General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: judeanoncapta on November 11, 2007, 02:12:37 PM
If you have a weak stomach or a heart condition, don't watch this video.
Five Pillars of Islam Revealed
It's on my newest youtube account SuperInfidel.
Please rate, favorite and comment.
I want to make this one as big as Real Islam Revealed.
I will rate, but those aren't the real 5 Islamic pillars just for you to know.
But they are more important for us Kaffirun to know than the real ones.
Great video judea!
If I was making a video, I would make one on the "secret" pillar of Islam, the 6th pillar of Islam, Jihad. Muslims consider it to be a de facto sixth pillar, but they don't make it one of the official pillars in order to taqiyya the West.
But they are more important for us Kaffirun to know than the real ones.
Ze'ev told me "Duh" is considerd to be rude, so just read it as "Yes I know".
Ze'ev told me "Duh" is considerd to be rude, so just read it as "Yes I know".
Ze'ev told me "Duh" is considerd to be rude, so just read it as "Yes I know".
How did you guys like it?
Too bloody?
I was hemming and hawing as to whether or not to include the decapitated head.
Do you think I made the wrong or right decision to include it?
Very excellent
I will try to make the next one even more shocking.
this was excellent Judea!!!
I love the end!
You made the right decision concerning blood and gore!
There should be videos out there, that show the REAL Islam!
For what's better, seeing it on screen, or seeing it on the street?
The answer is obvious, people need to know EXACTLY what theire dealing with!
Great job!!! O0 O0
Powerful video, even better than "the real islam revealed".
I just added it to my favorites.
I think it's a bit more graphic but illustrates the point well. Great Job, JNC!
Powerful video, even better than "the real islam revealed".
Now THAT is a compliment that I truly cherish.
I'm just waiting for Chaim to tell me what he thought of it.
Wow! That was POWERFUL!
If you do another one, I suggest that you do not put it on the same channel because there is a real chance that this video will be removed after receiving many Muslim complaints. The Muslims will go crazy after seeing this. BECAUSE THEY KNOW IT IS TRUE, AND NOTHING TERRIFIES THEM MORE THAN THE TRUTH!
I love it, but my sole concern is that it is so good that youtube will take it down because of the Muslim reaction. Let's hope that HaShem keeps it up as long as possible. Another possibility is that youtube will make it an "adult video" where people under the age of 18 cannot watch it because of the blood and violence. I hope that doesn't happen because that does reduce the number of views.
judea, you have INCREDIBLE talent! Baruch HaShem!
Excellent video !!!!
Let the truth be known.
Wow what a video, and you are right, it is not for the fainted heart but boy does it tell it like it is! Excellent and powerful.
great video!!!! :) Congratulations!
Good video. Keep them coming.
The Muslims are winning on the YouTube front. Don't let it happen.
You should have mentioned about the clitorises of their 6 year old daughters along with cutting the heads of their babies for Satan worship.
Well, I can't put a picture of a cliterectomy on youtube, can I?
I'm trying to use image to expose Islam.
If telling people how Satanic Islam is could work, Islam would already be gone.
We have to show people how savage, barbaric and satanic muslims are. And I certainly can't SHOW cliterectomies on youtube.
Why don't you send me the picture?
In fact send me any picture that depicts the vile atrocious behavior of religion-of-peace practitioners.
I knew that youtube would either remove the video or make it an "adult video". They made it an "adult video" in just one day. Well, it's better than removing it.
It's been removed This video has been removed due to terms of use violation.
As soon as I get home, Yes.
Yes. I'd like to see this as well.
Yes. I'd like to see this as well.
It got taken down by Youtube twice.
Shlomo, It is really not for the weak-stomached or faint hearted.
It can be shocking.
I put it on Zamzar.
Here is the link.
It will be there for 24 hours.
Download it and put it on live leak, Please.
Or Dowload it and watch it at home.
You must have an flv player.
They're free. Just google free flv player and you will get a bunch of free programs.
Put it on liveleak. Youtube is ticking me off. >:(
I have posted it on youtube in Germany with this explanation:
I post this video for judeanoncapta. He is a member of the Jewish Task Force. The JTF has a great forum (jtf.org/e). You can discuss there the islamisation of Europe, Israel and America with us. Long live the free west.
German original text:
Ich stelle dieses video für judeanoncapta ein. Er ist Mitglied der Jewish Task Force. Die JTF hat ein großartiges Forum (jtf.org/e). Ihr könnt dort über die Islamisierung Europas, Israels und Amerikas mit uns diskutieren. Lange lebe der freie Westen!
I choose the title: Is affirmative action the right way?
I hope this is right. When you want to have changes. I will edit it.
Wow... I just saw it. That young girls head is horrible to look at. Yes, it was very difficult to watch. Did you make this? I didn't know you could do video.
Wow... I just saw it. That young girls head is horrible to look at. Yes, it was very difficult to watch. Did you make this? I didn't know you could do video.
No this is the video of judeanoncapta from this forum. I downloaded it and put it up again.
After one day online, this information stands under the point honours under the video:
I think, when the video of judeanoncapta is too successfull youtube will delete it :(
But perhaps before youtube does it, a few of the 100000 Jews in Germany will watch and join :)
Very good work Goldfasan O0
Very good work Goldfasan O0
The first muzzies commented the video. I trie to engage them in very long discussions.
The more comments the more people will see it.
Judeanoncaptas video is very good. O0
Perhaps a few Jews from Germany will join. :)
Youtube has deleted the video :(
Youtube has deleted the video :(
they are soooo scared of us!
They deleted it, although I saw it.