The Worldwide Crisis of Islam => The Truth About Islam => Topic started by: Husar on October 29, 2007, 07:58:45 AM
There you shall acknowledge
what islam is all about:
The Sandzak (Raska) muslims are more radical than the albanians.
The albanians are nationalist no Islamist.
"wolf from the danube" wrote:
"The albanians (ALBANAZIS) are (...) not islamists (NAZISLAMISTS)" ?
:o :o :o
"The Albanian Islamic movement is lead by Redzep Boja.
It is simply unbelievable that he was never seriously analyzed by the Western intelligence services.
Boja was sent to Saudi Arabia as a boy where he finished all possible schools on Islamic theology. It is widely believed that he almost forgot his own Albanian language which, if true, is very telling of the degree of his arabization. After returning to Kosovo, Boja started spreading Wahabism for which Bosnian Muslims, writing in the magazine Preporod, say that it is a sect that believes in "you'll either be a Wahabi or you'll be killed, you'll lose your property and your family will be enslaved."
Boja is in charge with the official Islamic Community in Kosovo and is the political power broker in the Albanian political party, the Democratic Union of Kosovo (DSK) led by Ibrahim Rugova that is considered mainstream!
Under Boja's leadership, the Islamic Community has embraced DSK by allowing their buildings to be used for political meetings, for DSK congresses, restaurants for the students in the Pristina University, Internet access, mosques for political purposes and organizing voting in the province. Boja also led the Albanian leaders to meet with the leaders of the Islamic countries to obtain financial and other help.
The Wahabi dominance on Kosovo Albanians is illustrated in the March violence against the Serbs where churches were deliberately targeted for destruction because they cannot coexist alongside Wahabi Islam - as is the case in Saudi Arabia."
"The use of takhiyah in Kosovo is also flagrant and is illustrated the best by the mentioned Redzep Boja who is visibly deceiving the West to gain their support only to establish a Wahabi base in Kosovo out of which the deceived, the West, may be killed.
The figure of Tony Blair erected in Pristina as a sign of gratitude for British support of Boja can indeed disappear overnight as did many churches in the recent Kosovo Albanian violence."
Will wolf from Danube defend them ?
Also for preventing "wolf from the danube"
to say, perhaps, that Kosovo is not Serbian either,
since he decided to protect his fellows:
"Proof of the Serbian origin of the name and the loanword status of the
immigrant Albanian term is that the word "kosovo" has a clear etymology to
anyone who knows a Slavic language, while Albanian "Kosova" is an opaque,
meaningless place name in the Albanian language.
Kosovo is Serbian."
To be continued...
"The 21st Albanian Nazi SS Division Skanderbeg played a key role in the Holocaust. This Nazi SS Division was made up of Albanians from Albania proper and Kosovo. The first operation of Skanderbeg in Kosovo-Metohija was the raid on Kosovo Jews in Pristina on May 14,1944. The Albanian SS troops raided apartments and homes belonging to Kosovo Jews and looted their possessions, and rounded them up for deportation to the death camps. Kosovo Jews were then placed in makeshift jails. The 21st SS Division Skanderbeg apprehended 281 Kosovo Jews, which included men, women, and children. From May to June 1944, the Nazi SS Division Skanderbeg apprehended a total of 519 Kosovo Jews and Serbs."
Come, little "wolf from the saudian Danube".....
Come and say something about your "nationalists"....
Come, little "wolf from the saudian Danube".....
Come and say something about your "nationalists"....
I don´t have said that Kosovo is not serbia. It was allways Serbian also Bonia and Montenegro.
But the real islamic problem in the Balkan are the mulim serbs which call himselve Bosnians you understand me. I am a serbian patriot.
You're a "Serbian Patriot" ?
Why then denying "islamicism" among "albanians" ?!!!
The "real islamic problem in the Balkans" is:
were they ALBANAZIS
And ONE MORE website about YOUR "nationalist" "non-islamist" albanians...
"During the occupation of Kosovo-Metohija by Nazi Germany during World War II, an Albanian Waffen SS Division, Skanderbeg, was formed which committed war crimes against the Serbian Orthodox and Jewish populations which constituted genocide and crimes against humanity. The Skanderbeg Division engaged in a systematic policy of ethnic cleansing against the Kosovo Serbian and Jewish populations. This genocide contributed to the Albanian goal and policy to create an ethnically pure and homogenous Kosovo."
ALBANAZIS are definitely SOOOO tolerant.
Yes but wath can we do?
Kosovo will in one or due years non a part of Serbia. :-[
[censored]. All this problems came from Tito.
"What can we do ?"
FIRST thing would be
not to FORGET
who your enemies are.
If you are Serbian,
ALBANAZIS are your enemies
Shall I remind you that
this is one of the main reasons
Serbs are in this JTF forum ?
Serbs and Jews do have the same enemies.
Serbs and Jews the entire non muslim world does have the same enemies
fixed that for you ;)
It will come down to non muslims against muslims....even many of the muzzie supporting leftists will see that they have to fight for survival....and with the way things are escalating, I think I will see it in my lifetime.
Thank you, Sister,
for this fixing of yours.
You're right.
I also think things are escalating.
I hope we ALL get rid of
MUZOMBIES very fast.
For our Children's sake.
What about having a link-pause ?
And, please,
pay attention
to what "albana" says
in the sixth "reaction"
to the article:
"Albana zegt:
6 juni 2007 at 6:03 am
(??) Ms.
All I can say now to you is: I wish you a long and healthy life so one day you will be able to understand.
Btw…you are just showing me serbian articles ??!!! You are showing me “Islam will dominate the world” thingies…I am so sure you are better than this, Thats all I can say. (...)"
Takkiyah ?....Of course.