General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: nikmatdam on November 11, 2007, 01:53:35 AM

Title: "hitlery's comin'..."/ridin' on in on her brand new broomstick... y'all...
Post by: nikmatdam on November 11, 2007, 01:53:35 AM
for all of those out there who think i'm too long-winded... allow me to consicely sum up next year's presidential race nice and sweet for all you jtfers out there... unless martial law is declared over another 9/11-level phony terrorist attack "striking" america by the bush/cheney team better known as the evil emperor and darth vader... thus cancelling the elections completely... then hitlery clinton will be our next torturer-in-chief for israel and american jews... she showed up at the annual bilderberg shin-dig this past summer this time held in slime-occupied ottawa... so my guess is she has the inside track for the white house because what she has to offer to the slime is exactly the right choice of poison for them to employ this next time around in their never-ending war againt us and Hashem... here's the link... but just remember though alex jones doesn't mention it or he just doesn't know it... all of these guys and all of their wealth and power emanate out of rome and all of their genocidal tentacles can be traced back inside the walls of vatican city... short enough for y'all...? happy hunting... ta... nik.


Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: Daniel on November 11, 2007, 02:12:42 AM
Are you saying that 9/11 was a false-flag operation and that this was an inside job by the Bush administration? Unless I'm misunderstanding you, it seems like you're quote 9/11 conspiracy theorists and I'm very surprised to see that anyone on this forum would actually believe in any of that nonsense.
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: RationalThought110 on November 11, 2007, 02:18:41 AM
Are you implying that you believe that 9/11 was an inside job?

That wasn't the first time that attacks against the US occurred.  They were occurring during Clinton's administration and he was too busy committing adultery to do anything about it.
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: RationalThought110 on November 11, 2007, 02:19:34 AM
Are you saying that 9/11 was a false-flag operation and that this was an inside job by the Bush administration? Unless I'm misunderstanding you, it seems like you're quote 9/11 conspiracy theorists and I'm very surprised to see that anyone on this forum would actually believe in any of that nonsense.

Nik is very intelligent so I'm surprised that he would be implying that.
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..." (and i'm not just whistlin' dixie)...
Post by: nikmatdam on November 12, 2007, 09:07:18 PM
i'm not implying it.... I'M SAYING IT!!! conspiracy theories are only theories until you can prove them... and i can...

go on... see the link i gave you... don't be so closed minded... it's 2 hours every person alive should invest his/her time in... you will be blown away... absolutely gone... or go to 9/11 loosechange... see that one as well... better yet go to you tube and type in "zapruder film" scroll down to the 5:17 rendition... and watch the driver in the front seat each time it plays over... look just above the crown of the front seat passenger directly next to him... see the gun...? if that's not proof enough for you... then go and rent "jfk" by oliver stone... and watch his courtroom presentation of the film... see how the driver is edited out at the very moment of truth... and then how he just seems to pop back into the picture right after the kill-shot... stone is a jesuit of the shortcoat and he had something to hide for his masters... a motion-picture sized blow-up of that frame would have been devastating to the slime... just devastating... nik. out...
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on November 12, 2007, 09:11:53 PM
I hope she loses big time.
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: RationalThought110 on November 12, 2007, 09:12:44 PM
But doesn't "inside job" imply that it wasn't Al-Qaeda that committed the attack?
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: Eliezer Ben Avraham on November 12, 2007, 09:13:42 PM
Are you saying that 9/11 was a false-flag operation and that this was an inside job by the Bush administration? Unless I'm misunderstanding you, it seems like you're quote 9/11 conspiracy theorists and I'm very surprised to see that anyone on this forum would actually believe in any of that nonsense.
No it was the Jews. remember? I don't get why everyone always blames Arabs  :::D ;)
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on November 12, 2007, 09:14:43 PM
because they hate us.
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: RationalThought110 on November 12, 2007, 09:19:30 PM
Why are people ignoring that Nik believes "9/11 was an inside job?"
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: RationalThought110 on November 12, 2007, 09:22:22 PM
This thread seems troubling and I want to hear what others think.
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on November 12, 2007, 10:04:23 PM
Look, everyone...

President Bush ordered thorough and complete Federal investigations of the 9/11 incident, and he also sent each and every fragment of the destruction off for examination the day after the attack.

Bush and Cheney both have bent over backwards to accomodate any and all investigations...they've always spoken truthfully and in depth about the results of the investigations...and those investigations proved conclusively in less than a week that Bin Laden masterminded the attack.

If it wasn't for Bush flying out the Bin Laden family the next day in private chartered jets back to Arabia, the American people would have torn them limb from limb!

It has also been conclusively proven by the Administration that Sodomy Hussein hissownself was Bin Laden's terror partner, not to mention the fact that Sodomy was preparing to fire off his atom bombs at America...it is only the commonists among us who actually believe that Iraq wasn't the most dangerous enemy in the world since Adolph Hitler!

Not only that!...but now that democracy is the government of Iraq, and freedom is in full bloom, leave it to the commonist queers and libs to sabotage the march of freedom and democracy!

Take that!
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: RationalThought110 on November 12, 2007, 10:09:09 PM
Look, everyone...

President Bush ordered thorough and complete Federal investigations of the 9/11 incident, and he also sent each and every fragment of the destruction off for examination the day after the attack.

Bush and Cheney both have bent over backwards to accomodate any and all investigations...they've always spoken truthfully and in depth about the results of the investigations...and those investigations proved conclusively in less than a week that Bin Laden masterminded the attack.

If it wasn't for Bush flying out the Bin Laden family the next day in private chartered jets back to Arabia, the American people would have torn them limb from limb!

It has also been conclusively proven by the Administration that Sodomy Hussein hissownself was Bin Laden's terror partner, not to mention the fact that Sodomy was preparing to fire off his atom bombs at America...it is only the commonists among us who actually believe that Iraq wasn't the most dangerous enemy in the world since Adolph Hitler!

