General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Iron Greek on November 06, 2007, 10:14:49 PM
The Theory of Evolution
I know this post is random but i thought some of you might find this true lol
Lol. :D :D :D
Yeah, Weyall vote the Dhimmmocrats Hmm-Mm!
That's hilarious! Africa, small ape to big ape!
The Theory of Evolution
I know this post is random but i thought some of you might find this true lol
lol so funny :-D
That's hilarious! Africa, small ape to big ape!
Apes are more civilised than the schvartzas running around in africa.
I like the Korea one...what is that thing?
It's an alien from a computer game called "Starcraft (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starcraft)." I believe there is a stereotype among Koreans that a lot play RTS's (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real-time_strategy), particularly Starcraft.
I like the Korea one...what is that thing?
It's an alien from a computer game called "Starcraft (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starcraft)." I believe there is a steretype among Koreans that a lot play RTS's (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real-time_strategy), particularly Starcraft.
OH! Thank you! I don't play pc games so I'm always the last person to know about those things. ;)
Yea, but you have an excuse, I'm a teenage boy and I don't play most of these games so I have no excuse ;D
This is really a racist anti-Torah topic. And what's the problem with Africans in Africa. Even if they were apes, its their land!!!
But Torah says:
Bereshit I:(27) And G-d created man in His own image, in the image of G-d created He him; male and female created He them.
Great Chilul Hashem to post such an heresy in a Jewish forum. Please remove it.
BTW, it's also anti-Semite, since it shows Europeans as the better ones, and Semites aren't even portrayed. Jews are not European
First of all Raul that response is totally off topic to what the picture is
if i am correct it doesnt have a caption stating information or talking about land
its simply pointing out the evolution of people from each region
And of course the Jews would be put under the european section its kinda an obvious
Raul the fact is some people just adapt better and its not meant to offend anyone its just clearly stating the truth
Its not our fault the europeans adapted so well
And if you looked so hard to find a reason to get upset and find something rascist about it you must be the rascist because you judged the people from the other regions and classified them as lesser and that is wrong.
Just because someone hasnt adapted it doesnt give you the right to point them out as lessers.In fact you should look at them and treat them just as good.
Its kind of like it is very wrong and cruel to make fun of the handycapt and thats just what you are doing!
But i will admit the Jews,Greeks,Italians are the reason for a great deal of the scientific breakthroughs
My honest belief is that some cultures are just better/above and that the world isnt fair and everyone has to do the best with what they have.
And some people are just blessed
I thank god everyday for everything because i know without him i wouldnt be as great as i am
lol....great post !
Now that was fabulous. I guess Watson's tests have seen some validity... Thanks for making me laugh. The America and Africa were just fabulous. A friend told me once "There is an ouce of truth in every joke". This sadly, is spot on....and no joke... :'(
I think the author of this pic should change the monkey with the hat sideways from carrying a knife for a gun....
First of all Raul that response is totally off topic to what the picture is
if i am correct it doesnt have a caption stating information or talking about land
its simply pointing out the evolution of people from each region
And of course the Jews would be put under the european section its kinda an obvious
Raul the fact is some people just adapt better and its not meant to offend anyone its just clearly stating the truth
Its not our fault the europeans adapted so well
And if you looked so hard to find a reason to get upset and find something rascist about it you must be the rascist because you judged the people from the other regions and classified them as lesser and that is wrong.
Just because someone hasnt adapted it doesnt give you the right to point them out as lessers.In fact you should look at them and treat them just as good.
Its kind of like it is very wrong and cruel to make fun of the handycapt and thats just what you are doing!
First of all Jews are not Europeans. They developed their culture un Israel and received the Holy Torah at Sinai.
And the pictitre is obvouosly making fun of Mankind and Hashem creation. And Evolution Thoory, even if true, is still evil. We are no ones to say how Hashem crated the world.
Besides what has a post like this got to do with the defense of Israel?
The very same letters you use to write here were NOT developed in Europe, but in the Middle East. Probably by Israelites, not Europeans! The alphabet is just the Aleph Beth!!! If it were for Europeans, you'd only have paintings in the caves!!!!
yea lol
First of all Jews are not Europeans.
I think there is room for interpretation here? hasn't there been intermarriage since Jews lived amongst Europeans?
They developed their culture un Israel and received the Holy Torah at Sinai.
Jews should have their own identity protected, not to loose it by total assimilation.
However, Jews in Europe have undergone a proces of assimilation , that made at least some of them as Dutch as a Dutch, as French as a French.
And the pictitre is obvouosly making fun of Mankind and Hashem creation.
People this refers to are created by God, but we are enemies with some of our brothers on the world. Why not tell the truth , that they didn't evolve mentally, sociologically, didn't develop IQ, are rapist-thieves-half animals? I see no reason for political correctness. God helps the people that respect and honour him, but most Africans have animistic beliefs , and do not follow his Ten Commandments. Their society is based upon adultery. Like some species of monkeys.
And Evolution Thoory, even if true, is still evil. We are no ones to say how Hashem crated the world.
This is untrue. If it were true, it were true. I doubt science, because science doesn't have a valuable, all explaining theory for the Universe or Life itself .
But to prevent scientist from researching what is creation / evolution, you (Church or any religion) are not in a position to prevent scientific research.
Besides what has a post like this got to do with the defense of Israel?
