General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Yisrael on October 31, 2007, 10:16:41 PM

Title: Benefit of Elliot Spitzer's plan to give illegal aliens driver licenses...
Post by: Yisrael on October 31, 2007, 10:16:41 PM
This plan is bad for many reasons, but the only good reason is that now we will be able to keep track of these invaders. In the even that we get a president with a spine who will kick this invaders out of our country, we will have perfect records of who is here and where to find them.

Title: Re: Benefit of Elliot Spitzer's plan to give illegal aliens driver licenses...
Post by: Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer on October 31, 2007, 10:40:45 PM
With Mike "the Kike" Bloomberg as the mayor of New York City, no illegal aliens will be rounded up. Everywhere you look there's illegals. He could probably start with the ones that cut his grass and do his gardening.

Michael Bloomberg is a multi-billion dollar pig who could care less about New York City. His only concern is his billions of dollars and the power he holds as the mayor. He's a selfish man, who hates this city and wants to see it overrun with illegals.

Do you see Michael Bloomberg opposing this? Michael Bloomberg is embracing this decision.
Title: Re: Benefit of Elliot Spitzer's plan to give illegal aliens driver licenses...
Post by: Yisrael on October 31, 2007, 10:44:10 PM
Bloomberg is a pig. But maybe one day we will have a good Mayor...
Title: Re: Benefit of Elliot Spitzer's plan to give illegal aliens driver licenses...
Post by: Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer on October 31, 2007, 10:53:59 PM
Bloomberg is a pig. But maybe one day we will have a good Mayor...
Guiliani was the best mayor the city had had in years. He cleaned the city up and put many horrible criminals behind bars, the likes of criminals who Bloomberg lets run free. The only problem I had with him was his unconstitutional gun ban. Other than that, Guiliani was a good mayor.

Guiliani did such a great job conducting the NYPD and NYFD during 9/11 and holding the city together afterwards that New Yorkers begged him to remain mayor. They didn't want Bloomberg to take office, even though people still went to vote for him that same year. New Yorkers should have remained away from the polls following 9/11 in protest.