Not only that!...but now that democracy is the government of Iraq, and freedom is in full bloom, leave it to the commonist queers and libs to sabotage the march of freedom and democracy!

Take that!

Now since I don't think you consider all of this to be true, do you consider some of it to be true?
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: nikmatdam on November 12, 2007, 10:24:33 PM
yes... i am saying it was a false-flag... black-op... absolutely i'm saying that... al qaeda was used by the slime who rule the world to do their dirty work for them... i have proof that they've been on the slime's payroll since their inception... and jonathan pollard is rotting because he discovered this link to the bushmen... (the slime shadow gov't includes american slime who are high up this fascist nazi foodchain)... and yes... mossad agents were their handlers just like they are in israel everytime they are given the green light to strike a jewish target inside israel... and i'm for absolutely no one to win... they are all slime... both parties... and if this makes me a moron in your eyes or in chaim's so be it... couldn't care less what people think who don't know a thimble-full of what i've been zoche to probe with the help of Hashem... you guys do not know the history of the last 500 years and so i'm the lunatic... i know... well fine... tune out at your own extreme peril... G-d forbid...
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: RationalThought110 on November 12, 2007, 10:27:06 PM
yes... i am saying it was a false-flag... black-op... absolutely i'm saying that... al qaeda was used by the slime who rule the world to do their dirty work for them... (including american slime who are high up this foodchain)... and yes... mossad agents were their handlers just like they are in israel everytime they are given the green light to strike a jewish target inside israel... and i'm for absolutely no one to win... they are all slime... both parties... and if this makes me a moron in your eyes or in chaim's so be it... couldn't care less what people think who don't know a thimble-full of what i've been zoche to probe with the help of Hashem... you guys do not know the history of the last 500 years and so i'm the lunatic... i know... well fine... tune out at your own extreme peril... G-d forbid...


Do you mean this?

Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: nikmatdam on November 12, 2007, 10:28:52 PM
absolutely... why is it forbotten to have a suspicion of this nature after kennedy and watergate... and iran-contra... just to name a few...? nik. out...
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on November 12, 2007, 10:40:39 PM
You know... while I do think al-Qaeda was responsible for 9/11, I do think that some people in high places were glad they did. This event allowed an unprecedented expansion of federal power and spending and for Congress and Dubya to ram through some deplorable programs that would certainly have received some opposition in peacetime (like bailing out the airline industry).

I do believe that the CIA outright used al-Qaeda to murder the Rav Kahane (zt"l).

Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: JTFFan on November 13, 2007, 12:48:59 AM
I've heard people claim it's a conspiracy which is insane. I can't imagine anyone sane claiming it's a conspiracy.
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on November 13, 2007, 12:54:35 AM
Re:  "...Now since I don't think you consider all of this to be true, do you consider some of it to be true?..."

You talk like a true card carrying Common

I bet you never even sent any money to that Iraqi woman with the purple fingers!

You probably hate The Surge too!

So typical of you liberals!

Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: RationalThought110 on November 13, 2007, 07:10:37 PM
yes... i am saying it was a false-flag... black-op... absolutely i'm saying that... al qaeda was used by the slime who rule the world to do their dirty work for them... i have proof that they've been on the slime's payroll since their inception... and jonathan pollard is rotting because he discovered this link to the bushmen... (the slime shadow gov't includes american slime who are high up this fascist nazi foodchain)... and yes... mossad agents were their handlers just like they are in israel everytime they are given the green light to strike a jewish target inside israel... and i'm for absolutely no one to win... they are all slime... both parties... and if this makes me a moron in your eyes or in chaim's so be it... couldn't care less what people think who don't know a thimble-full of what i've been zoche to probe with the help of Hashem... you guys do not know the history of the last 500 years and so i'm the lunatic... i know... well fine... tune out at your own extreme peril... G-d forbid...

Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo are not slime. 
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: RationalThought110 on November 13, 2007, 07:14:42 PM
absolutely... why is it forbotten to have a suspicion of this nature after kennedy and watergate... and iran-contra... just to name a few... nik. out...

Speaking of Watergate, when Hillary was "First Lady", she illegally spied on people who had different views than her.  This was recently confirmed within the last month or so. 

If she becames president, she'll be like Nixon but much worse.  She would keep troops in Iraq (for probablty the entire term of hers) like Nixon did in Vietnam (despite the fact he campaigned to end the war and she is sort of claiming that she'll end the Iraq War) and she would do much more spying. 
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: kellymaureen on November 13, 2007, 07:16:59 PM
Here is an answer to the loose change video....it is picked apart piece by piece.

Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: RationalThought110 on November 13, 2007, 07:17:43 PM
You know... while I do think al-Qaeda was responsible for 9/11, I do think that some people in high places were glad they did. This event allowed an unprecedented expansion of federal power and spending and for Congress and Dubya to ram through some deplorable programs that would certainly have received some opposition in peacetime (like bailing out the airline industry).

I do believe that the CIA outright used al-Qaeda to murder the Rav Kahane (zt"l).


There are rumors about how Condi Rice, when she was the top national security advisor, told a friend of hers not to go on a flight on 9/11.  Since 9/11, anytime she has been asked about what she knew ahead of time about planned attacks by Al-Qaeda, she claims to not remember.  
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: nikmatdam on November 13, 2007, 07:30:13 PM
that "friend" was the then sitting mayor of san francisco... willie brown... and it was the night before... i will watch the attempted shattering of loosechange when i get a chance... but i got to tell you... by virtue of the fact that they even gave it enough credence to respond is proof enough of how devastating it is... otherwise if it was some lunatic-fringe piece they just would have ignored it... but i'll see what they have to say... i doubt very much they can even lay a glove on those mere kids who brought down the whole american evil empire... their piece is as shocking as 9/11 was itself!!! 

and someone... anyone tell me where it is written that the american government has always been nothing but righteous and has never colluded, defrauded or conspired to get to the pinnacle of world  power and domination... show me... nik. out...
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: kellymaureen on November 13, 2007, 07:39:52 PM

scroll down to pictures, WARNING, there are some gruesome ones of bodies found in the pentagon, also airplane parts, light poles that were damaged by the plane, witness accounts of a plane hitting the building (the highway beside the pentagon was packed with cars) there is also a taxi that was hit by a light pole that the plane ripped from the ground as it passed.