A lot, together we are the Western World, since we are all under threat, of turd world invaders.
The very same letters you use to write here were NOT developed in Europe, but in the Middle East. Probably by Israelites, not Europeans!
I think the oldest was found in Iraq/Sumer.
The alphabet is just the Aleph Beth!!! If it were for Europeans, you'd only have paintings in the caves!!!!
This alphabet , is a (Greek) / Roman version of it we still use today.
If Jews wouldn't have taken over script themselves...
My bad CAUCASIAN people inhabited in the middle east!
How could you say that this picture is making fun of mankind unless you see something wrong with it!
So your basically making fun of certain people because you see that they arent as good as others
Raul you remind me of one of those people that says its totally ok for a BLACK to be rascist against a WHITE because they have been victims 100 years ago which gives them a perfectly good reason or that they have rage which makes it ok.
People with a handicap disability dont want to be judged/pointed out any less than anyone else and you are basically doing the same thing with this.
And Raul did i not state that this picture was random?
You seem pretty brainwashed to me or should i say politically correct
Its not our fault when the greeks were developing medicine,theorys,and were way hundereds/or even close to a thousand years ahead of there time the africansblacks where eating fleas, growling, and sniffing each other in the ass.
The Jewish Nation is Israelite, never European. If there was intermarriage, it was simply by some sinner, or Jew who ignored Torah.
People this refers to are created by G-d, but we are enemies with some of our brothers on the world. Why not tell the truth , that they didn't evolve mentally, sociologically, didn't develop IQ, are rapist-thieves-half animals? I see no reason for political correctness. G-d helps the people that respect and honour him, but most Africans have animistic beliefs , and do not follow his Ten Commandments. Their society is based upon adultery. Like some species of monkeys.
What evil have Africans living in Africa done ever to the Jews or anyone? (perhaps SOME Blacks harmed Jews in USA, but Africans...... NEVER)
And learn Torah better!!! Only a cult would say that Africans are requiered to fulfill the Ten Commndments. They must only do the Sheva Mitzvot Benei Noach. And if they don't do it, neither do American or Europeans. Abortion, a crime, is allowed by many Western Laws. And Adultery, and many other violations!!!!
Regarding letters I can prove that the ones we use now, are Semitic Hebrew. Not Greek, Roman or Iraqui
Its not our fault when the greeks were developing medicine,theorys,and were way hundereds/or even close to a thousand years ahead of there time the africansblacks where eating fleas, growling, and sniffing each other in the donkey.
Greek ideas are completely different from Torah, and in many cases are clearly against it. Like "The Republic" by Platon, who said rulers should not marry!
A lot, together we are the Western World, since we are all under threat, of turd world invaders.
Jews are not Western, but Eastern Semites. And I, even a goy with Roman blood, have nothing to do with Western "Civilization".
Jews are a part of Western Civilization. Israel is the only country in Asia other than Russia and Caucus Mountain countries that are a part of Western Civilization. In Ancient Times, The Middle East was all in Western Civilization and is the basis of European Civilization. All Western Civilization classes begin with The Ancient Middle East. The Jews are the only surviving people from back then. The Arabs are not part of Western Civilization because they entered the stage of History much later and were just desert nomads in The Arabian Desert for thousands of years until Mohammad made them Muslim Nazis. Some Christian Arabs could be considered to be a part of Western Civilization because they are not really Arabs but rather Phoenician and Assyrian. Those were the original Christians before there were Catholics.
I'd say that Westerners took some Jewish ideas, and that's why they are similar in some ways. But never that Jews are part of the West. It's just the opposite, West have some culture based on Esatern Semite Hebrews.
Ok junk food makes people fat
hospitals smell weird
mosquitos suck blood
paper is made from trees
Raul first of all for example if someone mentioned the bible you will go on about where it was printed, what color the pages are, the ingredients used in the ink printed on the pages, and what it smells like.
and your responses are not even apart of what is being talked about
and Raul we dont want to know what color cat you have or what its name is
i by frankly dont care
and whenever something is said you will bounce so many off the wall topics off of it that arent being talked about
Raul you bounce off topic constantly in every post you have posted in this bulletin
When someone goes hiking they are supposed to follow the trail, you Raul wonder off in the trees and fall down the mountain
And did anyone even ask how you felt about the west no
You seem to have noted dozens of beliefs ideas you have that are not apart of the topic so why dont you use the 10 or 20 responses in this topic that were off the question and make 10 or 20 bullitins of your own in this forum expressing how you feel.
From now on when you feel that you are about to say something in one of your posts that will stray off topic why dont you just post a bullitin
there may be hundered maybe thousands from you every day.
Jews have Caucasian DNA just like Caucasian Europe!
Im sure you never but that into perspective Raul!
And the pictitre is obvouosly making fun of Mankind and Hashem creation. And Evolution Thoory, even if true, is still evil. We are no ones to say how Hashem crated the world.
G_d created the man. The man's ape culture is his own creation and his free choice. We are making fun of the black man's culture that he chose for himself. Notice that we don't lampoon Allen Keys or Joe Clark?
Don't let your admiration for Jews turn into self-hate.
You talk about your own people, as if they are inferior [censored].
Don't do that. it is stupid. it is anti-goy. We must respect each-other,
we must respect ourselves, not at at the cost of the other, nor at the cost of ourselves.
If you really want to become a Jew, feel free and go for it,
your choice,
good luck!