General Category => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: AmericanLatino on October 28, 2007, 09:22:53 PM
I'm a 31 year old latin man and was born and raised in this country. I love this country and everything it stands for, and am very troubled at the direction this country has been going the last 10 years (that I've been actively into politics/global issues) just like all of you.
That being said, I would like to be able to give my support to JTF and their cause but there is a large problem stopping my commitment. On every broadcast (on NYC public access) that I have seen the last few months I always here the hosts speak of blacks and hispanics as if they are animals.
Now, don't get me wrong. I detest the typical 'spixs' and 'n*ggers' that are nothing less than useless eaters in this country and live off of my hard work and do nothing to contribute to society. The same people I have to walk past every day whenener I drop my son off at my mothers house in Harlem so that she can babysit him while my wife and I are at work.
However, every time I hear the host(s) talk about blacks/hispanics it is always a generalization that they/we are the problem as a whole, not excluding those of us like myself that actually want to make a difference in this country.
Now to my question: Do the hosts/founders/followers of this organization actually think that ALL blacks and ALL hispanics are 'chimps' 'baboons' 'spix' 'worthless' etc.? Or is this just a generalization on the typical useless n*ggers and spixs that I described above?
A clarification on this topic would be greatly appreciated and I would love to hear all of your responses.
- Jose
Jose, my friend, I want to welcome you here and hope you become a regular. I'm on the same boat as you when referring to certain groups a certain way. If you participate with us and listen to Chaim closely..even ask him questions for his program about race issue, you will understand that this movement doesn't care the race which one comes from...but the culture one is raised in. We are not a racist movement..We do not judge based on genetics. You will see some on this forum that do that or come off to do that. i hope you can put your input into this movement so that all of us will become better people in this regard.
and certainly not a 100% of certain people are what you quoted us as describing...it's the worthless ones we are referrign to.
I'm a 31 year old latin man and was born and raised in this country. I love this country and everything it stands for, and am very troubled at the direction this country has been going the last 10 years (that I've been actively into politics/global issues) just like all of you.
That being said, I would like to be able to give my support to JTF and their cause but there is a large problem stopping my commitment. On every broadcast (on NYC public access) that I have scene the last few months I always here the hosts speak of blacks and hispanics as if they are animals.
Now, don't get me wrong. I detest the typical 'spixs' and 'n*ggers' that are nothing less than useless eaters in this country and live off of my hard work and do nothing to contribute to society. The same people I have to walk past every day whenener I drop my son off at my mothers house in Harlem so that she can babysit him while my wife and I are at work.
However, every time I hear the host(s) talk about blacks/hispanics it is always a generalization that they/we are the problem as a whole, not excluding those of us like myself that actually want to make a difference in this country.
Now to my question: Do the hosts/founders/followers of this organization actually think that ALL blacks and ALL hispanics are 'chimps' 'baboons' 'spix' 'worthless' etc.? Or is this just a generalization on the typical useless n*ggers and spixs that I described above?
A clarification on this topic would be greatly appreciated and I would love to hear all of your responses.
- Jose
Hi Jose and welcome to the forum!
The host (Chaim Ben Pesach) does not care about skin color, simply culture. The culture that the majority of blacks and Hispanics follow is a demented, backwards culture.. but.. he has made it very clear numerous times that it is not all of them. We accept the exceptions that do not follow these twisted cultures equally. If they are pro-American, pro-Israel, then we have no problem with them.
Racism is not an issue here.We all lay that crup at the door when we come here.Like soldiers in a battle ,.Join us you will be impressed! ;)
Wayne Jude!
Oh and welcome!
Bingo! :)
Believe me buddy, JTF is looking for people who aren't afraid to call a spade a spade. But I'm wondering if you're being honest about your criticism of Chaim, because he always says he's not against righteous and decent people of any color or race, and everybody who listens knows that.
In all fairness The Shadow, maybe the shows he saw did not reiterate that point. Chaim and JTF both believe that there are some good blacks, Mexicans, indeed there are some good in anyone, even ex-arab Muslim terrorists. Chaim frequently expresses his adoration for Alan Keyes and other righteous blacks, and he speaks about Puerto Ricans with an affinity. When Chaim refers to people as baboons or chimps or what have you, he is talking about the uncivilized members of those groups, the ones who act like animals, not the righteous ones. Here on JTF we have some Hispanics, a member who is half black, Morrocan Jews, Persian Jews, Ashkenazi Jews, gentiles from many different countries, including a half arab girl. JTF is not a racial organization one bit!
And it works as you can see,So Join us ! :)
Zev, As you get older, you'll question people a lot more, trust me on that. Nothing is as it appears, nothing.
It's not a criticism... I just wanted to clarify. Like Ze'ev said earlier, every program I have seen on the public access channel has never clarified this subject for me.
But thank you all very much for your responses and helping me understand JTF better. I feel completely comfortable with it now and I will definitely be a contributing member from now on.
Thanks again.
- Jose
¡Bienvenida! Mi nombre es wayne jude! :)
T.A.N.I.A. is correct. I am Mexican American, and I for one believe that JTF's opinion on the majority of Hispanics (obviously not all) is not only correct, but obvious. It is plain to see that America is being conquered by an organized illegal influx, and that many legal Hispanics are very left-wing.
Chaim is not a racist whatsoever and of course he knows that there are many noble Hispanics out there. Welcome to the forum, American Latino! :)
Agreed CF! ;) :)
Welcome AmericanLatino, so happy to have you here!
Welcome American Latino.
I agree with what the others have written. I have met Hail Columbia, and he seems like an excellent young man. Furthemore, I respect C.F. tremendously.
Welcome to the forum!
Welcome to the board! When I joined, I had some reservations, for many of the same reasons that you cited. But, as you can see, I turned out just fine.
Also, we have El Cabong, who is a very respected member of Hispanic origin.
You're a fine addition to our multicultural and diverse JTF forum/organization... Welcome!
Welcome AmericanLatino.
We have even righteus german here; so we're not racist at all; Welcome to JTF! O0
Welcome Jose
Arabs too
I also agree.
Great post!
Welcome mate!