These are official evidence pictures from the moussaoi trial.

Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: MarZutra on November 13, 2007, 07:45:00 PM
Do I believe 9-11 was an "inside job".  Answer No.  Do I have many questions: Absolutely.  The main question I have is what was the United Nation's role in all of this.  For the past 40 years the UN has been nothing more than a globalist data collection agency.  Ever since its founding, especially during the Cold War, the UN was nothing more than a surveillence post for Russia.  Russia, since the late 1950's, have continually grown close to Arab States.  Knowing that the Communists, China included, collect and sell information to the hightest bidder.  From my readings terrorist groups such as the PLO and even Hizbollah have met within the walls of the UN and are employed with the UN in Lebanon.  Two books "Cold Terror" - Stewart Bell and "The UN Gang" sum up the fraud of the UN with its relation to spying, data collection and remitting it to the Islamic camp.

Knowing that Israel, in 1959, abducted the most "hidden" Nazi on the other side of the Earth without any technology or any real "allies".  Today the most powerful, most technologically advanced nation on Earth with all its "allies" cannot find a 6.6 foot binder walking the sands of crapistan where the average height is about 5.8?  

I would not put it past those elitists in power.  There are many real "conspiracies" and this may well be one of them....although I doubt it.  I wouldn't put anything past those evil elitist bastards like Rockefeller or Kissenger....they are evil.

I don't know but I don't place any trust in man - Psalms 118:8.
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: kellymaureen on November 13, 2007, 07:57:19 PM
Lets not forget that the US on 911 was a soft target, there was security in airports, but it was more or less lax.  The standard proceedure for hijackings was followed, and why wouldnt it have been, hijackers always want something, they usually land the plane and demand something while holding hostages....obviously thats not the case anymore, and I dont think you would find a plane full of passengers who would sit quietly while muslims flew them into a building again...it worked once, wont ever work again for them...we all saw pictures of richard reid (shoe bomber) when they dragged him off that flight, he was "subdued" by passengers, he looked like he had the crap beat of of him for the entire flight O0

There is alot of 'hindsight', from flight instructors and people who looked back after the fact and realized the red flags...and the one instructor who DID report suspicious behavior hesistated because he didnt want to be viewed as a "racist".

The sad part is that muslims were TELLING us what they wanted to do to us, they finally did it....and they are once again TELLING us what they want to do to us, and our leaders are ignoring it.
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: RationalThought110 on November 14, 2007, 02:30:47 AM
Do I believe 9-11 was an "inside job".  Answer No.  Do I have many questions: Absolutely.  The main question I have is what was the United Nation's role in all of this.  For the past 40 years the UN has been nothing more than a globalist data collection agency.  Ever since its founding, especially during the Cold War, the UN was nothing more than a surveillence post for Russia.  Russia, since the late 1950's, have continually grown close to Arab States.  Knowing that the Communists, China included, collect and sell information to the hightest bidder.  From my readings terrorist groups such as the PLO and even Hizbollah have met within the walls of the UN and are employed with the UN in Lebanon.  Two books "Cold Terror" - Stewart Bell and "The UN Gang" sum up the fraud of the UN with its relation to spying, data collection and remitting it to the Islamic camp.

Knowing that Israel, in 1959, abducted the most "hidden" Nazi on the other side of the Earth without any technology or any real "allies".  Today the most powerful, most technologically advanced nation on Earth with all its "allies" cannot find a 6.6 foot binder walking the sands of crapistan where the average height is about 5.8? 

I would not put it past those elitists in power.  There are many real "conspiracies" and this may well be one of them....although I doubt it.  I wouldn't put anything past those evil elitist bastards like Rockefeller or Kissenger....they are evil.

I don't know but I don't place any trust in man - Psalms 118:8.

Interesting analysis. 
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: BileamsAss on November 15, 2007, 03:21:56 AM
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: newman on November 15, 2007, 04:06:04 AM
If 9/11 was a conspiracy where are all the passengers from those planes???

With Elvis or in Elieja Muhammad's speceship??? ::)
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: kellymaureen on November 15, 2007, 01:45:33 PM
If 9/11 was a conspiracy where are all the passengers from those planes???

With Elvis or in Elieja Muhammad's speceship??? ::)

Exactly Newman, clinton couldnt get serviced in the oval office without the ENTIRE nation finding out, the sheer number of people who would have to be involved in covering something this big is astounding, and it would only take just ONE person to say the wrong thing....everyone thinks bush is an idiot, how could he have arranged and pulled this off in such a short time AND kept all the people involved quiet for the past 6 years ::)
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: nikmatdam on November 25, 2007, 03:53:49 AM
they found him alright... he was surrounded by the rangers among whom was pat tillman... but after they were told to stand down and not move in to arrest him and mullah omar... they watched as a russian copter came in and air-lifted the two slime to safety... much grumbling ensued among the rangers in camp until tillman and a few others who just wouldn't let it go and shut the hell up as ordered were silenced... executed for their loyalty and patriotism by those who were in on the massive 9/11 cover-up... the next week the lot of them were shipped out and re-deployed to iraq and a bunch of spanish flunkies replaced them who knew not the mountain terrain on the afghani/pakistani border region... (nor could any of them find their own posteriors  with both their hands in broad daylight)... and no one has had a whif of ol' osama's terrorist-scent ever since!!!! so peeps... put that in your "peace" pipes and smoke it!!! nik. out... 
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: RationalThought110 on November 25, 2007, 05:12:28 AM
they found him alright... he was surrounded by the rangers among whom was pat tillman... but after they were told to stand down and not move in to arrest him and mullah omar... they watched as a russian copter came in and air-lifted the two slime to safety... much grumbling ensued among the rangers in camp until tillman and a few others who just wouldn't let it go and shut the hell up as ordered were silenced... executed for their loyalty and patriotism by those who were in on the massive 9/11 cover-up... the next week the lot of them were shipped out and re-deployed to iraq and a bunch of spanish flunkies replaced them who knew not the mountain terrain on the afghani/pakistani border region... (nor could any of them find their own posteriors  with both their hands in broad daylight)... and no one has had a whif of ol' osama's terrorist-scent ever since!!!! so peeps... put that in your "peace" pipes and smoke it!!! nik. out... 

