General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Vito on November 04, 2007, 07:20:43 PM

Title: Some more good organizations to join..
Post by: Vito on November 04, 2007, 07:20:43 PM
Aside from NY ICE..

John Birch Society www.jbs.org

Mothers Against Illegal Aliens  www.mothersagainstillegalaliens.org

Title: Re: Some more good organizations to join..
Post by: Vito on November 04, 2007, 08:18:44 PM
John Birch Society www.jbs.org

Hasn't Chaim said they're Anti-Semitic?

I think Rav Kahane reported on them for The FBI.

Really?? I met one of the guys at a NY ICE meeting, he was very pro-Israel. I'll look into it more...
Title: Re: Some more good organizations to join..
Post by: Lisa on November 04, 2007, 09:38:48 PM
Here's a list of some conservative blogs:


I would check them all out, as well as the blogs on their blogrolls. 

Another right wing blog that I like, that is VERY pro Israel is the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler -- http://nicedoggiel.net/2007

Title: Re: Some more good organizations to join..
Post by: Vito on November 04, 2007, 10:14:58 PM
Here's a list of some conservative blogs:


I would check them all out, as well as the blogs on their blogrolls. 

Another right wing blog that I like, that is VERY pro Israel is the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler -- http://nicedoggiel.net/2007

Thanks Lisa! But I couldn't get to the Anti-Idiotaria Rottweiler.. seems to be a problem with their server.
Title: Re: Some more good organizations to join..
Post by: Lisa on November 04, 2007, 11:08:01 PM
Vito, you should also get in touch with Lawrence Auster, who runs the ultra right wing blog View From The Right -- http://www.amnation.com/vfr

Like us, he believes the Iraq war in pointless, he is adamantly against illegal immigration, and wants an end to all Muslim immigration to the U.S.  If you like, I'll tell him I'm sending you his way. 
Title: Re: Some more good organizations to join..
Post by: Vito on November 04, 2007, 11:10:53 PM
Vito, you should also get in touch with Lawrence Auster, who runs the ultra right wing blog View From The Right -- http://www.amnation.com/vfr

Like us, he believes the Iraq war in pointless, he is adamantly against illegal immigration, and wants an end to all Muslim immigration to the U.S.  If you like, I'll tell him I'm sending you his way. 

Yes Lisa that would be great! I'm contacting all the other bloggers you mentioned in the process..
Title: Re: Some more good organizations to join..
Post by: Daniel on November 04, 2007, 11:12:13 PM
John Birch Society www.jbs.org

Hasn't Chaim said they're Anti-Semitic?

I think Rav Kahane reported on them for The FBI.

Really?? I met one of the guys at a NY ICE meeting, he was very pro-Israel. I'll look into it more...

Any organization other than JTF, Chaim would consider anti-semetic and self-hating.
Title: Re: Some more good organizations to join..
Post by: Vito on November 04, 2007, 11:17:24 PM
John Birch Society www.jbs.org

Hasn't Chaim said they're Anti-Semitic?

I think Rav Kahane reported on them for The FBI.

Really?? I met one of the guys at a NY ICE meeting, he was very pro-Israel. I'll look into it more...

Any organization other than JTF, Chaim would consider anti-semetic and self-hating.

Nooo, come on Daniel, he just points out the bad ones... and there are plenty of them.
Title: Re: Some more good organizations to join..
Post by: Daniel on November 04, 2007, 11:33:10 PM
John Birch Society www.jbs.org

Hasn't Chaim said they're Anti-Semitic?

I think Rav Kahane reported on them for The FBI.

Really?? I met one of the guys at a NY ICE meeting, he was very pro-Israel. I'll look into it more...

Any organization other than JTF, Chaim would consider anti-semetic and self-hating.

Nooo, come on Daniel, he just points out the bad ones... and there are plenty of them.

If that's the case, then I'd like to hear him mention organizations that he considers to be positive outside of JTF. Perhaps that would be a good question to raise on Ask JTF>
Title: Re: Some more good organizations to join..
Post by: Lisa on November 04, 2007, 11:43:30 PM
Vito, do you know Ron Lewenberg?  I do. 

Last I heard, he was involved with New Yorkers for Immigration Control and Enforcement.  This is his web page, where he lists a whole bunch of right wing organizations:


Title: Re: Some more good organizations to join..
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on November 04, 2007, 11:44:08 PM
The John Birch Society may have changed over the years, but it always used to have many major league Jew-haters in its membership.

Officially, its purpose is to oppose Communism.

They earned the reputation as a lunatic-fringe group who saw Communists under every bed...the kind of folks who in the 50's led "Elvis is a Communist" crusades & in the 60's believed that John, Paul, George, and Ringo were active Communist agents on orders from Moscow.

Title: Re: Some more good organizations to join..
Post by: Vito on November 05, 2007, 12:12:04 AM
The John Birch Society may have changed over the years, but it always used to have many major league Jew-haters in its membership.

Officially, its purpose is to oppose Communism.

They earned the reputation as a lunatic-fringe group who saw Communists under every bed...the kind of folks who in the 50's led "Elvis is a Communist" crusades & in the 60's believed that John, Paul, George, and Ringo were active Communist agents on orders from Moscow.

Well he was talking about how they're trying to raise awareness about the North American Union, Amero, North American High Way etc... but we were also talking about Israel, and he made it very clear that he was pro-Israel.
Title: Re: Some more good organizations to join..
Post by: Vito on November 05, 2007, 12:13:28 AM
Vito, do you know Ron Lewenberg?  I do. 

Last I heard, he was involved with New Yorkers for Immigration Control and Enforcement.  This is his web page, where he lists a whole bunch of right wing organizations:


His name sounds very familiar, but I can't say I know him personally. I checked out his site too, looks good! Thanks again!
Title: Re: Some more good organizations to join..
Post by: briann on November 05, 2007, 10:55:12 AM
The John Birch Society may have changed over the years, but it always used to have many major league Jew-haters in its membership.

Officially, its purpose is to oppose Communism.

They earned the reputation as a lunatic-fringe group who saw Communists under every bed...the kind of folks who in the 50's led "Elvis is a Communist" crusades & in the 60's believed that John, Paul, George, and Ringo were active Communist agents on orders from Moscow.

Well he was talking about how they're trying to raise awareness about the North American Union, Amero, North American High Way etc... but we were also talking about Israel, and he made it very clear that he was pro-Israel.

THe John Birch Society is a great organization.  Honestly, 99% of the nationalist right-wing organizations were anti-semitic in the past.  This is changing, and the younger generation is not as STUPID.  Just like in Europe, the whole right-wing has become anti-muslim.  We are too, and in fact, people like David Duke, and even Buchanan have completely lost their appeal with patriotic nationalists and they will be replaced by people like us.


Title: Re: Some more good organizations to join..
Post by: mord on November 05, 2007, 11:00:21 AM
No the John Birch Society is not all anti semitic many yrs ago my friend was a member he might still be but he moved to Colorado my friend is Jewish and very pro Israel
Title: Re: Some more good organizations to join..
Post by: Merkava on November 05, 2007, 11:30:47 AM
1) Christian Falangist Party of Uganda 

2) Social Democratic and Peasant Alternative Party of Guatemala