
Post by: Yisrael on October 28, 2007, 02:02:44 AM
I saw you in Tzfat.
Title: Re: Parashat Vayera and The California Wildfires
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on October 28, 2007, 02:55:21 AM
The wildfires prove that G-d will punish a country that supports the suicide of Israel
I still really don't think this is what happened. The chaparral belt of the southwest, and southern California especially, is specifically designed to be constantly turning over via burns. Since mankind is spreading into every once-remote habitat imaginable, there are tragic consequences today that likely would not have been a problem, or as big of one, twenty or so years go.

In absolute terms, this fire has destroyed around 2000 homes, killed ~10 people (that we know of), forced the evacuations of 500,000, and caused something around 1.5 billion in damage. While that sounds very impressive and tragic (and it is), we have to keep in mind that southern California is home to around fifteen million people and that our home prices are so ridiculously overvalued that it doesn't really take much absolute loss to reach a mind-boggling damage estimate.

The overwhelming majority of southern Californians--those who live in cities and suburbs that do not abut hills--were not affected except for the miserable, abominable ashy air, which caused allergies galore.

Title: Re: Parashat Vayera and The California Wildfires
Post by: Daniel on October 28, 2007, 08:22:35 AM
I understand leftists getting burned (literally) , but why are illegel aliens at fault? I mean seriously, why is it their fault, and why should their be anger towards them, becuase they are trying to do what everyone else wants to do- which is to survive and make a better living. That said, I dont support them coming here, nor do I support those leftists who help and want them here, but if I was in their shoes I probably would also want to come to America.

I agree. If I were in their shoes, I'd probably want to come to America too. But I'd want to do it the right and legal way. Mexicans who have come here legally are more pissed off at illegal immigration than anyone else. Just comes to show that it's not a racial issue.
Title: Re: Parashat Vayera and The California Wildfires
Post by: Daniel on October 28, 2007, 08:39:44 AM
That being said, most of our fires are arson.

But G-d allows them to turn into disasters. He causes them to spread.

Are they set by illegal aliens or schvartzas?

I heard a news story that the CA police shot and killed one of the arson suspects. They didn't say what the race of the suspect was. I think the profile of most arsonists are caucasion.
Title: Re: Parashat Vayera and The California Wildfires
Post by: cjd on October 28, 2007, 09:45:50 AM

That being said, most of our fires are arson.

But G-d allows them to turn into disasters. He causes them to spread.

Are they set by illegal aliens or schvartzas?

I heard a news story that the CA police shot and killed one of the arson suspects. They didn't say what the race of the suspect was. I think the profile of most arsonists are caucasion.
You can't be serious! If this did happen Do you really think that the liberal media is going to say that this guy was an illegal? Most times when a crime is committed and it involves a minority or illegal they always make the attempt to leave that fact out. While this would be arson its not the same sort of arson that white folks would be involved in. The reason many arsonist are white is because they fall into the trap of defrauding insurance companies out of fire insurance when they can't pay bills or a business is failing. While this does not make it any less of a crime  in most cases they don't burn down half the state of California in the process. A story I saw last night said that this fire could have been started by someone who was trying to create a distraction so illegals could enter the country. If this is the case officials should get to the bottom of this and clamp down. If it turns out that it was illegals that started the fire the people who lost their homes should take legal action against the United States Government for not having better security at the border.
Title: Re: Parashat Vayera and The California Wildfires
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on October 28, 2007, 11:07:51 AM
Does anyone think that it's punishment for all the illeagels in California?  You know that Bush is getting blamed for the fires?
Title: Re: Parashat Vayera and The California Wildfires
Post by: Daniel on October 28, 2007, 01:42:22 PM
Does anyone think that it's punishment for all the illeagels in California?  You know that Bush is getting blamed for the fires?

Yeah, probably by the same people that think that he also exploded the levees in New Orleans and set off thermite inside the WTC.
Title: Re: Parashat Vayera and The California Wildfires
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on October 28, 2007, 01:45:01 PM
I heard a news story that the CA police shot and killed one of the arson suspects.
That did actually happen. A suspicious person was seen fleeing from the fire and he was blown away by the cops when he changed the direction of his car and tried to ram police cars.

They didn't say what the race of the suspect was. I think the profile of most arsonists are caucasion.
This sounds like a Bolshevik media stereotype. I just said that the starter of the Cedar fire in 2003 was a Hispanic.