Do you consider the first attack on the WTC to have been an "inside job?"

The ones who were re-deployed to Iraq, have they finished serving yet, to be able to report back the truth about what really happened to Pat Tillghman?   

If the globalist  CFR/Trilateral Commission groups wanted an Iraq War so much, why didn't they force it during the Gulf War?  Why did they decide to end the Gulf War once Iraq's military was forced out of Kuwait? 
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: Daniel on November 25, 2007, 07:38:20 PM

Screw Loose Change:


A point by point refutation of all the BS claims in Loose Change.
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..." (and i'm not just whistlin' dixie)...
Post by: Daniel on November 25, 2007, 07:48:54 PM
i'm not implying it.... I'M SAYING IT!!! conspiracy theories are only theories until you can prove them... and i can...

go on... see the link i gave you... don't be so closed minded... it's 2 hours every person alive should invest his/her time in... you will be blown away... absolutely gone... or go to 9/11 loosechange... see that one as well... better yet go to you tube and type in "zapruder film" scroll down to the 5:17 rendition... and watch the driver in the front seat each time it plays over... look just above the crown of the front seat passenger directly next to him... see the gun...? if that's not proof enough for you... then go and rent "jfk" by oliver stone... and watch his courtroom presentation of the film... see how the driver is edited out at the very moment of truth... and then how he just seems to pop back into the picture right after the kill-shot... stone is a jesuit of the shortcoat and he had something to hide for his masters... a motion-picture sized blow-up of that frame would have been devastating to the slime... just devastating... nik. out...

Nik, I hope to Gd you're joking about all this. Loose Change was a complete load of bogus monkey crap made by three bratty obnoxious little kids from my alma mata (SUNY Oneonta). You should now watch Screw Loose Change http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3214024953129565561&q=screw+loose+change&total=51&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=1 which refutes all the BS in this presentation point by point. Loose Change is nothing more than an obscure little magic show that makes two planes disappear. A plane never hit the Pentagon and a plane never crashed into Shanksville, PA. The cell phone calls were all fake. The towers were brought down by a controlled demolition, yada yada yada. It's all a load of complete paranoid anti-American anti-Zionist [censored]! If there was a conspiracy like this, then it would have taken hundreds if not thousands of people to coordinate a mass conspiracy like this. Who are these people that carried this out? Are we supposed to believe that to this day, not one of those conspirators would come forward and say something? It's ridiculous to say so. Someone would have come forward by now and said something. Also, if there were explosives planted in the WTC, it would have been seen out in the open and many people would have seen it. So the controlled demolition theory is completely ridiculous on its face.

Stone's JFK movie was nothing more than a bunch of fiction presented in a very sneaky and devious manner. This film should not be believed or validated at all, anymore than Loose Change should.
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: nikmatdam on November 26, 2007, 11:27:59 PM
three kinds of people dismiss out of hand all conspiracy theories...

the ignorant... the petrified... and the complicit... which one are y'all...?

and remember... conspiracy theories are only theories until you can prove them... then they become facts... and i can prove almost all of them...

9/11 was a massive inside job and self-inflicted wound... but the twin towers were just the diversionary strikes... shocking as that was... it was still done just to draw attention away from the real main event... the pentagon... as i stated at the top of this thread...

"screw loose change" is certain proof that what those kids were saying is the absolute gospel truth... how do i know...? because if they are just the far-out fringe, lunatic, whacko conspiracist looniees... then why bother to refute their silly claims and so-called evidence or answer any of their off-the-wall observations or queries...? iraq's a separate issue altogether (not for right now)... nik. out...


Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: RationalThought110 on November 27, 2007, 12:18:00 AM

    Do you think a conspiracy was involved with the first WTC attack?
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: briann on November 27, 2007, 02:35:42 AM
People who believe that 9/11 was a conspiracy are brain dead A-holes!!!  They are the same trash that deny the holocaust and the moon landings. 

I cant stand the bush/Cheney regime, but I'm not about to disrespect the 3000 victims by not putting the blame on the true perpetrators.

Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: nikmatdam on November 27, 2007, 07:45:55 PM
rational... yes i do... as was the case by okl. city... read the book by jayna davis... "the third terrorist"... plenty of well-founded and well-proven and more than adequately documented evidence and eye-witness reports to settle the argument... enough consiracy to go around...

brian... i don't deny the holocaust... i just know and have proof of the fact that the u.s. and great britain and the jewish agency in eretz yisroel then headed by ben-gurion et al yemach shemam v'zichram l'olam va'ed were all in on the kill... one grand conspiracy with a role and a part for everyone to play... and they all did their utmost to the tune of really closer to 7mil. jewish dead...

so you see i am an equal opportunity hater... i hate 'em all equally and with a passion... they were and still are all nazi-slime... nik in a rage... out...
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."/ & nik. was fuming...
Post by: nikmatdam on November 28, 2007, 11:27:32 AM
Re: I made sure your thread was moved back
« Sent to: RationalThought110 on: Today at 11:24:04 AM » Quote Reply Remove   

Quote from: RationalThought110 on Today at 03:34:06 AM

   I got your thread moved back to the general section.  Currently, it's on page 2. 

    I'm not sure why it had been moved to a different section so soon. 

     When you get the chance, could you tell me why you consider the first WTC attack to be a conspiracy theory?  Should I send you an e-mail? 

don't have time this moment to go into it... but the same guys who did that killed rav meir under cia/fbi bush sr. orders... and if the second one was a consp. so was the first... that's just the way these slime work... there are no random acts of violence on this large of a scale... see the movie "the shooter" they give away this secret therein... also... in "rule by secrecy" by jim marrs... "they all know... but you don't say so... nothing is by accident... everyone at the top knows ahead of time and gives the orders... but only the lower-down ones take the fall for these crimes against humanity if their dirty deeds are discovered and exposed..." "there is no head to cut off... it's a conglomerate... if one of them gets caught they savage him and close ranks to protect the whole... the evil is human weakness... greed, etc. and you can't kill that with a gun..."

people have always vied for power and conspired with each other and against each other to get it... nothing has changed over these past 5000 years and nothing ever will until moshiach comes... it's called the yatzer hara in case you've never heard of it.... the natural state of man since his expulsion from gan eden... is warfare and bloodshed... "peace" is just the short interludes and intervals between atrocities... and with these slime that time period gets shorter and shorter as their ability to murder and genocide gets greater and greater... these are bloodthirsty monsters... cannibals actually and sadly there are many a satanic jew who belongs to this elitist, exclusive club of psychopaths and meglomaniacs.... sad but the truth... nik. out...

"i am nikmatdam humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."
thanks rational... nik. out...

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Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: nikmatdam on November 28, 2007, 11:37:28 AM
do not pigeon hole me...
« on: Today at 01:51:23 AM » Quote Modify Remove  

i write for the general discussion board and for that one alone... i will not be edited and i will not be censored just because someone over here does not like what i am saying... if you call yourself G-d-fearing jews and really are as well then you will let me be and let the chips fall where they may... if you don't you are not ovdey Hashem and have sold out to the slime just like revava has... this is your one and only warning... i will simply walk away from here... but i request a couple of days notice of my banning so that i can download my posts to a disc... no hard feelings... no questions asked... no recriminations... just please allow me to retrieve my intellectual property... thank you... respectfully too... nik.  

rational... yes i do... as was the case by okl. city... read the book by jayna davis... "the third terrorist"... plenty of well-founded and well-proven and more than adequately documented evidence and eye-witness reports to settle the argument... enough consiracy to go around...

brian... i don't deny the holocaust... i just know and have proof of the fact that the u.s. and great britain and the jewish agency in eretz yisroel then headed by ben-gurion et al yemach shemam v'zichram l'olam va'ed were all in on the kill... one grand conspiracy with a role and a part for everyone to play... and they all did their utmost to the tune of really closer to 7mil. jewish dead...

so you see i am an equal opportunity hater... i hate 'em all equally and with a passion... they were and still are all nazi-slime... nik in a rage... out...  
« Last Edit: November 27, 2007, 07:49:50 PM by nikmatdam »  Report to moderator  

"i am nikmatdam humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."
« Last Edit: Today at 02:29:32 AM by nikmatdam »  Report to moderator  

"i am nikmatdam humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."
Ultimate JTFer

Posts: 2924

Downwithislam Fan

    Re: do not pigeon hole me...
« Reply #3 on: Today at 01:54:19 AM » Quote  

Nik, your posts are indecipherable and almost impossible to respond to.

Maybe if you could try to make concise points rather than cutting/pasting entire long threads, people would respond to you better.
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If you decide to lose your whole life, you might just find yourself in the process.
The Infidel.
Master JTFer

Posts: 1814

    Re: do not pigeon hole me...
« Reply #4 on: Today at 02:04:27 AM » Quote  

I was thinking you might want to remove your IP which is clearing showing in your posts.  
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You have been banned for the following reason:
Get off the internet and get a husband. Honor him and give him children.

Date the ban will be lifted: Never
Full JTFer

Posts: 211

one of my earliest rebbeim/rav nachman bulman zt"l

     Re: do not pigeon hole me...
« Reply #5 on: Today at 02:33:09 AM » Quote Modify Remove  

you do not understand... these were concise posts until they took them all and put them on another board... i am just here restoring them to the only board i wish to post them on... hopefully someone will take their cue and do the decent thing and restore the originial thread to its proper place... i am not able to do this... i am at the mercy here of the "powers-that-be" who very well now just might have to be regarded as slime-induced and influenced the same as revava... sorry... i just call 'em the way i see 'em... nik. out...  
« Last Edit: Today at 02:40:49 AM by nikmatdam »  Report to moderator  

"i am nikmatdam humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."
Full JTFer

Posts: 211

one of my earliest rebbeim/rav nachman bulman zt"l

     Re: do not pigeon hole me...
« Reply #6 on: Today at 11:30:02 AM » Quote Modify Remove  

Re: "hitlery's comin'..."/ & nik. was fuming...
« Reply #43 on: Today at 11:27:32 AM » Quote Modify Remove  

Re: I made sure your thread was moved back
« Sent to: RationalThought110 on: Today at 11:24:04 AM » Quote Reply Remove  

Quote from: RationalThought110 on Today at 03:34:06 AM

   I got your thread moved back to the general section.  Currently, it's on page 2.  

    I'm not sure why it had been moved to a different section so soon.  

     When you get the chance, could you tell me why you consider the first WTC attack to be a conspiracy theory?  Should I send you an e-mail?  

don't have time this moment to go into it... but the same guys who did that killed rav meir under cia/fbi bush sr. orders... and if the second one was a consp. so was the first... that's just the way these slime work... there are no random acts of violence on this large of a scale... see the movie "the shooter" they give away this secret therein... also... in "rule by secrecy" by jim marrs... "they all know... but you don't say so... nothing is by accident... everyone at the top knows ahead of time and gives the orders... but only the lower-down ones take the fall for these crimes against humanity if their dirty deeds are discovered and exposed..." "there is no head to cut off... it's a conglomerate... if one of them gets caught they savage him and close ranks to protect the whole... the evil is human weakness... greed, etc. and you can't kill that with a gun..."

people have always vied for power and conspired with each other and against each other to get it... nothing has changed over these past 5000 years and nothing ever will until moshiach comes... it's called the yatzer hara in case you've never heard of it.... the natural state of man since his expulsion from gan eden... is warfare and bloodshed... "peace" is just the short interludes and intervals between atrocities... and with these slime that time period gets shorter and shorter as their ability to murder and genocide gets greater and greater... these are bloodthirsty monsters... cannibals actually and sadly there are many a satanic jew who belongs to this elitist, exclusive club of psychopaths and meglomaniacs.... sad but the truth... nik. out...

"i am nikmatdam humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."
thanks rational... nik. out...

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"i am nikmatdam humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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"i am nikmatdam humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: Lubab on November 28, 2007, 12:00:10 PM
While the left-wing conspiracy nuts may be off the wall, I've always thought it possible that right-wing conpspiracy theorists have some leg to stand on here.

Al Queda might have done the deed, but could Bush-Cheney have allowed it to happen?

We all know Bush is a skull and bones one worlder elitist. JTF has said this for years and it's true.

In this, Bush and Al Queda are on the same team. Both want to destroy Israel and America's sovereignty.

Bush claimed to be against the terrorists but proceeded immediately to do just about everything he could possibly do to hurt our war against them by declaring Islam a religion of peace, pressuring Israel to give up land to the terrorists, pushing to grant amnesty to millions of illegals in this county, and getting bogged down in a war with Iraq while (until recentely) all but ignoring the very real threat of Iran's nuclear program.

Considering the way that Bush rushed to save face for the Saudi Royal family in the wake of the attacks, one can't help but ask whose team Bush is really on? It sure doesn't seem to be ours.

The claims that Bush actually engineered these attacks however appear very weak and videos like Loose Change and other conspiracy theories like that should always be given no less consideration than their rebuttals.

People have a tendency to want to believe in alternate forms of reality, and I do belive this motivates many conspiracy theorists. Rejecting them does not make you neccesarily complicit or scared, you could just be right and they're wrong.

Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on November 28, 2007, 12:02:20 PM
I don't think the U.S. government had a hand in 9/11, but I'm damn sure they helped the newly-formed (at the time) al-Qaeda murder Rav Meir Kahane (zt"l).
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."/flyin' in on her broomstick...
Post by: nikmatdam on November 28, 2007, 02:56:37 PM
they not only had a hand in it... they themselves ordered it, organized it, plotted it, funded it and on the day of shepherded it thru to its final and complete execution... the infamous "lawyers" at logan airport in boston were some of the handlers clearing the path for the murderers to play their roles... you will remember a call went "upstairs" to them to see if the airport security should turn back and disallow muslim-appearing young men from boarding planes who had no checked-baggage along with them... the answer they received was no for "fear of law suits for discrimination" all of which flew in the face of clear, unambiguous and direct standing orders not to (regulations in place even way back then... well before the 9/11 aftermath and the supposed and so-called "crackdown" against terror)... by statute even the phone call was unnecessary in order for the screeners to take action... that's how sick all of this patriot act/homeland security-ss business really is... nik. out...
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: nikmatdam on November 28, 2007, 08:05:05 PM
as to right-wing conspiracy theories being more believable over left-wing ones... truth is truth wherever it comes from... the only criteria by me is that i see the proof and then it doesn't make no never mind who's spouting it or from from which side... and just as well right-wing ones can be just as false and goofy as left-wing ones if they are not based on any real, verifiable evidence... but yeah you could say i am to the right... just a tad slightly to the right of attila the hun that is... as a friend of mine once said: "i only lean to the left these days on seder nights..." because when it comes to slime... i.e. edom/rome i'm with the pagan hordes every single, solitary day of the week... all the way... DEATH TO ESAV!!!! just remember it's not a valid conspiracy theory until ol' nikmatdam here signs off on it... just kidding of course... (not)... nik. out...
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: Lubab on November 28, 2007, 08:31:42 PM
as to right-wing conspiracy theories being more believable over left-wing ones... truth is truth wherever it comes from... the only criteria by me is that i see the proof and then it doesn't make no never mind who's spouting it or from from which side... and just as well right-wing ones can be just as false and goofy as left-wing ones if they are not based on any real, verifiable evidence... but yeah you could say i am to the right... just a tad slightly to the right of attila the hun that is... as a friend of mine once said: "i only lean to the left these days on seder nights..." because when it comes to slime... i.e. edom/rome i'm with the pagan hordes every single, solitary day of the week... all the way... DEATH TO ESAV!!!! just remember it's not a valid conspiracy theory until ol' nikmatdam here signs off on it... just kidding of course... (not)... nik. out...

Nik. You make me smile. Esav is not all bad though, remember his head made it into grave with our holy forefathers and mothers. It's the "head" of Esav that needs to be elevated while the "body" needs to be destroyed.

Attlia the Hun was a dictator placing him squarely on the left. Right=small government.

lub. out...
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: RationalThought110 on November 28, 2007, 08:52:53 PM
While the left-wing conspiracy nuts may be off the wall, I've always thought it possible that right-wing conpspiracy theorists have some leg to stand on here.

Al Queda might have done the deed, but could Bush-Cheney have allowed it to happen?

We all know Bush is a skull and bones one worlder elitist. JTF has said this for years and it's true.

In this, Bush and Al Queda are on the same team. Both want to destroy Israel and America's sovereignty.

Bush claimed to be against the terrorists but proceeded immediately to do just about everything he could possibly do to hurt our war against them by declaring Islam a religion of peace, pressuring Israel to give up land to the terrorists, pushing to grant amnesty to millions of illegals in this county, and getting bogged down in a war with Iraq while (until recentely) all but ignoring the very real threat of Iran's nuclear program.

Considering the way that Bush rushed to save face for the Saudi Royal family in the wake of the attacks, one can't help but ask whose team Bush is really on? It sure doesn't seem to be ours.

The claims that Bush actually engineered these attacks however appear very weak and videos like Loose Change and other conspiracy theories like that should always be given no less consideration than their rebuttals.

People have a tendency to want to believe in alternate forms of reality, and I do belive this motivates many conspiracy theorists. Rejecting them does not make you neccesarily complicit or scared, you could just be right and they're wrong.

Supposedly, Condi Rice's friend was going to take a flight on 9/11 and she told him not to.  When she gets criticized for ignoring warnings that others were giving her about Al-Qaeda, her responses are similar to the rhetoric of Alberto Gonzales'. 
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."/ridin' on in on her brand new broomstick... y'all...
Post by: nikmatdam on November 28, 2007, 11:36:40 PM
again condi-baby's little "friend" was none other than his nibs, then-mayor of san francisco willie brown... that puts all of this on a whole other scale... nik.
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."/ridin' on in on her brand new broomstick... y'all...
Post by: RationalThought110 on November 29, 2007, 12:37:29 AM
again condi-baby's little "friend" was none other than his nibs, then-mayor of san francisco willie brown... that puts all of this on a whole other scale... nik.

You mean that it shows Condi knew something?
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."/ridin' on in on her brand new broomstick... y'all...
Post by: nikmatdam on November 29, 2007, 02:57:48 AM
yep... i know it from her shameless yet blushing now infamous line the morning after when she uttered...

"who knew they would fly planes into buildings...?"

who knew...?

why we all knew that's who...

we knew an arab-muslim murderer tried to sneak across the vancouver/washington state border on 12/31/99 to make it down to l.a. and hop a flight and hijack it and crash land it back into lax...

from loose change 9/11 we learn that in the 60's the airforce was working on using planes as bombs themselves against castro in cuba... "project northwoods" it was called... jfk was sickened by this proposal and nixed it and tried to break up the cia over this madness (and the bay of pigs fiasco of course)...

we also learn from one of alex jones' pieces (i forgot the name)... that there were exercises going on on the morning of 9/11 which diverted and depleted almost the whole eastern-seaboard arsenal of first-responders to the southeast and to colorado where they all were busy practising taking out hijacked planes... BEFORE THEY COULD BE USED AS MISSLES AGAINST SKYSCRAPERS!!!!

that's how we knew condi you consumate liar... you should go to jail just for uttering that line... for that alone proves the fix was in because the cover-story was so lame and so completely transparent which defied credulity...

"who knew...?" indeed...

if you really didn't know... you should have resigned for your total lack of knowledge, unpreparedness and utter incompetancy... get someone in there in the office of NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR (for crying out loud) who can figure these simple tactics out and read properly and thouroughly with adequate comprehension the intelligence reports warning of these things attempted and planned already FOR DECADES!!!!

"who knew...?" the utter gall of this woman to lie to us like this and to presume our ignorance of what is really going on... it's so infuriating i'm spitting fire...
can any of you believe the brazen level of chutzpah like this...?

"who knew...?" my G-d... nik. enraged... out...
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."/ridin' on in on her brand new broomstick... y'all...
Post by: Lubab on December 12, 2007, 09:35:15 PM

we also learn from one of alex jones' pieces (i forgot the name)... that there were exercises going on on the morning of 9/11 which diverted and depleted almost the whole eastern-seaboard arsenal of first-responders to the southeast and to colorado where they all were busy practising taking out hijacked planes... BEFORE THEY COULD BE USED AS MISSLES AGAINST SKYSCRAPERS!!!!

Wait a minute. Why would the government be running exercises on how to take down hijacked planes if they themselves were behind the attacks?

Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."/ridin' on in on her brand new broomstick... y'all...
Post by: nikmatdam on December 17, 2007, 09:44:57 PM

the reason they ran drills is because they needed to get all of their first-responders out of the way so they couldn't interfer with the attack... it also made a nice cover-story to hide away their guilt... although it is stretching credulity just a tad bit to have us believe that punct on the very day they conduct exercises for this very concept of muslim-terrorists flying jets into highrise buildings the attacks of 9/11 in just this same vein occurred... also it doesn't quite jive with ol' condi-baby's little faux-pas when she let slip this priceless gem on 9/12 to reporters... "who knew they'd fly planes into buildings...?" ah... well... princess... how about the whole entire military-establishment who were busy rehearsing exactly this very thing just yesterday...?

this whole thing stinks to high-heaven... it's all been a huge lie, sham and fraud... nik. out...

Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."/ridin' on in on her brand new broomstick... y'all...
Post by: nikmatdam on December 20, 2007, 06:07:48 PM
i was in the hospital last week and was not able to respond to lubav on this matter we had been discussing... so it's the one before this reply... be well all... nik.
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."
Post by: Daniel on December 20, 2007, 06:25:30 PM
While the left-wing conspiracy nuts may be off the wall, I've always thought it possible that right-wing conpspiracy theorists have some leg to stand on here.

Al Queda might have done the deed, but could Bush-Cheney have allowed it to happen?

We all know Bush is a skull and bones one worlder elitist. JTF has said this for years and it's true.

In this, Bush and Al Queda are on the same team. Both want to destroy Israel and America's sovereignty.

Bush claimed to be against the terrorists but proceeded immediately to do just about everything he could possibly do to hurt our war against them by declaring Islam a religion of peace, pressuring Israel to give up land to the terrorists, pushing to grant amnesty to millions of illegals in this county, and getting bogged down in a war with Iraq while (until recentely) all but ignoring the very real threat of Iran's nuclear program.

Considering the way that Bush rushed to save face for the Saudi Royal family in the wake of the attacks, one can't help but ask whose team Bush is really on? It sure doesn't seem to be ours.

The claims that Bush actually engineered these attacks however appear very weak and videos like Loose Change and other conspiracy theories like that should always be given no less consideration than their rebuttals.

People have a tendency to want to believe in alternate forms of reality, and I do belive this motivates many conspiracy theorists. Rejecting them does not make you neccesarily complicit or scared, you could just be right and they're wrong.

Left wing, right wing, it doesn't matter! All conspiracy theorists are a complete bunch of nutjobs! The only real conspiracy was the assassination of Rabbi Kahane. All other conspiracy theories relating to 9/11, the Kennedy assassination, Area 52, etc., are false and anyone who gives these theories any credence are a bunch of schizoid nutjobs.
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."/ridin' on in on her brand new broomstick... y'all...
Post by: nikmatdam on December 20, 2007, 09:20:07 PM
again... first-of-all anyone who dismisses every conspiracy theory out-of-hand... is either... ignorant... petrified... or complicit... so which one are you...?

second... they are only theories until they can be proven... and i have the proof...

third... just because you have absolutely no comprhension of the history of the world over the last 500 years... doesn't make me the lunatic... or the "nut-job" as you so eloquently phrased it... you are the guys with the gaping holes in your brains when it comes to knowledge of the slime and what they have been up to since the protestant reformation hit between 1519-40... you guys are the ones in the dark and totally blind... so enough already... all you do is make yourselves look more and more stupid by your blind faith that nothing is wrong or amiss with how the world is being run, by whom and what their real agenda is... you guys haven't got a clue... sorry... but that's just the way it is... nik. way out on a limb... perhaps... but that's because he knows that out here is where the real truth lies... out...
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."/ridin' on in on her brand new broomstick... y'all...
Post by: MarZutra on December 20, 2007, 11:47:14 PM
Conspiracy?  I think one should read the definition of "Conspiracy" first prior to making any comments.  One of the best "Conspiracies" in US history took place in 1931 by Lucky Luciano and Meyer Lansky in Atlantic City, New Jersey.  The brains of Meyer Lansky united New Yorks Five Families under: Lucky Luciano, Joseph Bonanno, Joe Profaci, Vincent Mangano, and Tommy Gagliano to control the entire American underworld.  Was it a "Conspiracy"; of course.  A conspiracy so big that it boasted the comment by Lansky "We are bigger than U.S. Steel.": a multi-billion dollar company in those days....

So anyone who says "conspiracies" don't happen or state any that place forward some theory is a "nut job", might take a second look at their "politically incorrect" history texts.

For a good example research the historical specificities of The British Fabian Socialist Society:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fabian_Society  Please make sure you notice the names boasted within their roster.  Than there is their ideological cohorts within the ADL, CFR, UN and even the american Skull and Bones which I believe has connections via John Ruskin and Bertrand Russell.  Hellfire Clubs were very popular in Europe and probably still are...

This is just the establishments we haven't even delved into the "New Age" or "Age of Enlightenment", Theosophy,  Gnosticism, Hermeticism, neo-Platonism, Mithraism, Luciferianism, Thelema, and Neopaganism which seems to be sprouting up today.  There's the Rosicrucianism, Alchemists, Esoteric Christianity, Magi, Mantra, Tantra, Tantrics, Zoastarism, Nazism, Satanism...

All sound rediculous but they do exist and many of their practicioners are members or affilliates to the highest of the elite.  One would be a fool to think otherwise.  Read about Manley P. Hall, Madam Blavatsky, Alice/Foster Bailey, Alister Crowley, Anton LeVay...

There was a fabulous link I posted here a year or so ago which was an e-copy of Hanah Newman's "The Rainbow Swastika" which delves into the "Age of Aquarius/Enlightenment"- New Age/Theosophy and gives very good connections between it and many of the most "prestegious" organizations and people in the West: United Nations and American Academia.  Now this is only one read but combine this with the history of the Educational system by John T. Gatto or Charlotte Thompson Iserbyte one will see a slew of common names and information relating them all together without question and with publically recorded documents/knowledge.  Margrette Meade is a good name to toss out as is John Dewey, H.G.Wells, Bertrand Russell, Alger Hiss, Owen Lattimore.....E.M. House .... 

Sorry to digress... I was trying to paint a picture...
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."/ridin' on in on her brand new broomstick... y'all...
Post by: nikmatdam on December 21, 2007, 12:34:40 AM
not to mention ayn rand and amelia earhart... nik.
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."/ridin' on in on her brand new broomstick... y'all...
Post by: MarZutra on December 21, 2007, 10:12:38 AM
not to mention ayn rand and amelia earhart... nik.
Never read anything by Earhart but I'm in the middle of "Atlas Shrugged" at the moment.  It is a very good book actually.  I have Rand's "Fountainhead", "For the New Intellectual" and "We the Living"  O0 

To tell you the truth, Im not much for fiction...
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."/ridin' on in on her brand new broomstick... y'all...
Post by: nikmatdam on December 21, 2007, 12:13:45 PM
earhart was a spy for the u.s. (fdr) in 1937... she located all the jap bases on all pacific islands for them... the u.s. gov't. knew already then they were going to war with japan... all of printed history is one big sloppy fabricated LIE!!! nik. out...
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."/ridin' on in on her brand new broomstick... y'all...
Post by: MarZutra on December 23, 2007, 09:15:31 PM
earhart was a spy for the u.s. (fdr) in 1937... she located all the jap bases on all pacific islands for them... the u.s. gov't. knew already then they were going to war with japan... all of printed history is one big sloppy fabricated LIE!!! nik. out...
Ah, now I remember who she is.  Ok.  Yes I tend to totally agree.  They say that "history is written by the winners"....  I tend to disagree as Israel and the Jews won every war with the Arabs yet the world only knows their version of "events"... 
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."/ridin' on in on her brand new broomstick... y'all...
Post by: nikmatdam on December 24, 2007, 01:55:38 AM
that's because the fix is in to see israel destroyed... nik.
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."/ridin' on in on her brand new broomstick... y'all...
Post by: MarZutra on December 24, 2007, 12:00:58 PM
that's because the fix is in to see israel destroyed... nik.
Agreed.  I asked my Rabbi if he has that book you are reading now.  I'd like to give it a read as well... Shavouah tov MZ
Title: Re: "hitlery's comin'..."/ridin' on in on her brand new broomstick... y'all...
Post by: nikmatdam on December 24, 2007, 12:49:59 PM
i don't recall how my friend came by this book to give it to me... i'll have to remember to ask him when i speak with him next... i'll get back to you on this... nik.